Find out a method's name in Groovy - reflection

Is there a way in Groovy to find out the name of the called method?
def myMethod() {
println "This method is called method " + methodName
This, in combination with duck typing would allow for quite concise (and probably hard to read) code.

Groovy supports the ability to intercept all methods through the invokeMethod mechanism of GroovyObject.
You can override invokeMethod which will essentially intercept all method calls (to intercept calls to existing methods, the class additionally has to implement the GroovyInterceptable interface).
class MyClass implements GroovyInterceptable {
def invokeMethod(String name, args) {
System.out.println("This method is called method $name")
def metaMethod = metaClass.getMetaMethod(name, args)
metaMethod.invoke(this, args)
def myMethod() {
def instance = new MyClass()
Also, you can add this functionality to an existing class:
Integer.metaClass.invokeMethod = { String name, args ->
println("This method is called method $name")
def metaMethod = delegate.metaClass.getMetaMethod(name, args)
metaMethod.invoke(delegate, args)

No, as with Java there's no native way of doing this.
You could write an AST transform so that you could annotate the method and this could set a local variable inside the method.
Or you can do it the good old Java way of generating a stackTrace, and finding the correct StackTraceElement with something like:
import static org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.StackTraceUtils.sanitize
def myMethod() {
def name = sanitize( new Exception().fillInStackTrace() ).stackTrace.find {
!( it.className ==~ /^java_.*|^org.codehaus.*/ )
println "In method $name"


