What the heck is Firefox doing to my nav? - css

Alright, I'm completely stumped by this one. Firefox (FF 11/OS X) is rendering a white line at the bottom of my nav on http://ntcc.johnmbjerke.com/ but it goes away as soon as you hover on one of the items or scroll down the page and come back up.
I've messed with every seemingly related item with no luck. Any ideas?
Screenshot here: http://d.pr/5gKE

This is actually not a white line, but rather sub-pixel rendering due to the background-size property as the others have correctly identified in their comments above. There is no way to avoid this 1px sub-pixel rendering because it comes from the background-size property and how it is rendering the image.
Your best bet is to shift the background-position -1px on the y-axis. This means that the sub-pixel rendering will still happen, but it will occur at the bottom where the 1px of white will not be visible to the user.
Just change your background-position: center center to background-position: center -1px
Here's a screenshot after the change: http://d.pr/rOX9


A weird vanishing website when scrolling up (only in Chrome)

So this is a bit weird. (only) In Chrome browser, when scrolling back up to the top (with two fingers rather than the sidebar), my content seems to vanish.
It becomes visible again upon scrolling back down.
I'm attaching a screenshot as some of you may not see the bug.
my website address: https://londonim.co.il
I switched to called CuteWP which is the root to all these new problems.
I suspect there is something to do with the opacity settings and animation for webkit, along with the sticky navmenu because when I inspect it on developer mode, I can see that
<div class=cutewp-scroll-top'> is getting a display:none property.
however I cannot be sure that this is the issue. My best guess lies within the styling code for the scroll bar. however this is a mere guess and fiddling with the opacity here remained fruitless.
Here's the code of my prime suspect:
/* Scroll to Top Button
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
.cutewp-scroll-top{background:#000000 left top no-repeat url(assets/images/scroll-top.png);border:1px solid black;cursor:pointer;display:block;height:29px;opacity:.4;filter:alpha(opacity=40);position:fixed;bottom:20px;right:20px;width:29px;z-index:200;}
.cutewp-scroll-top:hover{opacity:1;filter:alpha(opacity=100);-webkit-transition:opacity 1s;transition:opacity 1s;}
.cutewp-box{background:#fff;padding:15px;border:1px solid #dddddd;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 40px rgba(0,0,0,.1) inset;-moz-box-shadow:0 0 40px rgba(0,0,0,.1) inset;box-shadow:0 0 40px rgba(0,0,0,.1) inset;}
#-webkit-keyframes cutewp-fadein{from{opacity:0;}to{opacity:1;}}
#-moz-keyframes cutewp-fadein{from{opacity:0;}to{opacity:1;}}
#-o-keyframes cutewp-fadein{from{opacity:0;}to{opacity:1;}}
#keyframes cutewp-fadein{from{opacity:0;}to{opacity:1;}}
I have also noticed that when the error occures
<div class="cutewp-container cutewp-primary-menu-container clearfix cutewp-fixed"> changes to <div class="cutewp-container cutewp-primary-menu-container clearfix"> however i cannot find the command line for this change.
Would appreciate the help with this, although I realize this is a bit more vague than the way one should normally ask a question.
Thanks a lot,
This is a common issue with overflow with websites. To mitigate this kind of issue you just have to add in your custom css settings this code:
body {overflow:hidden !important;}
This will apply hiding overflow(s) to avoid unnecessary scroll tab.

CSS - Strange border behaviour

I have a div, which has it's border property set to:
border: 1px solid #3a87ad;
When I inspect this div in my browser (using Firefox 60.0.1), the computed values for the border are 0.6 px. This wouldn't be an issue alone, but I am using multiple numbers of these divs in a plugin, which places them one below the other, and when it calculates the top position of each div, it uses exact values. After 3-4 divs placed, I can see a tiny white line (the extra white-space from the borders), that starts adding up on the screen.
Unfortunatly, I can't provide a fiddle, as the code is too large, but I am hoping someone else also experienced simmilar issues, and knows a solution.
What I already tried, is refreshing my zoom settings in the browser, but that didn't help either, viewing on 100% zoom, the problem still persists.
I think your code is overridden by some other CSS you use in your Plugin
Check it Carefully
and try border: 1px solid #3a87ad!important;
I hope it works

Why is webkit's transform making one element's borders unpredictable?

I've got two inputs, styled primarily by Zurb's Foundation framework. They're in a .row.collapse and each in a .medium-6.columns (these columns are 50% width, floated left, no margins). The inputs themselves are 100% wide within their containers. It's all pretty simple, and the Inspector and jQuery.css are all returning what I'd expect them to. But there's a border issue. Here's the gist of the CSS:
input {
border: 1px solid #dddddd;
&.first {
border-right-width: 0;
This is to have the effect of collapsing the middle border. But for some reason, this border-right-width: 0 is throwing Webkit (Chrome and Safari but not Firefox) off. The inspector shows 1px border, and the proper border-color. The white input background lines up properly with the second input (that is, there's room for the border), but there's no gray border. Maybe it's rendering transparent?
If I open this up on a retina display, it renders normally - proper borders on both. If I zoom in, the borders show up when it hits the "small" media query (mobile device sizes). But I can't make this border show up on a non-retina, desktop display in Chrome.
Here's how it looks in Chrome:
And here's how it looks in Firefox:
To double-check, I used the Web Inspector to apply a simple border to the first element. It showed up fine (looked like the Firefox screenshot). Adding border-right-width: 0 reintroduced the problem. It seems clear that that's the issue. But I don't know why?
It seems like border-radius may play into this as well? The Firefox screenshot above shows a double-border in the middle, despite the Inspector showing 0 right border. If I uncheck border-radius, in Firefox, it fixes that issue.
These properties should all be independent of one another. Why are they affecting each other?
Trying to recreate in codepen. Unsuccessful so far, but it looks like it has something to do with transform - these inputs are in a container that is set with the following
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
#include transform(translate(-50%,-50%));
This has the effect of vertically and horizontally centering the element no matter the width or height in modern browsers. When I turn off transform the border shows up as it should. As I understand, transform accesses the GPU? Or it can? It seems quite possible that this is what's throwing it off. If you look at the screenshot, there are strange border artifacts (like, a partial, interior border on the right side of the left element) that I can't explain.
Edit 2
It's got to be transform - changing the border-color to red makes this clear: the border is being rendered at a sub-pixel level and then, for some reason, cut off in a funky way. You can see a vague pink border around the left input:
This may or may not help and without the fiddle, it's difficult to recreate; but I wanted to share something I've recently encountered with webkit browsers and Foundation.
By default, Foundation attaches a right float on the last column in each row or horizontal block...
[class*="column"] + [class*="column"]:last-child {
float: right; }
99% of the time this is never an issue, unless you have a very small border between columns. Webkit browsers calculate percentages strangely at times.
You mentioned your columns were floated left, but just in case this is still an issue; overriding the above pseudo class to float the last-child column left may help.

