Could JDO talk to a SOAP service? - jdo

I've used JPA for a while. Having an entityManager that performs your SQL operations is great.
I've noticed that JDO (DataNucleous) goes beyond JPA and brings persistence to other datasources, XML among those
Not sure if I grasped the concept entirely correct, but I wonder if it could do something like SOAP.getObjectId(entity) then DB.makePersistent(entity) and viceversa, provided I can connect to SOAP

The way DataNucleus REST API works is that in your application you send/receive HTTP GET's/POST's of the form shown here and these are translated into JDO calls to put/retrieve your data into/from the datastore. With that you can use any datastore that DataNucleus supports (so RDBMS, ODBMS, map-based, doc-based, etc).


Use of Service and DAO Layer in Spring MVC

I need the exact purpose of Service layer in MVC.
Can we implement without service layer..
What are the major responsibilities of these layers..
Can we implement without anyone of these layers..
Can you please someone help me to know this..
The service layer is there to provide logic to operate on the data sent to and from the DAO and the client. Very often these 2 pieces will be bundled together into the same module, and occasionally into the same code, but you'll still see them as distinct logical entities.
This may helpful to you
DAO is as light and exists solely to provide a connection to the DB, sometimes abstracted so different DB backends can be used.
The service layer is there to provide logic to operate on the data sent to and from the DAO and the client. Very often these 2 pieces will be bundled together into the same module, and occasionally into the same code, but you'll still see them as distinct logical entities.
Yes you can implement without service layer but will lack the security.. and without using service layer the request and response works faster...
Another reason for Service layer is security - If you provide a service layer that has no relation to the DB, then is it more difficult to gain access to the DB from the client except through the service. If the DB cannot be accessed directly from the client (and there is no trivial DAO module acting as the service) then all an attacker who has taken over the client can do is attempt to hack the service layer as well before he gets all but the most sanitised access to your data.
As these answer is already answered on StackExchange.. by gbjbaanb

Asynchronous Database Access Layer in PureMVC

I'm trying to refactor an existing project into PureMVC. This is an Adobe AIR desktop app taking advantage of the SQLite library included with AIR and building upon it with a few other libraries:
Paul Robertson's excellent async SQLRunner
promise-as3 implementation of asynchronous promises
websql-js documentation for good measure
I made my current implementation of the database similar to websql-js's promise based SQL access layer and it works pretty well, however I am struggling to see how it can work in PureMVC.
Currently, I have my VOs that will be paired with DAOs (data access objects) for database access. Where I'm stuck is how to track the dbFile and sqlRunner instances across the entire program. The DAOs will need to know about the sqlRunner, or at the very least, the dbFile. Should the sqlRunner be treated as singleton-esque? Or created for every database query?
Finally, how do I expose the dbFile or sqlRunner to the DAOs? In my head right now I see keeping these in a DatabaseProxy that would be exposed to other proxies, and instantiate DAOs when needed. What about a DAO factory pattern?
I'm very new to PureMVC but I really like the structure and separation of roles. Please don't hesitate to tell me if this implementation simply will not work.
Typically in PureMVC you would use a Proxy to fetch remote data and populate the VOs used by your View, so in that respect your proposed architecture sounds fine.
DAOs are not a pattern I've ever seen used in conjunction with PureMVC (which is not to say that nobody does or should). However, if I was setting out to write a crud application in PureMVC, I would probably think in terms of a Proxy (or proxies) to read information from the database, and Commands to write it back.

What is the advantage of using OData with Web API?

I am already using the standard WebAPI and returning JSON objects to my client. Now I saw an application that returned OData.
Can someone explain if there is any reason for me to use OData if I do not want to query my data from anything other than my own client running in the browser. Are there advantages that I could get through using OData ?
If you are only using your data in your own browser application, there is only few advantages to use OData in your situation:
OData is able to provide metadata about your service interface that can be used to generate client code to access the service. So if you have lots of client classes that you need to create, this could speed up your process. On the other hand, if you can share your classes between the server and an ASP.NET based client or if you only have a few classes, this might not be relevant in your situation.
Another - bigger - advantage in your situation is the support for generic queries against the service data. OData supports IQueryable so that you can decide on the client side on how to filter the data that the service provides. So you do not have to implement various actions or use query parameters to provide filtered data. This also means that if you need a new filter for your client, it is very likely that you do not have to change the server and can just put up the query on the client side. Possible filters include $filter expressions to filter the data, but also operations like $skip and $top that are useful when paging data. For details on OData and queries, see this link.
For a complete overview about OData and Web API see this link.
Here are few advantages of OData.
OData is a open protocol started by Microsoft is based on Rest Services so we can get data base on URL.
It suppport various protocol like http,atom,pub and also support JSON format.
No need to create proxy classes which we used to do it in web service.
You will able to write your own custom methods.
It is very light weight so the interaction between client and server will be fast compared to web service and other technologies.
Very simple to use.
Here are few reference links.
I agree with the answers already posted, but as an additional insight...
You mentioned that:
... if I do not want to query my data from anything other than my own
client running in the browser...
You may not wish to run it normally through anything but your own cilent, but using oData you could use other querying tools for debugging. For example LinqPad allows you to use oData endpoints (such as that provided by stackoverflow).
It's probably not a good enough reason to implement oData if you don't have another reason to do so, but it's an added bonus.

