clean project in flash builder on debug launch - apache-flex

Using Flash builder 4 to build an AIR app.
I keep having my code changes not take effect when I launch the project with the debugger, probably happens about once an hour. So does anyone know how to have FlashBuilder clean the project automatically before each launch?

I'm having a similar issue with a Flex application. If I make a change to an .as file the change is not taking effect. The component is being instantiated by a parent component in the application so the compiler should be catching any changes I made. In fact, I can put a syntax error in the file and it won't report a problem. I've uninstalled and reinstall Flash Builder 4. I have to do a clean every time. I tried the tip from rakslice's comment of compiling with mxmlc manually and it successfully compiled without any clues as to what the issue with incremental compiling in Flash Builder 4 is. I finally added "-incremental=false" to my project's additional compiler arguments. This takes longer to compile of course, but I find it easier than having to click Project --> Clean every time.

I find that as long as I don't change code and/or recompile while an active debug sessions is on-going; I have no issues with the application not picking up code changes between subsequent runs.

I'm finding that I have a very similar problem. Everytime I launch my Flex app in a browser I have to perform a Clean just to get it to run.
I have noticed that I get a JavaScript error saying 'swfobject' is undefined odd error to be getting.
Not sure if that helps?


Unable to debug web page code but can debug code in global.asax

When I put a breakpoint on the page_load of the starting page, I receive the following message.
"the breakpoint will not be hit. no symbols have been loaded for this document."
I have seen this before and usually resolve this by cleaning the solution and running it again. This time, however, I am not able to find a solution. What is even stranger about this time is that if I put a breakpoint in global.asax such as Application_BeginRequest, the breakpoint does hit and I can debug, this happens for any page that I add breakpoints to.
If I go to menus\Debug\Windows\Modules I can see that the web app DLL was not built with debug information.
While debugging, 2 things that let breakpoint work correctly consist of .dll and .pdb file. If you look at your bin folder of your project. These 2 files will placed together and must have same "date modified" which mean it was created together while building.
If these 2 files are not created together in whatever reason. Some line-of-code of some files will not hitted by break point. You can also see while debug by navigate to Debug > Windows > Modules. Then find your target dll that you want to debug such as YourApp.dll. Then see in symbol status column. If it work correctly, I will show Symbols loaded.
This may occur in many reasons such as you have changed something in your code (this case may be your aspx file) then you debug without build.
To fix this, You can go to Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > Build and Run at "On Run, when projects are out of date" set as "Always build" to ensure your project always be built before going to debug.
My issue turned out to be related to the AOP framework PostSharp. I uninstalled it and re-installed it and everything is now properly debugging. By the way I love PostSharp and I highly recommend it. However, I wanted to post my issue and resolution in case someone is experiencing the same issue and is currently using PostSharp.

Compiled QT app from source, app doesn’t want to open, even from old commits that were working

I have this project hosted here:
I was VERY meticulous and verified each of my commit’s ran a successful compiled version.
However, now… no matter what commit I use, by copying to a new directory, or try to create a new blank project and import old header’s, forms, and cpp files in… I can not get the app to run. It builds, just never opens.
I even tried debugging my main function by inserting breakpoints and it just skips right by them.
Any ideas? This happened to me last night when someone was assisting me. The compiled app just exits from task manager with no errors or messages. It does ask if I want to run as admin however. But that’s it.
You're building on a platform that doesn't inform you of things that are wrong. Namely, there are two main symbols in the project. You can't have the test harness and the application under test in one project. Those need to be separate projects.
Simply remove diff_match_patch_test.[cpp|h] from the project and you'll be all set.

Cannot use Export Release Build

I've just moved to a new computer and imported all of my Flash Builder projects. When I try to Export a Release Build I get the following error message:
Encountered errors or warnings while building project Test.mxml.
Linked resources are not supported by this application.
I get the same message for a new project as well as for an old project. Restarting FB makes no difference. Can anyone point me to a solution?
I doubt if you really need to reinstall the OS! You might have to restart Flash Builder.. and that should clear any issues associated with cached objects etc.
Check and see if there is really something wrong with your project.. if you don't seem to find anything, create a new project - just an empty one with a button on the canvas and then try exporting a release build.

Issue with Flex mobile project - bug?

I have a problem with Flash, so that Flash Builder shows an error icon on my project (and I can't run my project) but there's no error I'm sure -> I's working on this project and there's not any error in it AND flash builder doesn't show any error on any file. Any helps? How can I resolve this problem?
Note: I'm using Flex SDK 4.6 and BlazeDS...
Sometimes when odd things like this happen, you can fix them by cleaning the project or the workspace.
You can clean the project by selecting "Clean" from the project menu in Flash Builder.
To clean the work space, you want to first shut down Flash Builder. Then relaunch Flash Builder using the '-clean' command line argument.
Per the comments on the original question, your solution was the latter.

Project run issue in Flash Builder 4.5

When i change the code into my Flash Builder 4.5 project and hit run the output doesn't show the new result but the old one, only after a while the new result is showed on subsequent project runnings. Has anybody encounter this problem? Are there some hidden settings?
First make sure you have the project set to build automatically. ( Either that or that you have manually rebuilt the project after changing code).
Second, be sure to clear the relevant browser data as appropriate.
Third, In the earlier days of Flex, I found that if I re-compile code while there is an active debug session; it often doesn't refresh and would need a formal project "clean" after shutting down all my browsers, and restarting Flash Builder. So, that may also apply here.
Might be a spot old but if you are testing in a browser you might want to refresh or clear your cache so the browser has to get the new data and not just rely on what it had loaded before.
