Do aspx/cs files contain meta data? -

Do the aspx, aspx.cs, web.config and accdb contain any meta data that can be read when I publish my site? (E.g. the information that can be required by reading out jpeg files).
If yes, how to view/edit this?
P.s. Except the properties shown in windows explorer of course.
Thanks in advance.

Whatever is in your aspx file, that's all what is there.
If you have added some metadata there (usually in the < head>< /head> tags), then it will be there, otherwise not.
The aspx.cs file is never really sent to the webbrowser, so there is no question of it having metadata or not.

aspx.cs web.config files are plain text files with different extensions, they don't contain embedded metadata (data which would describe the content, etc).
As for the .accdb files, you can check this question


Classic ASP: How to save content of a page?

I need to create a script that generates some URL's from a specific website and copy of its content to somewhere like as txt to parse some data from it afterward. I am able to generate URL's but I have no idea how to get the pages content to a text file.
I am using classic asp and I will be appreciated if you could give me an example on how to do it.
The page I need to copy contains only plain text, which is safe to keep in a text
you want to use the Fil System Object, here's a thorough example from 4Guys:
One thing to note that I've seen people run into problems with, and that's permissions. In the url tutorial above, they mention saving to your c: root for a file location:
set myFile = fso.CreateTextFile("C:\test.txt", true)
Unless you set up special permissions in the root of your C:\ drive, which I'd strongly recommend NOT doing as it's a hge potential security risk, it will not work. I would recommend creating a folder off of the root of your web site, as permissions will probably already be in place (this is obviously reliant on what your requirements are as I'm just guessing).

Opening an Excel .xlsx file in IE and following its embedded hyperlinks back to file server

I have an intranet site that lets users open files in the browser (by prompting for download). One of these files is an .xlsx workbook that contains hyperlinks which point to different locations of files (.pdfs, .docs) on the file server in which the .xlsx workbook is located.
It seems the file server path to the workbook is replaced by a "Temporary Internet Files/Content.IE5/" path, leading to the warning "cannot open the specified file" in Excel.
I tried downloading the Excel document first and then following the links, but they're still opening in the temp internet location
For instance, when hovering over the hyperlinks in excel they read: "file:///C:\Documents And Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet files\Content.IE5\40WSS3CB\" + filename
when they should read: "file:///\servername\Departments\Read\" + filename
How can I still open the excel file in the browser and retain the hyperlinks inside and have them not be replaced by the temporary internet files path?
can someone point me in the right direction ? Thanks!
I did some testing, and it almost comes from the way you store links. If you browse through the dialog of Insert hyperlink, then you will end with relative urls. That is, the common base is stored as a reference to the current xlsx file path, and the remainder is stored and displayed as link.
You are totally in the issue Richard Hare mentions, so following the procedure from the microsoft support site should help. It did the trick on my test at least.
UPDATE to sum up down.with.the.bass comments :
One option to solve this, if doable, is to open xlsx file from its network share location and not through the website. If it is forbidden for whatever reason, you may be able to update the links using a macro.
Do you have an option like "Update links on save" enabled?
In an earlier version of Excel it was set in Tools, Options, General-tab, Web Options-button, Files-tab.
Try unchecking it and resaving the document.
I just did in my server the same task (the one I understood):
Uploaded the hyperlink to some webpage.
test<br />
The "book1.xlsx" file has inside a cell which refers (hyperlinks) to some share directory (i.e \\NHSTXX1\TEST\MS OFFICE EXCEL - \\SERVERNAME\FOLDER\OTHER FOLDER )
And when clicked the hyperlinked cell, it opened the share directory I was looking for.
I tried with Firefox.
hope this help
Hyperlinks shouldn't just mysteriously change. I saved an excel file with a hyperlink in it - opened it with html - saved it - open it in excel again - and the link stays the same. So I'm not sure how this could be happening to you(if I understand your situation correctly).

'Open files based on content, not file extension' in IE 9

I am supporting a site for a client on the intranet. The site contains links to xml files. These xml files have a unique extension and are intended to be opened by a specific application. Using IE 8, we could support this by setting the option ‘Open files based on content, not file extension’ in Internet Options -> Security -> Custom Level. In IE 9, this option has been removed. Now these files open a new tab and display the xml.
Ideally, I’d like the file to just download through the download manager, but opening file in the application on the client machine would be acceptable as well. What is the best way to do this in IE 9? Is there a setting that I should adjust? Server side, I have tried adjusting the MIME type, but it seems that if I sent it to something unknown (e.g. application/octet-stream) IE determines the content. The last option I could think of would be to adjust the links such that they call an page that loads the contents of the xml into the response object but changes the header to contain Content-Disposition:"attachment;filename=file.ext”.
Any advice on the best way to solve this problem?
Content-Disposition:attachment is what you are looking for, yes. That is how you instruct browsers to download the file separately, and not try to display it.
You could use routing or rewriting to keep your file URLs, but have an ASHX handle the file so it can set that header. (don't use an ASPX; it's more than you need to just set some headers)
I think the work around that I was looking for was the fact that the 'Open files based on content, not file extension' option in IE8 was renamed, 'Enable MIME Sniffing' in IE9. But Andrew Barber's answer is the correct solution.

validate file type extension

How to prevent exe file upload in mvc.
If you are trying to prevent users uploading dangerous content, preventing them to upload exe files isn't enough. This is a black list approach. Much better is to ask yourself what are the valid file types you do support and block all others. This is a white list.
To allow certain file types you can check for the extension, but perhaps also validate the file header (the first couple of bytes from a file) to detect whether it is actually of the type you expect. You will have to figure out for each file type what the possible headers are.
Good luck.

Multi-lingual static content in ASP.NET

Is there a simple way of making the static content of an .aspx page multi-lingual? Resource files are nice for controls but it's quite hard and annoying to write big chunks of html in them. Any easier ways?
Make properties in resources files and use them, .NET automatically finds the correct resource file, also just make sure so that the property name is same in all the resource files, so it will replace the property value in .aspx page with the value in the resource file.
Don't code html markup in resource file, have the html markup in the .aspx page itself, just get the essential values from resource files.
Just to reiterate what Mahesh said: do NOT put markup in the resource files, just put the static content into them.
If you need to serve different views based on culture, consider doing something else. For example, if you're using MVC you could write a view engine that return the correct markup for each culture.
#ciscoheat what you say is correct, LOCALIZE control is the right thing to use for big chunk of data.
