Social websites API for .NET -

I wanted to integrate social websites using their API. Is there any free API which ease this work? Like Facebook, LinkedIn and Google.
My intention is to give the user the opportunity to login/register through these websites to
get profile information specially from LinkedIn and Facebook.

Check out the Facebook SDK. There is a NuGet which will get you started quickly:
Source code

Facebook has a great API for that and documentation, and you can download the Facebook API if you need it.


Embedding LinkedIn company updates / feeds

We have created a SharePoint 2010 web part where we display our company feed from"Name of Company"/.
End-users need to login the first time (that is ok). But even though they login using their personal LinkedIn profile, they cannot see our company-feed. Why is that?
If the users are set as LinkedIn Designated Admins they can see the feed, otherwise they cannot.
We are using
<script type="text/javascript" src="//">
api_key: "The key"
lang: da_DK
authorize: true
onLoad: onLinkedInLoad
I hope someone can share their knowledge.
This is why :'(
Starting on May 12, 2015, we will be limiting the open APIs to only support the following uses:
Allowing members to represent their professional identity via their LinkedIn profile using our Profile API.
Enabling members to post certifications directly to their LinkedIn profile with our Add to Profile tools.
Enabling members to share professional content to their LinkedIn network from across the Web leveraging our Share API.
Enabling companies to share professional content to LinkedIn with our Company API.
Only people who can admin the feed can read/update to the company feed. All others are excluded unless you manage to get yourself promoted to LinkedIN partner:
Some light on this issue over here:
As ahmeij said, Linkedin doesnt provide anymore an easy way of embedding your company/personal profile timeline anywhere. However, there is an alternative way of implementing this.
You will make use of the RSS feed of the profile. The url will be something like this:[PROFILE ID]/feed?start=0&v2=true
You can find out the numeric ID in you profile/company page.
Read the full source here:
I found the way to implement a CORS proxy, and got this working.
I used this simple PHP CORS proxy
However, LinkedIn site doesn't return any information from this URL anymore, it just returns a [301 - moved permanently] error :_(
As Alberto mentioned in the post below a RSS feed can be used to create an embed code. To enable RSS on your LinkedIn and get the RSS link you can follow this guide. Then you can use this plugin to generate an embed code of the feed.
You can use a social wall solution like to add LinkedIn company feeds to your Sharepoint website. The tool generates an iframe or JavaScript code that you can embed. Here's an article on how it works on SharePoint.

Related to social media like and share buttons

Which is the best method to add like and share buttons of Facebook and Twitter and Google+.
Check the API documentation for how to integrate facebook functionality into an ASP.NET site:
Start with that and then once have the facebook integration figured out it should be simple to find twitter and google+ APIs to do the same for them.

Authenticate users on my site through LinkedIn

I'm working on a small site for my university. The requirements include the ability for our users to authenticate with their LinkedIn accounts. I know Facebook and Twitter have such capability, but what about LinkedIn? I'll be doing this in .NET, is there a native SDK?
LinkedIn uses OAuth just like Facebook, their developer site / docs are at:
javascript api:
Here is simple OAuth C# working example and ASP.NET implementation example project.
It will help you in LinkedIn implementation.

Authentication with Google or Facebook

I'm using ASP.NET MVC and I want to authenticate users with their Google or Facebook account
Check the Url
The post is in spanish
I believe both of those providers support OpenID. While some people out there bash it, I know other sites that have used it with great success.
I would start by finding a good OpenID provider for .NET and go from there.
I would recommend your first step would be to look into authenticating using OpenID (and integrating with WIF) as both Google and Facebook provide OpenID

search my site with the help of google in

i want to search my site with the help of google. search result will show in my page and no google related icon will show as if user will feel the search functionality is internal. how could i implement in thanks
Ah, you are looking for Google Site Search.
It provides custom branded, in-page results.
Google's free, slightly striped down version is pretty good too: Google Custom Search
You could use the Google Search API to accomplish that. Here are some examples, how you could do it:
ASP.NET web client for Google Web API
Using the Google search API from ASP.NET
Google Search API implementation in Tutorial
