http https dupliacte content google - http

I recently installed an SSL cert on one of my sites. I have noticed that Google has now indexed both the http and https version of each page. I haven't really noticed any problem ranking wise so far, but I am conscious that a problem may occur with duplicate content.
How can I overcome this? Only a few of my pages will be using https, most of the pages on the site will be best served with just http, in fact I could get away with not using https pages at all for the time being if necessary.
A few ideas I have come across are: 301 redirects, redirect all https to http with .htaccess.
Robots.txt for the ssl pages , again using .htaccess. The problem here is that the https pages have already been indexed and I would like them to be deindexed. I am not sure if robots.txt would be sufficient because as far as I am aware robots.txt will just tell a bot not to crawl the page, but it has already been indexed.
Is there any other suggestions?

Use canonical URLs for this.

As i have already faced this problem ,Good solution will be cannonical link
Google will remove your indexd https page after some time (takes week to month ).For those page where you can't put cannonical link give 301 redirect from https to http .


A page of our website appear HTTPS and not HTTP on Google research ( under only one keyword )

I have a really strange issue with the WordPress website with I'm working with
Under this research:
Best Barber Shop in Stillorgan
Our website appears with this link
The problem is that we don't use HTTPS but HTTP....
I tried to redirect in .htacces but is not working, how can I do?
The problem is probably not with your site, but with how Google sees your site. Most likely, there are one or more websites out there that link to your website using a url prefixed with https. You can verify this using google's webmaster tools:
My first suggestion would be to just get an ssl cert for your site. But if you are committed to not using ssl, then you should find the sites that are linking to you using https and request that they use http instead. It won't change the links that Google uses right away, but eventually the https links to your site will sink in the ratings.

How to turn WP https site to http (from secured to non-secured)

I have a simple WP blog that doesn't need https.
My host was offering a free SSL certificate so I took that up.
It's only after that I read that turning a site to https is like having a brand new site and therefore starting SEO all over again.
I've recently moved host and had to use the backups I made to move the content across. I've found out all the internal links on the site are https, probably because the site was secured at the time of making the backup. Unfortunately the browser says my https pages are not secured despite an SSL certificate that seems installed.
Rather than resolving that, I think I will benefit more by turning my site back to http. All my backlinks over the years point to http. So how do I convert all internal links that point to https pages back to http?
All the resources I find online are to turn http to https.
You need to change the site and home urls in the database table wp_options to the url without https.
Then use a plugin to change the media links and anything using your https url to the http url, I recommend Velvet Blues here
You also need to redirect all your https urls to the http one, you can use this plugin As Google and other search engines have indexed https for your site.
You can also try update your permalinks in General > Permalinks and just resave it.

How do I submit my site for proper SEO under my setup which is complicated?

