Text editing macros in Xcode 4? - xcode4

I'm trying to figure out how to define a new text editing keystroke in Xcode 4.
To pick one example, Xcode does not appear to have the incredibly useful Emacs join-line function: delete the newline between the current line and the previous line AND ALSO delete any excess indentation whitespace at the beginning of the current line. ie, go in one keystroke from this:
_measurement =
[DPLMeasurement newWithDate:measureDate inManagedObjectContext:[datastore managedObjectContext]];
to this:
_measurement = [DPLMeasurement newWithDate:measureDate inManagedObjectContext:[datastore managedObjectContext]];
and NOT this:
_measurement = [DPLMeasurement newWithDate:measureDate inManagedObjectContext:[datastore managedObjectContext]];
I've seen instructions for user scripts that were apparently for Xcode 3. Does Xcode 4 no longer have anything like this?

Halley's answer to this question does ALMOST what I want:
Xcode duplicate line
Add the following to the plist file, /Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IDEKit.framework/Resources/IDETextKeyBindingSet.plist:
Join Previous Line
moveToBeginningOfLine:, moveWordRight:, moveWordLeft:, deleteToBeginningOfLine:, deleteBackward:
I say "almost" because it joins the two lines, and deletes whitespace at the beginning of the second line, but if the first line doesn't end with a space it just rams them together and I have to type in the required space. It also deletes punctuation (like open brackets) if they happen to fall at the beginning of the line. So I'm not quite there.


How do I advance to the next occurrence of a variable in R Studio IDE

When I highlight any string of text in the R Studio console a rectangle is drawn around all other occurrences of this same string of text. How do I advance to the next occurrence of this arbitrary string of text? I'd like the keyboard shortcut.
CTRL-F3 is the closest shortcut I know. This takes the selected string of text, drops it into the Find dialog and jumps to the next occurrence (keep pressing CTRL-F3 to cycle through)
If you would like to move to the next occurrence of a word/variable and select it while also keeping the original selected, this command exists but does not have a default shortcut assigned to it.
The command is called 'Find and add next' (or 'Quick Add Next' in older versions). You can assign a shortcut to it by going into Preferences -> Code -> Modify_Keyboard_Shortcuts. I use Alt+Cmd+Right (on a Mac) as that is an unassigned key binding.
You can see bellow I have used the command twice to select three of the four instances.
On a Mac, I use command+f to call Find with a selected string and then use control+g to move onto the next match.
This needs to be over 30 characters, but only needs 2:

How to customize the look of currently selected(highlighted) completion in zsh?

Main question
I would like to add powerline characters at the start and at the end of the selected completion, like this:
Started the completion menu by inserting c and pressing the TAB key.
Moved right in the completion menu by pressing the right arrow key.
Moved down in the completion menu by pressing the down arrow key.
Is there any way to make zsh look/behave like in the pictures?
Added powerline triangle + blank character at the beginning and blank character + powerline triangle at the end should somehow be accounted when columns are created to keep the alignment correct.
Add 2 blanks at the beginning of every completion in the list, so that when the completion is selected it doesn't look like the text was moved to the right.
( This issue can be seen by comparing the completion with and without the selection. )
Alternative question
In case that previously explained behavior is impossible to get without changing the zsh source code, is it at least possible to add powerline triangle only at the end of the selected completion?
My unsuccessful attempts
I have tried using the lc, rc, and ec variables in the list-colors style but that didn't help:
Completion list was badly aligned and it created all kinds of visual problems.
Symbols were inserted in all elements of the completion list, not just the selected one.
I have also tried using the ma variable, but I couldn't properly insert a character at the beginning:
The variable expects only a number that represents a color and it is probably wrapped in some escape sequences, so the output did not look as expected.
This works for me.
zstyle ":completion:*:default" list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS} "ma=48;5;153;1"
Uses my LS_COLORS and then ma sets the background of my selection to bold and color 153 from https://jonasjacek.github.io/colors/.
Found from https://www.zsh.org/mla/users/2010/msg00811.html

How to replace a string pattern with different strings quickly?

