Best place to create global object in ASP.NET MVC -

I would like to implement ConcurrentQueue object in my ASP.NET MVC app. The ConcurrentQueue object will be shared between sessions and should be created once. What is the best place to create ConcurrentQueue in ASP.NET MVC?

Any class you choose can hold an instance of it, however it would make most sense to couple it within a class that is responsible for whatever functionality the queue is used for.
For example a Cache class:
public class MyCache
public static ConcurrentQueue Queue { get; private set; }
static MyCache()
Queue = new ConcurrentQueue();
This will initialize it the first time the MyCache class is used. If you want finer grain control, you could create an Initialize method that your Global.asax.cs file calls on app start.

You could:
Create it in a static constructor, so it's created only when some code actually uses the type
Use WebActivator - you won't pollute Global.asax file, and you can create the queue in different assembly.

File Global.asax.cs, protected void Application_Start() method overload.
Another approach would be making a Singleton/static class.


Pass objects to application from HttpModule

Is there a way to create objects in HTTP module and pass those objects to applications.
I can use HTTPContext.Items. But that means I will reference System.Web in any DLL in the application that will use those data. Utility.dll is reading data generated by the http module, and I don't want to reference System.Web in that DLL because it is used by both web and desktop applications.
of course Desktop applications will not find the object, this is not a problem.
You can use the new and extensible cache API in System.Runtime.Caching, namely, the MemoryCache class. Just use a shared constant as the name and you're done.
I think your web module should communicate with Utility.dll and not the other way around. It should call a function inside Utility.dll with the data it needs. Since we don't know much about the nature of your application and that you didn't provide much information about how you want your different modules to communicate, it hard to give a definite answer.
The Utility.dll module could have a method accepting data like
public void QueueProcessingData(YourDataType[] data) {/* ... */}
If you really want your Utility.dll module to pull data from the web server, then you could use the builtin cache like #Ricardo Peres said. Example of using the builtin MemoryCache:
var data = "object your web module created and you want to pass to utility.dll";
ObjectCache cache = MemoryCache.Default;
cache.Add("The name you want", data, new CacheItemPolicy { AbsoluteExpiration = DateTime.MaxValue });
That way your other modules don't have to reference System.Web
HttpContext.Items is an IDictionary, so you can avoid a System.Web dependency in your common code by depending on that abstraction:
class Util
static void DoStuff(IDictionary environment) { ... }
class App
void DoStuff()
Util.DoStuff(new Hashtable { { "Foo", "Bar" } });
class MyModule : IHttpModule
void Init(HttpApplication context)
Thanks to #user1429080. it is kind of simple DI pattern.
Add an interface to Util.dll.
Add a reference to it in class Util add a property to access it.
The interface is implemented in WebUtil.dll. WebUtil is referencing System.Web.
In HttpModule.Init() I assign the implementation to the interface.
Util class is using the interface to read data generated from HttpModule instead of accessing System.Web.
Now I can have another source of data by creating another implementation for the interface. MVC 4 with Data Access Layer using Entity Framework 5?

In my project, i have first created my Data Access Layer using Entity Framework with the following projects in a single solution,
1.Domain Model - Entity Model (.edmx)
2.Services - Business Services, Dtos, Infrastructure(Configurator), Interfaces and Models(Repository)
Now the problem is, i want to connect this data access layer to my MVC project, i do not know how to make the data access layer projects to behave as the models for my mvc project. So can anyone tell me how to connect my data access layer into my controllers and views.. any references is appreciated. Thanks in Advance !
I think what you're asking is what's the best way for controllers to interact with your services and data layer?
One option is to use the mediator pattern, and decouple the services from the controllers.
There's a great implementation for ASP.NET MVC apps: ShortBus, also available on nuget that I've used in a number of projects, and so far it's worked great.
One of the nice things about ShortBus is it's support for dependency injection. In the example below, all the services are created with Ninject, and require the appropriate registration.
The basic idea is you define queries and commands that the controllers will use, and then add handlers to perform the actual work.
public class AddUser : ICommand<User>
public string Email { get; set; }
and then a handler:
public class AddUserHandler : ICommandHandler<AddUser, User>
private IDatabaseService _database;
private IEmailService _email;
public AddUserHandler(IDatabaseService database, IEmailService email)
_database = database;
_email = email;
public User Handle(AddUser command)
bool created = _database.CreateUser(command.Email);
if (created)
Then inside your controller, all you'd do is issue the command:
public class UsersController : Controller
private IMediator _mediator;
public UsersController(IMediator mediator)
_mediator = mediator;
public ActionResult Create(string email)
User user = _mediator.Send(new AddUser(""));
The things I like about this pattern are:
Controllers don't need to know how to create a user. It issues a command, and the appropriate business logic handles it.
Each handler can require the services it needs. There's no need to pollute the controllers with services only used by a single action.
It's really easy to unit test. I use a mock, and only need to verify that _mediator.Send() was called with the correct parameters. Then to test the handler, I mock IDatabaseService and IEmailService and verify they are called correctly in the 2 cases.
Commands and queries can be reused, and again, the caller never needs to know what's required to handle the request.
As for the Views, I'd recommend ViewModels.
Each View gets it's own ViewModel, which holds whatever is required for showing that particular page. You'd then map your domain objects to their own individual ViewModels, possibly with AutoMapper.
What's nice about ViewModels is you can format the data appropriately (formatting a DateTime maybe), and then your Views don't need any special logic. If later you decide to update the DateTime format, you only need to change it in one place.
Create a (shared) interface to pass to the layer that's between the DAL and MVC, especially if you're unit testing. Use a repository pattern. Check it out here:
This should get you going...

