Find all points with integer coordinates inside tetrahedron - math

I am trying to find all the points with integer coordinates that lie inside of a tetrahedron (I want to somehow be able to loop through them). I know the coordinates of the four points (A, B, C, D) that define the tetrahedron.
What I'm currently doing is I find the bounding box of the tetrahedron (minimum and maximum x, y, z coordinates of A, B, C, D) and then do a loop through all of the points inside the bounding box. For every such point, I calculate the barycentric coordinates (using the equations from Wikipedia) and check if the point is inside the tetrahedron (if any of the barycentric coordinates is negative or bigger than 1, the point isn't inside).
Is there a better way to do this? Currently there is around 1/6 chance that the point I am testing (from the bounding box) really lies inside the tetrahedron, so I think I'm doing too many unnecessary computations.
I am working with a list of tetrahedra that I generated by triangulating a bigger volume (I am expanding the volume and want to interpolate the missing values using tetrahedral interpolation). I am not using any external libraries.

Another idea for improving:
check if a "rod" parrallel to z-axis (i.e. x=4, y=6) runs through the tetrahedron. If not, no values with (x=4, y=5, z) can be inside.
Else, find where the rod intersects the edge of the tetrahedron (by finding out where the planes that make up the edge of the tetrahedron intersect it).
Say these planes intersect at z=1.3 and z= 10.04. Then you know all points (4,5, 2) to (4,5,10) are inside.
Repeat for all values of x and y.
This should be faster in practice, because it will save you 1 loop.

Your approach is the correct one. There are some possible optimisations, which might be worth it or not depending on the requirements. For example:
There is an easier way to check if a given point is inside or outside of the tetrahedron.
It amounts to checking the which half-space the point belongs to with respect to each of the 4 sides of the tetrahedron:
Each side is defined by 3 points (say A, B, C). Then a plane normal is a (C-A)x(B-A) (that's cross product of vectors in the plane). If this coordinates are (a,b,c), then the plane equation is F(x,y,z) = ax+by+cz = 0. For a given point (x0, y0, z0) the sign of F(x0,y0,z0) determines which half-plane the points belong to.
The point is that you can precompute plane quations for each side of the tetrahedron as well as the sign which corresponds to 'outside' an then the check for a given point amounts to doing at most 4 evaluations (one for each side), each taking 3 multiplications and 2 additions.


Having 3 vectors, how to check that a straight line can be drawn through them

I get the positions of 5 enemies in the game in vectors. Depending on the distance I choose, the number of enemies can vary from 0 to 5. I need to know their vectors each time to check whether it is possible to draw a straight line through a certain number of heroes (vectors).
After that, my hero will have to use his ability called wall. It consists of 2 start and end vectors. Thus, check whether my hero can put a wall on the enemies in the line to catch them
Let's say there are 3 enemy heroes whose positions I can get. I need to find out if I can pass through them directly, in order to use the ability on them.
Here's what using the ability looks like in the game
Here is getting the vector of one of the heroes
The ability itself can be twisted at a certain point. But anyway, it is necessary that the wall would touch several heroes
Wherever I move the mouse, I can put it in the desired position. But unfortunately it takes a lot of time, so I would like to automate
The coordinates of the wall itself, or rather its two edges, I can also get, but only after the ability has been used
If one prefers geometry to linear algebra...
Then One can compute the dot product of (unit-vector1. Unit-Vector2). That is equal to the SIN of the angle between them.
So if unit vector is the shooter position to target1, unit vector2 is the shooter to target2, etc... then when DOTPRODUCT(Vector1,vector2) = 1 and DOTPRODUCT(Vector1,vector3) = 1, then the three points are in syzygy.
And repeat from shooter to as many targets as you have to determine whether some or all of the points are in syzygy.
From your statement that there is a start and an endpoint I take that you select two enemys and want to trap anything in between.
So you're actually not looking for a straight line that can be drawn through your enemy positions but if they are withn a rectangle. It would be very unlikely and for more points nearly impossible that they are all collinear anyway.
So it becomes quite trivial. You draw a line through start and end enemy. Then you check the remaining enemies distance to that line vs the width of your AoE. Maye you want to also handle some body width in that calculation.
You can describe all points belonging to line (x0, y0) + (dx, dy)t = (x1, y1). Chose any two points and t as 1 and you will get (dx, dy) for line connecting two dots. Now you will need to find distance between this line and (x2, y2). it is distance between (x2, y2) and (xd, yd), where on one hand (xd, yd) = (x0, y0) + t1(dx, dy) and on other hand (xd, yd) = (x2, y2) + t2*(-dy, dx). Solving this two equations you will find t1, t2, (xd, yd) and distance between (x2, y2) and (xd, yd), which is distance between (x2, y2) and line, connecting (x0, y0) and (x1, y1).
Knowing this, you select dots with min_x and max_x and calculate ditance between line, connecting said dots and rest of the dots. If distance is lesser then some threshold of your choice, then you can assume that you can have line passing through all dots.
Any line in the plane can be described by an equation a*x + b*y + c = 0 with (a, b) ≠ (0, 0). Note that if you have an equation of this form, then multiplying each coefficient a, b, c with the same number yields an equation describing the same line. That's the reason (a, b, c) is called a homogeneous coordinate vector for that line.
How do you find a, b, c? One simple approach would be treating this as three linear equations in three unknowns. You plug in the x and y coordinates for all your three points, and get tree equations for a thorough c. However, there is a catch. Since the right hand side of each equation is zero, a = b = c = 0 is always a solution. In those cases where there is only one solution, that will be it. So in order for there to be a line, you need more than one solution. The mathematical tool to determine whether a set of equations had more than one solution is the determinant. It is zero if the system has no single unique solution.
Long story short: three points are collinear (on a line) if
⎛x1 y1 1⎞
det ⎜x2 y2 1⎟ = 0
⎝x3 y3 1⎠
The homogeneous coordinate vector describing the line world correspond to the kernel of that matrix.
Of course, if your input coordinates are floating point numbers, exact zero is unlikely. Presumably that wall does allow for some error in some way, and you'd need to tell us about that in order to get an answer that models this aspect correctly. In the mean time, know that the absolute value of the determinant above is proportional to the area of the triangle created by these three points. So if your were to pick a constant threshold value, the farther your enemies are apart along the direction of the wall, the less they could deviate from the straight line without violating that threshold.

