Is there a way to add the following script, required by Google Programmable Search to Google Tag Manager? Just trying to minimize separate scripts included in my code.
<script async src=""></script>
NM, figured it out. In case someone cares, here's how you do it:
Keep the code part where you want to include your search in the page code.
The above script can be added to GTM via Custom HTML tag. Just drop it there and it's done.
I have multilanguage website and, deppending of languane, keywords should be on that language. Right now it's on English, so in my _Layout.cshtml I have meta tag like this:
<meta name="keywords" content="GDPR, privacy, pact, privacy pact>
How to, for example set it to Russian from Resource file?
It depends on the programming languages you are using. You could use AJAX/JS, PHP, or pretty much any other server-side language. You just include an if statement to see what language you need the metadata for, and then use AJAX or a server-side language to get the right data from the separate file. If you tell me what programming languages you are using I could try to code it out.
I using google translate to translate the entire of my site. but i want Google don't translate some name. Example on this link.
There is name “Ulun Danu Restaurant”, when we translate it into Indonesia. It change into "Pura Ulun Danu Restaurant". I want google didn't translate that part. How to do that?
maybe is there some option put some class on it to make google understand not translate that part.
Just add class="notranslate" to any HTML element to prevent that element from being translated.
<span class="notranslate">Ulun Danu Restaurant<span>
Google Translate Help-Preventing translation of your webpages
I am exploring ASP.NET MVC and I wanted to add jQuery to make the site interactive. I used StringTemplate, ported to .Net, as my template engine to generate html and to send JSON. However, when I view the page, I could not see it. After debugging, I've realized that the $ is used by the StringTemplate to access property, etc and jQuery uses it too to manipulate the DOM. Gee, I've looked on other template engines and most of them uses the dollar sign :(.
Any alternative template engine for ASP.Net MVC? I wanted to retain jQuery because MSFT announced that it will used in the Visual Studio (2008?)
Thanks in Advance :)
Please go to the answer in ASP.NET MVC View Engine Comparison question for a comprehensive list of Template engine for ASP.NET MVC, and their pros and cons
Update 2
At the end I'll just put the JavaScript code, including JQuery, in a separate script file, hence I wouldn't worry about the $ mingling in the template file.
Update 3
Changed the Title to reflect what I need to resolve. After all "The Best X in Y" is very subjective question.
You can of course move your js logic into a .js file. But if you want it inline with your StringTemplate views, you can escape it using the \$ construct.
In addition, you can simply use the jQuery("selector"), instead of $("selector") construct if you want to avoid the escaping syntax.
Here's a good article on using StringTemplate as a View Engine in MVC.
There's also an accompanying OpenSource engine, along with some samples.
Also, as mentioned above, you can modify your Type Lexer. (make it an alternate character to the $).
I would highly recommend Spark. I've been using it for awhile now with jQuery and haven't ran into a single issue so far.
JQuery can be disambiguated by using the jQuery keyword like this:
instead of this:
I would consider this a best practice. It eliminates any possibility of clashing with another library, and makes the code more readable.
Perhaps jQuery.noConflict will work for you
Have a look at the mvccontrib project. They have 4 different view engines at the moment which are brail, nhaml, nvelocity and xslt.
In case you want to stick with StringTemplate (ST) see this article from the ST wiki. You may also change the behaviour totally by editing Antlr.StringTemplate.Language\DefaultTemplateLexer.cs and replacing the "$" with what you want.
I really like the syntax in Django, so I recommend NDjango :)
Have you tried $$ or /$ to escape the dollar signs in string template? I'm not sure about ST specifically but thats how most template engines work.
As for other templating engines, I really loved nVelocity when I used it on a project.
JsonFx.NET has a powerful client-side templating engine with familiar ASP.NET style syntax. The entire framework is specifically designed to work well with jQuery and ASP.NET MVC. You can get examples of how to build real world UI from:
I've been using ANTLR StringTemplate for ASP.NET MVC project. However what I did was to extend the StringTemplate grammar (template.g) to recognize '%' (aspx.template.g) as delimiters. You can find these files if you download the version. I generated the corresponding files: AspxTemplateLexer.cs, AspxTemplateParser.cs, AspxTemplateParserTokenTypes.cs and AspxTemplateParserTokenTypes.txt.
In addition I altered StringTemplateLoader.cs to recognize the extensions .aspx and .ascx which Visual Studio recognizes. This way I am not stuck with the .st extension and clients don't know the difference.
Anyway after rebuilding StringTemplate I have the behavior that I want. What I like about StringTemplate is that it does NOT permit ANY code to be embedded in the template. It looks like Spark like the default ASP/MVC template is code permissive which makes the templates less portable.
I would prefer is "<%" and "%>" as delimiters but unfortunately the ANTLR grammar seems somewhat difficult and fragile to alter unless someone else has done it. On the other had StringTemplate has a great support community and a great approach to separation -- which is the point of MVC.
You could try jsRepeater.
You may need this .NET Template Engine. If you wish to use '$' character, simply use '$$'. See the code below:
{%carName = "Audi R8"/}
{%string str = "This is an $carName$"/}
the output will be
This is an Audi R8
If I understand StringTemplate version 4 correctly you can define your own escape char in Template (or TemplateGroup) constructor.
Found Mustache to be the most fool-proof, easiest-to-use, lightest full-featured templating engine for .Net projects (Web and backend)
Works well with .Net 3.5 (meaning it does not need dynamic type and .Net 4.0 to work for mixed type models, like Razor).
The part that I like the most is ability to nest arbitrary IDicts within and have the engine do the right thing. This makes the mandatory-for-all engines reboxing step super-simple:
var child = new {
nested = "nested value"
var parent = new {
SomeValue = "asdfadsf"
, down = child
, number = 123
var template = #"This is {{#down}}{{nested}}{{/down}}. Yeah to the power of {{number}}";
string output = Nustache.Core.Render.StringToString(template,parent);
// output:
// "This is nested value. Yeah to the power of 123"
What's most beautiful about Mustache is that same exact template works exactly same in pure JavaScript or any other of 20 or so supported languages.
We're creating a Interaction design pattern website for a class.
We've been using google docs to create the patterns list during the classes, sharing it with the teacher for evaluation.
So the environment is this:
We've been able to fetch a single image from each presentation we want to display, such as:
We've created an RSS feed for cooliris to open: (small example from it):
<.media:thumbnail url="" />
<.media:content url="" type="image/png" />
Sorry for the points in the middle of the tag is only for stackoverflow not to filter it.
So the problem is the following, the rss works correctly, as the cooliris opens all viewports for all images. But both the thumbnail and content remain black for all the pictures.
If you try to open them by the above url you can download them, with the type="image/png" if should work for piclens to open it.
Anyone got a sugestion or idea why we can't access the images from google docs via cooliris ?
The server needed a crossdomain.xml to allow cooliris. So we can't do it directly from google but we'll just download it a put on another server.
Try putting type="image/png" in the media:thumbnail tag too.. additionally, put your feed through an RSS validator, just to see if it checks out..