Qt debug won't stop on breakpoint - qt

I just installed qt creator sdk and the windows debug thing. When I try to debug the debugger comes with the warning:
Preferred debugger engine for debugging binaries of type 'x86-windows-msys-pe-23bit' is not available.
The debugger engine Cdb engine will be used as a fallback
Details: There is no gdb binary available for binaries in format 'x86-windows-msys-pe-32bit'
Then the program start building.
When I set breakpoints into the program the debugger won't stop at de breakpoints. I've tried a lot of things to let the debugger work properly but nothing has helped so far. If anybody has a suggestion please let me know. I think it maybe has something to do with the compiler I'm using which is something like mingw but i have no idea how to set another compiler or something like that

Since you do not know msys, most likely you do not need the msys compiler, try mingw compiler itself from here.
make sure to install gcc, and gdb.
Since you did not mention I assume it is Windows, as a side note, if gdb gave you headache on Windows please use the mingw version bundled with Code::Blocks it is probably older though (look for the one that comes with mingw bundled).

You need to get either gdb/cdb installed with Qt to be able to debug your code. Try editing the options in Tools->Options in Qt Creator and pointing to correct gdb paths. That should solve this problem. There are other options available there to configure the gdb options in the settings dialog.


Cannot step into Qt source

I create a Qt project,build the project with msvc2017-32bit kit, and debug the project in Qt Creator. The problem is I can not step into the Qt functions. I can stop at break-points in my own source code, but cannot stop at break-points in files in Qt src directory. When I step into a Qt function, a message Stopped: "end-stepping-range" appears by the debugging buttons. Why could this happen?
According to #user13088490's suggestion, I installed the debugger tools for windows in windows 10 SDK, but the problem persists.
Follow the instructions from Qt here.
For Mac, the instructions are:
In Projects->Build&Run->Run->Run Settings->Run, select "Use debug version of frameworks".
There are different instructions for Windows, but I have not tried it yet.
You probably also need to have QT sources installed.
Go to the MaintenanceTool and check if Qt Creator 4.15.2 CDB Debugger Support and Debugging Tools for Windows has been selected.
I run Qt on Windows, although a different compiler than you, and you can set the debug target paths by going to Tools->Options->Debugger. From here you can click a button Add Qt sources.... Below is an image of my setup and this works for me.

QT application on BeagleboneBlack

Hi I have a debian image on BBB I have already installed QT creator on B^3 but the problem is whenever I try to start a new project in qt creator, couldn't see any option of kit. Infact when i add qmake and compiler path the application throws error.
What can I do to solve the problem. Can i directly get the full pack of SDK from qt.io/download ?
You must compile Qt libraries for your device (BBB) on your own, using specified compiler. You can find more information on this topic, here:
Qt Cross-Compilation Options
As soon as you compile Qt libraries for your device, you must move them to appropriate directories (on your BBB).
First, I would suggest learning to cross-compile, it's much faster & more easily maintained when you want to move to new versions. There's a ton of documentation and community around doing this. Windows & Linux both of which are probably dated, but info is still relavent. I've heard it's much easier from a linux host, but that could be biased.
That being said, if you don't want to cross-compile I believe you can simply install the qt embedded libraries. This question may offer some good advice. Once you have the libraries installed, you should be able to use qmake directly to create the Makefile for your project, then you can use cmake, or g++, etc.. to do the actual compiling.
You're likely going to work in command line though, I'm not sure you can run QT Creator on the BBB directly. I could be wrong.

QtCreator broken native compiler messages

There is a known bug in QtCreator: under Windows it cannot handle correctly compiler native messages.
When using MinGW it's all ok since it produces messages in English. But there is no Qt5 binaries for MinGW (and I don't want to build my own ones, since, I guess, it painful process). So I try to use MSVC. But, my MSVC prints error mesages in Russian. After QtCreator processes these messages it shows me something unreadable.
For now google didn't help me how to solve this problem.
Does anybody know the way to configure QtCreator? Or configure MSVC to print errors in English? Or even modify QtCreator's source putting some stub and "fixing" the problem?

