Flex Spark Replace text to color text - apache-flex

I'm making simple editor. And I want that, let write replacing colorless text to color text from RichEditableText when I will write any text.
For example:
PHP --> <s:span color="#FF0000">PHP<s:span>
This codes not work:
editorum.text = editorum.text.replace('PHP','<s:span color="#FF0000">php<s:span>');
Editorum is: <s:RichEditableText id="editorum" ></s:RichEditableText>
Click here and try
Source code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
width="319" height="198" minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
<fx:Style source="ops.css"/>
<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
import flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat;
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.events.FlexEvent;
import spark.events.TextOperationEvent;
import spark.utils.TextFlowUtil;
protected function editorum_changeHandler(event:TextOperationEvent):void
editorum.text = editorum.text.replace('melon','<s:span color="#FF0000">melon<s:span>');
<s:RichEditableText id="editorum" x="10" y="28" width="299" height="159"
<s:Label x="10" y="10" width="119" text="Write 'melon' :"/>
A other problem; How do I send the pointer at the end? When I press any key, pointer going to deal. Try: http://samed.us/samples/ops3.swf
Thanks for your help...

Instead of this line:
editorum.text = editorum.text.replace('melon','<s:span color="#FF0000">melon<s:span>');
Try something like this:
var text : String = editorum.text.replace('melon','<s:span color="#FF0000">melon<s:span>')
editorum.textFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(text, TextConverter.TEXT_FIELD_HTML_FORMAT);
Basically, you need to convert the HTML into something that the TLF Framework will understand. Read some docs on textFlow and the TextConverter


flex 4 air app open modules in a new modal window

I am new to flex and I am trying to open modules in a new window modal.
I have managed to load and add a module in a container ( vbox ) but what I really need is to open them in separate windows.
All posts that I could find are samples on how to load modules but nothing on how to show them.
I found a post here
Modules and Panels issue
and it looks by the screenshot exactly what I am looking for.
Thanks for your help.
I found a way of doing this.
Thanks for all the pointers
here is how I did it for all of you to see and maybe use. If you have suggestions to make it better, do not hesitate to comment.
I am using a component : collapsabletitlewindow
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
import de.aggro.components.*;
private function createWindow():void{
var w:window = new window;
w.title = "Window " + container.numChildren;
<components:CollapsableTitleWindowContainer id="container" width="100%" height="100%" >
<s:Button buttonDown="createWindow()" label="Create Window" />
<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<components:CollapsableTitleWindow xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" xmlns:components="de.aggro.components.*" layout="absolute" width="400" height="300"
creationComplete="initApp()" >
import mx.events.ModuleEvent;
import mx.modules.ModuleManager;
import mx.modules.IModuleInfo;
import mx.core.IVisualElement;
public var info:IModuleInfo;
private function initApp():void {
info = ModuleManager.getModule("mod.swf");
info.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.READY, modEventHandler);
/* Load the module into memory. Calling load() makes the
IFlexModuleFactory available. You can then get an
instance of the class using the factory's create()
method. */
info.load(null, null, null, moduleFactory);
/* Add an instance of the module's class to the display list. */
private function modEventHandler(e:ModuleEvent):void {
this.addElement(info.factory.create() as IVisualElement);
<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Module xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" width="400" height="300">
<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
<mx:LinkButton x="131" y="124" label="Module link"/>

Taking a snapshot, scaling it and repeating

I'm trying to scale text from 1 to 5, a sort of zoom in type of look. I'm using the code below:
<s:Scale target="myLabel" autoCenterTransform="true"
scaleYFrom="1" scaleYTo="5" scaleXFrom="1" scaleXTo="5"
The text scales terribly. So my goal is to take a snapshot of the text label at a large font, add it to the display list, set the scale to a 5th and then animate the scale up to 1. After that I have to set the text again and do it all over again.
This is a Flex app and that's where my question comes in. I don't know how to take a snapshot, then what to add it to (group?) and then how to erase it and start over again? Any advice in any of this would be appreciated.
Here's a very simple approach which animates the fontSize style, instead of animating the scale properties:
Depending on what you're doing this may not perform well b/c it is setting a new style so frequently. Also, if you play this animation slowly, it looks like the individual characters "wobble" (they move or shake a teeny bit).
I'll post something on taking a snapshot and scaling that next...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
<s:Animate id="scaler" target="{scaledText}" >
<s:MotionPath property="fontSize">
<s:Keyframe time="0" value="12"/>
<s:Keyframe time="1500" value="48"/>
protected function onLabelClick():void
<s:Label id="scaledText" text="this is some text" click="onLabelClick()" />
And here is the approach that takes a snapshot of the text. This has the same problem as your original solution, the scaled text is very jagged. But this does show how to take a snapshot of something and use the snapshot in another Flex object:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
<s:Scale id="scaler" target="{drawingTarget}" scaleXFrom="1" scaleXTo="5" scaleYFrom="1" scaleYTo="5"/>
import spark.core.SpriteVisualElement;
protected function onLabelClick():void
var data:BitmapData = new BitmapData(200,200,true, 0xFFFFFF);
var g:Graphics = drawingTarget.graphics;
g.drawRect(0,0, 200,200);
protected function onBitmapClick(event:MouseEvent):void
<s:Label id="scaledText" text="this is some text" click="onLabelClick()" />
<s:SpriteVisualElement id="drawingTarget" width="200" height="200" click="onBitmapClick(event)"/>