How to use Ninject.Web.PageBase alongside another, custom .NET PageBase

I am trying to get Ninject working with a WebForms application that already has a custom PageBase object. But, I don't know for sure if I can use Ninject's PageBase object alongside another, custom PageBase. I've been searching for a while now to see if I could find an answer to this problem, or to learn how to do it, but all I've found is this:
I've hacked together an alternative using a shared base class that
derives from Page. It looks roughly like this
public abstract class PageBase : Page
public IKernel Kernel { get; private set; }
public PageBase() { Kernel = ...; }
public void Page_Init() { Kernel.Inject(this); }
This will allow you to property and method injection on any pages that
inherit from PageBase. Note that the constructor is incomplete --
you'll have to access the kernel in some static fashion. You should
be able to read it from the HttpApplication somehow.
(source:, linked from Ninject with ASP.Net webforms and MVC):
This looks like it might work for me because it appears that I could apply this code to the existing, custom PageBase. But, I am hung up on the part in which the author says, "... the constructor is incomplete -- you'll have to access the kernel in some static fashion."
Does anyone have any idea what that sentence means, and how one might go about accessing the Ninject kernel in a static fashion?
You do not need to derive from a Ninject page base. You can alternatively use the NinjectHttpModule.

Do all instances of the same ASPX page share the same static field?

Let's consider this page's code-behind:
public partial class Products : Page
private static SomeClass SharedField;
public Product()
// ... Some logic
Do all Products pages instances share the same SharedField, I know this is a basic concept of static fields. But in this case, really? all users can have access (and can't have their own instance of) to the same static field on the website-level?
If so, in what aspects this would used by the web developer? or is this non-recommended practice?
Yes, there will be a single instance of that static field for all users, but only within a single worker process. If you have web farms/web gardens, they will each have their own static instance. If the worker process restarts, you'll get a new static instance.
You'll have to use locking around that shared field to ensure thread safety.
As for why to use that, I'm not sure, I never do it. The best example I can give you is the built-in static HttpContext.Current, which gives you access to the Request, Response, etc.
SharedField will be available in one instance for the entire life-cycle of the web site.
To read a bit more about it, see this answer.
A better practice would be to store your object in the Application state.
Application["MyObject"] = new SomeClass();

Implementing a WebControl factory in ASP.NET

I need to implement the classic Factory Method pattern in ASP.NET to create server controls dynamically.
The only way I've found to create .ascx controls is to use the LoadControl method of the Page/UserControl classes. I find it messy however to link my factory with a page or to pass a page parameter to the factory.
Does anybody know of another method to create such controls (such as a static method somewhere i'd have overlooked) ?
In the end, I decided to pass the page as a parameter to the factory. To make calls to the factory method easier, I changed the factory class from a singleton to a common class, and I passed the page to the constructor:
public ControlsFactory
private Page _containingPage;
public ControlsFactory(Page containingPage)
_containingPage = containingPage;
public CustomControlClass GetControl(string type)
... snip ...
CustomControlClass result = (CustomControlClass)_containingPage.LoadControl(controlLocation);
return result;
Since I have to instantiate many controls on each page with the factory, this is probably the most concise and usable way to implement the pattern.
Well after opening up reflector, the LoadControl function that is being used in Page is available in any TemplateControl.
Inside the actual LoadControl uses internal methods in BuildManager, so I don't think there's a way to use static methods without using reflection.
Well at least you don't need to pass a page around. Subclassing TemplateControl would work.
