Issue with Flex mobile project - bug? - apache-flex

I have a problem with Flash, so that Flash Builder shows an error icon on my project (and I can't run my project) but there's no error I'm sure -> I's working on this project and there's not any error in it AND flash builder doesn't show any error on any file. Any helps? How can I resolve this problem?
Note: I'm using Flex SDK 4.6 and BlazeDS...

Sometimes when odd things like this happen, you can fix them by cleaning the project or the workspace.
You can clean the project by selecting "Clean" from the project menu in Flash Builder.
To clean the work space, you want to first shut down Flash Builder. Then relaunch Flash Builder using the '-clean' command line argument.
Per the comments on the original question, your solution was the latter.


Flash Builder 4.5: could not resolve X to a component implementation

I just upgraded out Flex project to use SDK version and the Flash Builder to version 4.5
All of the sudden, I'm getting several red tags on the Flash Builder: "could not resolve s:State/fx:Script/whatever to a component implementation"
However, the project builds fine with Maven, and seems to work well too.
Does anyone have any information on how to remove these "problems"?
Finally managed to find a workaround. Adding
--namespace+=,${flexlib}/mxml-2009-manifest.xml --namespace+=,${flexlib}/mxml-manifest.xml --namespace+=library://,${flexlib}/spark-manifest.xml
to the "Additional compiler arguments" in properties -> Flex Compiler seems to remove all the red markers.
Great tip. Error I was getting was:
Could not resolve <mx:RichTextEditor> to a component implementation.
I had to add the above settings and do the following to get mine to compile.
Here's what I did:
project properties->Flex Build->Path-> Library path tab. press Add SWC...
add C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Flash Builder 4.5/sdks/4.5.1/frameworks/libs/mx/mx.swc
Then in the Source Path tab press add folder navigate to:
C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Flash Builder 4.5/sdks/4.5.1/frameworks/projects/mx/src
then add in the namespaces as listed in the above article. That fixed it for me.
Just as the commenter said, usually just a strange Flash Builder bug. If Project -> Clean... doesn't fix it, comment or revise question.
Your batch builder might be using a different set of library files than the IDE. Look in Project | Properties under Build Path and see what version of the SDK it's using.

How can I tell Flash Builder 4 where to look for FlashPlayer.exe

I uninstalled Flash Builder Beta 2 and installed the Flash Builder 4. I tried to import my new projects, but I keep getting a popup that says:
[path/to/Adobe Flash Builder Beta 2/FlashPlayer.exe]
Flash Builder cannot locate the required version of Adobe Flash Player.
Do you want to try to run your application with the current version?
Adobe Flash Player downloads"
I have a run config on a localhost server instead of generating the html wrapper. This only happens with imported projects, but I can't seem to find where in any of the config files the player location is specified.
I don't have a specific answer, but...
Instead of importing projects into a new workspace; have you tried using the same workspace? You can specify the workspace using the data argument when you launch Flash Builder:
flashbuilder.exe data="C:\something\something\something\workspace"
If that doesn't work, you can try to launch Flash builder with the '-clean' command line argument. I've found that fixes a lot of the issues I have.
Also check your SDK on the imported projects. Make sure it is not pointed at an old SDK from the beta 2 directory. After you change the SDK, be sure to clean the project.
Or if none of that works, re-create the project from scratch.

Flex Library Project: NativeMenu vs. ContextMenu

I have a Flex Library Project which has both Flex specific classes, and Air specific classes.
When I reference the library in an Air project, the compiler complains about an overriding contextMenu in mx.containers.Panel, saying that the param should be of type NativeMenu (instead of ContextMenu). If I switch it over to NativeMenu then it compiles fine.
The issue is when I reference the library in a Flex Project. This time it complains that it doesn't know the type NativeMenu. If I try to change it back to ContextMenu, then I get the same error as above.
I've searched google to no avail (found that someone else encountered the exact same problem: )
The docs don't help too much either, except stating the above:
I'm thinking that its just not possible to do the mixing of Flex vs Air SDKs that I want, but I was hoping that maybe someone has figured this out.
You can't really target the web Flash Player and the desktop Player using the same project.
I would recommend encapsulating out as much functionality as possible into a library project. Then create a single Flex project and a single AIR project, both using the same library project.
Each respective project can extend, or replace, the different functionality.
I am not sure if this is the exact same problem, but I was having an issue with being able to reference the AIR libraries in a Flex Library project and found the (rather simple) solution.
Using Flash Builder 4.5, when creating a Flex Library Project, (right-click .. New.. Flex Library Project) there is a checkbox for "Include Adobe Air Libraries" at the bottom. This must be checked or AIR libraries will not be included.
When you select the version of SDK/AIR you are using in the dropdown, the message should also indicate what the minimum version of AIR required is for your application.

clean project in flash builder on debug launch

Using Flash builder 4 to build an AIR app.
I keep having my code changes not take effect when I launch the project with the debugger, probably happens about once an hour. So does anyone know how to have FlashBuilder clean the project automatically before each launch?
I'm having a similar issue with a Flex application. If I make a change to an .as file the change is not taking effect. The component is being instantiated by a parent component in the application so the compiler should be catching any changes I made. In fact, I can put a syntax error in the file and it won't report a problem. I've uninstalled and reinstall Flash Builder 4. I have to do a clean every time. I tried the tip from rakslice's comment of compiling with mxmlc manually and it successfully compiled without any clues as to what the issue with incremental compiling in Flash Builder 4 is. I finally added "-incremental=false" to my project's additional compiler arguments. This takes longer to compile of course, but I find it easier than having to click Project --> Clean every time.
I find that as long as I don't change code and/or recompile while an active debug sessions is on-going; I have no issues with the application not picking up code changes between subsequent runs.
I'm finding that I have a very similar problem. Everytime I launch my Flex app in a browser I have to perform a Clean just to get it to run.
I have noticed that I get a JavaScript error saying 'swfobject' is undefined odd error to be getting.
Not sure if that helps?

Flex - changes to mxml not reflected in browser

I have a Flex project and am using a trial version of Adobe Flex Builder 3 to build it.
I do the following:
1. Change an mxml file in the project (for simplicity, assume I changed the text in a label).
2. Right click on the project, Export, Release Build
3. Right click on the main mxml file, Run As -> Flex Application
A browser window opens, everything runs fine, but I cannot see the change I made in step 1.
I thought the browser (tried with IE, Chrome) might be caching stuff, so I tried after deleting all temporary internet files, but I see the same behavior.
Am I being dumb and missing something or is there something going on here?
Check the timestamp on your .swf in your release folder. You might be running from a different folder.
Check the URL of the flex app in your browser to see if its running the debug version or the release version.
When you run a flex app, flex builder normally runs the debug version. Exporting the release build is done when the project is completed - release build won't have any debug information in it and hence will be compact. If you have selected Build Automatically in the Project menu, the debug version will be recompiled automatically when you save a file. You can just hit F11 to run it.
