Drupal 7 - Print & email Pages - drupal

I'm using "Printer, email and PDF versions" Module (Drupal 7). Its functions are Print pages & forward the page content through email. When i share a page to another person through email, the message is clipped in there inbox and reporting as Phishing , also images are not displaying.
We have to configure anything from admin side.? why does this issue occurs?

Email clients are typically configured not to show images by default for security reasons (Example: hide offensive images, block malicious/harmful images, etc). See https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/7489/why-would-someone-want-to-block-images-in-email.
Similarly, if an email client detects that the From address of your email doesn't match the actual server that sent it, then your email may be flagged as a phishing email. See http://drupal.org/node/336038#comment-4735232.
Consider using a module like an SMTP Authentication module so that you can send emails through an smtp server such as Google's if you're using a Gmail address.


Verification required for word press site

I have no experience with this and I'm in need of major help. I have a word press website that I am trying to connect a gmail account to. So that the contact form gets sent to a gmail address. I got it all set up and it is telling me I need verification. This is only being used for my word press website. Probably very few users, not a business. Can I get around the verification process or not?
You would need an OAuth Consent Screen for your Project.
You can refer to this blog post on how you can connect a Gmail account on your Wordpress site

Firebase Reset Password Link (Not sending/Did not receive)

I have implemented the reset password link for my app (using exactly the same firebase code provided at https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/web/manage-users). It works well when I tried it using a gmail account that I have registered previously on the app (I received the reset password link on gmail and able to change for a new password). However, when I tried it with other email domains (like professional work or school domains e.g #mycompany.com or #school.edu), it does not seem to receive the email (not in junk/spam too). It is very weird because I do receive the 'email verification' link (from firebase) using other domains when I registered using the app but not when I tried to reset the password? Any ideas on how to approach this problem?
As an FYI, currently in Jan 2023, Microsoft 365 business blocks these emails from ever reaching the target mailbox, even if you change the SMTP settings in firebase.
They still appear in your own SMTP sent section, they just never get delivered by MS
Open firebase console goto Authentication then click on Templates > Password Reset then copy given email address (it seems like, 'noreply#YOUR-PROJECT-NAME.firebaseapp.com') then open your Gmail account and paste that email id in search section the tap on 'view message > move to not spam'
This will surly help you
Meet Patel
If the code is the same and you don't get an error message, it is extremely likely that the email gets blocked somewhere along to the way to the target mailbox. You'd have to reach out to the system administrator and see if they can find the message somewhere in their spam filters, and ask them to modify the configuration of those to no longer block these messages.
As ganey stated, the problem is that certain email filters such as MS 365 do not accept mails that contain links that are not in pair with the sender domain.
The solution is to add a customized action url that points to the same domain as your sender domain.
Then you need to redirect from that url to the url generated by firebase.
If you do this in react or another SPA, don't forget to append the query params.

Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection is flagging my Firebase Authentication emails