Dynamically create an embedded image

I need to dynamically create a LinkButton with an icon. The names of files (icons) have the format images/icon_0.png, images/icon_1.png, ... images/icon_1000.png. But I don't know the specific image for this button. I only know the index of the icon.
I tried this, with no success:
var path:String = "#Embed(source='images/icon_" + imageindex + ".png')";
myButton.setStyle("icon", path);
I get a runtime error:
Type Coercion failed:
*cannot convert "#Embed(source='images/icons/icon_427.png')" to Class*
Sorry that will not work.
Since imageindex is a compile-time variable, then embedding tag will trigger an error message.
Why not to override the button and add extra property like 'iconPath' that will expect a string path instead of a Class object. This way you can manually set (inside extended Button) the icon.source = iconPath without having to use embed.
pls try this.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" creationComplete="application1_creationCompleteHandler(event)"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
import mx.events.FlexEvent;
private var linkButtonIcon:Class;
protected function application1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
protected function button1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
var linkButtonIcon2:Class;
<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
<mx:LinkButton label="test" id="lnkbutton"/>
<s:Button label="change Icon" click="button1_clickHandler(event)"/>

Alert gives PopUpManager error when used with SWFLoader

I am using SWFLoader to load a swf file. The code is below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
<mx:SWFLoader source="alerttesting.swf"/>
And the alerttesing.swf code is given blow:
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
width="100%" height="100%" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="12"
import mx.controls.Alert
public function testingalerta():void{
<mx:Button click="testingalerta()"/>
<mx:Button label="aslkdfjasj" click="{Alert.show('sdfslfjlsjf;asjfa;sj');}"/>
Every time I click the button I get the following error:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at mx.managers::PopUpManagerImpl/http://www.adobe.com/2006/flex/mx/internal::createModalWindow()[E:\dev\4.x\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\PopUpManagerImpl.as:686]
at mx.managers::PopUpManagerImpl/addPopUp()[E:\dev\4.x\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\PopUpManagerImpl.as:401]
at mx.managers::PopUpManager$/addPopUp()[E:\dev\4.x\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\PopUpManager.as:193]
at mx.controls::Alert$/show()[E:\dev\4.x\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\controls\Alert.as:618]
at alerttesting/abcd()[C:\Users\zee\Adobe Flash Builder 4.5\calendar\src\alerttesting.mxml:12]
at alerttesting/___alerttesting_Button1_click()[C:\Users\zee\Adobe Flash Builder 4.5\calendar\src\alerttesting.mxml:16]
Can you explain how can I fix this issue.
Jason was close. Not only do you have to import the PopUpManager but you also have to use it.
import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
private var manager:PopUpManager;
I found the answer here.
I think you just need to import the mx PopUpManager.
Try adding an import to your app:
import mx.managers.PopUpManager;

Special Characters in flex from HTML Params

I am accessing some params from HTML to flex, those are special characters(html codes).
Below is the Sample Code:
HTML Param:
flashvars.sampleText = "スー谷スー谷スー谷スー谷"
Flex Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600" >
import mx.core.FlexGlobals;
<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
<s:Label text="{FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.parameters.sampleText}" />
When i am checking the above sample code in IE Browser its working fine, But its not working in Mozilla and Chrome browsers.
What could be the Problem ? How can i able to display this in other browsers? Can anyone help on this?
Thanks in Advance
Have you tried url encoding your String in Javascript then decodinf in AS?
For e.g.:
flashvars.sampleText = escape("String with special characters");
<s:Label text="{unescape(FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.parameters.sampleText)}" />
Hope it helps,
