Soft keyboard causes view to bounce in flex mobile app - apache-flex

Have a flex mobile app with a couple of text inputs set up in a login form. When the soft keyboard appears the view pans up but then "un-pans" and "re-pans" giving this strange bounce effect.
Does anyone know how or why?

I am having the same issue. I ended up resolving it by changing the softKeyboardBehavior property in my app.xml to none instead of pan. I prefer the look of the default pan, but none works too, and without the bouncing.


2sxc shake edit buttons remain in sight

I installed 8.8. And shaking my phone like a maniac but the edit buttons remain in sight. Is that a known issue or should I be doing something different (like adjusting templates or something).
Kind regards
If a button is visible or not is configured at various levels. So it can be that your buttons are set to always visible - in which case the shake has no effect.
But if you're just using normal buttons which only appear on float, and they already appear (on desktop and mobile) without float/shake, then it's probably something different.
Best to do some more testing to corner the issue.

IOS7 : UIScrollView offset in UINavigationController

I'm currently migrating my app on ios 7 and I've been stuck for hours on the new navigationcontroller/bar management.
Before, when we had a navigation controller, we had a snippet like this :
UINavigationController *navController = [[UINavigationController alloc]initWithRootViewController:[[MainViewController alloc]init]];
In interface builder, we had the choice to set an existing navigationbar for the view and everything match the content of the real view.
OK so now, i have no clue of how to design properly with interface builder.
I still have my snippet to initialize my navcontroller. However in the interface builder for my MainViewController if I set a status bar to translucent or opaque navigation bar, i have an offset of 44px at the top (see below).
Interface Builder_________________________And the result
Now, if i set status bar to none, there is no offset at top but since the view on simulator is smaller because of navigation bar the bottom of the view in interface builder is cut off.
Interface Builder_________________________And the result
I guess i'm really missing something here but i can't find any topic or apple info in iOS7 Transitions Guide about that.
Thanks for your help
As we can see in the pictures, the first child of the view is a UIScrollView which contains both labels, the problem does not appear when there is no scrollview. It also appears if it's a UITableView.
If a label is outside the UIScrollView, there is no offset to that label.
OK so i found the solution, I have set in my controller the property:
self.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = false
I don't really understand the true benefit of this property though, (or why the default value is true)
The only documentation i found was there:
In iOS 11 automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets is deprecated
You should now use:
self.tableView.contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior = .never
I also encourage you to check this question and its answer to get a better understanding of those properties
#Justafinger's answer worked like a charm for me as well.
Just wanted to add that this setting can also be adjusted easily from the interface builder.
Select your view controller
Click the 'Attributes Inspector' tab
Uncheck 'Adjust Scroll View Insets'
I was running into this same issue, but I found a rather odd property on the ViewController in interface builder that seems to have been causing this for me. There is an "Extend Edges" set of check boxes. I removed the "Under Top Bars" check, and everything started laying out properly for me.
With automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets set to YES (the default setting) there is a mismatch in scrollview positioning between ios6 and ios7, so to make them consistent you need to disable this setting. However, ios6 will crash if it comes across automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets, so you either need to make a programatic change of automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets conditional on ios7 or else switch off the option using the storyboard/NIB
I had a similar problem, after dismissing a viewController, the contentOffset from my tableView was changed to (0, -64).
my solution was a little weird, I tried all the other answers but had no success, the only thing that fixed my problem was to switch the tableView position in the controls tree of the .xib
it was the first control in the parent View like this:
I moved the tableView right after the ImageView and it worked:
it seems that putting the table view in the first position was causing the trouble, and moving the table view to another position fixed the problem.
P.D. I'm not using autoLayout neither storyboards
hope this can help someone!
I also face this problem.
UIScrollView content size is calculate by OS as other sizes, origins provided by constraint system - that's why OS has doubtfulness.
How to fix - You should explicitly define content size of UIScrollView:
Embed scrollable content to UIView (I rename it to ContentView)
Add constraints:
ContentView.Weight = View.Weight and ContentView.Height = View.Height
It seems like a work around solution is to view the storyboard file as "iOS 6.1 and earlier" (select storyboard file->File inspector->Interface Builder Document->View As. Positioning subviews in this mode shows the offset.
Thank you guys for the solutions! I struggled for hours trying to solve the problem. Everything was ok when there was no Navigation Bar involved but it went haywire the moment I embedded the ViewController in a NavigationController.
I solved it by unchecking the Adjust Scroll View Insets and the Under Top Bars. Both of these are located in the ViewController's Attribute Inspector. Thanks a million!
Accepted answer by #streem caused some weird behavior with UILabel acting as sections.
This worked for me:
if let navBar = navigationController?.navigationBar {
scrollView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: -navBar.frame.size.height, left: 0.0, bottom: 0.0, right: 0.0)

How to disable bounce when dragging content over scroll limit in Windows 8 app?

I'm building a Windows 8 app, and need to disable the over-dragging / bounce-back effect that occurs when a user drags scrollable content over its parent's scroll limit. I thought I might be able to use some CSS properties here, but none of them seemed to allow me to do that. Any suggestions?
will fix the boucing issue

My simulator is going crazy. Simulator scale is different then ViewController and text is corrupted

And sometimes there's this:
Is it a bug? Is there a fix? I just dragged a button and a textfield to the view controller.
That's odd, few things that come to my mind
Check if you're using autolayout or 'auto resize subviews'
Check if you programmatically do any layout
Check if you're working with portrait/landscape orientation
I doubt it's a bug, such an obvious problem would have been fixed by now

Flash and Firefox: can't click "Allow" on Privacy panel

I've created a rather simple Flex application using Flex Builder 4, which connects to a webcam on the user's PC. To do so, Flash is presenting the user with the infamous privacy warning.
Now, the problem is that user can't click on the panel, as it seems unresponsive to any user interaction.
Some more details:
Firefox 3.6.12 on Mac/OSX, Snow Leopard.
Adobe Flash Plugin / 10.1 r85
The Flex app is working fine in its own window/tab but the problem shows up as soon as the html page with the Flex app is embedded into the iframe of another page.
If I artificially put an Alert box before connecting the camera, the user is able to interact with the Flex application but as soon as the Privacy panel is shown, the Flex app stops interacting.
The app works fine under Chrome and Safari but I have not tried this under Windows.
I've read that there are problems with CSS positioning so I removed any CSS style impacting the Flex app.
Before I change my strategy and get rid of the iframe (which will cost me quite some effort) I'd be happy to know whether others have experienced the same problem and if there are workarounds.
I had the same issue for weeks now. I found what may be the problem. It has something to do with the css alignment. try to remove the text-align:center; from the div flash is in and it will work again. Somehow the active areas from the security panel don´t shift with the display image…
In my application, this problem is apparently caused by an element containing the flash having the css margin: 0 auto. This leads to the left edge of the flash object sometimes being reported as a decimal, e.g. $('.flash').position().left --> 450.5px. Whenever it's not a whole number, the security panel failed to react to clicks.
The fix described in and linked to by Christiano almost works. However, it failed whenever the browser was resized to be so small that the left margin disappeared.
Here's what fixed the issue for me:
function registerMozillaFlashFix() {
if ($.browser.mozilla) {
$(window).resize(function() {
$(".flash").each(function(ii, e) {
var $e = $(e);
$e.css('margin-left', $e.position().left % 1 === 0 ? '0' : '0.5px');
Then just call window.resize() once your flash has been set up.
