Fastreport field properties from preview screen - fastreport

In my application, I create the reports from source code by using fast report.
I wish to give the user the ability to modify the report by using the fast report designer.
Once the changes done by the user, how I can read the preview screen and find properties of certain fields, such as left, top, width, font etc.
TfrxMemoview(report.components[I]).left always results the original value, not the revised.

You will have to recreate the preview. The preview is already what you want to print. If you do not like what you see recreate it. But it is possible to read all properties from the preview.


Application Insights Metrics Explorer annoyances

"Metric Explorers" on an Azure portal dashboard are quite flexible.
To configure them is, however, a bit painful at times.
With the terms in above image:
How do I change the order of my charts within an explorer?
How do I copy a chart or a whole explorer?
Is there a textual definition I can get or give? Is there other software for a better editing experience?
How do I change the order of my charts within an explorer?
Unfortunately there isn't a direct way to reorder the charts within an explorer. As a workaround you could however, delete them and add them again so that they appear at the bottom. Remember everytime you click 'Add New Chart', it will add it at the bottom.
Also please note that all graphical charts (Line, Area and Bar) appear above whereas a Grid chart will always appear at the bottom. So here's an even simpler hack that you could use: If there's any chart that you want to send to them bottom, change it's type to Grid and then change it back again. It'll get pushed to the end.
How do I copy a chart or a whole explorer?
You can click on More and then click Save Favorite which will save the whole metrics explorer blade (including all custom charts). You can give it a name and even save as a copy to create multiple copies of the whole explorer.
To access favorites, you'll have to go to the Overview tab and click on More followed by Favorites again. Favorites can be shared as well as personal.
Is there a textual definition I can get or give? Is there other software for a better editing experience?
There isn't a textual definition that you can provide for the charts. If you'd like to see this feature, you can add to the user voice or open an issue on github.
There isn't a software available for creating charts in the metrics explorer blade. However, there are alternatives for visualizing and querying data. You can take a look at Analytics if you prefer writing queries to filter insights and telemetry data. It has a very easy-to-learn query language which can help create meaningful charts very easily. There is a lot of tooling and support to push these charts to Power BI as well.
Hope this helps!

How to resolve the Blurness issue in print Preview of UWP?

I am familiar with the data grid in the UWP plat form. we tried to provide the support for printing the results in sheets. we have faced the hurdles while we print the content. In the print preview panel the content looks like blurry to the view, but in the printed sheet the contents look like normal. could your share your ideas to resolve this.
Thanks in advance for your updates.
It seems it is by design.
In UWP, we use the PrintManager to inform Windows that an application wishes to participate in printing.
When we run the ShowPrintUIAsync() method, it will run the "PrintDialog.exe" that the print Preview page will be shown.
We can use the "Inspect" to test the content of the print Preview page. From the following image, we can see the content is a Image control that render by the XAML.
For the performance, it does not render as clear as the printting result. We can not change that.
If you do want this feature, you are welcome to ask on UserVoice.

Qt Screenshot sharing app - How to select the area of a screen

I am trying to code an app in Qt for capturing and then sharing the screenshots. For now my application captures the screenshot, shows a preview and saves it. I am yet to do the upload part. but before that I would like to be able to select the area of the screen of which the screenshot needs to be captured.
I tried searching and I couldn't find any helpful articles or documents in Qt. So can anyone help me?
PS: The idea is to create a similar app like lightshot and several other similar tools.
Thanks in advance
There are two methods that you can use for this: -
1) Capture an image of the screen and then display that, full screen to the user, essentially allowing the user to crop the image.
2) A more commonly used method is to create a full-screen, topmost window that has no title bar and is transparent. This allows the user to drag out an area, which you can draw an outline to represent the area the user requires.
I recommend the 2nd method and creating a transparent window is simply a matter of changing the window flags, as you can see here.

Hide or insert image (logo) in pdf using iTextSharp

We print pdf provided by the company and merged it with data from our C# ASP.Net 3.5 Web application using iTextSharp. This works well but we have been asked to either print the form with or without the company logo depending on the user preference.
Should I use a pdf with the logo and hide it or use a pdf without the logo and add the logo to it?
I have found numerous way to add a logo to a pdf but nothing on hiding images. Because the logo could be having different size and be in a different location I would prefer to hide it when needed instead of adding it. Can we hide images from pdf without removing it? What would be easier?
Or should we just use 2 versions of each forms, one with the logo and another without?
UPDATE: In a nutshell I just want to have your opinion to what way would be best. Use a form without a logo and add it when needed or use a form with the logo and hide it when needed. Thanks
FINAL UPDATE: Some people gave good answer but I see no way to accept their answer. Can someone help me?
Because no one answered my question I selected one of the comment as "the" answer. Thanks mkl!
You can store data private to your application in PDFs, e.g. logo size and location in the case at hand (cf. this answer on PieceInfo structures). I would, therefore, recommend that you create the PDFs without the logo but store the size and location for a logo in such a PieceInfo dictionary. If adding a logo is required later-on, use that information to properly place the logo

How to set report page size?

Maybe it is a newbie question, but I don't know how and where to set page size?
What is the difference between Generated Design and AutoDesignSpecs?
Why do I find the same object (label, text box etc) under either sections?
To set your page size right-click the design node of your report, then choose "printer setup" to select the printer and "page setup" to choose paper and orientation.
By googling around:
With the AutoDesignSpecs you give AX metadata of what you want to put
in the report, and AX renders this a runtime to get the layout. This
is a very flexible way to declare a report and should be used for most
regular reports.
With the GeneratedDesign you create the layout and control where to
put everything. This is something you'd need for documents like an
invoice or a packing slip.
You find the same object names in both because the generated design was initially created from the auto design yielding the same node names.
Also see Best Practices.
