CSS Sprite Navigation Issue - css

I have built a CSS Sprite Navigation. The Navigation functions fine unless you have the UL list in a differnt order than the style sheet, or don't use all of the li elements.
You can see the examples here:
http://www.reneebuller.com/_temp/navigation.html (works)
http://www.reneebuller.com/_temp/navigation1.html (nav2 and nav3 are switched)
(Then go to nagvigation2.html nav 2 is deleted... sory I can't post another link because I'm a newbie and limited to two)
You will see in the later two examples that something happened with text. I can't figure out what is goin on.

You need to change the name of the IDs as well. This is bugged:
<li id="navThree"><a class="" href="#">Two</a></li>
This will work just fine even if inverted:
<li id="navThree"><a class="" href="#">Three</a></li>
<li id="navTwo"><a class="" href="#">Two</a></li>

You don't have any of the CSS in the second example that was used in the first.

Hi i have seen you have made totally image based navigation i think you can easily make this navigation through pure css and than you can make changes easily in css navigation.
please check i have made pure css based navigation similar like your navigation i hope this will help you:- http://jsfiddle.net/YRjE8/10/


Force ul li ul on new line while using flexbox

after I spent two hours trying to figure this out by myself, I feel it's the right time to ask people who actually know how to code.
What is my situation
I'm building a WordPress theme and I struggle to make the navigation work the way I want it. What I have in mind looks like this:
sketch of home page
Since it is WordPress menu (and because I plan to adapt the looks throughout the website), I need it to be a list. But I struggle to make the first-level items appear as headings and the second-level items as items below.
This is as far as I got:
I tried random stuff using flexbox properties + adding a break using :after selector with content: "\A"; but with no luck.
Do you have an idea how to do it? Is it even possible?
Thank you in advance for your ideas!
Have a nice day
You'll want the 2nd level list <ul> to be inside of the <li>:
Pro veřejnost
<li>Co je ergoterapie</li>
<li>Kdo je ergoterapeut</li>
<li>Seznam zařízení</li>
<li>Etický kodex</li>
<li>Nabídky práce</li>
<li>Vychytávky a tipy</li>
I've updated your jsfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/grysom/bpe924du/ but you'll need to adjust your styles a bit to differentiate the levels.

css align ul li horizontal not working (now it's diagonal)

On Wordpress i'm using youtube channel list plugin.
It works well, but the align of the videos don't looks great. Actually display diagonal list below the BIG video!
Can someone suggest me how to fix this issue with css?
here's the page
I need the list under the video aligned horizontal, not diagonal!
You have nested a <div /> as a child of the <ul />. This is invalid markup. Move the <li/> elements to be the children of the <ul />, delete the <div /> and it will work
Okay I see the problem. You are wrapping all this content within a <pre/> tag. This tag shouldn't be used here but if you are unable to get rid of it add the style white-space: normal;.
I tested the previous answer by moving elements within chrome dev tools which removed the whitespace and therefore the problem.
Hope this helps :)
There is class ytc-columns4 on the below <ul> which is taking control over the alignment of the small video <li> tags
<ul class="ytchagallery ytccf ytc-table ytc-td-bottom ytc-columns4">
according to that class the below css is generating by plugin in the css file on line 66
.ytc-columns4 li {
width: calc(100% / 4 + 10px / 3);
i have changed the class ytc-columns3 and ytc-columns2 and result vary every time. I am not exactly getting where is the calculation part of the plugin. Other wise i can tweek the code.

