Default Django 1.5 admin css not working - css

I just installed my django 1.5 app on ec2 and right now the /admin portion of the site doesn't have css. Is there a way that I can configure this?
Just to add to this the css files are located in the following folder:

How did you configure it? For admin app to load static files, you need to create a symbolic link inside your app's static directory. Have you done this?
ls -l should give something like:
admin -> /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/django/contrib/admin/media

I had exactly the same problem and I think I figured it out how to solve it. Actually it's not that hard. All you need to modify is your and STATIC_URL) and server config file (url alias). I wrote a short blog post with 3 steps.

dragon and ycshao have great answers. Just want to add that if you are running Apache server 2.4+. Instead of
Allow from all
You should use
Require all granted
It solved my static file hosting issue.


Wysiwyg image is showing up in media/wysiwy not inside pub/media/wysiwyg. How do I fix this?

Okay so I have a Magento 2.4.5 project where I am facing some issues like images not loading up because they are being looked up inside pub/media/wysiwyg instead of media/wysiwyg. I have some wysiwyg images inside pub/media/wysiwyg/<some_image_directory>, however on the live site the directories and files are showing up as media/wysiwyg. How can I make sure that a separate pub/media/wysiwyg directory is created in the live site apart from the media directory that is already there such that the image loads up properly? We are using nginx which is opening up at 'pub' directory as the root where the media directory resides. Any help is appreciated.
I tried checking for the piece of code where the image is coming from in an attempt to see if the path can be changed programmatically by removing the 'pub/' part from the pub/media/wysiwyg/ for the live site. However, that is not something that can be done as that will change things project-wide, which might break other things. Hence that is not being done.
First, you need to make sure that you are running the site from the root folder i.e. public_html on the server.
Steps to reproduce:
1: Run the command to load content:
bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
2: Next command: chmod -R 777 pub/*
3: Set the secure base media URL and unsecure media URL from Magento database which you recently created and find the table core_config_data and change the path value as:
web/secure/base_media_url =>
web/unsecure/base_media_url =>
Or from Magento Admin
Stores -> Settings: Configuration -> General -> Base Url's -> Base URL for User Media Files
and to
Stores -> Settings: Configuration -> General -> Base Url's (Secure) -> Base URL for User Media Files
Flush Cache
4: Might be missing .htaccess in your /pub/media/ folder.
5: Check your .htaccess file, if there's bad code.
Okay so I figured out the issue.
I was running the website from the pub directory as I should however there was a third party plugin which had some hard-coded src set by the owner for images set as /pub/media/wysiwyg in the adminHtml since they were using an older version of Magento which used to place images inside /pub/media/wysiwyg instead.
So I just changed it to /media/wysiwyg over there and everything works as expected.
Tbh the whole issue was quite hacky as the owner seems to have put a script inside the third party module's description section in the adminHtml and is using hard-coded links such as this.
Thank you all for the comments. :)

Django project does not work after being transferred from Windows to Mac

I'm using Django 3.1.7 on a MacBook Pro after transferring the Django project off of a Windows 10 machine. However, upon re-setting up the database and superuser and running the command pipenv sync to install all necessary modules, the server does run; but it doesn't serve any of my URLs or the CSS styles for the Admin page. I can reach the admin page at '/admin' but no other page that I've set up will display. All it gives me is my custom 404 page whenever I try to serve a page. Is there any way to fix this? Is something wrong? Where are the Admin CSS files?
python runserver --insecure
Use the --insecure option to force serving of static files with the staticfiles app even if the DEBUG setting is False.
I think we'd need more information... maybe the files itself.
There could be tons of things that could go wrong. Is your still pointing to the correct file paths? In, did you make sure you are setting the html files in the same path? Are the html files in the right folder? Are all the Django and module versions the same? There's too much to name.
I have the same problem.
By what you are describing it happens because your file path uses either / or
One machine uses forward slash and the other backwards slash
I dont know to so use a method that work on both

Laravel Mix - URL Processing works wrong when web site on localhost is not in root folder

Web server structure:
When I am using url(../images/example.png) in my scss file, mix automatically finds example.png, copy it to my public/images folder, and then rewrites the url() within my generated stylesheet (
Cool feature and everything seems fine, except fact, that link was generated as it was described in docs background: url(/images/example.png?d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e);, but in my case this link is to localhost/images/example.png?d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e but I need to localhost/my_site_folder/public/images/example.png?d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.
And I can't find where I could setup my website root folder path.
P.S. for example, in laravel it could be done via .env file APP_URL=http://localhost/my_site_folder/public
Is there is something similar in mix?
This do the trick mix.setResourceRoot("../").
Thanks to Namoshek comment.
php artisan storage:link
will be the answer?

Drupal Export of Site Not Working For Subdirectory Levels Beyond Root Directory

I have to move an existing Drupal site from one server to another. I've done so by doing a mysql database export/import and copying over the files to the new server. On the new system, the root page comes up fine but if I try to go to any deeper directory levels I get a 404 Not Found Error.
so -> works fine
but -> gives me a 404 and happens,same for all subdirectories
Is there something that I'm missing that is part of a drupal export? Could it be related to the structure of the /sites directory which is under the webserver's docroot?- which has a folder named after the old server (ie but not Also, I noticed that there are _htaccess files and .hta files but not .htaccess files in the site files that I've copied over.
Sorry if I'm asking a bleedingly obvious question - I'm very new to Drupal. Thank you!
Check whether the clean url is enabled in your web server. To check try this:
Just to let anyone who might come across via a google search - I was able to get this to work . It turns out that while mod_rewrite was enabled, what I had to do was to enable the AllowOverride directive for the web directory in httpd.conf to be set to ‘All’. If it’s not set to this, the server won’t respect the .htaccess rules you put into the drupal directory. It’s been a while since I’ve worked with apache config files so it took a while to finally piece it together. The main breakthrough came when I realized that if I turned off clean-urls then the links worked but looked ugly and then was able to research clean_url.

Get Static referenced files with http request in meteor

This can be a silly question but I have had some issues with it. I am trying to implement jwplayer with meteor. Jwplayer will try to get a file based off the url you suggest. So I tried to place a file in localhost:3000/test.mp3. When I tried to hit that url I get just the default site. This would work if I used tomcat. Is there something I can do to get the files relative to meteor directory?
Thanks for your help.
In the /public directory, per the docs:
Lastly, the Meteor server will serve any files under the public directory, just like in a Rails or Django project. This is the place for images, favicon.ico, robots.txt, and anything else.
Meteor hasn't yet implemented server side routing and all directories are ultimately flattened. So for the time being, you can access your file at http://localhost:3000/test.mp3, but that may change in the future.