For example, I have many HTML tabs to style, they use different classes, and will have different backgrounds. Background images files have names corresponding to class names.
The way I found to do it is yank:
.tab.home {
background: ...home.jpg...
then paste, then :s/home/about.
This is to be repeated for a few times. I found that & can be used to repeat last substitute, but only for the same target string. What is the quickest way to repeat a substitute with different target string?
Alternatively, probably there are more efficient ways to do such a thing?
I had a quick play with some vim macro magic and came up with the following idea... I apologise for the length. I thought it best to explain the steps..
First, place the text block you want to repeat into a register (I picked register z), so with the cursor at the beginning of the .tab line I pressed "z3Y (select reg z and yank 3 lines).
Then I entered the series of VIM commands I wanted into the buffer as )"zp:.,%s/home/. (Just press i and type the commands)
This translate to;
) go the end of the current '{}' block,
"zp paste a copy of the text in register z,
.,%s/home/ which has two tricks.
The .,% ensures the substitution applies to everything from the start of the .tab to the end of the closing }, and,
The command is incomplete (ie, does not have a at the end), so vim will prompt me to complete the command.
Note that while %s/// will perform a substitution across every line of the file, it is important to realise that % is an alias for range 1,$. Using 1,% as a range, causes the % to be used as the 'jump to matching parenthesis' operator, resulting in a range from the current line to the end of the % match. (which in this example, is the closing brace in the block)
Then, after placing the cursor on the ) at the beginning of the line, I typed "qy$ which means yank all characters to the end of the line into register q.
This is important, because simply yanking the line with Y will include a carriage return in the register, and will cause the macro to fail.
I then executed the content of register q with #q and I was prompted to complete the s/home/ on the command line.
After typing the replacement text and pressing enter, the pasted block (from register z) appeared in the buffer with the substitutions already applied.
At this point you can repeat the last #qby simple typing ##. You don't even need to move the cursor down to the end of the block because the ) at the start of the macro does that for you.
This effectively reduces the process of yanking the original text, inserting it, and executing two manual replace commands into a simple ##.
You can safely delete the macro string from your edit buffer when done.
This is incredibly vim-ish, and might waste a bit of time getting it right, but it could save you even more when you do.
Vim macro's might be the trick you are looking for.
From the manual, I found :s//new-replacement. Seemed to be too much typing.
Looking for a better answer.

Aptana: find and replace tabs (with spaces)

I am belatedly setting up Aptana to use four spaces instead of tabs. I've made the necessary changes to the preferences so every new tab inserts four spaces.
All the existing tabs remain, however, and so I get Mixed spaces and tab errors. How can you do a Replace all to fix this? I've tried ^t, <TAB> etc but it just searches for these as normal strings. What are the correct ways to specify a space and a tab?
I've found myself in similar situation and copying whole source code and repasting it helped me out. Just do as follow on your source code Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, then Del whole code and Ctrl+V it again. You will get only spaces if have set it in options like you mentioned above.
There's an option in the refactor source menu to convert between tabs and space-tabs.
This worked for me: Edit > Find/Replace... (CTRL+F), check Regular Expressions, type \t and type 4 spaces (I use 4 spaces for tab).

Teach Notepad++ to fold new multiline comment (R)

Can I teach Notepad++ that it should apply a fold whenever it sees a multi-line comment, where comments start with the hash mark and multi-line comments are hash marks on consecutive lines?
# This is a comment
# It continues on the next line
# and the next
# I want to fold this block
I submitted a fix to the R lexer to support multi-line comments. It includes the fix to source as well as a compiled SciLexer.dll for those who are eager to use this feature. Simply replace SciLexer.dll in the NPP folder with the one attached to the bug:
I've tested your multi-line comment with notepad++ 5.9.8 and it correctly fold as a single entity as long as there is a non-comment line between the comment groups and that the language selected has comments starting with '#' (eg: sh).
This seem to be language specific.
I've looked at the xml files that configure the behavior of notepad++ and it seem that this mechanic is hardcoded inside the program.
The author of the question has just added comment folding support for the R languange!