Find all 4 possible normals to an ellipse

Given a point p exterior to an axially aligned, origin centered ellipse E, find the (upto) four unique normals to E passing through p.
This is not a Mathematica question. Direct computation is too slow; I am willing to sacrifice precision and accuracy for speed.
I have searched the web, but all I found involved overly complex calculations which if implemented directly appear to lack the performance I need. Is there a more "programmatical" way to do this, like using matrices or scaling the ellipse into a circle?
Let's assume the ellipse E is in "standard position", center at the origin and axes parallel to the coordinate axes:
(x/a)^2 + (y/b)^2 = 1 where a > b > 0
The boundary cases a=b are circles, where the normal lines are simply ones that pass through the center (origin) and are thus easy to find. So we omit discussion of these cases.
The slope of the tangent to the ellipse at any point (x,y) may be found by implicit differentiation:
dy/dx = -(b^2 x)/(a^2 y)
For the line passing through (x,y) and a specified point p = (u,v) not on the ellipse, that is normal to ellipse E when its slope is the negative reciprocal of dy/dx:
(y-v)/(x-u) * (-b^2 x)/(a^2 y) = -1 (N)
which simplifies to:
(x - (1+g)u) * (y + gv) = -g(1+g)uv where g = b^2/(a^2 - b^2)
In this form we recognize it is the equation for a right rectangular hyperbola. Depending on how many points of intersection there are between the ellipse and the hyperbola (2,3,4), we have that many normals to E passing through p.
By reflected symmetry, if p is assumed exterior to E, we may take p to be in the first quadrant:
(u/a)^2 + (v/b)^2 > 1 (exterior to E)
u,v > 0 (1'st quadrant)
We could have boundary cases where u=0 or v=0, i.e. point p lies on an axis of E, but these cases may be reduced to solving a quadratic, because two normals are the (coinciding) lines through the endpoints of that axis. We defer further discussion of these special cases for the moment.
Here's an illustration with a=u=5,b=v=3 in which only one branch of the hyperbola intersects E, and there will be only two normals:
If the system of two equations in two unknowns (x,y) is reduced to one equation in one unknown, the simplest root-finding method to code is a bisection method, but knowing something about the possible locations of roots/intersections will expedite our search. The intersection in the first quadrant is the nearest point of E to p, and likewise the intersection in the third quadrant is the farthest point of E from p. If the point p were a good bit closer to the upper endpoint of the minor axis, the branches of the hyperbola would shift together enough to create up to two more points of intersection in the fourth quadrant.
One approach would be to parameterize E by points of intersection with the x-axis. The lines from p normal to the ellipse must intersect the major axis which is a finite interval [-a,+a]. We can test both the upper and lower points of intersection q=(x,y) of a line passing through p=(u,v) and (z,0) as z sweeps from -a to +a, looking for places where the ellipse and hyperbola intersect.
In more detail:
1. Find the upper and lower points `q` of intersection of E with the
line through `p` and `(z,0)` (amounts to solving a quadratic)
3. Check the sign of a^2 y(x-u) - b^2 x(y-v) at `q=(x,y)`, because it
is zero if and only `q` is a point of normal intersection
Once a subinterval is detected (either for upper or lower portion) where the sign changes, it can be refined to get the desired accuracy. If only modest accuracy is needed, there may be no need to use faster root finding methods, but even if they are needed, having a short subinterval that isolates a root (or root pair in the fourth quadrant) will be useful.
** more to come comparing convergence of various methods **
I had to solve a problem similar to this, for GPS initialization. The question is: what is the latitude of a point interior to the Earth, especially near the center, and is it single-valued? There are lots of methods for converting ECEF cartesian coordinates to geodetic latitude, longitude and altitude (look up "ECEF to Geodetic"). We use a fast one with only one divide and sqrt per iteration, instead of several trig evaluations like most methods, but since I can't find it in the wild, I can't give it to you here. I would start with Lin and Wang's method, since it only uses divisions in its iterations. Here is a plot of the ellipsoid surface normals to points within 100 km of Earth's center (North is up in the diagram, which is really ECEF Z, not Y):
The star-shaped "caustic" in the figure center traces the center of curvature of the WGS-84 ellipsoid as latitude is varied from pole to equator. Note that the center of curvature at the poles is on the opposite side of the equator, due to polar flattening, and that the center of curvature at the equator is nearer to the surface than the axis of rotation.
Wherever lines cross, there is more than one latitude for that cartesian position. The green circle shows where our algorithm was struggling. If you consider that I cut off these normal vectors where they reach the axis, you would have even more normals for a given position for the problem considered in this SO thread. You would have 4 latitudes / normals inside the caustic, and 2 outside.
The problem can be expressed as the solution of a cubic equation which
gives 1, 2, or 3 real roots. For the derivation and closed form
solution see Appendix B of Geodesics on an ellipsoid of revolution. The boundary between 1 and 3 solutions is an astroid.