I have: (Wordpress) (wordpress) (Existing 301>
I have multi-domain ssl for (primary CN) and SAN( using SNI. The non-www versions are not covered.. is primary domain in cpanel while is the add-on.
I want and to be under full site SSL. But for the 2 blogs I wanted SSL for only donation pages.
Question 1
If I use 301 redirect from> will it solve browser error issue?(Both sites) Will this move of not covering the non-www versions under SSL impact google crawl negatively and penalize me?
Question 2:
Since I use wordpress, I found that non-www version leads to www version without me editing .htaccess. (I just setup www in admin panel) Does wordpress use 301 internally and does it satisfy the need for google too to pass on link juice/avoid duplicate content?
Question 3:
Does the future seem to be full site SSL? If so,in how many years do you think is the outlook?
My SEO questions are:
Question 1.
In search console, can I specify the non-https version for the blog
( as preferred while https version as preferred for (
Question 2.
How do I submit the site? Do I declare each domain ( and
subdirectory ( as a property(www+non-www) and then
declare each with and without https?
2a. Does google consider and as 2 separate sites or the same ( Content vastly different)? How do I use the blog to increase ranking in such a case? My key point being one is full https and the other is not.
My preferred domain is https+www. For both my main sites (not blogs).
2b. How does google see the website (Does it consider it as full https) if the main domain is https while the sub-directory is not full SSL?
Will google consider full HTTPS if I redirect 301 to https+www for and http(without S) +www for the blog. I want rank benefit of SSL in the future as I think google will increase in 5 years the raking factor for SSL.
If I use adsense, will it place non-https ads on the blog as it is
not https even thou main site is https+www as preferred? (I can’t
understand how will google look at and
–separate or different sites for adsense+SEO specially when ssl is involved!! )
Question 4.
I read link juice flows from subdirectory to main domain. But my
main domain is full https (Wordpress 1) and subdirectory is not
(Wordpress 2). Do I get SEO benefits in such a case?
What happens to SEO link power when people link back without the
https? Will the redirect help to save the juice? (100% or partially)
Better asked on the sister site: rather than here as not related to programming but here goes anyway:
Question 1 If I use 301 redirect from> will it solve browser
error issue?(Both sites) Will this move of not covering the non-www
versions under SSL impact google crawl negatively and penalize me?
If your cert does not cover non-www version then you will not be able to set up this redirect as will not be able to connect to successfully to get that redirect message (you cannot send redirect before you make this secure connection).
For best SEO you should pick one version and redirect everything to it (e.g. redirect and and all to
Question 2.
How do I submit the site? Do I declare each domain ( and
subdirectory ( as a property(www+non-www) and then
declare each with and without https?
Each protocol and domain is a separate site to Google. So you should have four for each https domain (,, and and ahoukd register them all but redirect everything to your primary domain as above.
You should have one sitemap for your primary domain unless, for some reason you need to have two (e.g. Not all pages can be served over https) in which case you should have two site maps with each URL in the appropriate one. is not a separate domain. It's just pages on the domain. I don't see why you wouldn't have your blog on https though since you obviously have a cert for HTTPS is going to increasingly become the norm and Google is already treating it as a (very small) ranking signal.
If I use adsense, will it place non-https ads on the blog as it is not
https even thou main site is https+www as preferred?
Yes it can. Though again why complicate matters. Why not go HTTPS for your blog.
Question 4.
I read link juice flows from subdirectory to main domain. But my main
domain is full https (Wordpress 1) and subdirectory is not (Wordpress
2). Do I get SEO benefits in such a case?
Yes, but not as much as if on same site, as Google will see them as separate sites.
What happens to SEO link power when people link back without the
https? Will the redirect help to save the juice? (100% or partially)
Yes it will help but yes you will get a small hit for going through a redirect. Not much you can do about it.

HTTPS to HTTP redirect via .htaccess

I have a website hosted on a GoDaddy wordpress hosting. We had an SSL, but not longer have the SSL. Google archive some pages with the SSL so I just want to redirect https requests to the http version of the sit.e I have access to the .htaccess file so I figured that was the best way to do it.
I have been searching around and tried tons of different .htaccess redirects, but none of them are working. Including this https to http 301 redirect via htaccess. I know the htaccess is functioning because wordpress is working and I added a few test redirects to it and they worked as well.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated.
Wordpress has its own redirect procedure.
Check in the General Settings of you WP Panel for the WordPress Address and the Site Address fields. Make sure they both are non ssl absolute paths.
Another thing to check is on the wp-config.php
define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true);
That could have been added by another plugin. Remove it or make it false.
One last thing you could try (not the best option) is to ask google to remove those specific links, here's a reference for that.
I hope this helps.

Redirect subdomain to subfolder of another subdomain

What I want to do is take traffic that is going to and redirect or rewrite (I'm not sure of the terminology) the domain to be Both shop.* and www.* are separate web applications (nopCommerce and Umbraco respectively) that don't seem to cooperate when I've tried to nest them. Both applications are in a Server 2008 R2/IIS 7.5 environment.
I've searched around stackoverflow and what I've found is a lot of answers to mapping the other direction (ie subfolder to a subdomain) but that's not what I'm looking for as far as I understand the problem.
The end goal is to combine the SEO reputation of the shop subdomain into the www subdomain. I readily admit that I might have this all backwards and am willing to try any suggestions I'm offered.
I think you are looking for URL rewriting.
URL rewriting is the process of
intercepting an incoming Web request
and redirecting the request to a
different resource. When performing
URL rewriting, typically the URL being
requested is checked and, based on its
value, the request is redirected to a
different URL
You may also want to check URL Rewrite Extension from microsoft, it will fix common SEO problems that your site might have.
