I am encountering this problem when trying to upgrade a legacy project from Flex SDK 3.3 to Flex SDK 3.6
The error gets thrown at runtime only, at compile time there is no issue.
My hunch is that it has something to do with DataVisualization components.
Though all datavisualization swc's are in place, I am still getting this error.
Even did a fresh download of the 3.6 SDK, overlayed the 3.6 DataVisualization swc's, still the same thing.
Using Flash Builder 4.6 Premium
Has anyone encountered this before?
Any help on this matter would be more than welcome.
Most probably the Flex SDK 3.6 that you have downloaded does not contain the charting components.
Be aware that only flex premium license allows charting framework usage without a watermark.
Adobe Flex Charting SDK
Flex Charting Trial
This issue was caused by using an incompatible flexlib.swc library.
Updating flexlib from version 1.9 to 2.5 solved the issue.
I’ve upgraded my project today to Prism 6.3.0 and Unity 5.3.1. Before that, I had Prism 5 and Unity 4.
Now I’m running into problems with the Prism.Unity.UnityBootstrapper: it seems that the Container field is still a Microsoft.Practices.Unity.IUnityContainer instead of Unity.IUnityContainer.
I had hoped that the upgrade would cleanly cut all references to Microsoft.Practices.Unity off of my project, but it seems that I’m still forced to use the “old” Prism library, at least in parts.
Why does this situation arise, and what do I do to make it right? Am I missing something?
Unity 5.x is not supported in Prism yet. So, you will have to stick with 4.x until that happens. My understanding is, it is a goal of the team to support Unity 5.x in Prism 7 and up.
As you mentioned in your comment, there has been a lot of talk in the GitHub repo for Prism about the changes that came along with Unity 5. Glad to know that there are people willing to take on Unity, and move it forward, though.
Now that the responsibility for Flex has been given to Apache, I am unclear on who has responsibility for components of Flex that are also part of Adobe Air. This includes classes such as spark.components.View, and spark.components.ViewNavigator. These are both part of Adobe Air, and part of Flex.
I am running Apache Flex 4.9.1, which includes Apache Air 3.4. But, I have overlaid onto this Apache Air 3.8. When I look at the source code, I see the Apache 4.9.1 versions of View and ViewNavigator. But, when I execute the code, I suspect that I am really running instances of View and ViewNavigator from inside the Air 3.8 runtime. Is this correct? If it is correct it makes debugging very difficult.
There is no "Apache AIR". It is Adobe AIR. The Flash and AIR SDKs are solely maintained by Adobe while the Flex SDK is solely maintained by Apache (Adobe donated it to Apache in 2011). When you install the Flex SDK and it installs AIR 3.4, that is a nearly year old SDK that they are shipping with it (the current version is 3.8 which was released in the last few weeks).
As for View and ViewNavigator, those are Flex components. They have absolutely nothing to do with the AIR SDK. You have your dependencies mixed up here. Flex components that require an AIR project to run, require classes found within the AIR SDK; they are not actually part of the AIR SDK. More specifically, View and ViewNavigator require a mobile AIR project as there are classes found within that specific section of the SDK that those two components require. So anything found within the spark or mx packages are Flex components and not AIR components. AIR itself does not add any additional GUI objects as far as I am aware, only support classes. Update As mentioned by RIAStar, this is not entirely true. AIR adds two classes to the flash.display package, NativeWindow and NativeMenu
In most cases, your project will not even compile if there is a class name conflict, so this is likely not an issue.
Anyone know a link where i can get Flash Builder 4.6 64 bit version. It seems Adobe has taken it off their page and the only version i can come across is the 32 bit version. Help
If you purchased a copy of Flash Builder 4.6 64-bit you should contact Adobe directly and tell them you need 4.6 for compatibility reasons. Even then they might want you to upgrade to 4.7.
Im not even sure there was a 64bit release. Are you positive thats what you need? If you had a trial or hacked version, your likely out of luck.
