Posting text with link to facebook wall using C# sdk -

I am using facebook api for posting to the facebook wall post.THe post is getting displayed in the wall but i am not able to show the link which redirects to the site when it is clicked.
I need to show both the post as well as the link which points the posted post.
Following is my code
string viewDetailsLink = context.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority).ToString();
viewDetailsLink = viewDetailsLink + "/" + "Blog" + "/Index/" + "0/" + blogPost.Id;
viewDetailsLink = "<a href='" + viewDetailsLink + "'/>" + "click here to open" +"</a>";
But the whole thing is displayed as string instead of click here to open.
How do i resolve this?

You're seeing text instead of a link because you're closing our anchor tag prematurely. Try this instead:
viewDetailsLink = "<a href='" + viewDetailsLink + "'>click here to open</a>";
Here is the issue with your code:
viewDetailsLink = "<a href='" + viewDetailsLink + "'/>" + "click here to open" +"</a>";
Shouldn't close tag here ^ ^ No need to concat ^
Your code, fixed and prettied up a bit:
string viewDetailsLink = context.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority).ToString();
viewDetailsLink = String.Format("{0}/Blog/Index/0/{1}", viewDetailsLink, blogPost.Id);
viewDetailsLink = String.Format("<a href='{0}'>click here to open</a>", viewDetailsLink);


Set Hyperlink to be open in new window / new tab server side

I wonder if I can get some help, I'm creating hyperlink on the server side for each row in the my grid.
The issue is how can I set it up to open in a new window or new tab when clicking on the hyperlink.
Please help me to modify my code so it can be open in new window/new tab.
Protected Function GenerateReportLink(ByVal inputVal)
Dim output As String = ""
Dim svcs As New SystemServices
' Check for null values
If Not inputVal Is Nothing And Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(inputVal) Then
Dim URL As String = Nothing
URL = (String.Format("{0}/Reports/ShortReport.asp?/SessionID={1}&IncidentID={2}", m_User.CompanyCode, m_SessionID, m_IncidentCaseID.ToString()))
output = "<a href='" + URL + "'>Report</a>"
End If
End Try
Return output
End Function
output = "<a href='" + URL + "'>Report</a>"
output = "<a href='" + URL + "' target='_blank'>Report</a>"
Source: W3 Schools
It looks like you might want to set the 'target' attribute of the hyperlink, although going from what you've written so far, I'm not 100% sure where this hyperlink is going to eventually be clicked, most modern browsers, unless the user has explicitly set the behavior as otherwise would open in a new tab I think.
Either way, this might help you
just add the target='_blank' property to anchor <a> tag under your output varriable.
"<a href='" + URL + "' target='_blank'>Report</a>"

create download link between two applications

Lets say I have two applications as:
In site b, I have a page set to download a pdf file. The page is called OpenBook.aspx, when I pass the bookId in the query string, it downloads the relevant file.
Here's the code to download this file from site b, by clicking on a link:
lbl.Text = "Report book {0}
is completed and ready for view. ";
Now this works within site B, but it obviously don't work within A. Because the path is set as
I tried using the following:
string downloadLocation = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host.ToString() + "/DataCenter/Processing/OpenReportBook.aspx?ReportID=";
Label2.Text = "Report book <a href='" + downloadLocation +
+ 948 +
"'>{0}</a> is completed and ready for view. ";
But still, the path is set relative to site A, when you click it from site A.
Can someone please explain how to resolve this?
don't use HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host.ToString() .
Instead give the second url in web.config as below
<add key="downloadurl" value="" />
And in your .cs file replace the folowing code
string downloadLocation = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host.ToString() + "/DataCenter/Processing/OpenReportBook.aspx?ReportID=";
Label2.Text = "Report book <a href='" + downloadLocation +
+ 948 +
"'>{0}</a> is completed and ready for view. ";
string downloadLocation = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[downloadurl"].ToString() + "/DataCenter/Processing/OpenReportBook.aspx?ReportID=";
Label2.Text = "Report book <a href='" + downloadLocation +
+ 948 +
"'>{0}</a> is completed and ready for view. ";
i hope this may solve your problem.

embed image to body in html email in

How shall i write the code to embed image to email body? whats wrong?
mMailMessage.Body += Server.MapPath(#"<img src=""/Styles/Images/logo.png""");
You are mapping a path to a file called "<img src=""/Styles/Images/logo.png"""!
What you want to do is something like this:
mMailMessage.Body += "<img src=\"" + Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Host + ":" + Request.Url.Port + #"/Styles/Images/logo.png" + "\"/>";

Detecting current page when on root page ASP.NET with VB

my current code is below. If you visit the root of my webpage you will notice that the current page is not highlighted, however when you visit a page, it works. For testing purposes, I had it return the "myPage" value to see why it isn't working... it still returns index.aspx.
Dim pageName As String = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsolutePath)
While DBReader.Read()
_link = _link + "<li><a href='" + (DBReader("source")) + "'"
If ((pageName) = (DBReader("source"))) Then
_link = _link + "class='current' "
End If
_link = _link + pageName
_link = _link + ">-" + (DBReader("name")) + "- </a></li>"
End While
Basically, my navigation comes from a master page that scans my database, and as it cycles through it, I want to add a css class called current.
Have you tried converting them into lower case?
If (pageName.ToLower() = (DBReader("source")).ToLower()) Then

email hyperlink in MailMessage

I'm using the following as part of sending a .net 4 email. I'd like to show the reply to text as an email hyperlink but can't quite get the format correct.
nMail.Body = Description " + txtdescription.Text +
"<br />Reply to (click here):" + txtemail.Text);
Wrap the address in an anchor tag <a> to make a link. Also make sure you encode the input.
Use HttpUtility.HtmlEncode on text and Uri.EscapeUriString on links.
nMail.Body = "Description " +
HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(txtdescription.Text) +
"<br />Reply to <a href=\"mailto:" +
Uri.EscapeUriString(txtemail.Text) +
"\">" +
HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(txtemail.Text) +
Use the following if the e-mail address is contained in txtemail.Text. Remember to first validate the content of txtemail.Text. The output of the following is a hyperlink to an e-mail address that also contains the e-mail address as the hyperlink text.
nMail.Body = "Description " + txtdescription.Text + "<br />Reply to (click here): " + "<a href='mailto:" + txtemail.Text + "'>" + txtemail.Text + "</a>");
You can write <a href=''>Link Text</a>.
Try this
private string BuildEmailText(string description, string replyToAddress, string replyToText)
return string.Format("{0} <a href='{1}'>{2}</a>", description, replyToAddress, replyToText);
