How to edit path variable in ZSH - zsh

In my .bash_profile I have the following lines:
for dir in $PATHDIRS
if [ -d $dir ]; then
export PATH=$PATH:$dir
However I tried copying this to my .zshrc, and the $PATH is not being set.
First I put echo statements inside the "if directory exists" function and I found that the if statement was evaluating to false, even for directories that clearly existed.
Then I removed the directory-exists check, and the $PATH was being set incorrectly like this:
None of the programs in the bottom directories were being found or executed.
What am I doing wrong?

Unlike other shells, zsh does not perform word splitting or globbing after variable substitution. Thus $PATHDIRS expands to a single string containing exactly the value of the variable, and not to a list of strings containing each separate whitespace-delimited piece of the value.
Using an array is the best way to express this (not only in zsh, but also in ksh and bash).
for dir in $pathdirs; do
if [ -d $dir ]; then
Since you probably aren't going to refer to pathdirs later, you might as well write it inline:
for dir in \
/usr/local/mysql/bin \
… \
; do
if [[ -d $dir ]]; then path+=$dir; fi
There's even a shorter way to express this: add all the directories you like to the path array, then select the ones that exist.
The N glob qualifier selects only the matches that exist. Add the -/ to the qualifier list (i.e. (-/N) or (N-/)) if you're worried that one of the elements may be something other than a directory or a symbolic link to one (e.g. a broken symlink). The ^ parameter expansion flag ensures that the glob qualifier applies to each array element separately.
You can also use the N qualifier to add an element only if it exists. Note that you need globbing to happen, so path+=/usr/local/mysql/bin(N) wouldn't work.

You can put
setopt shwordsplit
in your .zshrc. Then zsh will perform world splitting like all Bourne shells do. That the default appears to be noshwordsplit is a misfeature that causes many a head scratching. I'd be surprised if it wasn't a FAQ. Lets see... yup:
3.1: Why does $var where var="foo bar" not do what I expect?

Still not sure what the problem was (maybe newlines in $PATHDIRS)? but changing to zsh array syntax fixed it:
path=($path $dir)


zsh using a variable in a command within a function

In .zsh, in my .zshrc file I'd like to set up a function to cd to a directory I input, but using an existing variable to write the common ~/path/to/parent/directory/$input
I've been unable to find out what the correct syntax is for this particular usage. For example, I want to enter
goto mydir
and execute a cd to ~/path/to/parent/directory/mydir
But I get an error: gt:cd:3 no such file or directory ~/path/to/parent/directory/mydir even though that directory exists.
This is the variable declaration and function I am trying:
export SITESPATH="~/path/to/parent/directory"
function gt(){
echo "your site name is $#"
It makes no difference if I use the above, without quotes, or "cd $SITESPATH/$#" with quotes.
I don't see the point in using $# in your function, since you expect only one argument. $1 would be sufficient.
The problem is in the tilde which is contained in your variable SITEPATH. You need to have it expanded. You can either do it by writing
export SITESPATH=~/path/to/parent/directory
when you define the variable, or inside your function by doing a
cd ${~SITESPATH)/$1
A third possibility is to turn on glob_subst in your shell:
setopt glob_subst
In this case, you can keep your current definition of $SITESPATH, and tilde-substitution will happen automatically.

Globbing not working as expected

I would like to list all plain files that are not python scripts in zsh.
Why does the following "code" not work and what is the proper solution?
ls -l *(.)~*.py
I have setopt extended_glob in my .zshrc.
ls -ld *~*.py``
works as expected.
(I added the -d in the command to prevent directories from getting expanded).
The problem is that ~ is a glob operator (that also requires EXTENDED_GLOB be set), while (.) is a glob qualifier, which means it must be added to the end of the entire pattern, not used in the middle. Use
ls *~*.py(.)
instead. That is, *~*.py is your pattern (all files not ending in .py), and (.) is applied to the results. (Perhaps yet another way to put it is to say that glob operators can only work on unqualified patterns.)

Changing the global “path” from within a function?

