ASP.NET - User control filed value changes at every pageload -

I have a User control that contains three dropdownlists:for day,month and year. It's kind of a datepicker. It has a private field
private bool _isValidDate = false;
On dropdownlists the first items are "Day", "Month" and "Year". On SelectedIndexChanged event I check if all the selected indices are greater than 0 and if it's true I try to create a new DateTime object with values of the dropdownlists like such:
DateTime date=new DateTime(int.Parse(ddlYear.SelectedItem),
catch {_isValidDate=false;}
On the form where I use this control before submitting I check for the IsValidDate property and if it's false I warn the user. The problem is the first time I set the correct date and press the button I don't get any warning as IsValidDate property is true but if I click it for the second time the IsValidDate property sets back to false and I get the warning although the date is valid. I know it's because everytime the page loads the _isValiddate filed of the control is set back to it's default value-false. How can I handle this problem?

Your property should be like this.
public Boolean IsValidDate
String CompleteDate = "YourYear" + "/" + "YourMonth" + "/" + "YourDay";
DateTime Dt ;
if (DateTime.TryParse(CompleteDate, out Dt))
return true;
return false;


Kendo UI Dropdown List default value from data

I am trying to set Value or SelectedIndex based on the datasource return after Read.
This is my View
HtmlAttributes(New With {.style = "width:500px"}).
s.Read(Sub(r) r.Action("GetUserList", "Employees")
End Sub). ServerFiltering(True)
End Sub).Events(Sub(e) e.Change("SetHiddenUGID")) )
The method GetUserList looks like this
Shared Function GetUserList() As IList
Return db.GetDBUserList().Where(Function(w) w.value <> 0).Select(Function(s) New With {.id = s.value,.text = s.text,.isdefault = s.isdefault}).ToList()
End Function
Now GetDBUserList returns a List of Employees
Public Class Employees
Public Property value As Int64
Public Property text As String
Public Property isdefault As Int32
End Class
I want to set the default value of the dropdown based on isdefault when it's 1, any ideas?
I have tried
var dropdownlist = $("#ddlUsers").data("kendoDropDownList"); (dataItem) {
if (dataItem.isdefault === 1) {
But it did not work.
Your DropDownList is bound to remote data, so you cannot attempt to set the value until after your read action returns with the data.
So, you have to add your code to select the default item in the dataBound event of the DropDownList, as there is not data to select until that point.
But, your function is attempting to set the value to model does not have an id has value, text, and isdefault.
Also, the DropDownList select() method takes jQuery selector, an index, or a function that returns a boolean ( Your function does not return it would result in nothing being selected.
Try doing this in the dataBound event of the DropDownList:
dataBound: function(e) {
var data =; (dataItem) {
return (dataItem.isdefault === 1);
Here's a working example:
It's using javascript initialization but you can add the dataBound event handler to your Razor initialization easily.

Property to check whether a row in grid view has been modified

Is there a simple property or method to check whether a row changed or column value has been changed in my grid view. I also want to get the index of modified/changed row
You can add it to the gridview like this
<asp:GridView Name="gridview1" OnRowUpdating="GridViewUpdateEventHandler" />
If I remember correctly there is an abundance of tutorials for gridviews and how to manipulate data.
No, there is no simple property for that. But...
Here is a method for that on MSDN
You'll have to modify it for your data and your control names to verify, but it's all there, straight from the keyboard of Microsoft.
protected bool IsRowModified(GridViewRow r)
int currentID;
string currentLastName;
string currentFirstName;
currentID = Convert.ToInt32(GridView1.DataKeys[r.RowIndex].Value);
currentLastName = ((TextBox)r.FindControl("LastNameTextBox")).Text;
currentFirstName = ((TextBox)r.FindControl("FirstNameTextBox")).Text;
System.Data.DataRow row =
originalDataTable.Select(String.Format("EmployeeID = {0}", currentID))[0];
if (!currentLastName.Equals(row["LastName"].ToString())) { return true; }
if (!currentFirstName.Equals(row["FirstName"].ToString())) { return true; }
return false;