As an owner of Flash Builder 4.6 I'm struggling with 2 problems in my web application:
XML parsing makes the whole application sluggish
Russian input in TextInput doesn't work with Opera
I wonder, if there is a new Flex SDK available for download, where some fixes might have been integrated since the Flash Builder 4.6 release several months ago.
So I have downloaded the "Flex SDK version is the latest production quality release" and installed it:
However this seems to be a version, which differs very little from the stock Flex SDK included with Flash Builder 4.6 originally.
My questions is: is there some good (i.e. fresh, but also tested/stable) source for Flex SDK, which would be suitable for Flash Builder 4.6?
Maybe I can check out the source from some repository and build it myself (how, please?).
Does Apache offer anything, since they are the new owners?
I've checked out Apache's Flex with
svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/flex/trunk flex
(and have yet to figure out, how to build it) - isn't it newer and better?
is there some good (i.e. fresh, but also tested/stable) source for
Flex SDK, which would be suitable for Flash Builder 4.6?
Yes, that would be Adobe. I am not aware of any updates to Flex 4.6 since it's release late last November. It's only been three months. I believe the bulk of Adobe's work around Flex has been getting legal approval to submit Flex to Apache. They are getting that slowly.
You can download the source for the Adobe Flex SDK from opensource.adobe.com. Read this for info on getting the source from the Adobe SVN repository.
Does Apache offer anything, since they are the new owners?
The Apache project is still formally waiting for donations from Adobe, including their testing suite. But, some code is submitted from Adobe. A few people have submitted some new components, and there has been work done around localization. The Apache project does not have a formal release yet.
You should be able to get the Apache Source from SVN as an anonymous user. The trunk includes the framework dump from Adobe; but I haven't delved in myself. I know people have successfully built the Flex SDK from the Apache trunk. Here are some instructions on how to do it with IntelliJ
I should add that I'm not sure if updating the SDK will solve any XML parsing issues you have. But, it's tough to say for sure since you went into no details on what those issues are. My mobile game uses a 30K line, 1MB XML file for the level definitions and it has no problems parsing it effeciently.
Flex SDK sources
You can find the latest source code through the Flex Apache incubator page and use Subversion to check it out. However since the migration of the Flex SDK from Adobe to the Apache foundation is still very much in progress, I sincerely doubt that there would already be significant changes that would fix your issues.
The actual issues
XML parsing makes the whole application sluggish
XML parsing is a pure ActionScript matter and has nothing to do with Flex. It is closely related to how the Flash VM works, which is still closed property of Adobe. I don't think it is subject to change any time soon, mostly because I've heard very little complaints about its performance and the E4X language is one of the most powerfull around. If you're having performance issues better have a look at your architecture or work with AS model objects instead of XML.
Russian input in TextInput doesn't work with Opera
This is either related to the Flash VM (see above) or to the Text Layout Framework, which is "open-source", but still in the hands of Adobe. Whether it should also be contributed to Apache Flex is still being discussed. In both cases very little will change in the short future, so I think you'll have to try another approach.
Are you sure it has anything to do with the SDK? If the problem of cyrillic chars exists only in Opera - then it's more like a problem of Opera and its Flash-plugin.
This is what you get with Flex SDK 4.5 and Opera 11.61:
There might be another problem if you're using some font that doesn't have the cyrillic char subset (e.g. not using the default font). But if that were it, it would affect all browsers, not just Opera.
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I use Flex Builder 3 for all my coding. Recently, at the office where I work we are upgrading to Flash Builder.
I would still like to work on the same projects at home using Flex Builder.
Can anyone tell me what compatibility issues I will run into?
Is it impossible to share the same project between Flash Builder and Flex Builder?
I have a similar setup. I haven't really encountered any problems. Just make sure you're using the same SDK. I typically work with Actionscript projects as opposed to Flex projects, so I'm not sure if there would be any issues there. I have had issues with going from Flex 3 to FDT, but that was mainly due to the project files and compiling method. As a solution, I usually place my source, library and bin files in source control (svn or git) and ignore the project files. Then, set up separate projects in each environment.