Java 8: convert lambda to a Method instance with closure included

(This is difficult to search because results are all about "method reference")
I want to get a Method instance for a lambda expression for use with a legacy reflection-based API. The clousure should be included, so calling thatMethod.invoke(null, ...) should have the same effect as calling the lambda.
I have looked at MethodHandles.Lookup, but it only seems to be relevant for the reverse transform. But I guess the bind method may help to include the clousure?
Say I have am lambda experssion:
Function<String, String> sayHello = name -> "Hello, " + name;
and I have a legacy framework (SpEL) that has an API like
registerFunction(String name, Method method)
which will call the given Method with no this argument (i.e. Method assumed to be static). So I'll need to get a special Method instance that includes the lambda logic + the clousure data.
In case you don't find an elegant way, here is the ugly way (Ideone). Usual warning when reflection is involved: may break in future releases etc.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Function<String, String> sayHello = name -> "Hello, " + name;
Method m = getMethodFromLambda(sayHello);
registerFunction("World", m);
static void registerFunction(String name, Method method) throws Exception {
String result = (String) method.invoke(null, name);
System.out.println("result = " + result);
private static Method getMethodFromLambda(Function<String, String> lambda) throws Exception {
Constructor<?> c = Method.class.getDeclaredConstructors()[0];
Method m = (Method) c.newInstance(null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, null, null, null, null);
m.setAccessible(true); //sets override field to true
//m.methodAccessor = new LambdaAccessor(...)
Field ma = Method.class.getDeclaredField("methodAccessor");
ma.set(m, new LambdaAccessor(array -> lambda.apply((String) array[0])));
return m;
static class LambdaAccessor implements MethodAccessor {
private final Function<Object[], Object> lambda;
public LambdaAccessor(Function<Object[], Object> lambda) {
this.lambda = lambda;
#Override public Object invoke(Object o, Object[] os) {
return lambda.apply(os);
Well, lambda expressions are desugared into methods during compilation and as long as they don’t capture this (don’t access non-static members), these methods will be static. The tricky part is to get to these methods as there is no inspectable connection between the functional interface instance and its target method.
To illustrate this, here the simplest case:
public class LambdaToMethod {
public static void legacyCaller(Object arg, Method m) {
System.out.println("calling Method \""+m.getName()+"\" reflectively");
try {
m.invoke(null, arg);
} catch(ReflectiveOperationException ex) {
public static void main(String[] args) throws URISyntaxException
Consumer<String> consumer=s -> System.out.println("lambda called with "+s);
for(Method m: LambdaToMethod.class.getDeclaredMethods())
if(m.isSynthetic() && m.getName().contains("lambda")) {
legacyCaller("a string", m);
This works smoothly as there is only one lambda expression and hence, one candidate method. The name of that method is compiler specific and may contain some serial numbers or hash codes, etc.
On kludge is to make the lambda expression serializable and inspect its serialized form:
static Method lambdaToMethod(Serializable lambda) {
for(Class<?> cl=lambda.getClass(); cl!=null; cl=cl.getSuperclass()) try {
Method m=cl.getDeclaredMethod("writeReplace");
try {
SerializedLambda sl=(SerializedLambda)m.invoke(lambda);
return LambdaToMethod.class.getDeclaredMethod(sl.getImplMethodName(),
} catch(ReflectiveOperationException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
} catch(NoSuchMethodException ex){}
throw new AssertionError();
public static void main(String[] args)
legacyCaller("a string", lambdaToMethod((Consumer<String>&Serializable)
s -> System.out.println("first lambda called with "+s)));
legacyCaller("a string", lambdaToMethod((Consumer<String>&Serializable)
s -> System.out.println("second lambda called with "+s)));
This works, however, serializable lambdas come at a high price.
The simplest solution would be to add an annotation to a parameter of the lambda expression to be found when iterating over the methods, however, currently, javac doesn’t store the annotation properly, see also this question about this topic.
But you may also consider just creating ordinary static methods holding the code instead of a lambda expression. Getting a Method object for a method is straight-forward and you still can create a functional interface instance out of them using method references…
Since the question mentions SpEL specifically (and I found the question when also working with SpEL), an alternative way to add a custom function to the evaluation context without using Method references is to add a custom MethodResolver (javadoc, GitHub) to the StandardEvaluationContext. A benefit of this approach is that one can add both static and non-static methods to the evaluation context using it, where only static methods could be added using the registerFunction approach.
The code to add a custom MethodResolver to the StandardEvaluationContext is fairly straightforward. Below is an executable example showing how to do so:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Function<String, String> sayHello = name -> "Hello, " + name;
// The evaluation context must have a root object, which can be set in the StandardEvaluationContext
// constructor or in the getValue method of the Expression class. Without a root object, the custom
// MethodResolver will not be called to resolve the function.
Object rootObject = new Object();
StandardEvaluationContext standardEvaluationContext = new StandardEvaluationContext(rootObject);
// Add the custom MethodResolver to the evaluation context that will return a MethodExecutor that
// Spring can use to execute the sayHello function when an expression contains "sayHello('<any string>')".
standardEvaluationContext.addMethodResolver((context, targetObject, methodName, argumentTypes) -> {
MethodExecutor methodExecutor = null;
if (methodName.equals("sayHello")
&& argumentTypes.size() == 1
&& String.class.isAssignableFrom(argumentTypes.get(0).getObjectType())
) {
methodExecutor = (innerContext, target, arguments) -> {
final String name = arguments[0].toString();
return new TypedValue(sayHello.apply(name));
return methodExecutor;
// Create an expression parser, parser the expression, and get the evaluated value of the expression.
SpelExpressionParser expressionParser = new SpelExpressionParser();
Expression expression = expressionParser.parseExpression("sayHello('World!')");
String expressionValue = expression.getValue(standardEvaluationContext, String.class);
// Output the expression value, "Hello, World!", to the console.
The value of the expression that was output to the console by executing the above code was:
Hello, World!
Note that when using a MethodResolver to add a function to the evaluation conext, the function should not be prefixed with a # in the expression string. This is a major difference between using the MethodResolver and using the registerFunction method to add a function to the evaluation context.
sayHello('World!') // will work!
#sayHello('World!') // will not work!
Keep this in mind if you are considering migrating an existing solution from using the registerFunction approach to using the MethodResolver approach.