Is there a penalty to using two <nav> elements in a <header>

I'm referring to a main menu and a smaller supermenu (don't know the proper term), as seen here:
For something like this, I was going to put two <nav> elements in the <header>. Is there any reason (SEO or otherwise) that this is a bad idea? If so, what would an alternative be?
(this is different from multiple <nav> tags, which referred to multiple on an entire page, not in a single block element)
Short answer: no there is not (probably)
Longer answer: the HTML5 spec itself is a bit fluffy on the subject:
The thing is that they designate the <nav> element to 'major' navigation blocks, but leave it to the imagination (of both developers and parsers) what that means. As you can see they even provided an example where they exclude the "site-wide" from the navigation block.
<body itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Blog">
<h1>Wake up sheeple!</h1>
<p>News -
Blog -
<p>Last Modified: <span itemprop="dateModified">2009-04-01</span></p>
<li>Index of all articles</li>
<li>Things sheeple need to wake up for today</li>
<li>Sheeple we have managed to wake</li>
They seem to do that because they consider limiting the number of links in nav elements a plus for readability (think screen readers etc).
It is probably a bit too early to know what the search engines are going to do, but it seems safe to think that they will attach more importance to nav element links to detect the structure of you site and maybe more so if you have less of them...
My impression: Twitter and Facebook links seem certainly out, support and blog are debatable
I think it does not matter. NAV element just marks functional role of some content. So if you have two separate navigation blocks (regardless of where it's placed: in header or in other parts of page), you are free to use separate NAV elements for them. Some "penalties" from search engines in that case would be pointless.
Nav can be used multiple times on a page in HTML5.
SHOULD…probably not.
I’ve always worked on the basis that the NAV tag is only for the primary page/site navigations.
If my main (header) navigation area is used for the [nav] then any other menus can be in divs with some role for ARIA.

Background from ul element covers whole page

Instead of my background only acting as a background for the 4 different types of pottery in the ul element, the red background covers my name and navigation bar. Why is it doing this? I have tried to make everything relative positioning but doesnt seem to make a difference. Why is the ul element not following the flow of the document, it should sit below my name and navigation.
Please advise, see example here: example
If i am getting your problem correct then here is the solution
check this updated fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/4GUkU/2/
Note: Please let me know if am lagging here so i can change as per requirement.
Browers have a difficult time with heights of floated DIVs. The easiest thing to do is to put:
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
after the tag.
The red color everywhere is due to
#featured {
And the UL displays below "The Pottery Club" and the nav links for me (in Chrome). Which browser are you using?
By the way, semantically you do not need to use and in a tag. tags are already interpreted vertically, unless you choose otherwise with CSS.
You could rewrite your navigation menu like so:
<nav id="nav-main">
<a title="Book Class" href="">Book Class</a>
<a title="Plan your visit" href="/visiting">Plan your visit</a>
<a title="Contact us" href="/visiting">Contact us</a>
If you keep the and in your , a blind person's reader would read to him/her: "navigation, unordered list, list-item..." which does not make very much sense.

Responsive Fixed-Nav?

I understand how to create a fixed nav menu. The one I am designing has links to various anchor points on the page. What I do not understand is how to I have the menu items automatically indicate where I am on the page? Can this be done without JS?
This effect is found on many 1-page designs. For instance:
Any help would be appreciated.
You can do the jump using <a name="resourceName" id="resourceName"> anchor tags. But the smooth scrolling to the item needs javascript.
You just use Text to just jump to it (non js world).
Edit: clarified grammar since I tried rereading it and realized it would be confusing the way I wrote it
I'm not aware of a way to do that in CSS. Both of the pages you link to involve adding/removing classes dynamically based on the click event. CSS has no way of dynamically adding classes.
If you're interested, here's how you could do the link highlighting depending on if it's clicked simply in jQuery:
<div id="container">
<li>link 1</li>
<li>link 2</li>
<li>link 2</li>
var a = $('#container a');
a.click(function() {
You cannot do this without JavaScript, because CSS... well... cascades. The way those pages work is that each menu item has a class .active or similar, that is added when the item is clicked.
EDIT: I believe you're looking for jQuery's scroll() (see here) , where you can specify a function that takes place when the user scrolls. In this case, the function would check the scrollTop value and compare it to the offset of page sections, then add a class to the appropriate menu item.
A quick Google search of these terms will point you in the right direction.
No can't be done without Javascript.
