Ckeditor Outline in Chrome/Safari - css

If anyone has figured out how to remove the outline that Chrome & Safari add on focus to a textarea, specifically in ckeditor, I'd love to hear it. I've applied multiple variants of "outline:none" to:
A custom CSS file I defined in config.js
The editor.css file of the skin I'm using
The main CSS file of the actual page
Nothing works, found a suggestion here that claimed to work, but no dice.

I know I'm late to the game on this one, but I found this question while trying to solve the problem on my own.
Luckily, I was able to figure it out.
.cke_focus {
outline: none;
The .cke_focus class is added to the element via javascript whenever it has focus.
I added this into my own stylesheet which is called after the one included with CKEditor. If you need to, you can always up the specificity, but you shouldn't need to.


Change Events Calendar widget hyperlink colour with custom CSS in WordPress

Have found great help with R on SO--now for something completely different.
I am working in WordPress 5.8.3.
I am building a website using the Blank Canvas theme, a child-theme of Seedlet--Not sure whether that is all relevant. I am a novice with WP and all things web development. I have installed the Events Calendar plugin and have it all configured with some test events and dates so no issues there. I am customizing the theme colours using the Additional CSS prompt from the WordPress dashboard interface.
I haven't gotten permission to publish the site, so unfortunately I can't offer a live demo. I will try to be explicit.
I have found helpful resources with instructions on how to use this utility for menus, for general custom CSS, and some useful information for changing properties of footers with CSS. Now I am trying to modify hyperlink colours within the Events calendar widget. I have approached this problem the same way as all the others but this one has stumped me. I elaborate:
From this image, you can see the Events Calendar hyperlink text is yellow. I opened the inspector and determined that this object is called .tribe-events-widget .tribe-events-widget-events-list__view-more-link. I thought the following code should change the colour
.tribe-events-widget .tribe-events-widget-events-list__view-more-link {
It does not. This code makes no visible change. However, when I also change the background-color like this:
.tribe-events-widget .tribe-events-widget-events-list__view-more-link {
The result is:
This led me to believe that there is no colour option for this element---HOWEVER, the inspector shows that this element has the 'color' property:
And I'm stumped. I'm not even sure when or how this color-link-accent got defined. This check-mark toggle is not a permanent solution and besides, I would very much like to understand what is going on here.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
It's a bit difficult to be certain of the problem as we don't have the context, however I was surprised that you saw just this:
.tribe-events-widget .tribe-events-widget-events-list__view-more-link
and didn't find an anchor (a) element within it.
I would have expected that you'd have to do:
.tribe-events-widget .tribe-events-widget-events-list__view-more-link a {
as it is quite likely the anchor element will have its own special styling which will override your setting because of the increase specificity.
If that doesn't work then use your browser dev tools inspect facility to find out more about the context of that a element - you may need to give even more hints to the browser on pinning it down.
Well, this would have helped me, so I will post the solution to my question for posterity. I learned from this question and thread about overriding cascading commands. I still don't understand where the command producing the yellow text in the first place was, but I managed to override it by appending !important in my CSS. The full CSS to turn the text from yellow to black is:
.tribe-events-widget .tribe-events-widget-events-list__view-more-link {
color:black !important;
Reading on, this does not necessarily mean that I was specific enough about the context although I find it hard to tell in this case. This reference has some other useful info as to when it is appropriate to use !important. It seems this is not the optimal solution.
Hope somebody else can benefit from my toiling...

How do I know which CSS is overriding my background image?

I want a background image on my page (background.png), but some rogue CSS is thwarting me.
I can see that my style.css from line 39 is being overwritten. I would think this is being done by something like style.css. I search and do not find anything but my original desired specification in that file. I can not find out what css is doing the overriding.
I have searched all the css files I can think of for the specified image (bg_p2_28.jpg). I have searched all the css files for background, nothing seems to come up. It is not being specified in the main HTML
I am barely struggling through as a reasonably competent programmer that has not used HTML since the mid 1990's. I am just trying to modify a template I bought.
What techniques can I use, or how do I interpret what I have here shown here to figure out what CSS override is ultimately being pushed into the page?
Adding the !important; works. It feels very dirty for some reason. I do not know why. I have tried following the javascript in, but the debugger is confusing to the uninitiated. Is the Important! a terrible thing to do, or reasonable? I think it would be useful to understand where these are being set in the java code, but when I search the code, I think the values are stored in variable, so can only be caught at run time.
That's coming from the inline style="" attribute.
If you don't see it in the HTML source, it's probably being set by Javascript.
You can right-click the element in the inspector and click Break on Attribute Modifications to find out where.
You could try background: url(src) !important;, not the perfect solution, but i think it will work for you in this case.
The grey means that it's a style attribute directly on the element itself. Any style on an element will override styles from style sheets unless the sytlesheet style is marked with !important

How to choose which font is used when filling out a submit form?

