Google closure variable window/event/console/... is undeclared error - google-closure-compiler

I'm trying to compile one of my HTML5 project using Google Closure. I'm recieving several errors that I don't know how to solve. In fact, it's the same error but for different variables.
Here the errors messages:
variable window is undeclared
variable event is undeclared
variable console is undeclared
variable Audio is undeclared
These variables are Javascript built-in variables. If I compile this same project directly in command-line, it works. But, in my case, I need to compile this project using an ant file (build process). My ant build script is using the same jar file that I use in command-line. With the option warnings="verbose", it doesn't work. If I remove it, it works. If I would like to use the option warnings-"verbose", what I have to do? Please explain me the difference.
Could somebody help me please?
Thank you!

The option --warnings=verbose sets the compiler to "ninja mode"; i.e. every single variable in your file should be declared (an annotated!) correctly. For example, the window variable is unknown to the compiler, but Closure has an implementation of window (independent of the platform used). If your variables are included in some other file, use externs. If yo still want to use Verbose mode without the 'undeclared variable' error, use the flag --jscomp_off=checkVars


Variables used in Test Package in R Studio

I am trying to fix an issue in an R project (that I'm not too familiar with). The test script that is executed when running "Test Package" in R-Studio uses a variable, let's call it x. From the result of the test I can tell that the data assigned to this variable is outdated and I want to update it.
Problem is, I just cannot figure out where this variable is actually defined. I have used grep for the entire source code of the package, and I only find the instance from the test script but no declaration. It is not defined in the script itself nor anywhere else in the source code.
When I just load the package, the variable is not defined. Somehow it is defined however when running the test, because only when I change the name in the test script into some dummy I get the error that it isn't defined.
Is there a specific place where I could look, or may be a simple trick how I could figure out where and how the variable is defined?
Edit: the actual variable name is a bit complicated, it is not x
The find in files option in RStudio may help.
You can search through multiple files within a folder.
If you get too many matches to sort through (I'm really hoping your variable is not actually called x!), you can try using a regular expression.
enter image description here
Follow the pictures and you could solve the problem.

Is there a way to run julia script with arguments from REPL?

I can run julia script with arguments from Powershell as > julia test.jl 'a' 'b'. I can run a script from REPL with include("test.jl") but include accepts just one argument - the path to the script.
From playing around with include it seems that it runs a script as a code block with all the variables referencing the current(?) scope so if I explicitly redefine ARGS variable in REPL it catches on and displays corresponding script results:
>include("test.jl") # prints its arguments in a loop
This however gives a warning for redefining ARGS and doesn't seem the intended way of doing that. Is there another way to run a script from REPL (or from another script) while stating its arguments explicitly?
You probably don't want to run a self-contained script by includeing it. There are two options:
If the script isn't in your control and calling it from the command-line is the canonical interface, just call it in a separate Julia process. run(`$JULIA_HOME/julia path/to/script.jl arg1 arg2`). See running external commands for more details.
If you have control over the script, it'd probably make more sense to split it up into two parts: a library-like file that just defines Julia functions (but doesn't run any analyses) and a command-line file that parses the arguments and calls the functions defined by the library. Both command-line interface and the second script your writing now can include the library — or better yet make the library-like file a full-fledged package.
This solution is not clean or Julia style of doing things. But if you insist:
To avoid the warning when messing with ARGS use the original ARGS but mutate its contents. Like the following:
And this question is also a duplicate, or related to: juliapassing-argument-to-the-includefile-jl as #AlexanderMorley pointed to.
Not sure if it helps, but it took me a while to figure this:
On your path "C:\Users\\.julia\config\" there may be a .jl file called startup.jl
The trick is that not always Julia setup will create this. So, if neither the directory nor the .jl file exists, create them.
Julia will treat this .jl file as a command list to be executed every time you run REPL. It is very handy in order to set the directory of your projects (i.e. C:\MyJuliaProject\MyJuliaScript.jl using cd("")) and frequent used libs (like using Pkg, using LinearAlgebra, etc)
I wanted to share this as I didn't find anyone explicit saying this directory might not exist in your Julia device's installation. It took me more than it should to figure this thing out.

