Connection Speed using HTTP Request - http

We are making an application involving a server(tomcat, apache, linux) and multiple mobile clients(Android, iPhone, Windows, Nokia J2ME).
Normally the clients and the server will communicate using http.
I would like to know the download and upload speeds of the client from the http request that it made.
Ideally I would not like to upload a file and download a file to come up with these speeds. I am assuming that there might be some thing at the HTTP protocol level that can give me this, or some lower layer of the network.

If only it were that simple.
Even where the bandwidth and latency of a network are very well defined, the actual throughput will be limited by the congestion window and where the end points are in establishing the slow start threshold. These can affect throughput by a factor of 20 or more.
There's nothing in HTTP which will provide metrics for these. Some TCP stacks will expose limited information about throughput (as used by iftop, iptraf).
However if you really want to gather useful metrics on HTTP throughput, then you need to start shoving data across the network - have a look at yahoo boomerang for an implementation.

If the http connection goes to the Apache server first, you can use Apache Bench to do all sorts of load testing. It comes with apache and can be invoked with something like the following.
Suppose we want to see how fast Yahoo can handle 100 requests, with a maximum of 10 requests running concurrently:
ab -n 100 -c 10

HTTP does not deal with connection speeds. Although I could imagine some solution that involves some HTTP (reverse) proxy that estimates speeds on a connection and sets custom headers to pass this info. You would also need to to associate stats of different connections with particular client. I have not seen yet a readily available solution for this.
Also note that
network traffic can be buffered or shaped so download speed may depend on amount of data transferred or previous load of network. So even downloading file would not be accurate.
Amount of data transferred depends on protocol level (payload wrapped in HTTP wrapped in gzip wrapped in TLS wrapped TCP). Which one do you want to measure? Or what do you want to achieve with this measured speed?

I've seen some Real User Monitoring (RUM) tools that can do this passively (they get a feed from a SPAN port or network TAP infront of the servers at the data centre)
There are probably ways of integrating the data they produce into your applications but I'm not sure it would be easy or perhaps given the way latency and bandwidth can 'dynamically' change on a mobile network that accurate.
I guess the real thing to focus on is the design of the app, how much data is travelling across the network, how you can minimise it etc.
Other thing to consider is whether you could offer a solution that allows some of the application to be hosted in the telco's POPs (some telcos route all their towers back to a central pop, others have multiple POPs)


How to handle 20k concurrent listeners on an Icecast server

I want to know how to handle more than 20k listeners concurrently on an Icecast server. I am using liquidsoap as the audio stream generator (Only one audio stream is distributed through the Icecast server ). The server is configured on AWS. Further, I want to know whether I need to use LB and CDN to handle this much traffic.
Your main concern is bandwidth. Nothing else, bandwidth. You always run out of bandwidth first. Really.
You'll likely want to spread the load across multiple servers and e.g. do simple DNS round-robin. Also because multiple servers means more bandwidth available.
Feeding in a Primary+Relays (master/slave) topology is typical and documented. For more details I'd recommend the Icecast documentation and searching the Icecast mailing list archives.
There are some minor things like making sure that your ulimit for file descriptors is high enough for the Icecast process.
PS: In theory you can squeeze around 20k concurrent connections out of Icecast, but most of the time you won't have enough actual bandwidth to feed those anyway.

What strategies I can use to overcome networking limitations?

I maintain a service that basically pings sites to check whether they're online or not. The service per se is really simple, it relies only on the HTTP status code returned by the requested URL. For instance, I ignore the response body completely.
The service works fine for a small list of domains. However, networking becomes an issue as the number of sites to ping grows. I tried a couple of different languages and libraries. My latest implementation uses NodeJS and node-fetch. But I already had versions of it wrote in Python, PHP, Java, Golang. From that experience, I now know the language is not what determines the request/response speed. There are differences between languages and lib, for sure, but the bottleneck is not there.
Today, I think the only way to make the service scales is with multiple clusters in different networks (e.g. VPC if we're talking AWS). I can't think of a way to deal with networking restrictions in a single or just a few instances.
So, I'm asking this really broad question: what strategies I can use to overcome networking limitations? I'm looking for both dev and ops answers, but mostly focusing on keep the structure as light as possible.
One robust way to ping a website (or any TCP service in general) is to send TCP SYN packet to port 443 (or 80 for insecure HTTP) and measure the time till SYN+ACK response. Tools like hping3 and MTR utilize this method.
This method is one of the best because ICMP may be blocked, take a different path, be prioritized differently on routers in the path, or be responded to by a totally different host. Whereas TCP SYN is the actual scenario the users of the website exercise. The network load is minimal as no data is sent in SYN/SYN+ACK packets, only protocol headers (TCP, IP, and lower level protocol headers).
The answer of #Maxim Egorushkin is great, TCP SYN scanning is the most efficient way I can think of. There are other tools like Masscan, use pcap to send SYN packet in userspace, reduce TCP connection management overhead in kernel. This approach may do the job with a single instance.
If you wanna use HTTP protocol to make sure application layer works fine, use HTTP HEAD request. It responses with a header and status code as GET, but without the body.
Another potential optimization is DNS, you can host a DNS server locally and manage to update domains beforehand, or use a script to update host file before pinging those sites. This can save several milliseconds and bandwith
during pinging sites.
At development level, you could impletement a library just parse status code in HTTP response, so saving some CPU time on parsing headers.
It is helpful to address the actual bottleneck first, it that bandwith limit? memory limit? file descriptor limit? etc.

