Symfony2 merge documents to PDF - symfony

I need to merge various PDF and Excel documents in one PDF. For example I have:
- A.pdf
- B.pdf
- D.xlsx
- E.doc
Whats I need is to merge all 4 documents content to a one result.pdf document.
There is any bundle/library to achieve that? or maybe the best option is to create a python script and call it from symfony2 (how?) to generate that pdf?
Any help or clue?
Thanks in advance

Symfony provides a Process component that wraps nicely wraps around the native php exec/system functions.
Check it out on:
Another option would be to use the PDF Component from Zend Framework. I'm not sure if it allows merging of PDF's but it should only be a matter of reading through the documentation to find out.
Check out this tutorial about ZendPDF in symfony:
Hope that helps.

The #DucTa's dead link was talking about pdftk, a binary with which you can merge multiple PDF documents.
Download it on your server using apt-get install pdftk.
For now, I think it doesn't exist any bundle using pdftk, but you can use something like exec() or passthru() to do the trick.
Example :
exec('pdftk doc1.pdf doc2.pdf doc3.pdf output merged.pdf');


Is it possible to make read-only comments in a R Script?

I am working on a project which requires me to give the user a list of do/dont's which shouldn't be edited.
So is it possible to make read-only comments.
Any help would be appreciated thanks!!!
(Note: its not a rshiny script)
This is not possible. R scripts are regular files, all parts of them are editable.
Maybe you should use a read only repository and put your code there?
How to make a git repository read-only?
I never had to use sections of the code with read only access, and I am not sure if we can make this kind of thing.

Prevent Atom Editor from auto creating files

at the moment I try to experiment a little bit with Atom for writing an API documentation with RAML. Everything works fine but one damn thing:
Everytime I type some file paths (e.g. !include schemas/file.schema Atom auto creates the file when I'm not quick enough with typing. So, in some cases I have a hole bunch of file-zombies in my schema folder. That's kind of annoying.
My setup is standard Atom on MacBook, with api-workbench plugin, which includes linter as well. I already had a look at all those settings concerning auto completion - nothing found there. Also, Google doesn't show any hints. Any Tips?
Best regards,
It looks like this is a defect in the api-workbench package:
Api workbench creates new schemas, while i type their paths. For example below, i can see two-three files created while i type full name:
- myschema: !include schemas/myschema.json
Will create following files:
schemas/myschemas.json - this file is existing, i've created it before. all other files are redudant and i have to delete them.
Bug is not reproduced with examples, which i can also include in my document. Having issues while edition RAML 0.8 files.
If you want to help the package maintainers fix the defect, can I suggest you put together a minimal but complete example that reproduces the issue, this will make it easier for them to identify and resolve the issue.

Can I do data visualization with Drupal?

Basically i want it to import data from a SQL database and Display it as graphs. Having said that i also want it to be dynamic,responsive as in the users should have filtering options. Any leads would be definitely helpful.
Please note that i am just a beginner with drupal.
Yes, But I recommend you to work on your own framework. Or even you can use some data visualization framework
Maybe this one is useful for you if you want to do it on your own:
Why do you need Drupal for that?
I would make some PHP script which would read SQL and generate image out of that data, by using GD or ImageMagic lib. I guess you know that PHP can shoot out image file header and dynamically generate image, on fly. That PHP script could also read filter parameters to have influence on generated image.

What would be the best method to use LaTeX as a template?

I have a need to have a PDF document that has a very specific format. I have data that is in a Meteor 1.0 application stored in MongoDB. How can I use a LaTeX template in place of an HTML template?
I have a number of Meteor packages where I have repackaged JS libraries and written complete packages. I know how to do that.
I don't wish to use HTML for the output because I need the output to be very exacting. I can achieve that with LaTeX. What I am unsure of is how to use LaTeX as the template and inject data into the document before processing and ultimately printing.
Meteor is at 1.0.
On this version things changed a lot. You have to choose the packages that you want to use.
According to the documentation:
Since the parts of the stack integrate seamlessly, if you don't want to think about how it all works, you don't have to. You don't have to understand that the platform is made up of Blaze, Tracker, DDP, Livequery, and Isobuild, or how these pieces fit together. But if you want to dive in and learn how the parts work, you can do that too, because they are independent projects.
So you can code a meteor application without using Blaze. Check the meteor website for more information on this:
If you want to use Blaze (normal choise), you can get to know it better at
and you can adapt an existing LaTeX to HTML convert and create a template dynamically.

Neo4j Configuration with Gephi

I want to use Neo4j to store a number of graphs I created in python. I was using Gephi for visualization, and I thought the export to Neo4j plugin would be a very simple way to get the data across. The problem is that the server is seemingly not recognizing the neostore...db files that Gephi generated.
I'm guessing I configured things incorrectly, but is there a way to fix that?
Alternatively, I'm also open to importing the files directly. I have two files: one with node titles and attributes and another with an edge list of title to title.
I'm guessing that I would need to convert the titles to ids, right? What would be the fastest way to do that?
Thank you in advance!
If you have the file as tab separated csv files, feel free to import them directly. There are some options, check out this page:
Especially the CSV batch importer can help you:
Or if it is just a little bit of data, use the spreadsheet approach:
Please report back if you were successful.
I used Gephi to generate a neo4j store file directory in the past - it worked like a charm...
I assume you did delete the default graph.db directory and renamed your gephi-generated directory to graph.db? That worked for me...
