Need to make parameter as Read-Only, - report

In selection-screen, I have one parameter called 'Author' I have called the report using 'Submit' from other report and passed the value to 'Author'. Now I need to make the 'Author' parameter as Read-only. How can I do that?
I used the following code,
IF SCREEN-NAME = 'author'.
But it is not working. Can any one help me in resolving this?

Put your code in the at selection-screen output-event.

Disclaimer: This answer does not answer exactly your question, but perhaps it is an easier solution for your need.
If you need only a parameter for SUBMIT you may use
The parameter will not be visible on selection screen, but it can be used via SUBMIT.
This is not a 'read-only' it is a 'don't show' parameter.


How to filter options in app maker's SuggestBox

I need to implement filtering for options in SuggestBox.
I've tried to do it differently, but none of my attempts worked out:
Using Model instead of Options/Value; Create calculated SQL model and pass the parameter for filtration:
Didn't work: suggestBox doesn't have event or anything to call before it loads data, so if you pass param for query before typing anything in -- it is not seen an you get an error:
Please provide value for the parameter ":Param" used in the query Error: Please provide value for the parameter ":Param" used in the query
Query for record suggest oracle: (Error) : Please provide value for the parameter ":Param" used in the query
Query for record suggest oracle failed.
Using Options/Value
It seems that it is impossible to have different properties of an object when passing it to Suggest Box. For example, I want user to see an user-friendly field Name and work with a record or at least record's Id, but if you specify Name as an option and Id as a value, Name is being written to a SuggestBox and now we get a validation error because Name is a string and Id is a Number.
Please help me realize where I'm wrong or show me a workaround for this.
I had the same issue as well. I gave up on the suggest box and created a pop up form. With a query builder model for the data source. The only thing i don't like is that it seems to be case sensitive.
something like:
YourFilterColumn startsWith? :Param
Add a table view and then you can add a text box and set the oninputchange event to:
widget.datasource.query.parameters.Param = widget.value;
Then you can start typing select the record you want and pass it back to your form with a button.
like this if it is a relational field:
app.pages.YourPage.children.YourForm.datasource.item.YourItem =
or something like this if you just need a value (haven't tested this):
app.pages.YourPage.children.YourForm.datasource.item.YourItem =
Probably add a couple lines to clear the form out:
widget.root.descendants.TextBox1.value = "";
widget.datasource.query.parameters.Param = "";

Filter at event viewer by data

I want to get event entries by their description (data).
I know how to get the event entry with a certain description, however I want to get an entry whith a description which contains a string (not equals to it).
That, I don't know how to do.
Please help :)
According to my answer here: you should be able to retrieve EventRecords.
Dealing with these events is a quite complex issue... Each event has its own internal structure. The common properties are bundled in EventRecord, but the specific data must be taken from the internal details. Use the ToXml() method of an EventRecord...
In order to get the right events you must define an EventLogQuery. You must know the Provider's name and specify the filter.
Try the following: Open eventvwr and there the Windows-System queue. Right click one event, open the "Details" and choose the "XML-View". Look over different events and you will find, that they are quite differing.
But: You'll find everything you need there: First the "Provider Name" and the "EventId", these two are most important for the `EventLogQuery'.
Now go to the "define a user filter on the current protocoll"-action and type in some values. Then switch to the filter's XML and you'll learn how to define the correct query.
I'm sorry, there is no "easy and general" approach :-)

Drupal: change view argument

I searched far and wide to find a working solution to this but couldn't find it.
What I want to do is change the argument that is passed to the view because I want for pathauto cleaned taxonomy terms to work as an argument. I have a code that transforms cleaned term back to a original one, but cannot make the view use it.
I saw some people changing it in hook_preprocess_views_view(&$vars) but in my case (Views 2.11) has a argument in $vars instanced so many times that it's not the way.
Can anyone please help me change this argument?
There may be a better way but you could use views_embed_view() and set the arguments yourself
I have two ideas, either to add some custom php code to the view's argument's phpcode section that does something like this
$args[0] = 1;
return $args;
or try to use the function
hook_views_pre_view(&$view, &$display_id, &$args) {
// modify $args value here
didn't test them so don't know which will work.
I think hook_views_pre_view might help you do just that.

change user_profile_form form fields order

When a user login , the user will be redirect to a user profile page, which has a My account field set.
the field set has 2 fields, "Username: ", "Email address:". those 2 fields are generated by drupal.
those 2 field contained in a form which has a id ("user_profile_form") . I want to change the order of those 2 fields.
I have tried to intercept 'user_profile_form' , inside hook_form_alter.
code as follow:
$form['account']['name']['#weight'] = 1;
but that did not success, drupal did not even rendering the 'name' field, so no username: showed on browser.
What you did is absolutely correct, and probably did work. You can change the weight of the fields with the method described above.
The username field is not always rendered. The reason is that a persmission is required: change own username. If that perm is not set, you wont be allowed to alter you username and the field wont be shown.
Info on debugging.
Your info alone is not quite enough to debug. From what you describe, you are doing the right thing, but other modules could be making things a bit tricky for you. The devel module is quite good when it comes to debugging, ti defines two functions I use a lot when debugging:
dpm() pretty prints the variable to the message area using krumo.
dd() Prints / saves a variable to a log file. Useful when you can't view messages on the screen.
I would suggest that you look at the $form variable before and after you alter it.
Things that could make it go wrong:
Did you remember to pass the $form variable by reference using the & notation?
Is another module altering your form after you?
Are you checking for the correct form id, so you alter the correct form?
These are some pointers, before you bring more info, all I can do is guess to what your problem exactly can be. I did something like this a few days ago so I know what you describe shouldn't be a problem.

How to read the filter variable in a php code block in views 2?

I'm trying to create an img link manually with php in the header field of a view, in drupal 6. I need to read the value of one of the filters, but can't find the right variable to read. I thought I could print_r($view->filters) but it didn't give me anything, and I eventually found out that isset($view) is false.
Am I looking the wrong way?
The context I'm writing in is the header field of the view, with php code as input format. Do I have to "enable" the $view variable for reading in this context somehow?
OK I found it, it was really easy:
$pa_view = views_get_current_view();
$pa_nr = $pa_view->display['default']->display_options['filters']['field_nummer_value']['value']['value'];