CSS: Hover State images cache

when we define hover state of anything CSS... & on hover state we change the background:url('image path'); will this image be preloaded of will be download on the first hover of the element.. if that is so then how to preload it... i know the javascript to preload images.. is that going to work...
If you're trying to avoid having your hover state images only load they they're being hovered on, instead of preloading them, why not create sprites that hold both the normal and hover images ? That way you can be sure that all your hover state images will already be loaded, and at the same time drop the overhead for all the requests. The only thing that you would then need to do, is to set the value of the background-position attribute.
As for your first question, I suppose the best way of finding the answer is to use two large images (a couple of wallpapers would work) and test it yourself, although I suspect that the images will only be loaded when the mouse is over the original image, because that's when the code is being executed.
Hope this helps !
If you have a div of height 20px, say, and want a background image to change on hover, use an image with both the no-hover and hover graphics in it, with the no-hover at the top, and the hover image at the bottom. Both parts should be the hight of your div, in this case, 20px. Then, set your CSS background-position first to 0px 0px (top left). This is default (no hover).
When the user hovers over the div, set the background-position to 0px -20px (20px up). This will move the background image up by 20px, showing the bottom half of the sprite, which is the hover graphic. When the mouse is removed from the div, the sprite will fall back to it's original position.
.hoverDiv /* Normal state */
background: url('images/img.png');
background-position: 0px 0px;
.hoverDiv:hover /* Hover state */
background-position: 0px -20px; /* Move background up by 20px, hiding the top image */
If you have a div of different height, just change the 20px bits with the height of the div.
If your sprites are side by side as opposed to on top of each other, move the X axis by using background-position: -20px 0px; instead of 0px -20px;. Of course, you can move the background positively too.
Hope this helps,
you could use css sprites
The best thing to do is use CSS Sprites. A sprite sheet is a large image with lots of images inside it, which will be used on your site. What's the benefit? Well, it means that only one http request is sent to download all of your images. Therefore, making the site load slightly faster.
It will really work well with a hover effect!
It's much easier to use plus simple code. Not like JavaScript, with messy horrible code. It's very easy to learn. Based around the position of the image in the sprite. Here's a useful tutorial, on Flowdev. Here's an example on W3Schools

Why is my background image not displaying properly in IE7?

Screenshot of the issue: here
Webpage in Question: http://cure.org
Offending browser: Internet Explorer 7
You'll notice from the screenshot, or if you view this site in IE7, that the background image is not displaying for the content div (#modal-inner-content). Strangely, the image displays in the other divs where it is used (since it's a sprite, I'm using that same image for #modal-top-border and #modal-btm-border).
In all other browsers it displays properly, and even in IE8. I cannot seem to find what CSS rule (or lack thereof) I may be using that IE7 is choking on.
NOTE: in order to get the modal screen, just click the link at the very top banner of the page that says "login to your CURE account
I had the same problem in IE 7 with a transparent PNG acting as a background inside a <div>. Positioning the background at (0|0) fixed it for me:
background: url("images/bg-header.png") no-repeat 0 0;
I had the same problem, buttons with graphic backgrounds aren't displayed in IE7.
It seems that IE7 has problems with such HTML elements with borders, as setting border-width:0 solved the problem for me.
I just remembered that IE7 has a problem with mixed units in the background position property. so -636px top should be -636px 0
I agree with FutureKode. The background on #modal-inner-content isn't displaying because IE doesn't think the element hasLayout, which sometimes causes problems with other style declarations. To trigger hasLayout, the easiest way I see would be to style that div with width:576px (what Firebug is telling me the width of that div is). I'm assuming the width of that box never changes?
More on hasLayout, and what triggers it: http://www.satzansatz.de/cssd/onhavinglayout.html
Are you using some fix for IE and png images ?
If i remember correctly, most plugins/methods to enable transparency to background images by using the filter css property of IE made the background non-repeatable ..
It could be it ..
Not sure why the image isn't showing up in IE7, but this could be a good intermediate fix. this should add a white background if the image doesn't show up.
Try changing #modal-inner-content from:
background: url(http://cure.org/img/modal-bg-xy.png?jcb=1284407379) repeat-y -636px 0%;
background: url(http://cure.org/img/modal-bg-xy.png?jcb=1284407379) #fff repeat-y -636px 0%;
--- Edit - don't use above answer ---
Try wrapping the url in quotes:
background: url("http://cure.org/img/modal-bg-xy.png?jcb=1284407379") repeat-y -636px 0%;
I need to install ie7. My first try would be to add a width to #modal-inner-content
Use the clear-rule:
