handle an input field under a transparent image - css

i have an transparent overlay and an input field under it. I have also buttons under this overlay.
To make the buttons work i write pointer-events:none as an css attribute at the overlay.
Are there an similar command to make input fields work?

Pointer events:none does not work cross browser. I would suggest finding a way to bring the inputs to the top of the page. Perhaps the attribute
z-index:10; /*You also need to use position:relative; for this to take effect*/
would better suit the job?
I can also expand on my answer if you could post a link to where you are doing development on this.


How to make line animation in css on button?

I want to make animation where if user clicks/hover the button with border radius that this animation runs.
Animation: Line starts say from top left corner and starts travelling/tracing at the edge/border/parameter and then completes going in clockwise direction.
Sort of like line animation. I have seen it but i dont remember where, i saw it in css version, no svg.
Check out the answers on this post. It's probably not exactly what you're looking for but it might give you some idea.
How to animate border drawing with jQuery?
To make a CSS Animation on a Button is very simple. You just need to define a class on that button and in your CSS code define what happens when that button is hovered over. Now, if you don't want to hassle with writing CSS hover code, you could use ButtonAnimations, a website that provides users with several button animations with the code so that they can implement it into their websites. I use it almost every day when i'm coding a CSS & HTML site from scratch. I have provided ButtonAnimation's link. ButtonAnimations - Create amazing looking buttons and animations with CSS, no javascript required
But before you add animations to your button you need to create it first. (Let me remind you, ButtonAnimations provides you buttons to use beforehand)
<button class='test_button'> Hello StackoverFlow! </button>
And in the CSS do:
.test_button {
background-color: blue;
border-radius: 20px;
width: 200px;
height: 100px;
What this code will do is make an HTML Button and style it with CSS. The styling includes changing the width and height, changing the background color to blue and curving the edges of the button with border-radius: 20px;
Thanks for reading! Hope this helps.
Remember, check out ButtonAnimations - Create amazing looking buttons and animations with CSS, no javascript required if you want to present beautiful button hover animations on your website(s) just by simply using their prebuilt animations!
This might be helpful:
You can download the source from here:

Navigation tab hovering

I need help creating something like this link (http://www.standardchartered.co.in/borrow/)
When the user hovers over the navigation, the grey triangle image will appear. I'm not very sure how to go about doing it. Please help!
The best way to do this is to use a plug-in, possibly for jQuery. There are many drop down menu plugins available. A google search for "jquery drop down menu" will help you. One of the first results for me is:
The second one down on that page appears to have the effect you want, but it also depends on how you want the rest of the menu to appear. You will need to do some research and choose one that suits you.
OR, if you just want a grey triangle to appear, without the menu, when you hover over an element, then some css like this is what you want:
li:hover {
background:url('./images/grey_triangle.png') center bottom;
Which says, when the li element is hovered, use ./images/grey_triangle.png as the background image and place it in the center at the bottom of the element. You would need to create your own grey triangle, set appropriate padding etc, but that is the basic css you need for the effect.

How to make a textbox indistinguishable from the background?

Which css should I apply to textbox that make it same as background means user does not feel like he is typing in textbox? I tried giving same background color but it still doesn't provide exact what I want. User still can feel that it's a textbox.
Do you mean like this?
input {
border: 0;
background: transparent /* the important bit */
Live Demo (I added a blue border on a parent element so you can see where the <input> is)
http://jsfiddle.net/eUmr2/1/ (with gradient background to more easily see the transparent)
Appears to work in IE6:
If I understand your question correctly, you should first of all "hide" borders of textarea or input field. You can simply use "border:none;" property for this. In this case, if both backgrounds will be the same (e.g. textarea and rest of the container) it will be displayed like you need.
I don't know exactly what are you trying to achieve, but this method is used usually for not standard designs of form fields. The only you need to do is to be sure that this part of your page is OK from usability point of view.
Good luck!
Remove the borders and apply the same background color as the container it's in.

How to make <option> wider than <select> in IE6?

The <select> has a width of 60px,
but the content of <option> is longer than that.
Which is hidden in IE6.
How to fix that?
I've tried to figure this out before and all I could find were javascript hacks. I found one once upon a time that worked well but I don't know where.
You could try this:
Or plenty of other options on Google:
We added a button next to select which change select's width to default value, so it becomes non-limited in width.
Short and easy answer: it´s not possible without JavaScript. And with the JavaScript-solution your layout will jump when the select gets wider.
See my comment on duplicate threads for more info.
Unfortunately this is not possible. You could use custom scripts like this one: http://www.icant.co.uk/forreview/tamingselect/, but still - it is JavaScript based solution.
I know this is years later but it may help someone searching for a solution.
You can do it in CSS by setting the select's width when it is in focus, e.g.
select {
width: 100px; /* normal state */
select:focus {
width: 200px; /* wider when in focus */
Full article at http://dinowebs.net/?p=114

How to achieve a photo "stack" border effect with CSS?

I'd like to be able to add a class to images that adds a border that makes them look like a stack of photos. Anyone know how to do this?
Clarifications: Ideally something like the stack shown here but it doesn't need to be interactive and only needs to work for a single photo. I also don't mind using javascript if needed (jQuery would be preferred though).
The "depth" affect is probably going to be some type of drop shadow. Do you need to rotate the photos as well for the "messy photo pile" effect or are you looking for a "neatly stacked" look?
The "messy photo pile" effect seems to me to break down into three components:
Put a background behind the image for the "polaroid" look (explained in other comments
Put a drop shadow behind the image for the "depth" effect (explained above and in other comments
Rotating images. I've never done this myself but it looks like someone has coded the Jquery plugin you are looking for.
Place your IMG tag inside a nested set of DIV elements (the number of divs will determine the number of photos in the stack). Then use CSS to set the border and padding so that the DIV elements get progressively larger than the photograph. Generally you will add more padding to the bottom and right.
CSS3 it's supported by everyone yet, but you might want to look into border-image.
Put a div around the image and then have 2 styles defined.
<div class="img-shadow"><img ...></div>
.img-shadow {style.css (line 456)
margin:5px 0 0 0;
.img-shadow img {style.css (line 461)
border:3px solid #000000;
margin:-8px 8px 8px -8px;
in the .img-shadow class, define a graphic for your background that's large enough for your images, and looks like a stack of photos. The above makes it look like the photo is casting a shadow.
Below is my recommendation which has a clear and simple CSS which results in a perfect photo stack.