3D rotations of a plane

I'm doing something where I have a plane in a coord sys A with a set of points already on it. I also have a normal vector in space N. How can I rotate the points on coord sys A so that the underlying plane will have the same normal direction as N?
Wondering if any one has a good idea on how to do this. Thanks
If you have, or can easily compute, the normal vector to the plane that your points are currently in, I think the easiest way to do this will be to rotate around the axis common to the two planes. Here's how I'd go about it:
Let M be the vector normal to your current plane, and N be the vector normal to the plane you want to rotate into. If M == N you can stop now and leave the original points unchanged.
Calculate the rotation angle as
costheta = dot(M,N)/(norm(M)*norm(N))
Calculate the rotation axis as
axis = unitcross(M, N)
where unitcross is a function that performs the cross product and normalizes it to a unit vector, i.e. unitcross(a, b) = cross(a, b) / norm(cross(a, b)). As user1318499 pointed out in a comment, this step can cause an error if M == N, unless your implementation of unitcross returns (0,0,0) when a == b.
Compute the rotation matrix from the axis and angle as
c = costheta
s = sqrt(1-c*c)
C = 1-c
rmat = matrix([ x*x*C+c x*y*C-z*s x*z*C+y*s ],
[ y*x*C+z*s y*y*C+c y*z*C-x*s ]
[ z*x*C-y*s z*y*C+x*s z*z*C+c ])
where x, y, and z are the components of axis. This formula is described on Wikipedia.
For each point, compute its corresponding point on the new plane as
newpoint = dot(rmat, point)
where the function dot performs matrix multiplication.
This is not unique, of course; as mentioned in peterk's answer, there are an infinite number of possible rotations you could make that would transform the plane normal to M into the plane normal to N. This corresponds to the fact that, after you take the steps described above, you can then rotate the plane around N, and your points will be in different places while staying in the same plane. (In other words, each rotation you can make that satisfies your conditions corresponds to doing the procedure described above followed by another rotation around N.) But if you don't care where in the plane your points wind up, I think this rotation around the common axis is the simplest way to just get the points into the plane you want them in.
If you don't have M, but you do have the coordinates of the points in your starting plane relative to an origin in that plane, you can compute the starting normal vector from two points' positions x1 and x2 as
M = cross(x1, x2)
(you can also use unitcross here but it doesn't make any difference). If you have the points' coordinates relative to an origin that is not in the plane, you can still do it, but you'll need three points' positions:
M = cross(x3-x1, x3-x2)
A single vector (your normal - N) will not be enough. You will need another two vectors for the other two dimensions. (Imagine that your 3D space could still rotate/spin around the normal vector, and you need another 2 vectors to nail it down). Once you have the normal and another one on the plane, the 3rd one should be easy to find (left- or right-handed depending on your system).
Make sure all three are normalized (length of 1) and put them in a matrix; use that matrix to transform any point in your 3D space (use matrix multiplication). This should give you the new coordinates.
I'm thinking make a unit vector [0,0,1] and use the dot-product along two planes to find the angle of difference, and shift all your points by those angles. This is assuming you want the z-axis to align with the normal vector, else just use [1,0,0] or [0,1,0] for x and y respectively.

