WP-Calendar Saturday will not show - fullcalendar

My problem is very simple to say. In the graphical calendar which I called for in one of my pages. Despite setting the parameters and reading the documentation, I can get every day of the week to show up in the calendar except for Saturday. I wouldn't care so much except I run a internet radio show and one of my specialty shows is on a Saturday. I'd like for it to be able to show all seven days in the full month view. I really like the layout and design of your calendar, but your parameters make my head spin. I set the weekends to true, because I thought from what I read would make them display. I guess I was wrong. I'm not a programmer of web designer yet. I start school in the fall. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around these settings. Please help.
You may visit my page directly to see what I mean.
Thank You for any help.P.S. I realize people just don't give out help for free, so to the person who helps the most resolve my issue, I have a special place at the footer of my site for special thanks to people who helped with the site. I would be willing to add a link there to a professional website. Thanks

You need to set the width of the calendar. It is showing the fullCalendar completely, but the overflow is hidden behind the smaller div you placed the calendar in. Make the available space smaller and that should fix the problem...
As for the promotion... If my answer is accepted, use Stackoverflow as the promotion as I do not run any kind of professional establishment. I just do my own projects.
I am not in a position where I can further inspect the code and give you a proper answer, but you can use firebug to find the class/id of the div you need to change. Hope it helps.


web accessibility - play audio on button hover

i have a few buttons on my site with audio playing on button hover.
i have main sound on/off toggle button on my navbar.
my question is if it's accessible to play an audio on mouse hover and not on button click? since the user doesn't expect to hear sound when hovering on an element.
i can't find anything on wcag site about play on hover. nothing but this https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#audio-control
What an interesting question!
Short answer
Don't play sounds on hover automatically without the user explicitly setting the sound to "on" on the site first.
This isn't just an accessibility issue this is a user experience issue, playing sounds without asking permission first is a terrible practice as your user may be reading your page in a library or on a train and will not expect sounds.
If you really want sounds on your site I would suggest a popup on site load that allows a user to enable sounds if they wish.
Longer Answer
Does playing a sound on hover break any rules in the WCAG?
There is no specific guidance as far as WCAG is concerned as to whether a sound can play on hover.
However there is a lot of general guidance that is very closely related that although doesn't specifically mention this scenario is close enough that we can infer whether or not this is a good idea.
I would recommend referencing guidance G170: Providing a control near the beginning of the Web page that turns off sounds that play automatically, guidance G60: Playing a sound that turns off automatically within three seconds and guidance G171: Playing sounds only on user request
You will see there is a common theme, give users the choice as to whether they want sounds and if you do play sounds automatically make sure they don't last more than 3 seconds.
There is also one other thing to consider
The unspoken rule(s) of accessibility
These aren't hard and fast rules but in accessibility there are two things applicable to this question you should always strive to adhere to.
1. Follow Expected practices
Navigating the web I expect to see certain things. If I click a link I expect the page to change, if I click on a picture I expect either nothing to happen or that image to pop up in a lightbox or open in a new page.
Expected behaviour is a key part of accessibility for all sorts of people with disabilities, but especially those with anxiety disorders and those with cognitive impairments.
Having a sound play on hover could startle, scare or confuse certain people or be very distracting for others (e.g. someone with ADHD or Autism).
2. Try to offer the same experience to all users.
The other thing you are doing wrong is offering a different experience to different users.
If someone has mobility issues / accuracy issues (e.g. Parkinson's Disease or Cerebral Palsy) then they may use a keyboard instead of a mouse and will not hear the sounds that mouse users experience on hover.
For this reason if you implement sounds make sure they fire on both the focus state and hover state.
So with all of the above in mind what should you do?
The simplest answer is not to have sounds at all, but you may have a good reason you want sounds on hover / focus.
So the first thing you should do is give your visitors a choice when they first land. Do they want sounds on the site or not.
Instead of switching it on automatically people should explicitly tell you that they want sounds to be played on the site. If they dismiss the message assume they do not want sounds.
This will also help screen reader users etc. as not every screen reader user uses a keyboard (for example someone with severe Dyslexia may hover over items to have them read out loud, your sounds on hover would interfere with that).
The second thing you should do is make sure that no sound plays when over your switch to turn sounds off (in case someone switched them on by mistake), or at least make sure that sound is less than 3 seconds if you really must have a sound. For all other buttons / links etc.
I would probably say make sure sounds last no more than 3 seconds, although one scenario where this may be allowed is if hovering a link previews an audio file. If this is the case I would make sure that when someone decides to enable sounds it is clearly stated that some links may play audio for more than 3 seconds.
The final thing you should do is make sure that sounds are played on hover and on focus. You should give your keyboard users the option to enjoy the same experience as mouse users if they want.
Finally - reconsider using sound. It is likely just going to annoy your users anyway as hearing a sound every time I hover an interactive element is soon going to get frustrating if I have been on your site for more than a minute.
Obviously there will be valid use cases for sound on hover, but there are probably very few of them.

