CSS column height and textarea - css

I have two-column layout with a header and footer. I have created a JSFilddle with demonstrating this.
The left-column will normally have more content than the right-column.
How can I get the right-column to expand to the height of the left column, or just fill the height of the view-port? I have sene examples of something similar, but not with a footer that is always at the bottom of the display.
How can I get the textarea to fill the height of its parent, the right column (I haven't even got close to solving this one).

I've just edited your jsfiddle.
The idea is to set a min-height on your right column block, and have it determining the height of the whole content section instead of inheriting height attribute from its parent.
Secondly, regarding the text-area. This bit is tricky, you need to use javascript to render it upon everytime a user resize their view port, and update the attribute height of the textarea accordingly.
minHeight is important incase you have an empty content container and you dont want the footer to be pushed up right under the nose of the header. Hence minheight prevent that from happening. Once the height of the right column exceeds minHeight, the parent div will be expanded accordingly.
I see nothing wrong with h being the height of the viewport if you really want it to always expand full windows. However I recommend using $(window).innerHeight instead of Height(). But again, this is javascript and your code will never render the same thing on different browsers, so keep that in mind :)
$(window).resize(function() { var h = $(window).height(); $('#MyTextarea').css('height', h-300); });


Using fixed elements in responsive design with only css if possible

This is more a question of logic rather than technical.
I have a design where my header is fixed at the top all the time, so is the footer, but the elements inside have percentage widths so the header will change in size as the window changes.
BUT, as the header is always fixed-positioned the content below is covered by it and as I do not know the height of the header I cannot know how much padding-top I must add to the content so it won't get covered by the header.
What do you say?
If height goes automatically, you will need js to control it, taking the height of the fixed div and updating top margin/padding dinamically. Anyway, it would be nice if we could see an example of what you have currently

Define 3 heights and use resize in CSS

I have a div element with to resize:vertical style on it. The contents of the div are generated, so it could be empty or filled. The div needs a max height, so that the height increases as new items are added, but it caps the size at 150px and makes the div scrollable.
I could easily accomplish that with the max-height style, but if I want to resize it, it doesn't work.
The second idea I had, was to just use the height style, but by doing this, the div's not adjusting its height if the contents are smaller than 150px.
Is there any way of doing this without javascript?
I don't think this is possible without JavaScript and even if it would be: What do you want this for? Please take a look at browser support of resize!
(What do you mean by "filled" - is this done via PHP or JS? Actually no matter which one you use, you could check if there is any content and if so add an .empty class to the div)

What is the actual height of a container without scrollbars?

Probably a silly question but, what is the actual height of a container in Flex without scrollbars? Height and measuredheight seem to tell me what the visual height of a container is, but I want to know that number plus any height that is being 'hidden" below a scrollbar.
You can get the height with this:
HBox and VBox always resizes to it's children if I remember correctly. So the height/width property will always be that of the content within it.
As for SWFLoader, it acts more like a Canvas. If you want to get the width/height of the content, just use the contentHeight/contentWidth property. The height/width of SWFLoader should be the size of the "Canvas" and not it's children.
I believe for the scrollbar itself, only certain components do that (like canvas), and I believe the algorithm to add the scrollbar is along the lines of if contentHeight > height => add vertical scrollbar. The HBox and VBox shouldn't ever get a scrollbar, unless you specify the 'clipContent' property to true. I personally would steer away from using that and instead just wrap it in a Canvas.

text fit inside the box in my web page

I have one big image as a background to my webpage. The image contains a box inside the image itself. How would I place text on that background image such that it should fit in the box, and shrink or resize accordingly (in other resolutions when the background resizes)?
If you're looking to resize the "box" containing the text, you should be able to set the dimensions of the element to percentage-based width and height values with CSS.
If you want to resize the text inside the element, then you might want to consider using JavaScript (perhaps jQuery) to poll the size of the window at set intervals and adjust the text size based on the new window dimensions.
Edit: To clarify, you should be able to set the dimensions of the text box (probably a div) to be a percentage of the page. For example, the div containing the text could be 80% of the window width and 80% of its height. You can then set the margin to be "auto". This should cause the margin around the box and the dimensions to be proportional to the window width.
<style type="text/css">
div#box {
height: 80%;
width: 80%;
margin: auto;
<div id="box">Text goes here.</div>
This will cause the "box" div to be centered horizontally on the page, but vertical centering is a bit trickier. You'll probably want to look at this page to figure out how to center it vertically to stay within the box in the background.
As suggested by the other individual, you could also make the box background just the background of the text's container and not the entire page background. This might be a bit easier, but I think you will still need to use the percentage-based width and height attributes and auto margin to center it nicely.
For starters, you can't resize a background image. Also, resizing text will need Javascript or a page refresh.
Try making an example at http://www.jsfiddle.net so people better see what you're describing.
Your question is still unclear and I strongly recommend jsfiddle. But if I've interpreted correctly...you're using FancyBox, which suggests you've got some Javascript running your page. Javascript can be used to find if your text is overflowing the container, and can resize it accordingly.
To do this, get your <div> (or container element) and check its .scrollHeight and .clientHeight properties. If the scroll is less than the client, the text doesn't need to be resized. If scroll is larger than the client, you can resize with the .style.fontSize property.
An untested example of what I'm describing is like this:
myDiv = $('containerElement'); // Get container object using its ID
size = 50; // Start with 50px font size
while(myDiv.scrollHeight > myDiv.clientHeight) {
// Decrement font size until scroll is less than client
myDiv.style.fontSize = (size - 1) + 'px';
You'll have to do a little legwork on this to get it to work how you like. Things to note:
I used the dollar function to get an object, you can google it for more info
Your container must have defined dimensions for .clientHeight to find
You may need to try .offsetHeight instead of .clientHeight
If you're just looking to control overflow, you can use CSS:
overflow-x:hidden or scroll or auto, overflow-y is the same
white-space:nowrap will prevent auto text wrapping
But, once again, my answer is vague since it's not clear (with code) what you're asking.
The problem with your solution is that it is very unscalable, not friendly to different browsers and will cause more problems as your website expands.
Try separating the box from the other bg image and use the box image as a background for the div you have the text in.

How to create a Scroll in GridView using ASP.NET

How do I create a scroll in GridView using ASP.NET without using fixed sized div's around it like shown here http://www.aspnettutorials.com/tutorials/controls/gridviewscroll-aspnet2-csharp.aspx .
You can set the div's width or height to a percentage as well, and with overflow:auto, the div contents will scroll if the browser is sized to less than the content.
Without any size settings, your div will simply expand to hold all content, so a percentage, fixed, or inherited size in at least one dimension is required for scrolling to ever occur.
In order to get a scroll bar, you need a fixed height container with overflow set to scroll.
Whether you do it with the grid's properties, like in the example you linked, or by just wrapping it in a Panel with a height and overflow set on it, it doesn't matter much. The key thing is just to get it inside a fixed height container. How you want the UI to look (where the scrollbar is, etc.) will dictate where you create the div.
