UIWebView with buttons - button

before my question i would like to mention that i have been searching for this answer and you guys have led me to understand programming better in general considering the fact i just started learning and kind of struggling since i can't understand written tutorials. :(
Anywho. I am trying to have three buttons on my app each loading different URL's. I understand how to do this with a Tab Controller and honestly i understood how to use them by following one of the tutorials posted here. I came accross a very very strange problem in that and it was that in Tab Controllers, the SecondViewController would be unadjusted to the screen if i added the missing constraints. I couldn't figure out why so i thought to myself that it could be possible to load one URL in one UIWebView but still keep their state of where ever this person is on the page.
Could someone show me an example of how it is done? - Loading URL's via buttons to ONE UIWebView?
extra info: the web app is suppose to be a Show Portal for episodes, and the second button or one of the buttons will have a list of episodes by years, on which the user selects years and then months and then the list of episodes for that month are displayed.
I apologize if i broke a rule.
Thank you!!!


ARForms Plugin(Wordpress) does not display Multi-Selection element

I know that this is a very specific question but maybe someone here has an answer. I am using the ARForms plugin to create forms on my wordpress website. It works excellent and I was always very happy with it but since a few days the multi-select element stopped working.
In the editor where I created a form I can see the element but it does not appear on my website although the form itself including other elements works fine.
Maybe someone had the same problem and could help me.
Thank you for your time

How to apply any style to FullCalendar cells

great people from Stack!
I'm having some issues working with Full Calendar I would like to get some help with.
First of all, Full Calendar is an amazing tool. Everything I have had any doubt with has been solved in a breeze just by taking a look at the docs or googling five minutes. However, there is a problem I'm dealing with and can't find (I'm starting to suspect it is virtually impossible, or at least it is for me to imagine how to do it) the way to get it solved.
I'm implementing this library in a project which is meant to be something like an appointments manager, among other things. A (simple) functionality I wanted to add is to open a modal when a calendar cell (agenda week would be the main view) is clicked with a form, allowing to create an appointment for the selected cell. To improve usability, I thought it would be nice if the cells had some kind of hover effect, so that you can feel there is 'something' behind clicking this element. The thing is, the calendar is composed by something like 2 separated overlapping tables, one with rows and the other with columns, that form the grid. The modal system is done and working, dayClick made the trick. Any way to do anything similar to what I am talking about, the hover stuff? (my idea was to make some kind of (+) button appear when hovering, but anything would work.
Thank you!
Edit: I noticed there is a 'selectable' directive which, given only to the AgendaWeek view, allows me to select cells. The selection is made by the JS code, adding an element just above the cell, with its dimensions. Wouldn't it be any way to call this from hovering a cell instead of just clicking it? I wonder that highlight cell is rendered from the position of the mouse at the time of the click and wouldn't be very efficient to check that all the time...

I am un-able to type in any text field on my website. Nor can any users [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 4 years ago.
Improve this question
I have no idea how or why this is happening, but all text fields on my website can not be typed in.
I seem to have bad luck when asking questions here so I would ask you just go to https://contest.faucetastic.fun and attempt to login. Any info/guesses or direction on this issue would be much appreciated as I legit have not the foggiest.
I've looked through possible settings as to why this is happening, but I just don't have the experience to find out what happened.
I've been wondering why I've had no sign-ups with all the ads I've ran
So while I'm in my admin panel and on theme customizer I noticed I was logged in on my site itself, I clicked log out and it took me to the admin log in screen for WP. Then went back to my theme customizer and was logged in again. I clicked log out once again but this time my screen went white and did not recover.
I'm sorry that not so experienced to give more deffinate descriptions, but I'm in a serious bind here so I truly do appreciate the help.
I set the color of the text to black.. and it showed. your css has the color of the text in the input elements set to white or matches the box ..
I would put
input[type='text']{ color: black; }
in style.css
or in the js
$( "form input:text" ).css({
color: "black",
Alright, after some very frugal and stunning efforts from WPMU Dev. It was established that the NES Emulator Known as Retro Game Emulator has several flaws, one of which locks up all text fields on a site.
The amazing folks at WPMU Dev even went as far as reaching out to him to see if he was either aware or cared about the fault. As it turns out, He really doesn't seem to give two s**** about.
-=- And to the user that mentioned the miner. I removed that Long before your comment which concerns me. I will head there now and run a few tests
If any of you have used the nesbox before, you already know that its both A: Amazing, but B: missing some U.I components.
Now, From the back end of the retro game emulator, you can easily upload files directly into it with a drop down tab. Then on the front end, users drop the same menu, but instead it displays the games uploaded that can be played.
So my continued question now is, would it be possible to add that feature to the nesbox to make it both easier for wordpress webmasters to install, and give higher functionality to front end users.
I know this may intale a long answer, so, this is just for thought :)
should you have an explosive thought tho. please write er down ;)
Just gonna jump to tic80 and talk to nesbox man

WP-Calendar Saturday will not show

My problem is very simple to say. In the graphical calendar which I called for in one of my pages. Despite setting the parameters and reading the documentation, I can get every day of the week to show up in the calendar except for Saturday. I wouldn't care so much except I run a internet radio show and one of my specialty shows is on a Saturday. I'd like for it to be able to show all seven days in the full month view. I really like the layout and design of your calendar, but your parameters make my head spin. I set the weekends to true, because I thought from what I read would make them display. I guess I was wrong. I'm not a programmer of web designer yet. I start school in the fall. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around these settings. Please help.
You may visit my page directly to see what I mean.
Thank You for any help.P.S. I realize people just don't give out help for free, so to the person who helps the most resolve my issue, I have a special place at the footer of my site for special thanks to people who helped with the site. I would be willing to add a link there to a professional website. Thanks
You need to set the width of the calendar. It is showing the fullCalendar completely, but the overflow is hidden behind the smaller div you placed the calendar in. Make the available space smaller and that should fix the problem...
As for the promotion... If my answer is accepted, use Stackoverflow as the promotion as I do not run any kind of professional establishment. I just do my own projects.
I am not in a position where I can further inspect the code and give you a proper answer, but you can use firebug to find the class/id of the div you need to change. Hope it helps.

How to create an background activity in app inventor

I wanted to create an app in appinventor that would switch screen right/left depending on what side the phone is shaken while unlocked. But couldnt figure out:
a. how to make application run in background.
b. what property i am going for. Like what tells phone's screen to scroll left or right when finger slides across the screen. What method is called. I figured view class would have to do something with it. Having no java experience i couldn't make much sense out of sdk,refernce,resources etc.
Please help me out, i will give you credit for it.
Oh also i think i might have to include "activity starter" too.
It's an issue for app inventor
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The standard Application Inventor 2 website, as you surely know, is this one:
However, there is another one, which allows using background threads (services):
It has a feature not available on the standard (official) AI2 website, the Add Task functionality, which allows adding tasks that will keep running even after a screen have been closed.
However, since it is an unsupported version, whose last release is dated from almost 1 year ago, I did not spent time making experiments, but this migh meet what you need:
The website will turn down, but worked like a charm before.
The whole concept was based on a Master Thesis: https://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/100626/932752939-MIT.pdf;sequence=1
The last message from the site was something like: Google change the concept of background service architecture which cause the 'taks' concept to obsolate and prevent to work in the future.