Computational geometry, tetrahedron signed volume

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but here goes...
Short version: I'm trying to compute the orientation of a triangle on a plane, formed by the intersection of 3 edges, without explicitly computing the intersection points.
Long version: I need to triangulate a PSLG on a triangle in 3D. The vertices of the PSLG are defined by the intersections of line segments with the plane through the triangle, and are guaranteed to lie within the triangle. Assuming I had the intersection points, I could project to 2D and use a point-line-side (or triangle signed area) test to determine the orientation of a triangle between any 3 intersection points.
The problem is I can't explicitly compute the intersection points because of the floating-point error that accumulates when I find the line-plane intersection. To figure out if the line segments strike the triangle in the first place, I'm using some freely available robust geometric predicates, which give the sign of the volume of a tetrahedron, or equivalently which side of a plane a point lies on. I can determine if the line segment endpoints are on opposite sides of the plane through the triangle, then form tetrahedra between the line segment and each edge of the triangle to determine whether the intersection point lies within the triangle.
Since I can't explicitly compute the intersection points, I'm wondering if there is a way to express the same 2D orient calculation in 3D using only the original points. If there are 3 edges striking the triangle that gives me 9 points in total to play with. Assuming what I'm asking is even possible (using only the 3D orient tests), then I'm guessing that I'll need to form some subset of all the possible tetrahedra between those 9 points. I'm having difficultly even visualizing this, let alone distilling it into a formula or code. I can't even google this because I don't know what the industry standard terminology might be for this type of problem.
Any ideas how to proceed with this? Thanks. Perhaps I should ask MathOverflow as well...
EDIT: After reading some of the comments, one thing that occurs to me... Perhaps if I could fit non-overlapping tetrahedra between the 3 line segments, then the orientation of any one of those that crossed the plane would be the answer I'm looking for. Other than when the edges enclose a simple triangular prism, I'm not sure this sub-problem is solvable either.
EDIT: The requested image.
I am answering this on both MO & SO, expanding the comments I made on MO.
My sense is that no computational trick with signed tetrahedra volumes will avoid the precision issues that are your main concern. This is because, if you have tightly twisted segments, the orientation of the triangle depends on the precise positioning of the cutting plane.
[image removed; see below]
In the above example, the upper plane crosses the segments in the order (a,b,c) [ccw from above]: (red,blue,green), while the lower plane crosses in the reverse order (c,b,a): (green,blue,red). The height
of the cutting plane could be determined by your last bit of precision.
Consequently, I think it makes sense to just go ahead and compute the points of intersection in
the cutting plane, using enough precision to make the computation exact. If your segment endpoints coordinates and plane coefficients have L bits of precision, then there is just a small constant-factor increase needed. Although I am not certain of precisely what that factor is, it is small--perhaps 4. You will not need e.g., L2 bits, because the computation is solving linear equations.
So there will not be an explosion in the precision required to compute this exactly.
Good luck!
(I was prevented from posting the clarifying image because I don't have the reputation. See
the MO answer instead.)
Edit: Do see the MO answer, but here's the image:
I would write symbolic vector equations, you know, with dot and cross products, to find the normal of the intersection triangle. Then, the sign of the dot product of this normal with the initial triangle one gives the orientation. So finally you can express this in a form sign(F(p1,...,p9)), where p1 to p9 are your points and F() is an ugly formula including dot and cross products of differences (pi-pj). Don't know if this can be done simpler, but this general approach does the job.
As I understand it, you have three lines intersecting the plane, and you want to calculate the orientation of the triangle formed by the intersection points, without calculating the intersection points themselves?
If so: you have a plane
N·(x - x0) = 0
and six points...
l1a, l1b, l2a, l2b, l3a, l3b
...forming three lines
l1 = l1a + t(l1b - l1a)
l2 = l2a + u(l2b - l2a)
l3 = l3a + v(l3b - l3a)
The intersection points of these lines to the plane occur at specific values of t, u, v, which I'll call ti, ui, vi
N·(l1a + ti(l1b - l1a) - x0) = 0
N·(x0 - l1a)
ti = ----------------
N·(l1b - l1a)
(similarly for ui, vi)
Then the specific points of intersection are
intersect1 = l1a + ti(l1b - l1a)
intersect2 = l2a + ui(l2b - l2a)
intersect3 = l3a + vi(l3b - l3a)
Finally, the orientation of your triangle is
orientation = direction of (intersect2 - intersect1)x(intersect3 - intersect1)
(x is cross-product) Work backwards plugging the values, and you'll have an equation for orientation based only on N, x0, and your six points.
Let's call your triangle vertices T[0], T[1], T[2], and the first line segment's endpoints are L[0] and L[1], the second is L[2] and L[3], and the third is L[4] and L[5]. I imagine you want a function
int Orient(Pt3 T[3], Pt3 L[6]); // index L by L[2*i+j], i=0..2, j=0..1
which returns 1 if the intersections have the same orientation as the triangle, and -1 otherwise.
The result should be symmetric under interchange of j values, antisymmetric under interchange of i values and T indices. As long as you can compute a quantity with these symmetries, that's all you need.
Let's try
Sign(Product( Orient3D(T[i],T[i+1],L[2*i+0],L[2*i+1]) * -Orient3D(T[i],T[i+1],L[2*i+1],L[2*i+0]) ), i=0..2))
where the product should be taken over cyclic permutations of the indices (modulo 3). I believe this has all the symmetry properties required. Orient3D is Shewchuk's 4-point plane orientation test, which I assume you're using.