Inheriting forms in Qt with CMake (multiple inheritance method)

I imagine this is fairly straight-forward, but I admit I'm not well-versed in CMake (or Qt for that matter), so here's the problem:
I have a form that was built in Qt Designer (with a .ui file). Two classes have been created that are based on this form. Both classes have a lot of duplicated code. So, I wanted to create a base class that inherited the formname.ui file using the multiple inheritance method to manage that common code.
The problem is that I don't know how to get CMake to build it correctly. Compiling gives me the error ui_formname.h: No such file or directory.
I've identified the following elements as necessary to get CMake to buld this correctly:
set (UI_HDR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/path/to/formname.ui)
include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) #Necessary here?
The difference between this and the other two cases is that this cmakefile is not building an executable, whereas in the other two cases, it was. It may be I'm missing something else, but the lack of an add_executable line is the most obvious difference that I can see, as the COMPONENT_UI_HDR variable would be included in that list, were it there.
Any suggestions on how to work around that?
Solved the problem. Indeed, I was right about the "add_executable" difference. Since this was a library and not an executable, I had to add a reference to the wrapped variable in the add_library call, i.e.:
add_library ( ${...} ${COMPONENT_UI_HDR} )
Compiled without a hitch...

GNAT Programming Suite: Cross-Reference Info Not Up To Date (this is a guess)

I'm trying to get package references resolved during a build, using GNAT Programming Suite (hosted on Win XP). In the Builder Results, I get errors like this one:
file "ac_configuration_s.ada" not found
Clicking on the error takes me to a line like this:
The first item (Ac_Configuration) isn't resolved, but the second item (Dispense_Time) is resolved. I have several others that do or don't resolve. All of the files in question (spec and body) are identified as source files.
When I hover my mouse over the line with the error, a popup shows up that offers this:
(Cross-references info not up to date. This is a guess.)
local package declared at D_Ac_Config_S.Ada:85
The guess is correct, but I don't know how to use this. How do I get this to correctly build?
Here is teh call to gcc
gcc -c "-gnatec=C:\Source\build\GNAT-TEMP-000001.TMP" -I- -gnatA
-x ada "-gnatem=C:\Source\build\GNAT-TEMP-000002.TMP" "C:\Source\C_Cbt_Main_B.Ada"
I don't see a reference to teh "miimal" switch.
In this case, there is no corresponding body file file D_Ac_Config_S.Ada. So the is no body file to compile separately.
When I right click on the package reference inside the with, I can goto the declaration of Ac_Configuration and every other package name that is the source of an error. So these lreferences are being resolved somehow.
By the way, I have not used ADA before, so I'm still trying to understand everything.
It looks as though you're using _s.ada as the suffix for specs, and I'm guessing _b.ada for bodies?
GNAT may have difficulty with this naming convention. It's possible, using a GNAT Project file (.gpr), to alter GNAT's default convention ({unit-name}.ads for specs, {unit-name}.adb for bodies) but the rules (see "Spec_Suffix") say "It cannot start with an underscore followed by an alphanumeric character" (I haven't tried this, but you can see that it would confuse the issue if you had a package Foo_S, for example).
LATER: It turns out that GNAT (GPL, 4.7, 4.8) is quite happy with your suffixes!
If the package Ac_Configuration is really a local package declared at line 85 of D_Ac_Config_S.Ada, then there's your problem; you can only with a library unit, which in this case would be D_Ac_Config.
with D_Ac_Config;
package Foo is
Bar : D_Ac_Config.Ac_Configuration.Baz;
I wonder whether D_Ac_Config_S.Ada (for example) actually contains multiple Ada units? (if so, compiling that file should result in a compilation error such as end of file expected, file can have only one compilation unit). GNAT doesn't support this at compile time, providing instead a utility gnatchop.
Would it be possible to just gnatchop all the source and be done with it?
Hm, I think it sounds like the compiler's got a bad set of objects/ALIs it's working with, hence the cross-reference not up to date error. (Usually the compiler's good about keeping things up to date; but you may want to check to see if the "minimal recompilation" switch is set for the project.)
Have you tried compiling just the ["owning"] file D_Ac_Config_S.Ada? (i.e. if it were a spec, go to the corresponding body and compile that.) That should force its ALI/object files to be updated.
Then try building as normal.
-- PS: you might have to clean first.

How do I initialize variables used for importing libraries in Ride?

I have a custom robot framework library which accepts an argument to initialize it.
*** Settings ***
Library NotifyUsers ${max_messages}
This works just fine when executed from the command line using pybot:
pybot --variable max_messages:4 my_test
However, this variable doesn't exist in Ride when it imports the library at startup. I've tried defining it in the Arguments field on the Run tab, but that isn't instantiated until you run a test.
If I replace the variable and hard code an integer argument, it works fine in Ride.
Apologies to Bryan Oakley! I somehow managed to delete his answer which pointed me in the right direction.
Adding an entry to the variable table does not resolve this issue, however using a Variable File does! It appears that Ride will import variable files when it starts up. Variable Tables contained in a test suite are not resolved until run time.