How to setup Moq to execute some methods of a Moq

I have a test where I pass in an object like so:
var repo = new ActualRepo();
var sut = new Sut(repo);
In my test, Repo has one method that I need to actually execute, whilst another method I want to mock out and not execute.
So for example, take this pseudocode:
var repo = new Mock<IRepo>();
repo.Setup(m => m.MethodIWantToCall()).WillBeExecuted();
repo.Setup(m => m.MethodIWantToMock()).Returns(false);
Using Moq, is this possible and how can it be done?
I've used TypeMock in the past and you can do something like.
Isolator.When(() => repo.MethodToIgnore()).WillBeIgnored();
Isolator.When(() => repo.MethodToActuallyRun()).WillBeExecuted();
Not too sure from the question if this is useful but it is possible to partially mock an object if the method that you want to mock is virtual.
public class Foo {
public string GetLive() {
return "Hello";
public virtual string GetMock() {
return "Hello";
public class Snafu {
private Foo _foo;
public Snafu(Foo foo) {
_foo = foo;
public string GetMessage() {
return string.Format("{0} {1}", _foo.GetLive(), _foo.GetMock());
public void NotMocked() {
var snafu = new Snafu(new Foo());
Assert.AreEqual("Hello Hello", snafu.GetMessage());
public void Mocked() {
var mockFoo = new Mock<Foo>();
mockFoo.Setup(mk => mk.GetMock()).Returns("World");
var snafu = new Snafu(mockFoo.Object);
Assert.AreEqual("Hello World", snafu.GetMessage());
You can't do this with Moq if you use the same object unless one of the method is virtual and you are basing your mock on a type rather than an interface.
That's because when you are passing a mock object based on an interface, you aren't passing a real object so it does not have access to the real methods of the object.
You are passing a dynamic proxy which will respond to methods it has been setup to respond to.
I believe TypeMock rewrites the assemblies at runtime to achieve this, something Moq definitively doesn't do.
If you want to achieve similar results with Moq:
You could mock both methods
You would have to extract both methods to different dependencies so as to mock one dependency and not the other.
You could have the method you need mocked be virtual, which would be the solution I would prefer.
EDIT : I edited my answer for correctness after reading AlanT's answer.

Java: How do I override a method of a class dynamically (class is eventually NOT in classpath)?