Load Testing Thousands of SLOW Connections

I would like to test an upload service with hundreds, if not thousands,
of slow HTTPS connections simultaneously.
I would like to have lots of, say, 3G-quality connections,
each throttled with low bandwidth and high latency,
each sending a few megabytes of data up to the server,
resulting in lots of concurrent, long-lived requests being handled by the server.
There are many load generation tools that can generate thousands of simultaneous requests.
(I'm currently using Locust, mostly so that I can take
advantage of my existing client library written in Python.)
Such tools typically run each concurrent request as fast as possible
over the shared network link.
There are various ways to adjust the apparent bandwidth and latency of TCP connections,
such as Linux's TC
and handy wrappers like Comcast.
As far as I can tell, TC and the like control the shared link
but they cannot throttle the individual requests.
If you want to throttle a single request, TC works well.
In theory, with many clients sharing the same throttled network link,
each request could be run serially,
subject to the constrained bandwidth,
rather than having lots of requests executing concurrently,
a few packets at a time.
The former would result in much fewer active requests executing
concurrently on the server.
I suspect that the tool I want has to actively manage each individual client's sending
and receiving to throttle them fairly.
Is there such a tool?
You can take a look at Apache JMeter, it can "throttle" connections to the throughput configurable via the following properties:
The properties can be defined either in file or passed to JMeter via -J command-line argument
cps stands for character per second so you can "slow down" JMeter threads (virtual users) to the given throughput rate, the formula for cps calculation is:
cps = (target bandwidth in kbps * 1024) / 8
Check out How to Simulate Different Network Speeds in Your JMeter Load Test for more information.
Yes, these are network simulators. A very primitive one is in the form of WanEM. It is not going to cover your testing needs. You will need something akin to Shunra Storm, a hardware device which can manage individual connections and impairment with models derived from Ookla (think related to 3,4,5g connections from the wild. Well, perhaps I should say, "could manage," as this product has been absent since the HP acquisition of Shunra.
There are some other market competitors on the network front from companies such as Ixia, Agilent, PacketStorm, Spirent and the like. None of them are inexpensive, but I see your need. Slow, and particularly dirty connections likes cell phones, have a disproportionate impact on the stack and can result in the server running out of resources with fewer mobile connections than desktop ones.
On a side note, be sure you are including a representative model for think time in your test code. If you collapse the client-server model with no or extremely limited think time & impair the network only bad things can happen. This will play particular havoc with both predictability and repeatability on your tests. You may also wind up chasing dozens of engineering ghosts related to load in your code that will not occur in production because of the natural delays and the release of resources which should occur during those windows of activity between client requests.

Does integrating WebRTC one to one audio/video calls affect the performance of web application