I have just today realised that the authorisation emails sent from my perfectly legitimate Firebase backend are being flagged as malicious by Microsoft Outlook's "Advanced Threat Protection"
There is no reason for this other than perhaps it was flagged during development due to me sending myself repeated confirmation emails in order to test the functionality.
This warning does not show up in regular hotmail/outlook accounts, but I am an Office 365 subscriber so it appears as though I am lucky enough to get this "advanced" protection which protects me from my own completely non-malicious website.
Should I contact Microsoft or Firebase for a solution?
Thanks a lot!
Update: I contacted Firebase support and received the following:
My name is XXXX from Firebase Support, thank you for reaching out to us, problems on Microsoft services such as this “Advanced Threat Protection” is not in my area or expertise, I would suggest to open a ticket with Microsoft for this issue, I see that there is already a topic on Stack Overflow, please be sure to check other Firebase community channels as well.
I understand that this isn't Google's problem to solve, but it would seem any Firebase app using email verification is going to run into trouble with Microsoft email systems. Which is a lot of corporate and government systems...
Any suggestions on how to get some attention paid to this from either Google or Microsoft?
This error is caused by having inconsistent domains in the email. By default, user management emails link to the default action handler, which is a web page hosted at a URL in your project's Firebase Hosting domain ([project].firebaseapp.com), rather than the the same domain you may be sending emails from (veritification#yourdomain.com).
Make this “action link” go directly to your website. This will solve the outlook warning, and also make it less likely you'll end up in spam filters in general. On your website, you have 2 options for how to handle the actual validation.
Both solutions below require your domain to be authorized.
This can be done under Authentication -> Sign-In Providers -> Authorized Domains
Option 1 - Use Custom Email Action Handlers (Hard option)
You can setup a custom email action handler so that these actions take place directly on your website, rather than on the firebase hosted page. This is a more integrated experience.
This can handle
Resetting passwords
Revoking email address changes—when users change
their accounts' primary email addresses, Firebase sends an email to
their old addresses that allow them to undo the change
Verifying email addresses
1. Create your custom email handler page
custom email action handler page - firebase docs
2. Update Email Template In Firebase
This can be done under Authentication -> Templates -> Email Address Verification -> Customize Action URL
Option 2 - Just Redirect (Easy option)
Link the email back to a page on your website, that will immediately perform a javascript redirect to the [project].firebaseapp.com authentication page, carrying through the URL parameters required to perform necessary verifications and changes.
For Example
action url for email template: https://www.yourdomain.com/account-action (firebase will attach the appropriate params to the url automatically)
Javascript redirect on your website goes to ”https://project-name.firebaseapp.com/__/auth/action?” + params
I recommend ensuring you implement the continueUrl in your verification email delivery so that the user can easily get back to your website.
If you're using Firebase hosting, and you're serving from their built-in your-project.web.app address, then you can simply use the other built-in, your-project.firebaseapp.com, as your site address instead -- no configuration needed.
The .web.app address is a bit sexier, but the various action emails are actually sent from the .firebaseapp.com, and Outlook is suspicious of the mismatch. Having users originate from the .firebaseapp.com address solves the issue.
I opened a GitHub issue about this: https://github.com/firebase/firebase-js-sdk/issues/5021][1]

Contact Form 7 showing sent message but not receiving email

Experiencing issue with WP plugin, contact form 7. When I fill in the form and submit, I receive a success message stating it was sent yet I don't receive it in my emails.
The mail is not in my junk and I only received the message in my email when I input the email its being send to!?
The email it is going to is an exchange account. I can see the emails coming through using a contact form submission on the WP backend. But would like to resolve this issue.
[text* your-name placeholder "Name"]
[email* your-email placeholder "Email Address"]
[text* your-dob placeholder "DOB"]
<p>Which Challenge(s) would you like to enter?</p>
[checkbox* select-challenge "1" "2" "3"]
Please tick here that you have read and accepted the [popup_trigger
<u>terms & conditions</u>[/popup_trigger] for entry & participation.
[acceptance acceptance-997]
[submit "Send"]
To: myname#company.com
From: Website
Subject: Challenge
Reply-To: [your-email]
From: [your-name] <[your-email]>
Eating Challenge Registration
Name: [your-name]
Email: [your-email]
DOB: [your-dob]
Challenge(s): [select-challenge]
I also checked with website host that they use wp_mail() and was confirmed they do. As other contact forms send - bar this one.
Try setting the from: email address to wordpress#yourdomain.com. Contact Form 7 support recommends setting the from address as being on your own domain, so that the website's mailer program doesn't think it is spoofing the email being sent (sending it from an incorrect email address).
If that doesn't work, best to use a plugin like WP Mail SMTP Plugin.
I set it up to send contact form emails through our Gmail account, which worked well. Instructions here.
SMTP Plugins are a Band-aid Solution
The reason people use SMTP plugins is because they have not set up their own domains properly; so, they route their emails through their email hosting company under the expectation that THEIR domain is both set up properly and permissive enough to accept the email that needs to be forwarded. So, let's say your website is at example#mywebsite.com and your email is example#gmail.com, then you can use an SMTP plugin to send an email to gmail.com, and then gmail resends it on your behalf.
As you can see, this is a clunky work around, and does not actually fix the problem of not being able to send email from your website directly. There are a few use cases where this is a problem:
If you want to actually send the email from example#mywebsite.com and not expose your example#gmail.com address to the public.
If your email provider does not support SMTP.
Some anti-spam tools may block emails routed this way, because SMTP can be a sign of spoofing through a hacked account. This almost always leads to problems when using the Mail(2) feature to send confirmation emails to the client since you are pretty much guaranteed that some of them will use spam filters that will block it.
You may also need to send emails through other means (not contact form 7) that does not work with your SMTP plugin.
A Better Solution
The best way to fix deliverability issues to to set up your DKIM, SPF, and PTR records properly in your DNS.
If you are using cPanel as most hosting companies seem to do these days, you need to go to EMAIL > Email Deliverability and it will show you warnings if you need to update your DNS. If you do, just copy the records it auto generates into your Domain's DNS and this should fix the problem. Unlike trying to route through someone else's server to send emails, this will set up YOUR server to send them properly thus alleviating all of the above mentioned issues.
This is just as easy to set up as most SMTP plugins, and makes it so you don't have to clutter your WordPress install with unnecessary plugins.
If you do not have cPanel access, just contact your Domain Hosting provider and ask that they setup your DKIM, SPF, and PTR. If your Domain Hosting provider and your Web Hosting provider are two different companies, you may need to request the proper DNS records from your web hosting company to either put in your self or give to your domain hosting company.
when I have a problem about wp contact form I always solve that with using smtp plugin. I suggest you to use wp smtp mail plugin.
Easy SMTP WP plugin page on wordpress.org
If any problem after using smtp plugin, reply this post I will try to help you again.
I have this problem in my website.
Some hosting companies block automatic email sending, because some user uses the host for sending email marketing. So, I think you can contact your host provider to solve this problem.

