and devexpress scheduler, works local, does not work live -

Hi guys I got some code here thats buggin me.
ive managed to create a page and get it working on local host, but when i publish this to go live and nav to the web page it comes up with this error.
Could not load file or assembly 'DevExpress.Web.v11.1,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b88d1754d700e49a' or
one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
(E:\web\shafteccom0\htdocs\Calendar\web.config line 44).
Ive tried adding all the references, and i mean all of the dev express ones, including ones i dont even need.
my project is a web project using visual studio 10,,C# & .Net version 3.5
ive also tried changing the .net version to 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 but no luck.
If you need my code let me know and ill edit this.
Many thanks

That error means that the library that your application is looking for does not exist on the server you are deploying it to (or it cannot load it with the variables provided). Does the live server have the VS2010 references installed to it?

Just making sure: Are you sure your references set to "CopyLocal"?
I think DevEx installs it's assemblies in the GAC, so your local copy may be working but not when you deploy. Have you tried looking in the bin on the publish location to see if they are actually there?


Installed nuget package depends on older version of System.Web.Mvc.dll after Publish

I have an MVC4 application developed with Visual Studio 2010.
Project works fine on IIS Express.
When publishing it to IIS8 and trying to access it I get an exception saying the System.Web.Mvc, Version= assembly could not be loaded.
The calling assembly is AttributeRouting.Web.Mvc, which is a NuGet package I use.
The way I understand it, my project referes to version of System.Web.Mvc, while the package I'm using depends on
If Visual Studio/IIS Express can run it perfectly, how come the published version has this problem?
I read a lot only today, but still couldn't figure it out.
Is this what Binding Redirect used for?
I'm kind'a lost here, feeling like I don't really have any direction.
Any advice is welcomed.
Thanks in advance,
I simply (Well it wasn't so simple) installed MVC3 in addition to versions 2 and 4.
Problem disappeared without the need of any further changes.
Download and install MVC3 from Microsoft's website.
In case installation failes:
Extract the setup file.
Open ParameterInfo.Xml in an editor.
Remove completely the <Exe> tag that refers to the vs10-kb2483190
Run setup again.
Thank you very much for your help #Augusto.
Hope this helps someone someday :), a web site project cant run dlls of 64 bit

I encountered a problem.
Now, I'm using Visual Studio 2010 to create a web site project (It's not web app.), I need to add a .dll file built under 64 bit platform by visual studio to this project, when I tried to build this project, I occurred an error says:
Could not load file or assembly 'XXXXXX' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.
I tried many methods to solve this error, but they all don't work ?
I'm working with this dll at the moment on local host with VS 2008, to get the dll to work I had to place it in C:\Windows\system and it runs fine. But I am worried about transferring it to my web server, though I'll cross that bridge once I've got the app working. Hope this helps

ASP.NET Browser Caps update

I'm trying to update the browser caps using the ".browser" files (browserCaps section of the web.config is deprecated in .NET framework 2.0). So far, I found this project on CodePlex that provides updated files:
From the Visual Studio 2008 command promt, I ran the command "aspnet_regbrowsers -i" wich creates an assembly (ASP.BrowserCapsFactory.dll) and installs it in the GAC.
So far so good, the updated definitions take effect in my application.
The question is, is it possible tu use that assembly outside the GAC, like add it as reference in a Web application (I tried it and unless I'm doing something wrong, it doesn't work)?
I'm aware of the "App_Browser" folder solution, but I'm looking for a solution that will ensure the same browsers definitions for several web application without having to put an assembly in the GAC.
Thanks in advance for your answers!
ASP.NET 4 White paper
According to ASP.NET 4 whitepaper, you can manage browser capabilities within your code by extending the ASP.NET Browser capabilities or totally replace it. So far, it's the best you could do instead of using the aspnet_regbrowsers

MSBuild failing to build referenced projects when upgrading to VS2010

I have recently upgraded my .Net 3.5 solution containing some C# code projects and a web site project to VS2010 (from VS2008). It is building and running fine inside VS, but I get some problems when trying to build it on my server with MSBuild 4.0 via TeamCity. It seems like the projects that are referenced from the web site are not built. This was all working fine before I upgraded to VS2010, MSbuild 4.0 and Windows SDK 7.1.
Inside the msbuild script that I use to build from teamcity I have defined project references for the web site like this:
<ProjectReference Include="..\src\trunk\DataAccess\DataAccess.csproj">
When I try to run the build script I get an error message saying that it could not find the dll file when trying to copy it from the bin folder of the referenced project into the bin folder of the web site. This is happening because the referenced projects are in fact never built at all (No bin folder exists in the project dir).
Does anyone have a clue what may cause this? I am not very experienced with MSbuild, so I may have overlooked some important stuff. Is it not so that MSbuild will automatically try to build the referenced projects if no project output is existing?
Will be thankful for any help!
I would need some more info to guide you on this, but off the top of my head try adding
to your msbuild call.
I found another post on this website describing your exact same problem. I also ran into this same problem too.
This blog on the MSDN Website describes the problem and the work-around. Basically it's a limitation of solution files which are not in an MSBuild format, but just a fancy text file. And the real thing is, that the dependencies need to be specified in the project files them selves not the solution file. ahhh... just read the link it explains it a hundred times better than my answer here.

system.web.extentions.dll not getting published!

I use the publish option of 2.0 to create a deployable copy of my web application. Lately I've noticed that the System.Web.Extensions.Design.dll and the System.Web.Extensions.dll does not get copied when using the publish option.
Has anyone any idea why this could have happened?
Couldn't google anything definite about this too...
They're part of the framework, so they are not published.
As others have pointed out they are part of the .NET framework and installed into the GAC which is why they aren't copied in a publish. Visual Studio expects them to be installed in the same location on the deployment target.
That said you can change this, right-click on the reference go to Properties and change the Copy Local to true. This will put a copy of the assembly in the local bin of the website and copy it when you publish.