Compiler configuration for Qt Creator

I am new to Qt and its IDE Qt Creator so pardon my ignorance.
When I try to compile my code I get the exception
"Qt Creator needs a compiler set up to build. Configure a compiler in the kit options".
I have installed MingGW for compiling C++ code.
However, I am having a problem configuring it for Qt Creator.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
I suspect you are using the new 5.0 Qt. It required a bit of prodding for me too.
If you look into Settings > Build & Run > Kits you should see an auto-detected entry which will probably have an exclamation mark in front and is not editable. Ignore this.
Add a new Kit
Give it a name, set the "Qt version" and select a compiler. (Compilers should have been auto-detected. If you do not see any compilers, you will have to set at least one up manually)
Click the "Make Default" button. (You may have to modify project build settings to use the new Kit too)
There may be a better way, but I do not know it. And you should probably use 4.x until 5 is out of beta.
I was also having the same problem, so what I did was this:
sudo apt-get install g++
sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev
I then closed the QT Creator, restarted it, and it worked.
I do not know which of the above two made it work, but it worked!
You are using Qt Creator 2.6.x, as those are the only ones that have kits.
Please go to Tools>Options>Build & Run>Compilers and add you mingw compiler there. You need to point creator to 'g++' in your mingw installation.
Then head over to the Kits tab and click on the desktop kit that creator should have created for you. In the details there is a field called Compiler (or Tool chain, don't remember). Select your mingw compiler there. Check the debugger field. If it is empty or using the gdb debugger that is part of mingw: Grab a debugger from http://builds.qt-project.org/, install it and point creator to that one. The debuggers delivered as part of mingw are known to not work well with creator.
Do not use the Nokia Qt SDK: Everything in there is terribly outdated by now!
This is just a starting point to troubleshoot your question, but the Qt Creator preferences has settings in the "Build & Run" area where you can define the location of your build toolchain: compiler, Qt version to build, etc. For mingw you'd have to point the right field to the location of g++, for a Qt version the location of qmake.
Not always the last version is the better. If someone is learning Qt to implement production solutions, is not good idea to use Qt version 5 (see the Qt5 change log). If you want to learn Qt programming, I think that the Nokia SDK is a good starting point, because you only have to install it as another Windows software, and start to coding.
By using linux is another good starting point, because you will have all the develop environment with a few apt-get commands.
When I started programming Qt, I lost a lot of hours to get a complete environment working with QtCreator, and I understand that not everybody has time for it.
I am using Qt Creator 3.5.1 based on Qt 5.5.1. The error "No compiler set in kit" has been a problem every time I have to configure a development system. The solution that worked for me is to select Tools/Options/Compilers and add a compiler. In my case a GCC compiler with Name:g++, Compiler path:/usr/bin/g++. The trick is to add the compiler before trying to add a Kit. If I add a Kit before I add a compiler I can never add the compiler to the Kit. If you having this problem delete the Kit, add a compiler, then add the Kit.
In your questions you must provide us more information about your problem, such as what versions of software are you using.
About your question, I think, that very good idea to you (as a beginner) is to use all-in-box QtSDK (link, need registration). There are ready-to-use QtCreator, MinGW and litle bit old Qt Libs in that QtSDK 1.2.1. So, you dont't need to configure it at all.
Hope, it'll help. Good luck!

Problem installing QT on Vista

I have downloaded QT SDK LGLP (Creator + libraries) 4.6 and I am having problems compiling projects. After install I have added C:\Qt\2010.02\qt;C:\Qt\2010.02\qt\bin to PATH and added QTDIR env varaible containing C:\Qt\2010.02\qt, the I run "configure -platform win32-g++" to compile it. Everything went good.
I the tried to use QT Creator to create and compile a project.
The problem is everytime I try to compile I get the following error message:
No valid Qt version set. Set one in Tools/Options
Error while building project GUITest
When executing build step 'QMake'
Canceled build.
When I go to Tools/Options the manual version is set to v4.6.2, Location c:\qt\2010.02\qt\bin\qmake.exe. The auto detected version is set to even though I have added the dirs in Path. Is there something I am doing wrong here? Has anyone encountered this problem in Vista.
I have been working on this for 2 days, change configurations, reinstalled etc...
The QtDir value is compiled into the
qmake-binary. You can only change this
by recompiling qmake and passing on a
different value to qt-configure (I'm
not sure which setting or variable is
passed on to qmake) When using
precompiled, downloaded binaries,
you'll have to keep the QtDir at
What I said was incorrect. The locations of qmake, moc,... are located in the file:
Try uninstalling/reinstalling qt creator
But i highly suspect you didnt compile qt properly as this problem seems really odd. I had alot of problems compiling so i know myself from the past mistakes.
Make sure you carefully reread install instructions for your environment, also if you have visual studio you need to follow procedure to install it in compliance with it. Same if you use another c compiler
If nothing goes right, the easiest way to install qt imo is directy from their git hub, chec installin qt from git, on their git site there is wiki that explains how to do it
its really easy and after that all you need to do is add the qt to creator
Hey, it QT emulators have lot of problems in vista, i have tried several times,it didnt work for me.. it works well with windows XP. though ill tell you in brief what you need to do
1)install latest perl
2)install carbide c++ editor
3)install Qt SDK
4)install s60 or N97 emulators
make sure that except perl all the items which are mentioned above will be in same drive,and also
make sure that folder names which you give while installation should not have spaces at all..
i.e suppose if you are going to place any of the above items in a folder whose name is having spaces it will not work.
if you have any doubts feel free to ask.
