Flex: Menu/Submenu navigation for iPad - apache-flex

I just finished creating a large online flex app with 43 different screens. I am using a mx:MenuBar with four main menus and a couple of submenus to navigate between these screens. I am now trying to convert this into a iPad app as well, but the mx:MenuBar does not appear to be supported in mobile flex. Is there any way I can replicate this sort of navigation system in mobile flex? The user needs to be able to move between any of these pages at any time, and 43 tabs will obviously not work!

Basically you can use viewNavigator in flex mobile to achieve this, In view navigator push and pop views functions will allow you to navigate between views, You can refer this link, and also this one to get a basic idea about view navigators.

No, 43 tabs will obviously not work. You could make a scrollable tab bar, but from a usability point of view, I'd recommend against such a thing.
How about some sort of grouping the 43 tabs and then use a ButtonBar to create your tabs? To access sub-tabs, you could use a Callout. The ButtonBar would then be linked to your ViewNavigator.

For something similiar to this I am using an UIPopover. Just like in this SpliView-example but I am just using the toolbar with the button.
If you can categorize your screens, you could use 4-5 buttons with your correspondending screens in the tableview.


Xamarin - control that allows you to select from icons by swiping like iOS photo edit tools

I'm trying to find a control for Xamarin that allows you to pick a tool from a list of icons, but in a swipe format like in the iOS photo edit tools (image below).
I tried using CarouselView, but that only displays one item per swipe, and each item before and after - however I'd like around 5+ icons on screen, with the middle one selected.
If there isn't a control, I'll have to build one myself, but would prefer to use something that's already available if possible.
Thanks for any direction!
For me, the best practise for your case is to use the swipe gesture
and write an expandable animation like this sample

Qt/QML: Custom menu exceeding window boundaries

I want to create a custom Qt/QML menu like the main menu in Firefox:
As you can see, the menu can exceed the boundaries of the main window if it is bigger than the main window. Is there any way to achieve such behavior in Qt? I tried with the native Menu QML component, but this only gives me a default OS context menu with very vew customization options. I want full control over how the menu looks like and its contents (i.e. the same possibilities I have for a normal QML component or widget).
Qt Quick Controls 1 has Menus that are native and hence are not limited to window bounds.
Qt Quick Controls 2 does not yet have support for native Menus. You can track that here.
Qt Labs Platform has a native menu.
However, I doubt that any of these options will be sufficient in your case, as native menu support means utilising whatever the OS provides, which is probably not flexible enough to implement the menu shown in the image.
As mentioned by #hyde, one option may be to create a Window and implement your menu in there.

Make a iOS WebView behave like a ebook reader

Normally within a webview, when your page is too long, you can scroll vertically like a browser, that is the default.
I want to make this webview behave like a ebook reader, say when you need 3 pages to display the whole content, instead of scrolling vertically, you can slide to the next page which like a ebook reader (e.g. iOS Kindle app).
Any thoughts on how to implement this? Or any existing components I can use?
Very much depends on how much control you (want to) have on the html...
For complete layout control (magazine like) there's baker framework.
Or if you need a quick and dirty script auto generate html file with pagination (instapaper like), I'd use css3 multi-column layout, with some js to calculate the column needed. And use something like SwipeView to manage the scrolling.
This is not trivial, and there are a couple of HTML projects having to do with pagination. The ubiquitous jQuery also includes support for paginating HTML content.
Have look at this S.O. post for more details.
You can use UISwipeGestureRecognizer on UIWebView and move to the Page programmatically
Good Luck
To do this, you could start with a UIPageViewController and populate each page with a UIWebView, each scrolled down to a certain offset and disable scrolling of the underlying scroll view.

Swiping through content on Blackberry Playbook

I am creating a Playbook app in Adobe Flex/AIR.
I have a situation where there is too much content to show all on one page so I would like it where the content overflows vertically, the user can swipe to scroll down, like they were viewing a website on an Ipad.
I am extending the View class to make my screens, I could place every screen in a one element List or surround it all in a Scroller but surely there must be an inbuilt way to do this on the Playbook?
With the limited Blackberry documentation, I'm struggling to find the solution, any ideas?
I'm developing my own Blackberry Playbook app myself. Here's some advice:
Take a look at the List View options available. You might be interested in using a TileList
Review listening for Swipe Events to update the position of your List (be it TileList or SectionList).
Check out the Blackberry Tablet documentation. It's not that limited!

Qt switching between views

How do I switch between the two screens on the Qt?
For example, I have a button - static text plus a toolbar. Now I will add it to a frame and set it as a central widget. It works well for one window. What if I move it to the next window? Then I need to show some other stuff like another button, some images etc... and what if I come back to the first view again?
How do I show my old widgets back?
I'm not sure I got your problem right but, you could have different scenarios :
You could simply use groupboxes... Some widgets in groupbox1, otherWidget in groupbox2, and you display the groupbox you want to use, hiding the others...
You could use stackedWidget, which simulates "pages" of widgets stacked on top of eachothers... more informations here : http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.6/qstackedwidget.html.
You could use other way like using tabs : http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/qtabwidget.html
Maybe this example would be useful to you : http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.6/dialogs-configdialog.html
Hope it helps a bit !
I'd recommend checking out Animation/States example (should be in /qt/examples/animation/states/ subdirectory of your Qt installation). It shows how to combine state machine representing application logic with presentation layer and get cool animation effects for free (of course if you don't need eye candy, you can set widgets properties without any animation).