How do I call a method of a class dynamically + conditionally?
(Class is eventually not in classpath)
Let's say, I need the class NimbusLookAndFeel, but on some systems it's not available (i.e. OpenJDK-6).
So I must be able to:
Get to know it that class is available (at runtime),
If it's not the case, skip the whole thing.
How do I manage to override a method of a dynamically-loaded class
(thus creating an anonymous inner sub-class of it)?
Code example
public static void setNimbusUI(final IMethod<UIDefaults> method)
throws UnsupportedLookAndFeelException {
// NimbusLookAndFeel may be now available
UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new NimbusLookAndFeel() {
public UIDefaults getDefaults() {
UIDefaults ret = super.getDefaults();
return ret;
Now I edited my code, as it was suggested, to intercept NoClassDefFoundError using try-catch. It fails. I don't know, if it's OpenJDK's fault. I get InvocationTargetException, caused by NoClassDefFoundError. Funny, that I can't catch InvocationTargetException: It's thrown anyway.
Cause found: I was wrapping SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(...) around the tested method, and that very invokeAndWait call throws NoClassDefFoundError when loading Nimbus fails.
Can anyone please clarify where NoClassDefFoundError can occur at all? Because it seems that it's always the calling method, not the actual method which uses the non-existing class.
Get to know it that class is available (at runtime)
Put the usage in a try block ...
If it's not the case, skip the whole thing
... and leave the catch block empty (code smell?!).
How do I manage to override a method of a dynamically-loaded class
Just do it and make sure the compile-time dependency is satisfied. You are mixing things up here. Overriding takes place at compile time while class loading is a runtime thing.
For completeness, every class you write is dynamically loaded by the runtime environment when it is required.
So your code may look like:
public static void setNimbusUI(final IMethod<UIDefaults> method)
throws UnsupportedLookAndFeelException {
try {
// NimbusLookAndFeel may be now available
UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new NimbusLookAndFeel() {
public UIDefaults getDefaults() {
final UIDefaults defaults = super.getDefaults();
return defaults;
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
throw new UnsupportedLookAndFeelException(e);
Use BCEL to generate your dynamic subclass on the fly.
The follow code should solve your problem. The Main class simulates your main class. Class A simulates the base class you want to extend (and you have no control of). Class B is the derived class of class A. Interface C simulates "function pointer" functionality that Java does not have. Let's see the code first...
The following is class A, the class you want to extend, but have no control of:
/* src/packageA/ */
package packageA;
public class A {
public A() {
public void doSomething(String s) {
System.out.println("This is from packageA.A: " + s);
The following is class B, the dummy derived class. Notice that, since it extends A, it must import packageA.A and class A must be available at the compile time of class B. A constructor with parameter C is essential, but implementing interface C is optional. If B implements C, you gain the convenience to call the method(s) on an instance of B directly (without reflection). In B.doSomething(), calling super.doSomething() is optional and depends on whether you want so, but calling c.doSomething() is essential (explained below):
/* src/packageB/ */
package packageB;
import packageA.A;
import packageC.C;
public class B extends A implements C {
private C c;
public B(C c) {
this.c = c;
public void doSomething(String s) {
The following is the tricky interface C. Just put all the methods you want to override into this interface:
/* src/packageC/ */
package packageC;
public interface C {
public void doSomething(String s);
The following is the main class:
/* src/ */
import packageC.C;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
public static void doSomethingWithB(final String t) {
Class classB = null;
try {
Class classA = Class.forName("packageA.A");
classB = Class.forName("packageB.B");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("packageA.A not found. Go without it!");
Constructor constructorB = null;
if (classB != null) {
try {
constructorB = classB.getConstructor(C.class);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
C objectB = null;
if (constructorB != null) {
try {
objectB = (C) constructorB.newInstance(new C() {
public void doSomething(String s) {
System.out.println("This is from anonymous inner class: " + t);
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
if (objectB != null) {
Why does it compile and run?
You can see that in the Main class, only packageC.C is imported, and there is no reference to packageA.A or packageB.B. If there is any, the class loader will throw an exception on platforms that don't have packageA.A when it tries to load one of them.
How does it work?
In the first Class.forName(), it checks whether class A is available on the platform. If it is, ask the class loader to load class B, and store the resulting Class object in classB. Otherwise, ClassNotFoundException is thrown by Class.forName(), and the program goes without class A.
Then, if classB is not null, get the constructor of class B that accepts a single C object as parameter. Store the Constructor object in constructorB.
Then, if constructorB is not null, invoke constructorB.newInstance() to create a B object. Since there is a C object as parameter, you can create an anonymous class that implements interface C and pass the instance as the parameter value. This is just like what you do when you create an anonymous MouseListener.
(In fact, you don't have to separate the above try blocks. It is done so to make it clear what I am doing.)
If you made B implements C, you can cast the B object as a C reference at this time, and then you can call the overridden methods directly (without reflection).
What if class A does not have a "no parameter constructor"?
Just add the required parameters to class B, like public B(int extraParam, C c), and call super(extraParam) instead of super(). When creating the constructorB, also add the extra parameter, like classB.getConstructor(Integer.TYPE, C.class).
What happens to String s and String t?
t is used by the anonymous class directly. When objectB.doSomething("World"); is called, "World" is the s supplied to class B. Since super can't be used in the anonymous class (for obvious reasons), all the code that use super are placed in class B.
What if I want to refer to super multiple times?
Just write a template in B.doSomething() like this:
public void doSomething(String s) {
Of course, you have to modify interface C to include doSomethingAfter1() and doSomethingAfter2().
How to compile and run the code?
$ mkdir classes
$ javac -cp src -d classes src/
$ java -cp classes Main
packageA.A not found. Go without it!
$ javac -cp src -d classes src/packageB/
$ java -cp classes Main
This is from packageA.A: World
This is from anonymous inner class: Hello
In the first run, the class packageB.B is not compiled (since does not have any reference to it). In the second run, the class is explicitly compiled, and thus you get the result you expected.
To help you fitting my solution to your problem, here is a link to the correct way to set the Nimbus Look and Feel:
Nimbus Look and Feel
You can use Class class to do that.
Class c = Class.forName("your.package.YourClass");
The sentence above will throw a ClassNotFoundException if not found on current classpath. If the exception is not thrown, then you can use newInstance() method in c to create objects of your.package.YourClass class. If you need to call a specific constructor, you can use getConstructors method to get one and use it to create a new instance.
Erm, can't you put the class you want to extend into the compile time class path, write your subclass as usual, and at runtime, explicitly trigger loading the subclass, and handle any exception thrown by the linker that indicates that the superclass is missing?

