Overriding Dexterity default view type - plone

We have object which is let say xyz and its view is xyz_view which dexerity expect page template file. Is there any way to override default page type to controller page template rather?
So view should be xyz_view.cpt rather then xyz_view.pt ?

There is no realistic scenario for using controller page templates for dexterity forms. There is also no scenario that I can think of where it would be easier than using z3c.form.

Include a form that submits to itself inside your view template and use the 'update()' method to process the request and redirect on some condition:
class View(grok.View):
def update():
if 'form.button.Submit' in self.request:
input_value = self.request.get('input_value', None)
if input_value is not None:
self.request.response.redirect(self.context.absolute_url() + "##process-this")
See the five.grok manual instructions about simple views for more information


ZF3 - adding a view fragment to ViewModel

I am curious to know if it is possible to add a fragment to a view model:
return new ViewModel([]);
Returns my view to https://example.com/view
However is it possible to set this dynamically to add a fragment?
return new ViewModel("#fragment")
To return to https://example.com/view#fragment
The use case, have a js login/register view that is either https://example.com/view#login or https://example.com/view#register and want to return to the correct view...
Obviously, this can be done using a re-direct, however, in the case of returning form errors, ViewModel needs to be used...
Not sure if this is possible to apply param to router, but you can alwas return redirectToRegister = true, and then write and execute JavaScript in view which will change view if True.
A fragment is a same document reference i.e. if the URL specification is used correctly #register and #login will refer to different elements in the same document.
The view model therefore should be returning the same html in both cases, and the fragment will be handled by the browser. To distinguish register and login pages instead use different paths in the URL.

How can I override 'base_edit' view for a type using portal_factory?

It seems that when I use the portal_factory tool for creating an instance of a type it disregards the view I've specified to override base_edit.
Here's what I've got setup:
Alias from edit to base_edit in the types tool.
View class that renders the view.
ZCML that that hooks on the view class to the appropriate interface.
Content class that implements the appropriate interface.
I know my overridden base_edit view works because it renders:
Once the object has been created it renders.
When I disable the portal_factory tool for the type.
When I use another name like custom_edit it also renders the overridden view, despite the type being enabled in the portal_factory tool.
Changing the alias to ##base_edit works too.
this way zope traversing makes an adapter lookup instead of attribute access and your edit view will be used.
afaik the ## forces an adapter lookup, without ## the first object thru acquisition is called and then an adapter
cc #juriejan
You don't need to customized the base_edit.cpt, you simply need to create a new CMF skin template called yourtypenamenormalized_edit.pt, where "yourtypenamenormalized" is your portal_type name lowercase and without spaces.
The original Archetype base_edit.cpt will look for a template called this way before applying all default macros.
After that I suggest you to fill this new template with all the code you'll find inside the default template, that is edit_macro.pt, then start to apply your changes.
Commonly the only macro you'll want to override is the body macro.

Can't render an action in base layout and execute it from child template

Am working on a Symfony2 application whose among its functions will allow the user to select to visit different sections of the site, and this from anywhere (any page) of the site. For simplifying let's say: when a user want to sort he/she choose from a drop down select form and submit.
I built the action and template with a test root to verify this function and this work (when I use directly the rendering of that sortAction() on my app_dev/test adress.
The issu is that when I try to make this action accessible from the general template (app/Resources/views/base.html) I can view the select form with default view, but when I select for a sort and try to Submit page relaods and return to the defaut view.
I use {% render "MycompanyMybundleBundle:Mycontroller:sort" %} in .../base.html and I want this action to work on (like) mysite/anypage this last extending bundle layout which (layout also extent base).
Can anyone help me?
The description of your problem isn't realy clear, but I think the problem lies at the form action. Do you've configured this action? You should leave it empty if you want to submit it to the same page.
Another solution would be to make use of the extending posibilities of Twig. Define the form as a block in the parent, and override it in the child.
You could make the form action a block, that is what I mean...
<form action="{% block formAction %}defaulttargetpage.php{ %endblock% }"> <!-- formcontent --> </form>

Plone: Shown default views on navtree

My question is quite simple....
In Plone 4 (4.2) what I need to setup to make a default view, for example a simple page, to be shown in the navigation tree.
The navigation tree uses the INavigationQueryBuilder component to find all elements shown. The default implementation filters out anything used as a default page.
You'll have to provide your own implementation instead; but you can re-use the original implementation. All you have to do is alter the generated query a little; normally, if no more specific query is present, the is_default_page index is used to filter out default pages. But if your altered query adds a search for that index, then it'll not try to add a more specific filter. Setting it to search for (True, False) means it'll return both default and non-default pages, effectively neutralizing the filter.
The implementation then becomes:
from plone.app.portlets.portlets.navigation import QueryBuilder, INavigationPortlet
from zope.component import adapts
from zope.interface import implements, Interface
class INonDefaultPageFilteringNavigationPortlet(INavigationPortlet):
class DontFilterDefaultQueryBuilder(QueryBuilder):
adapts(Interface, INavigationPortlet)
def __init__(self, context, portlet):
super(DontFilterDefaultQueryBuilder, self).__init__(context, portlet)
self.query['is_default_page'] = (True, False) # Don't filter out default pages
You'll have to register this as an adapter, and add the INonDefaultPageFilteringNavigationPortlet to your portlet to 'activate' this builder:
<adapter factory=".yourmodule.DontFilterDefaultQueryBuilder" />
interface=".yourmodule.INonDefaultPageFilteringNavigationPortlet" />
All with the caveat that this is untested, but it should work.
You might also create a link in the folder, set destination to './idOfPage1' and set the link as defaultview of the folder.
Users without editing-rights will be redirected to Page1 then and the page itself will be shown in the navportlet.

How to get the current view name in asp.net MVC 3?

How can I get the current view name regarding to current URL, in asp.net MVC 3 using Razor engine?
No idea why you would need to get the current view name but you could use the VirtualPath property inside a view. Normally it's more useful to know the current action or controller. But anyway, here's how to get the current view name:
and if you wanted to get only the filename:
and without the extension:
I've also tested this code, and I could do something with it.
But, I'm not sure if is this a good solution or not.
For example, I need to detect the Contacts view located in Home directory. So I wrote:
if (#Request.RawUrl == "/Home/Contacts")
// do something
You can get it from RequestContext.RouteData
specifically, its Values collection contains "controller" and "action" keys
ASP.NET Core's equivalent:
Output is like this:
The rendering of a view may involve one or more files (e.g. _ViewStart, Layouts etc).
This property contains the path of the file currently being rendered.
ViewContext.ExecutingFilePath Property
