Read images from a image sheet - css

I have one image sheet like the one in this link (
I would like to get only a component of that image.
How can we get only component of image in CSS?

The correct terminology is CSS Sprite.
You can achieve this using background positioning:
background-position:-20px 80px;

You can try this:
Cropping X and Y
That first image was kind of a softball. All the cool kids know how to take advantage of cropping an image in both axes. There are several reasons for doing this: You may have images of different sizes and want to place all of them within one file, for example. If you only crop on one axis, you'd be saving a file with the largest possible width or height of the array of images you want to use. Also, there are compression elements that you may want to take advantage of in the PNG file format, like keeping images with the same background color in the same horizontal row, and then having several rows.
Whatever the reason, there actually isn't much more to this than what we've seen so far. Here's another example image:
display: block;
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
background-image: url(images/sixicons.png);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
You can deduce from this class that the width and height of each icon is 40 pixels, and that the image file name is sixicons.png. I didn't create a very challanging example this time for X/Y cropping in the sense that all of the sub-images are of the same size. As you'll see, however, even if they weren't, you'd still be using a simimlar (though not exact) technique.
First, let's crop the top-left icon:
.icon_1 { background-position: 0px 0px; }
The markup would be:
<span class="icons icon_1"></span>
That was, of course, the easiest one. Now let's say we want the middle-bottom icon:
.icon_5 { background-position: -40px -40px; }
Let's see the CSS for all of the icons:
.icon_1 { background-position: 0px 0px; }
.icon_2 { background-position: -40px 0px; }
.icon_3 { background-position: -80px 0px; }
.icon_4 { background-position: 0px -40px; }
.icon_5 { background-position: -40px -40px; }
.icon_6 { background-position: -80px -40px; }

This should do what you need:
#aBit {
background-image: url('');
background-position-x: 114px;
background-position-y: 63px;
width: 18px;
height: 18px;
<img src="" /><br />
<hr />
<img id="aBit" />​

You need to use CSS Sprites. There are some very simple tutorials here.


why do sprites not work with a general background?

So for my website hostup I tried to add sprites since I had over 25 images and google pagespeed complained. I solved my sprire not displaying issue, but I am not sure why. Why is it that you have to load the image in each and everysprite, to waste bandwith and slow down pagespeed?
.sprite {
background-image: url(../img/spritesheet.png);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
display: block;
.sprite-backup_icon {
width: 60px;
height: 60px;
background-position: -5px -5px;
.sprite-cpanel_icon {
width: 60px;
height: 60px;
background-position: -75px -5px;
.sprite {
background-image: url(../img/spritesheet.png);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
display: block;
.sprite-backup_icon {
width: 60px;
height: 60px;
background: url(../img/spritesheet.png);
background-position: -5px -5px;
.sprite-cpanel_icon {
width: 60px;
height: 60px;
background: url(../img/spritesheet.png);
background-position: -75px -5px;
html code
<div class="sprite-backup_icon"></div>
So the 2nd. works just fine, but the 1st. does not display any image, Just a blank image with the defined width and height, why is this?
To answer your first question:
If the browser finds an image in a Style Sheet, it will download it and then store it in your browsers cache. The next time that same image is found/requested in a Style Sheet from the same URL (even during the same initial page load), it will be served from cache. NOT re-downloaded. So while you may have spritesheet.png 3 times in your Style Sheet, it is only downloaded once and not wasting bandwidth or page loading speed.
It is because of this caching feature that sprites are favoured in providing things like icons and other smaller images.
For your second question on why your first CSS example does not work, it could be any number of issues ranging from a simple typo, or all the elements you are wanting to use the sprite with not having the sprite class.
In order to properly help you with this problem, we need to see your HTML that goes along with the posted CSS. Please make an edit your question and add your HTML as a code snippet.