Setting a generic delegate to a class-level variable

I bumped into an additional question that I needed in regards to this: Using an IEnumerable<T> as a delegate return type
From the above solution, the following was suggested:
class Example
//the delegate declaration
public delegate IEnumerable<T> GetGridDataSource<T>();
//the generic method used to call the method
public void someMethod<T>(GetGridDataSource<T> method)
//a method to pass to "someMethod<T>"
private IEnumerable<string> methodBeingCalled()
return Enumerable.Empty<string>();
//our main program look
static void Main(string[] args)
//create a new instance of our example
var myObject = new Example();
//invoke the method passing the method
Notice that in someMethod, the delegate "method()" is called. Is there anyway to set a class-level delegate that is called later on?
class Example {
//the delegate declaration
public delegate IEnumerable<T> GetGridDataSource<T>();
//this fails because T is never provided
private GetGridDataSource<T> getDS;
//the generic method used to call the method
public void someMethod<T>(GetGridDataSource<T> method)
getDS = method;
public void anotherMethod() {
Depending on what you are trying to achieve and where you have flexibility in your design, there are a number of options. I've tried to cover the ones that I feel most probably relate to what you want to do.
Multiple values of T in a single instance of a non-generic class
This is basically what you seem to want. However, because of the generic nature of the method call, you'll need a class level variable that can support any possible value of T, and you will need to know T when you store a value for the delegate.
Therefore, you can either use a Dictionary<Type, object> or you could use a nested type that encapsulates the class-level variable and the method, and then use a List<WrapperType<T>> instead.
You would then need to look up the appropriate delegate based on the required type.
class Example {
//the delegate declaration
public delegate IEnumerable<T> GetGridDataSource<T>();
//this works because T is provided
private Dictionary<Type, object> getDSMap;
//the generic method used to call the method
public void someMethod<T>(GetGridDataSource<T> method)
getDSMap[typeof(T)] = method;
//note, this call needs to know the type of T
public void anotherMethod<T>() {
object getDSObj = null;
if (this.getDSMap.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out getDSObj))
GetGridDataSource<T> getDS = getDSObj as GetGridDataSource<T>;
if (getDS != null)
Single value of T in a single instance of a non-generic class
In this case, you could store the delegate instance in a non-typed delegate and then cast it to the appropriate type when you need it and you know the value of T. Of course, you'd need to know T when you first create the delegate, which negates the need for a generic method or delegate in the first place.
Multiple values of T in multiple instances of a generic class
Here you can make your parent class generic and supply T up front. This then makes the example you have work correctly as the type of T is known from the start.
class Example<T> {
//the delegate declaration
public delegate IEnumerable<T> GetGridDataSource<T>();
//this works because T is provided
private GetGridDataSource<T> getDS;
//the generic method used to call the method
public void someMethod<T>(GetGridDataSource<T> method)
getDS = method;
public void anotherMethod() {
if (getDS != null)
You either need to make the type generic as well, or use plain Delegate and cast back to the right type when you need to invoke it. You can't just use T outside a generic context - the compiler will think you're trying to refer to a normal type called T.
To put it another way - if you're going to try to use the same type T in two different places, you're going to need to know what T is somewhere in the type... and if the type isn't generic, where is that information going to live?