After knowing about some great features of WebRTC, I thought of using WebRTC one to one audio/video calls in my web application. The web application is for many organizations/entities of a category who can register and keep recording several records daily for their internal working and about their clients. The clients of these individual organizations/entities also have access to the web application to access their details.
The purpose of using WebRTC is for communication between clients and organizations. Also for daily inquires by new people to these organizations about products and services.
While going through articles on google etc. I found broadcasting or one to many calls requires very high bandwidth to users if we don't make use of Media Server.
So what is the case for one to one calls?
Will it affect the performance of web application or bring any critical situation if several users are making audio/video calls(one to one) to each other simultaneously as a routine?
The number of users will be very large and users will be recording daily several entries as their routine work. But still it is manageable and application will be running smoothly but I am not sure about the new concept WebRTC. Will it require a very high hosting plan? Is using WebRTC for current scenario suitable or advisable?
WebRTC by its nature is Peer-to-Peer. Meaning that the streaming data is handled CLIENT side. All decoding, encoding, ICE candidate gathering/negotiation, and media encrypting/transmitting will happen on the client side and not on server side. So, you will be providing the pages, client side JS, and some data exchange(session negotiation signalling) but all in all, it is not a huge amount of work. It should be easily handled without having to worry about your host machine being over worked.
All that said, here are the only a performance concerns that would POSSIBLY affect your hosting server.
Signalling session startup, negotiations, and tare down. This is very minimal(only some json data at the beginning of a session). This should not be too much of a burden but you should be aware that if 1000 sessions start at the same time, you will have a queue of messages to direct to the needed parties. How you determine the parties, forward the messages, and what work you do server side could all affect performance. If written smartly(how to store sessions, how to forward messages, etc.) should not be a terrible burden.This could easily done with SignalR since you are on ASP.NET or you could use a separate one running Node.js(or the same box, does not matter) if you so desired.
RTP TURN relay if needed. This will probably be through a different server(or the same one as your hosting server if you want). For SOME connections, a TURN server is needed and any production ready WebRTC solution should take this into account. Here is a good open source turn server. Bandwidth usage here could be very high as RTP packets are sent to this server and the forwarded to the peer in the connection.
If you are recording the streams, you may have increased hosting traffic depending on how you implement it. Firefox supports client side recording of the streams but Chrome does not(they say it is in the works currently). You could use existing JS libraries to record the feeds client side and then push them anywhere you want. You could also push all the data through a MediaServer that will mux, demux, and forward the data to be recorded anywhere you like. Janus-Gateway videoroom is a good lightweight example of a mediaserver.
Client side is a different story.
There are higher level concerns in the Javascript. If you use one of the recording JS libraries, this is especially evident as they do canvas captures numerous times a second which are a heavy hit and would degrade the user experience.
CPU utilization by the browser will increase as the quality of the video being streamed increases. This is rather obvious as HD video frames take more CPU power to encode/decode than SD frames.
Client side bandwidth usage can also be an issue. Chrome and Firefox try to modify the bitrate of each video/audio feed dynamically but the video Bitrate can go all the way up to 2 Mbps. You can cap this in Chrome( by adding an attribute in the SDP) but not in Firefox(last I checked) as of yet.

How to tunnel multi-player game data over HTTP with IIS to minimize latency?

I would like to create a browser-based network game. To ensure it can be used by as many people as possible, I'd like to embed all the traffic in standard HTTP packages.
Assuming I use IIS as my back end, how should I code this to minimize latency?
Is it reasonable to start with an ASP application of some kind (ASP.NET MVC perhaps) using shared state in memory? Or should I plan from the outset on writing some kind of IIS plugin of my own? Or should I abandon IIS and write a custom server instead?
Is it reasonable to start with each client repeatedly querying, say ten times per second, or should I make the data more stream-like somehow (and if so how)?
This can work just fine, but you're going to have to do something less "conventional."
To make this work, don't do individual requests, keep the request open and then transmit data with the open connection.
You could try using a protocol like Bayeux, but there are no rules here.
Here's an example with ASP.NET using COMET.
Designing an app to hit a web server 10 times a second is not a good idea. Web servers are designed for less frequent client requests and probably larger processing times and reponse sizes than your game will be using. That's not to say a web server wouldn't be able to cope just that it would not be an efficient client-server match.
For any type of app that requires multiple packets per second you really should think about a lighter protocol than HTTP which is fairly verbose. For example if your game needs to send 4 bytes to register a user's battleship co-ordinates you don't really want to transmit an extra few hundred bytes of HTTP headers.
I'd recommend a browser plugin technology like Siverlight of Flash. Both of those support TCP socket connections. You would need to write your own server to sit at the other end of the TCP socket. With that approach you'd also have the advantage of being able to push data out to the clients without having to rely on client polling mechanisms which are required with HTTP, e.g. AJAX.
One problem you will face with standard HTTP messages is the size (and lack of control) over the header data.
I was involved in the design of a flash game which was played by several million people. We needed to communicate with the server every few seconds and ended up using ultra-lightweight JSON messages to save on bandwidth and keep it snappy.
Size of JSON message: 16 bytes
Size of HTTP Header: 200+ bytes
HTTP is not really a good protocol for high traffic, low latency requirements. It was designed for larger, less frequent request/response models and has status codes like 304 Not Modified for this very reason.
You'll probably want to drop down to a custom TCP/IP implementation.