I'm using SquareSpace to build a splash page for my site, and while I've been able to figure everything out, this last thing plaques me.
I'm trying to have it so when you type your email in to the submit field, it uses the font Cutive Mono, just like I'm using for the text above the box.
So far I have this:
input[type=text] {
color: #cc5723;
font-family: cutive mono;}
While I do not want it to be that amber color, I was messing with the color to make sure I was working with the correct item. The text changes color as I type, but the font will not change. What am I missing here?
I'm a complete newb so sorry if this is a dumb question! I already looked everywhere online, but nothing seems to work. Thanks!
I suspect it is being overridden by another CSS style. Try using:
input[type=text] {
color: #cc5723;
font-family: cutive mono !important;}
If that works then it is being overridden somewhere in your CSS.
NOTE:!important should only be used to test. It is not a solution.
I have tried a basic example here: which seems to work fine.
Your other styles have priority over this. Use
font-family: cutive mono !important;
to test.
Yep. important! works. I just wasn't sure of it, but here is the
The other answers are correct; other styles in your CSS are overriding this one. I'm not sure I like using !important to force the style; I think of that as a last resort. But it's good for testing.
But more importantly, would you like to know how you could figure this out for yourself? Use the Developer Tools in Chrome (or any browser). Simply right-click the input element and select "Inspect Element". Then look at the Styles panel in the bottom right and you can see what styles are in effect for this element, and which CSS rules they came from. You can also temporarily toggle off any styles, edit the styles, etc.
Stack Overflow is a fast way to get questions answered, but the Developer Tools are much faster! :-)

Drupal: Calendar navigator, placement

It's the red marked "navigator" I am talking about. I need to move them away so they don't mess up my design. I have tried to change a lot of different settings without no success.
Here is the View for it:
What should I do?
I am using the following themes: Pixture Reloaded 7.x-2.2 and AT Core 7.x-2.2
Modules: Calendar, chaos tools, views, date modules..
It is obvious some mix up in css. It is a large possibility that elements created by calender inherit some css properties.
Easy fix is to view the source code of he page. Using FireBug(for firefox) or some alternative will make it easier to find. You will find some css rules being applied to your menu. Just try to enable and disable some css rules and see what happens.
When you find mischief just write a css function with higher priority which would negate that other global rule.
I got the same problem and i solved just yesterday hacking some css. I share you here what i have done in my case that i think i will help you also or at least work around there.
First to fixing the big buttons of the calendar navigation you should look in your theme css files at some css class called "ul.pager li a" or "ul.pager li span" there must be a property like "display:block" that is causing this buttons see that way. i just commented that property and they look as normal them should be.
In my case the theme css file was "navigation.css" and this property inside that file is found at line 375. Maybe in yours could be similar, anyway you can check and find where is using the firebug extension for firefox inspecting that buttons.
Second for fix the position of this navigation buttons is something similar but in the css file of the calendar module itself, after modifying the core css file of the module i recommend you to override it placing a copy of it in your template css folder and declaring it on the .info file of the template. In my case the file was calendar_multiday.css, in the line 778 and 818 there are the classes ".view .date-nav-wrapper .date-prev" and ".view .date-nav-wrapper .date-next" inside them with the property "right" and "left" i controlled the positions where must be this buttons.
This is the work around on how i solved it, hope this works for you also but if not anyway the problem is close there.

Firebug CSS strike-through

I've made an global css that I used in two page (basic search and advance search page). I use it in advance search page, and the css script is running well. But when I move to basic search page (by click a link), the css not working. I used firebug to see what happen, and then I found that the css script is strike-through.
How can I solve it,.?
That basically means that your CSS property is being overriden by another CSS.
See where that property is defined, and you'll probably need to fix the order of the CSS inclusion on your web-page.
If you want to override the css from here means, all you have to do is set !important to your css.
like input.range{ width:73px !important}
Hope it will help you.
The width: 73px;rule is overridden. As you see the input.range is defined in cramp.css. Above you should find a rule that overrides it.