My zshenv file has a bunch of lines like
if [[ -d "$HOME/bin" ]]; then
path=($HOME/bin $path)
I thought I’d try to factor this pattern out into a function. I replaced it with
function prepend_to_path_if_exists() {
if [[ -d $1 ]]; then
path=($1 $path)
but this gives the error
/Users/bdesham/.zshenv:8: missing end of string
where line 8 is the one where I’m calling prepend_to_path_if_exists. What exactly is causing this error, and how can I make this function work? I’m using zsh 5.0.5 on OS X 10.10.1.
You could call functions as with usual command executions like this (without ()):
prepend_to_path_if_exists "$HOME/bin"
It seems that zsh try to expand the glob prepend_to_path_if_exists(…) rather than to call the function.
TL;DR: Prepending emelemnts to $path would be accomplished by a little cryptic way:
(I'm not quite sure that the below form is preferable for anyone though.)
# `typeset -U` uniqify the elements of array.
# It could be good for $path.
typeset -U path
# prepending some paths unconditionally,
$HOME/bin \
$HOME/sbin \
# then filtering out unnecessary entries afterward.
The $path[x,0]=… is prepending(splicing) element(s) to array taken from the below:
So that's the same as VAR[1,0]=(...) ? It doesn't really "look" very
much like prepend to me.
-- Greg Klanderman (
The ${^path}(-/N) expands the glob qualifires -/N on the each $path elements.
(Without ^ in the parameter expansion, the last elements of array will be evaluated, so it is mandatory in this case.)
The glob qualifires -/N means that "symbolic links and the files they point to"(-) the "directory"(/). And when it does not match anything do not raise errors (N).
In short, it would keep exsisting directories only for $path.

How to make zsh search configuration in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME

Looking to make my ~ a cleaner place, I would like to move as much user configuration files into $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, which is ~/.config by default. So I would like to store all my zsh user files in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zsh/. So far already have this:
% ls $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zsh/
histfile zsh_cache zshrc
Easy, you just have to fill your ~/.zshrc. Now the trickiest part seems to make zsh read directly $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zsh/zshrc without sourcing it from ~/.zshrc. How would you proceed?
One may edit /etc/zsh/zshenv to set $XDG_CONFIG_HOME directories and $ZDOTDIR. This require write privilegies on this files though.
So provided that $HOME is defined when zsh read it (I don't know if it's the case), you may add to your /etc/zsh/zshenv:
if [[ -z "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" ]]
export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="$HOME/.config/"
if [[ -d "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zsh" ]]
It is good practice to not put a / at the end of any variable holding a certain path.
For example, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zsh translates to "$HOME/.config//zsh" and the / repeats because XDG_CONFIG_HOME ends with a /.
So I think your answer should be -
if [[ -z "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" ]]
export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="$HOME/.config"
if [[ -d "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zsh" ]]
Variation to psychoslave's answer which uses ${HOME}/.zshenv to initiate the environment. No root access needed.
source $ZDOTDIR/.zshenv
This was discussed on this thread on the zsh-users mailing list.
You may want to consider saving history in XDG_DATA_HOME. Specifications can be found at XDG Base Directory Specification.
Write a wrapper for zsh that executes zsh after setting the environment variable ZDOTDIR to where you want zsh to look for the config files.

ZSH auto_vim (like auto_cd)

zsh has a feature (auto_cd) where just typing the directory name will automatically go to (cd) that directory. I'm curious if there would be a way to configure zsh to do something similar with file names, automatically open files with vim if I type only a file name?
There are three possibilities I can think of. First is suffix aliases which may automatically translate
% *.ps
% screen -d -m okular *.ps
after you do
alias -s ps='screen -d -m okular'
. But you need to define this alias for every file suffix. It is also processed before most expansions so if
% *.p?
matches same files as *.ps it won’t open anything.
Second is command_not_found handler:
function command_not_found_handler()
emulate -L zsh
for file in $# ; do test -e $file && xdg-open $file:A ; done
. But this does not work for absolute or relative paths, only for something that does not contain forward slashes.
Third is a hack overriding accept-line widget:
function xdg-open()
emulate -L zsh
for arg in $# ; do
command xdg-open $arg
function _-accept-line()
emulate -L zsh
whence $FILE &>/dev/null || BUFFER="xdg-open $BUFFER"
zle .accept-line
zle -N accept-line _-accept-line
. The above alters the history (I can show how to avoid this) and is rather hackish. Good it does not disable suffix aliases (whence '*.ps' returns the value of the alias), I used to think it does. It does disable autocd though. I can avoid this (just || test -d $FILE after whence test), but who knows how many other things are getting corrupt as well. If you are fine with the first and second solutions better to use them.
I guess you can use "fasd_cd" which has an alias v which uses viminfo file to identifi files which you have opened at least once. In my environment it works like a charm.
Fast cd has other amazing stuff you will love!
Don't forget to set this alias on vim to open the last edited file:
alias lvim="vim -c \"normal '0\""