How do you calculate the reflex angle given two vectors in 3D space?

I want to calculate the angle between two vectors a and b. Lets assume these are at the origin. This can be done with
theta = arccos(a . b / |a| * |b|)
However arccos gives you the angle in [0, pi], i.e. it will never give you an angle greater than 180 degrees, which is what I want. So how do you find out when the vectors have gone past the 180 degree mark? In 2D I would simply let the sign of the y-component on one of the vectors determine what quadrant the vector is in. But what is the easiest way to do it in 3D?
EDIT: I wanted to keep the question general but here we go. I'm programming this in c and the code I use to get the angle is theta = acos(dot(a, b)/mag(a)*mag(b)) so how would you programmatically determine the orientation?
This works in 2D because you have a plane defined in which you define the rotation.
If you want to do this in 3D, there is no such implicit 2D plane. You could transform your 3D coordinates to a 2D plane going through all three points, and do your calculation inside this plane.
But, there are of course two possible orientations for the plane, and that will affect which angles will be > 180 or smaller.
I came up with the following solution that takes advantage of the direction change of the cross product of the two vectors:
Make a vector n = a X b and normalize it. This vector is normal to the plane spanned by a and b.
Whenever a new angle is calculated compare it with the old normal. In the comparison, treat the old and the current normals as points and compute the distance between them. If this distance is 2 the normal (i.e. the cross product a X b has flipped).
You might want to have a threshold for the distance as the distance after a flip might be shorter than 2, depending on how the vectors a and b are oriented and how often you update the angle.
One solution that you could use:
What you effectively need to do is create a plane that one of the vectors is coplanar to.
Getting the cross product of both vectors will create a plane, then is you get the normal of this plane, you can get the angle between this and the vector you need to get the signed angle for, and you can use the angle to determine the sign.
If the angle is greater than 90 degrees, then it is below the created plane; less than 90 degrees, and it is above.
Depending on cost of calculations, the dot product can be used at this stage instead of the angle.
Just make sure that you always calculate the normals by the same order of vectors.
This is useable more easily if you're using the XYZ axes, and that's what you're comparing against, since you already have the vectors needed for the plane.
There are possbly more efficient solutions, but this is one I came up with.
Edit: clarification of created vectors
a X b = p. This is perpendicular to both a and b.
Then, do either:
a X p or b X p to create another vector that is the normal to the plane created by the 2 vectors. Choice of vector depends on which you're trying to find the angle for.
Strictly speaking, two 3D vectors always have two angles between them - one below or equal to 180, the other over or equal to 180. Arccos gives you one of them, you can get the other by subtracting from 360. Think of it that way: imagine two lines intersect. You have 4 angles there - 2 of one value, 2 of another. What's the angle between the lines? No single answer. Same here. Without some kind of extra criteria, you can not, in theory, tell which of the two angle values should be taken into account.
EDIT: So what you really need is an arbitrary example of fixing an orientation. Here's one: we look from the positive Z direction. If the plane between the two vectors contains the Z axis, we look from the positive Y direction. If the plane is YZ, we look from the positive X direction. I'll think how to express this in coordinate form, then edit again.