Mocking a base class method call with Moq

I am modifiying a class method which formats some input paramater dates which are subsequently used as params in a method call into the base class (which lives in another assembly).
I want to verify that the dates i pass in to my method are in the correct format when they are passed to the base class method so i would like to Moq the base class method call. Is this possible with Moq?
As of 2013 with latest Moq you can. Here is an example
public class ViewModelBase
public virtual bool IsValid(DateTime date)
//some complex shared stuff here
public class MyViewModel : ViewModelBase
public void Save(DateTime date)
if (IsValid(date))
//do something here
public void MyTest()
var mockMyViewModel = new Mock<MyViewModel>(){CallBase = true};
mockMyViewModel.Setup(x => x.IsValid(It.IsAny<DateTime>())).Returns(true);
//do your assertions here
If I understand your question correctly, you have a class A defined in some other assembly, and then an class B implemented more or less like this:
public class B : A
public override MyMethod(object input)
// Do something
And now you want to verify that base.MyMethod is called?
I don't see how you can do this with a dynamic mock library. All dynamic mock libraries (with the exception of TypeMock) work by dynamically emitting classes that derive from the type in question.
In your case, you can't very well ask Moq to derive from A, since you want to test B.
This means that you must ask Moq to give you a Mock<B>. However, this means that the emitted type derives from B, and while it can override MyMethod (which is still virtual) and call its base (B.MyMethod), it has no way of getting to the original class and verify that B calls base.MyMethod.
Imagine that you have to write a class (C) that derives from B. While you can override MyMethod, there's no way you can verify that B calls A:
public class C : B
public override MyMethod(object input)
// How to verify that base calls its base?
// base in this context means B, not A
Again with the possible exception of TypeMock, dynamic mock libraries cannot do anything that you cannot do manually.
However, I would assume that calling the base method you are trying to verify has some observable side effect, so if possible, can you use state-based testing instead of behaviour-based testing to verify the outcome of calling the method?
In any case, state-based testing ought to be your default approach in most cases.
Agree with Mark, it's not possible using Moq.
Depending on your situation you may consider swithcing from inheritance to composition. Then you'll be able to mock the dependency and verify your method. Of course in some cases it just might not worth it.
wrap the base class method in a method and setup that method
public class B : A
public virtual BaseMyMethod(object input)
// Do something
public override MyMethod(object input)
// Do something
and now Setup the BaseMyMethod
It is quite possible mocking base class. But you will have to modify target class.
For ex. DerivedClass extends BaseClass.
BaseClass has methods MethodA(), MethodB(), MethodC()...
The DerivedClass has this method:
void MyMethod() {
You want to mock base class in order to validate that all MethodA(), MethodB(), MethodC() are being called inside MyMethod().
You have to create a field in the DerivedClass:
class DerivedClass {
private BaseClass self = this;
And also You have to modify the MyMethod():
void MyMethod() {
Also add a method, which can inject the this.self field with Mock object
public void setMock(BaseClass mock) {
this.self = mock;
Now you can mock:
DerivedClass target = new DerivedClass ();
BaseClass mock = new Mock(typeof(BaseClass));
Using this technic, you can also mock nested method calls.
I found this solution - ugly but it could work.
var real = new SubCoreClass();
var mock = new Mock<SubCoreClass>();
mock.CallBase = true;
var obj = mock.Object;
.Setup(c => c.Execute())
.Callback(() =>
obj.CallBaseMember(typeof(Action), real, "Execute");
public static Delegate CreateBaseCallDelegate(object injectedInstance, Type templateDelegate, object instanceOfBase, string methodName)
var deleg = Delegate.CreateDelegate(templateDelegate, instanceOfBase, methodName);
deleg.GetType().BaseType.BaseType.GetField("_target", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(deleg, injectedInstance);
return deleg;
public static object CallBaseMember(this object injectedInstance, Type templateDelegate, object instanceOfBase, string methodName, params object[] arguments)
return CreateBaseCallDelegate(injectedInstance, templateDelegate, instanceOfBase, methodName).DynamicInvoke(arguments);