Cannot get background image to display properly

I am trying to line up four background images to make up a side menu panel with four text links overlaying each. Presuming background-image is the best way to do this, I am applying the background image to each text area. What I'd like to know is, is there anyway I can get the background image to display full size so that I can then align my text to the correct place.
Here's the CSS I have tried applying to the first two text areas:
.boxera {
background-image: url('
background-size: 100% 100%;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
.boxera p {
margin-top: 4.000em;
margin-right: 1.000em;
margin-left: 12.500em;
.boxerb {
background-image: url('
background-size: 100% 100%;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
.boxerb {
position: absolute;
margin-top: -1.800em;
And the last two text areas I've tried putting in specific dimensions, but with the same result.
.boxerc {
background-image: url('
background-size: 16.000em auto;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
.boxerc {
position: absolute;
margin-top: 12.500em;
.boxerd {
background-image: url('
background-size: 29.688em 20.250em;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
.boxerd {
position: absolute;
margin-top: 26.500em;
Can anyone help me with this. I've tried looking this up, it all seems straightforward until I put it into practice!
I added height and width to boxera and it resized the image.
So for example
add the corresponding image sizes to:
so for boxera
height:295px; width:475px;
This is the only way I can think of actually altering the background image as you've rapped it so deeply in divs. Unless as mentioned you strip it out of CSS and into some image tags thats the only other way around it I think.

positioning background-image (multi image grid) with css

I have a 26x104 px image (so vertical oriented) containing 4 logo's, each a 26x26 px.
I want to use those 4 logo's as background for 4 hyperlinks.
So I have this:
HTML (this is the sequence I want)
<div class="rightfloat">
<a class="facebook"></a>
<a class="linkedin"></a>
<a class="twitter"></a>
<a class="mail"></a>
.facebook, .linkedin, .twitter, .mail {
display: block;
width: 26px;
height: 26px;
background-image: url('style/socialmedia.png');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
.facebook {
background-position: 0px 0px;
.linkedin {
background-position: 0px -26px;
.twitter {
background-position: 0px -52px;
.mail {
background-position: 0px -78px;
For some reason only the first one appears but with other testing it also happend that the last icon appeared at the second appearantely I don't get the logics behind it.
I looked for some example/tutorial but I can't find one.
Can someone give me a hand?
SOLUTION: I have put the coördinates in negative values and it worked...
You have to put the values as negative:
Working demo
SOLUTION: I have put the coördinates in negative values and it worked...

how to start a background image 20px down?

I have looked around for this and it seems simple but i cant seem to work it out.
I have a div with a background.
I want the background to start 20px down and then repeat-y, as in repeat the rest of the way down.
<div class="main_col"></div>
.main_col {
width: 680px;
float: left;
background-position:50% 50%;
This is what im trying but it is filling the whole div?
this is what i have tried....
You cannot do this with one class definition in current CSS2 standards.
Use a separate div for the background.
If you want to fiddle with some CSS3, you can check out
Be aware of browser support.
You might try to add padding-top: 20px to .main_col and inside it create additional div with this background.
.main_col {
width: 680px;
float: left;
background: url("your image") 0px 20px;
this is using giker s example
try something like this
There are 3 CSS properties relevant to achieving this:
background-image { url(/myBackground.png) } // To select the image
background-repeat { no-repeat } // To choose how or if it repeats
background-position { 1px 1px } // To choose the X, Y coordinates of the top left corner of the background image in relation to the top left corner of the element.
Now, that's all quite verbose but it can be condensed into a single rule, as follows:
background { url(myBackground.png) no-repeat 1px 1px }
It is possible to use relative values (such as the % which your code shows) for the background-position, but you will need to use px.
Try using a margin padding.
.main_col {
width: 680px;
float: left;
background-position:50% 50%;

CSS Sprite Full Page Background: background-position

I have an image, the top 80px of which I want to use for some other purpose, and remaining image, I want to set as a full page background image.
I tried setting:
background-position: 0px -80px
but it does not work.
How to properly use css sprite (background position) and full page background image?
Either of these (link or link) will generate a sprite for you and the corresponding css.
Once you have that completed use the css classes for their corresponding areas like:
.image1Background {
background-image: url("thesprite.png"),
left: -80px;
top: 0px;
.image2Background {
background-image: url("thesprite.png"),
left: 0px;
top: 0px;
<body class="image1Background">
<div class="image2Background">
Sprites are generally used for a lot of little icons to reduce the number of requests needed to download them to the client.
i would use a div for the 80px image and the background img as body background.. something like:
body { background-image: url(background.gif) }
#imgtop { height: 100%; width: 100%; background-image: url(80px_image.gif) }