Display Optional Content for AdBlock Users on WordPress

I am trying to set up some sort of conditional, non-intrusive text box that shows up only for people using AdBlock. I am adamantly and emphatically opposed to popups or locking the content of my website to AdBlock users. I simply want to have a small section of plain text show up that says, “Hey, you! Before you read on, we ask that you consider whitelisting us on AdBlock. (etc. etc. etc.)”. I want people to be able to scroll past it without issue and not have their experience with my website be impacted if they choose not to whitelist me; I'm not out to coerce anyone or annoy anyone, I just want to make my case, in brief, that I don't run obstructive, malware-filled ads and it would be great if they supported me. And I don't want it to show up if someone doesn't have Adblock enabled.
I'm not very savvy with HTML, but if someone can clearly instruct me where exactly to put some code in to my website, I would be open to an option that involves editing my website's code. Otherwise, a plugin that I've overlooked would be really helpful. I've looked around but most of what I've found is something that puts a giant sticky on the page to obstruct peoples' view until they whitelist. Again, I don't want that. That is exactly the reason people got AdBlock to begin with. People who use such countermeasures are fundamentally missing the point. (/rant)
Thanks in advance!
Use this plugin.
Read this article:- https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-detect-and-stop-adblock-in-wordpress/
Hope its working for you. try this and let me know

How to apply any style to FullCalendar cells

great people from Stack!
I'm having some issues working with Full Calendar I would like to get some help with.
First of all, Full Calendar is an amazing tool. Everything I have had any doubt with has been solved in a breeze just by taking a look at the docs or googling five minutes. However, there is a problem I'm dealing with and can't find (I'm starting to suspect it is virtually impossible, or at least it is for me to imagine how to do it) the way to get it solved.
I'm implementing this library in a project which is meant to be something like an appointments manager, among other things. A (simple) functionality I wanted to add is to open a modal when a calendar cell (agenda week would be the main view) is clicked with a form, allowing to create an appointment for the selected cell. To improve usability, I thought it would be nice if the cells had some kind of hover effect, so that you can feel there is 'something' behind clicking this element. The thing is, the calendar is composed by something like 2 separated overlapping tables, one with rows and the other with columns, that form the grid. The modal system is done and working, dayClick made the trick. Any way to do anything similar to what I am talking about, the hover stuff? (my idea was to make some kind of (+) button appear when hovering, but anything would work.
Thank you!
Edit: I noticed there is a 'selectable' directive which, given only to the AgendaWeek view, allows me to select cells. The selection is made by the JS code, adding an element just above the cell, with its dimensions. Wouldn't it be any way to call this from hovering a cell instead of just clicking it? I wonder that highlight cell is rendered from the position of the mouse at the time of the click and wouldn't be very efficient to check that all the time...

UIWebView with buttons

before my question i would like to mention that i have been searching for this answer and you guys have led me to understand programming better in general considering the fact i just started learning and kind of struggling since i can't understand written tutorials. :(
Anywho. I am trying to have three buttons on my app each loading different URL's. I understand how to do this with a Tab Controller and honestly i understood how to use them by following one of the tutorials posted here. I came accross a very very strange problem in that and it was that in Tab Controllers, the SecondViewController would be unadjusted to the screen if i added the missing constraints. I couldn't figure out why so i thought to myself that it could be possible to load one URL in one UIWebView but still keep their state of where ever this person is on the page.
Could someone show me an example of how it is done? - Loading URL's via buttons to ONE UIWebView?
extra info: the web app is suppose to be a Show Portal for episodes, and the second button or one of the buttons will have a list of episodes by years, on which the user selects years and then months and then the list of episodes for that month are displayed.
I apologize if i broke a rule.
Thank you!!!

How to use jQuery to show a different page in ASP.NET

I am trying to set up functionality similar to Netflix. Where if you mouseover a movie - you are presented with a window of movie details (all client-side).
At high level, can someone in this forum help by telling me how this should be implemented? I.E., one or more .aspx pages, what would go in code-behind, and .js file, css, etc. Just trying to get an idea on how this would be set up to work.
Basically, when I hover over an item, I need to query for details that belongs for that record being moused-over and display it in the window or div. I also need to have some functionality in that window (i.e. a textbox and button which will end up needing to get saved in a database).
Thanks for any tips and suggestions -
You would want to add an AJAX call to the hover event of the image, that pulls from a webservice/web method.
Here is a good example, you would change some things. However, it should get you started.
If I understood your question correctly, you should try this excelent jQuery plugin:
Look at the demo here:
easy to install and configure and very slick!
Good luck
EDIT: sorry wrong lik the first time
There are certainly many jQuery plugins that will do this for you. jQuery UI may also be of benefit.
Here is one that appears to do something like you are describing:
