I've successfully configured a html5boilplate project with ant build script, but I want it to build coffee scripts as well, how can I configure the build script to build it?
You could create an issue on the ant build script project, and hopefully someone would be able to create a task for it!
I am new to power shell, I am trying to write a power shell script to build and publish the c#/.net application(Web). I have tried below code to generate build-
$projectFileAbsPath = .csproj path
$msbuild $projectFileAbsPath /t:rebuild /p:PlatformTarget=x86 /fl /p:outputpath=C:\test
by executing above line i am only getting dll of the project in destination folder. Supporting\Referenced dll's and related artifacts are missing.
Please help me understand where i am getting wrong and what additional things i need to do. Also, do i need any build configuration file .If yes, let me know if there is any sample posted on internet.
We have the following issue in our build system:
We build an ASP.NET project which has many scss files.. We want to compile them using Gulp.
When working local, no problem, we use the Task Runner Explorer in VS2015 to automate the pre-build event, but, when building using TFS, we don't have access to this tool and thus it leaves us with no css file.
My question is, what would be considered the best way to automate this pre-build event (creating css file using Gulp in TFS2015)?
Thanks a lot!
In both VSTS and TFS 2017 you can just add the out-of-the-box Gulp Task to your build and configure it like any other task.
If you have an old version of TFS then you may need to use PowerShell to achieve the same thing:
You may also want to check the Marketplace for a Build Task for Gulp that you can download: http://marketplace.visualstudio.com
I start learning grunt for javascript project management. Grunt requires a series of templates in order to run the tasks. All the guide or examples are saying to install the template manually by running git clone *** on ~/.grunt-init directory. I wander whether there is any automatic way to install all the required templates from current project. Just like what maven or gradle are doing.
It's not a direct answer but check out yeoman for scaffolding front end Web apps. It has a whole lot of cool integrations with grunt.js that will automatically run a bunch of grunt tasks on your project for you. You should definitely check it out.
How can I generate .war file from web app containing just HTML, CSS & JavaScript?
Is there any way to do that using webstorm?
I think IntelliJ has a way of doing it but Webstorm doesn't.
However if you have Java SDK installed and environment variables set for it you can create .war files from the command line. Just navigate to your project area and use the command
jar -cvf myApplication.war myApplicationFolderName
Hope this helps
Maybe you can configure a grunt file and make a war task
the good thing about this is that you will be independent from the IDE or editor you're using.
In practical terms, it worked for me
I'd like to set up my projects in Eclipse to run FlexUnit tests everytime I save my work.
I found an example with JUnit here : http://misko.hevery.com/2009/05/07/configure-your-ide-to-run-your-tests-automatically/
How would you do it? Is it possible to run FlexUnit tests without Flash Player?
Yes, you could create a setup much like the one Misko describes using FlexUnit4. The key is creating an ANT build script that compiles your test runner and then invokes the FlexUnit ANT task on the resulting SWF.
Once you have the ANT build script setup you can jump right into step 4, as outlined in the article.
Getting the ANT build script setup correctly can be a little tricky if you're not familiar with ANT. I found the continuous integration (CI) sample project provided by the FlexUnit4 team to be a great reference. As of this writing, it's available here:
Try using Flex Builder 4 beta, it has unit testing integration built in.
Are you using the FlexUnit plugin for Eclipse?
I don't know it, but it should execute FlexUnit tests.
If you want to execute something after you saved, you could use the Save Actions in Eclipse. They are inserted in org.eclipse.jdt.ui.cleanUps (according to a mailing list post).
Oh, I recently found this blog entry: FlexUnit + Ant. It seems like it covers your problem!
Good luck with that!