Invalid date format causing ModelState to be invalid in controller

I am getting an invalid ModelState when data is returned from a View using an ajax call but only for edits. I am passing a datetime value from a SQL record to the view. The date shows up just fine in a Kendo UI DateTime picker. If I make a new selection from the datetime picker, I don't get the exception, it's only if I don't make any changes do I get the invalid error. Here is what the MVC controller is showing:
The value '/Date(1387443600000)/' is not valid for RequiredByDate."
What am I missing here? First time I have ever had an issue with a datetime field like this.
EDIT: Found out the date was being formatted in the view once the controller passed it in. Here is what I had to do before using it on the page and eventually sending it back to the controller (code is verbose for debugging purposes):
var myModel = model;
var jsonDate = myModel.Header.RequiredByDate; // "/Date(1387443600000)/"
var value = new Date(parseInt(jsonDate.substr(6)));
var ret = value.getMonth() + 1 + "/" + value.getDate() + "/" + value.getFullYear();
//ret is now in normal date format "12-13-2013"
After posting an edit above I found what I think is an even better solution to the problem. Here is a function that converts the string to an actual date object:
function dateFromStringWithTime(str) {
var match;
if (!(match = str.match(/\d+/))) {
return false;
var date = new Date();
date.setTime(match[0] - 0);
return date;

validation step by step

I have an aspx page with three textbox controls, and i want to do validation for all.
i want to show the error message in a sequence,
for example if i left all three text boxes empty and click on submit button,
first it will show error message for first text box and then when i fill the first textbox and click again save then it shows the error message for the second textbox and so on.
that means i only want to show one error message at a time after clicking the submit button.
can you people suggest me the way.
You could do it though checking on submission of the form and posting back to a literal with error messages. Postback validation is better than just relying on javascript in any case.
So, depending on the level of checks you want to employ, you could do something like:
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, eventArgs e)
ltError.Text = "Sorry, error message for box1";
Obviously you'd work in more checks and after passing stage1 you'd move on to stage 2. Not great from a user experience but would work.
you can return a function value like this
public string CheckValidation()
if (txtFirstName.Text.Trim().Equals(string.Empty))
return "Please enter firstname";
if (txtLastName.Text.Trim().Equals(string.Empty))
return "Please enter lastname";
and so on as per your validation fields.
Hope this helps you
Can you use the AJAX control toolkit? The VaidatorCallout controls behave this way and you get a nice little balloon indicating where the error is.
ASP.NET Validator Callout
I'd recommend an <asp:CustomValidator> control for each textbox. You can use something like the following for the custom validation routines:
var textBox1IsValid = function textBox1IsValid(sender, args) {
var tb = document.getElementById('TextBox1'),
resultOfValidation = false;
//do validation, modifying resultOfValidation as needed.
arg.IsValid = resultOfValidation;
return resultOfValidation;
textBox2IsValid = function textBox2IsValid(sender, args) {
var tb = document.getElementById('TextBox2'),
resultOfValidation = false;
//do validation, modifying resultOfValidation as needed.
//return either the validity of TextBox2
//or (if TextBox1 is not valid) return true so the
//validator for TextBox2 doesn't fire.
arg.IsValid = resultOfValidation || !textBox1IsValid(sender, args);
return resultOfValidation;
textBox3IsValid = function textBox3IsValid(sender, args) {
var tb = document.getElementById('TextBox3'),
resultOfValidation = false;
//do validation, modifying resultOfValidation as needed.
//return either the validity of TextBox3
//or (if either TextBox1 or TextBox2 is not valid) return
//true so the validator for TextBox3 doesn't fire.
arg.IsValid = resultOfValidation || !textBox1IsValid(sender, args) || !textBox2IsValid(sender, args);
return resultOfValidation;
The advantage of this approach is that TextBox2 and TextBox3 will return as valid if their contents are valid or if TextBox1 is not valid. This will fire only one validator at a time, until all fields are valid. It's also a little more flexible as your custom validation routine can check for:
required field
pattern matching
value comparison
or any other validation that you need, all wrapped up into one function.
The downside is that you'll also need to duplicate the validation logic server-side. use details view if 1 record is returned and gridview if more than one record

I'm using a details view and a sqldatasource control to populate it. Every once in a while i get an error message because more than one row is returned. How can I have the data display in a gridview instead if more than one row is returned?
Databind to both and put this in the OnDataBound event or wherever appropriate in your code. (Obviously you'll need to tweak the code for the names of your objects)
if(myDataTable.Rows.Count > 1)
myGridView.Visible = true;
myDetailsView.Visible = false;
myGridView.Visible = false;
myDetailsView.Visible = true;