Email Goes to junk in Hotmail

Email is sent using Amazon simple Email service form my website. When an email is sent to any Yahoo or Gmail address, it is delivered to Inbox; but when it is sent to Hotmail,it is delivered to Junk.
Why only Hotmail Treats my email as junk?
When an external user sends email messages to an Outlook.com account,
SmartScreen® filter technology evaluates the content of the messages
and assigns each message a rating based on the probability that it is
a junk email. This rating is stored as a message property called a
spam confidence level (SCL) within the message itself. The SCL rating
stays with the message as it is sent to other anti-spam protection
layers within Outlook.com. Rules inside Outlook.com are set to handle
email messages with various SCL ratings. If a message has an SCL
rating lower than a certain threshold, it is considered to be spam,
and a rule then deletes the message rather than sending it to the
user's junk email folder. If the message has a higher SCL rating than
the threshold, the email is delivered to the user's junk email folder
rather than to the inbox.
Not all the Anti-Spam system depends only on 3rd party blacklists. Major email service providers builds their own reputation table in addition with the use of major 3rd party blacklists like spamhaus, barracuda etc. In your case, you are using Amazon SES to send mails.
I, myself found enormous marketing mails coming from Amazon SES. If the reputation of your email service provider is bad in hotmail then it may trigger the suspicious level of your mail regardless of your email service provider reputation at other blacklist providers. In addition to this, if your subject, body content contains some suspicious words then your mail will end up in junk folder.
Most emails sent from third party applications such as Wordpress, Joomla, or Amazon get diverted to junk and sometimes they fail and get stuck behind a security layer. I know for a fact with Wordpress Contact Form 7, this is the case many times.
After so many years and finally attending a seminar for this particular issue, I finally was able to solve this problem specifically for Hotmail (Outlook.com).
Before you do anything ensure your SMTP settings in your web config file (ASP.NET) are written correctly or in case of plugins (Wordpress) make sure the fields are filled correctly. This means ensuring these are the settings you are using for Outlook:
From: your email ("asdf#outlook.com")
From Name: "Your name or company name"
Host: smtp.live.com
Type of Encryption: TLS
SMTP Port: 587
SMTP Authentication: Yes
Username: Same you use to login (usually the complete email address)
Password: Enough said there
IMPORTANT - Send a test email even if it fails. The point is to trigger an activity in Outlook and have them flag it as an
unauthorized connection
Now, to the fix:
Go to Outlook.com
go to Account Settings
Choose Security & Privacy
Click on "See my recent activity"
The most recent activity should be the fail attempt. Authorize it as a trusted connection.
Re-test and you shall see your emails showing in the inbox as an authorized connection. Doing these steps let Outlook know that your emails from Amazon are legitimate connections and not Amazon trying to spam your account with solicitations etc.
Mostly it is a email service provider specific thing but you can do below checks
Ensure valid sender email address
Try not to use keywords like gift, prize etc. which are preferably spam activities
Try using https://litmus.com which may help on this/ rendering email in different email clients