WCF Data Service (ADO.Net Data Service or Astoria Service)

Does Astoria Service Model only support
Are formats like SOAP,WSDL,ASMX outdated? .So when i wish to develop SOA can i ignore SOAP,ASMX,WSDL formats?
I would add to the above answer and say there is in-fact a way to discover the metadata about the Data Services (REST) endpoint. Every endpoint includes a service document (just do a GET on the root of the endpoint) that describes the sets exposed by the service. Further, going to the $metadata endpoint from the root of the service (i.e. http://mydomain/myservice.svc/$metadata) returns an XML metadata document that fully describes the service (the sets, types, properties on types, relationships between sets, and service operations).
No, most definitely not!
ASMX = ASP.NET webservices - this is outdated, it was introduced in .NET 1.0 and basically replaced with WCF in .NET 3.0.
BUT: WCF is definitely NOT outdated! WCF is the Microsoft standard way of communicating between two systems. It uses SOAP (including WSDL and XSD) by default, and this is mature and reliable technology which works well in enterprise scenarios where you need things like data integrity, (human and machine readable) service description through WSDL and service metadata, and so forth. SOAP also offers more advanced features like reliable messaging and transactional support.
REST / ADO.NET Data Services is a more lightweight, easier-to-get-at approach at exposing services, but it's lacking in many ways: there's no unified service description available, so you cannot really "discover" what methods and what datatypes the service offer; either you have knowledge yourself, or the service provider gives you a documentation in plain English, but there's no standard way of describing a REST service to the outside world (yet). Also, you don't really know ahead of time what kind of data that service might return - there's no XML schema to stick to - it's more of a "let's hit the service and see what comes back" approach which might work quite OK in some cases, but not really in larger scale, enterprise-style environments.
So to sum up: the SOAP (WSDL,XSD) vs. REST debate is ongoing, both have their reasons to be, and I don't see one of them replacing the other - they're supplanting one another.

Can Ado Data Services replace my webservices which i use in ajax calls in my websites?

I used to create normal webservices in my websites, and call these services from javascript to make ajax calls.
Now i am learning about Ado Data Services,
My question is:
Does this Ado Data Services can replace my normal webservice in new sites i will create?
And if Yes,
Can i put these Ado Data Services in a separate project "local on the same server" and just reference from my website? "to use the same services for my websites internal use and also give the same services to other websites or services, the same as twitter for example doing"
depends what you want to do , I suggest you read my conversation with Pablo Castro the architect of Ado.Net Data Services
Data Services - Lacking
Here is basically Pablo's words.
I agree that some of these things are quite inconvenient and we're looking at fixing them (e.g. use of custom types in addition to types defined in the input model in order to produce custom result-sets). However, some others are just intrinsic to the nature of Data Services.
The Data Services framework is not a gateway to a database and in general if you need something like that then Data Services will just get in the way. The goal of Data Services is to create a resource model out of an input data model, and expose it with a RESTful interface that exposes the uniform interface, such that every unit of data in the underlying model ("entities") become an addressable resource that can be manipulated with the standard verbs.
Often the actual implementation of a RESTful interface includes more sophisticated behaviors than just doing CRUD over the data under the covers, which need to be defined in a way that doesn't break the uniform interface. That's why the Data Services server runtime has hooks for business logic and validation in the form of query/change interceptors and others. We also acknowledge that it's not always possible or maybe practical to model absolutely everything as resources operated with standard verbs, so we included service operations as a escape-hatch.
Things like joins dilute the abstraction we're trying to create. I'm not saying that they are bad or anything (relational databases without them wouldn't be all that useful), it's just that if what's required for a given application scenario is the full query expressiveness of a relational database to be available at the service boundary, then you can simply exchange queries over the wire (and manage the security implications of that). For joins that can be modeled as association traversals, then data services already has support for them.
I guess this is a long way to say that Data Services is not a solution for every problem that involves exposing data to the web. If you want a RESTful interface over a resource model that matches our underlying data model, then it usually works out well and it will save you a lot of work. If you need a custom inteface or direct access to a database, then Data Services is typically not the right tool and other framework components such as WCF's SOAP and REST support do a great job at that.
