Drupal webform location? - drupal

I am working on adding content to an existing site, and I can't figure out how to connect different web forms to different specific pages.
example: http://network.awcbn.com/3blindmicewindowcoverings
I need to replicate this page for other companies listed on the same site. But each webform will be on a different "basic page" and will be sent to a different email address.
I know virtually nothing about coding, and I'm wondering if this can just be done in the webform settings or drupal admin settings. without having to "pop open the hood" and mess with the code?
Basically I just don't know how to place a specific webform on a specific page. Does that make sense?

There's a great module for that called webform:
When you create a node of type webform, there's a subtab under edit for configuring the fields, email messages, etc. Documentation is here:


Can i have two Default ASPX pages?

Actually i've started to programm in ASPX using VB.NET as language i've made a client part website where the user can see different kind of products in the Default.aspx page and open a support ticket in another page.
Now i would make an admin part of the website and make a different Default page for it. So the question is it possible to show another Default.aspx page if an admin is logged?
Actually i'd accept all suggestion on how could i do it as better as possible.
Solved by using
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(username.Value, True)
Instead of
FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(username.Value, True)
It is not necessary.
You can have two pages and redirect or show the Admin's Page when the administrator is logged in.

Sign in to ASP.NET forum from non-forum page

I have an Umbraco (ASP.NET CMS) website. Inside this website I have created a directory called 'forum' and into that directory I have installed 'JitBit' ASP.NET forum. The 'forum' folder in my site is running as an application in IIS as per the forum documentation. It works great.
So to be clear, my website and forum are on the same domain e.g http://www.example.com and http://www.example.com/forum.
Now I want to have a log-in form on the website homepage, containing 'username' and 'password' fields which posts to the forum and signs the user in. There is no membership system on the main website, just the forum, but I'd like users to log in to the forum from the website homepage.
It seems that JitBit forum uses ASP.NET webforms, and the log-in form on the forum homepage posts to itself (just default.aspx) so my question is, can I post to a webforms page somehow from a non webforms page and get this log-in to work? I've tried the obvious simple HTML post from the homepage, using the correct username and password input names, but that doesn't work. Is there a way to make this work or do I have to build a membership system on the main website and cross-authenticate when a user gets to the forum?
Many thanks for any pointers.
I solved this adding value="Request.Form["Username"]" and value="Request.Form["Password"]" in the log-in input fields in the forum masterpage, then injecting some JavaScript to submit the log-in form on page load if those two values are present (if the log-in form has been posted). It's a little bit of a hack but works nicely.
I couldn't do anything with usercontrols as per #user3771965's suggestion as the parent site is MVC and I don't have source to the forum.

Easy way to track website user activity

We want to track all visitor activities for logged users so we can get better insight into visitor behavior and gather more data for each individual user.
What options are available for something like this that does not require us to add code to every single website page? Are there some existing libraries for this?
Here are couple different options you can try:
If your website uses one or more master pages you can try adding code only to master pages.
Create custom http module you will later integrate into IIS. Check this article for more details

Sharing page across websites in ASP.NET

Here at our company we are trying to figure out how to create one single page and share it across domains in ASP.NET.
We would like to create a simple "cart" page that is the same for all of our clients websites, so that we can include the page from a central location (such as http://ourwebsite.com/thecart.aspx) without duplicating code, and still be able to apply the CSS styles and branding for each client to the page.
How can we share a single page across websites in ASP.NET?
Each of our client's websites are on a different domain, and in some cases may also be on different servers as well.
I think what you want to do is manage one page and have it automatically update the other pages on your client's sites, ideally the same thing as "sharing a resource" no? For that you don't necessarily need to "share" a page, you need an easy process for multiple site deployment of just the single page, errr....I think? In any case, without loading the page via an iframe, or creating a central spot like "cart.somedomain.net" and then pushing the info back and fourth (I assume you'll have shopping cart items), you'd need a way to automate the publish of the page on different sites.
Even if you were to make the "cart" page it's own solution and then just include it in the individual sites, you'd still have the deployment issue. I think you have a few options, some of them previously mentioned:
Create an iframe that loads the page from an external source.
Create a central location for all the domains to push information to for their checkout process (store.somedomain.net or somdomain.net/cart.aspx) and handle it accordingly.
Create an application or script that automates the deployment of the updated resource to multiple sites (I don't know of a tool that does this or I would offer up the name to you, I apologize).
Anyway, I hope that helps, best of luck.
Inherit from and create the page as just another server control in a custom library. You'll of course have it in source control.
In fact, it doesn't need to be a "page", rather a custom server shopping cart control.

How do I make Wordpress and an ASP.NET MVC 2webapp appear as one app to the end user?

I want to use Wordpress as a CMS for our domains content pages, and also provide links to and from CMS and our service which is an asp.net MVC 2 app, and I would really appreciate some guidance on this subject:
The first approach that comes to my mind is to bind my wordpress site to "thedomain.com" and then bind the service to "service.thedomain.com", and just have them point to the different websites in IIS. In my opinion it does not provide a seamless experience since we are effectively moving from one domain to another when navigating between MVC and wordpress.
How would you solve the task of making a wordpress app and an MVC app appear to be one?
A co-worker came up with an interesting solution to a similar issue and to solve it he wrote a theme in WP that shows all front-end results in JSON. Then, he used ajax/js to pull in content by sending a link to the WP server and pulling back in the JSON-formatted results. I have been meaning write up a blog post about it but the concept should get you started.
Basically, a main-server-page loads all the HTML then hits the wp-server and pulls in the necessary content. The main issue with doing it this way was the page would be empty if the user disabled JS or something else went wrong, but we never had that issue on a lightly-used server.
