Automatically generate resource keys for localisation in Visual Studio -

I have a large website that I have to localise. To do that, I make use of UI cultures and .resx files. But the controls on the site do not have the meta:resourcekey value necessary to refer to them in the resource files. I'd like to generate them automatically, using the element IDs as the keys, so that this:
<ext:Window ID="wndLoginWindow" Hidden="true">
Becomes this:
<ext:Window ID="wndLoginWindow" Hidden="true" meta:resourcekey="wndLoginWindow">
Is there a Visual Studio tool/plugin to do this? Do I have to resort to regex substitution? Or is there another way to localise the website that's not as manual to implement?

Visual Studio 2010 has a Generate Local Resource option under the Tools menu. The cursor may have to be actively in the content area for the menu option to be available. I've been using this to create resource files and it automatically adds the resource key attribute to my controls. It works with Literals and Labels and the like but might not work for more complex controls (my pages are pretty simple so I haven't run up against that).


ASP.NET - copy existing project into solution - but cannot "Start Debugging" on any .ASPX?

In VS2015 I had an existing solution with one project ("projA").
Then, from another solution, I copied the files which make up four other projects to sit in the same directory as "projA".
I then opened the solution which has "projA" in it and used the "Add Existing Project" facility to add the four other projects.
The solution builds and everything looks happy.
However if, using Solution Explorer, I
go into one of the newly added projects (say 'projB')
select Foo.aspx from within 'projB' and
select 'Start Debugging'
then what I get served to the browser is not Foo.aspx from 'projB' but the 'Index.cshtml' from 'projA'.
I'm guessing (and 'guessing' is the word) this is related to the fact that 'projA' is marked as the startup project and 'projB' isn't ? So I read here that I can have multiple startup projects but I'm not really clear on whether there's some negative aspect to that ? Would it make 'projB' visible in a way it currently isn't ?
Or maybe I've got all that wrong and there's some other reason for this ?
I think you can set the behavior you want from the solution property page. So go to the solution property page then common properties then Startup project and select Current selection so that when you select a document from a project it will be the startup project.

How edit code template ASP MVC 4 CRUD Generator?

I want to alter the default code genaration of MVC CRUD ASP . NET.
Visual Studio.It generates pages of "Edit.cshtml/Insert.cshtml/Delete.cshtml"
I want to translate "Edit" to "Alterar" - "Insert" to "Inserir", and I would like that the razor file to be called "Alterar.cshtml" instead of "Edit.cshtml"
How can I do that?
Is it possible?
Yes, you can.
Based on this excellent blogpost by Scott Hanselman I changed the default template in a few steps. The difference between Scott's approach and mine is that he apparently made it in a way that keeps the global default but gives him a separate generator for each project. Since I didn't get it working immediately, I opted to instead just change the global template.
Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\CSharp\Web\MVC 4\CodeTemplates\AddController (some parts of the URI may vary in your situation
Optionally: grant yourselves write privileges on
Open in an editor of your choice and change what you want to change. Note that these are T4 templates so you have a wide variety of tools to your disposition if you want to do more advanced stuff.
Create a new ASP.NET MVC project
Go to the "Controllers" folder and add a new controller (not an api controller)
You don't have to change anything to get a differently named view: the view, including the file in which it is stored, is generated based on the name of the action method that creates it. If you generate the view from Alterar then the popup window will present you with the name "Alterar" for the file.

Removing the byte order mark on page

I'm really stuck. I'm working on an integration project where I'm creating a html fragment using ASP.NET. This fragment will be included as part of another site. The html fragment is created using a simple ASP.NET page with a minimal code behind file.
Te site that will include this html fragment is running PHP. The developer there is complaining that my code is sending the byte order mark as part of the html fragment and this is making his life difficult.
I'm using Visual Studio 2010 for development. I've saved the relevant aspx and aspx.cs files as UTF-8 without signature. However, this doesn't seem to have made a difference and now I'm pretty much out of ideas. The rest of the site is set to use UTF-8 as standard (defined in web.config).
Where should I be looking to alter the BOM behaviour for my aspx file?
If you save the file in Visual Studio I believe it will keep adding the BOM. You need to use a different editor to remove the marker such as NotePad++.
Actually in the advanced save as dialog in Visual Studio there is also an option to save UTF-8 without signature. Have you tried this?
It's confirmed in this question.
You can also use plain old NotePad to save with a different encoding.
Save As...Encoding DropDown.

Where do I put my CSS, how do I link to it from the master page?

I have installed SharePoint 2010 on a single machine in farm mode pointing to a db on another server. I would like to start dabbling into branding the site by doing something that I initially thought to be trivially straightforward, link to a custom CSS from a SharePoint 2010 master page.
I have uploaded a custom css (Let's call it custom.css) using SharePoint designer in the Site Assets. What syntax do I need to put to link to it? I have tried the following:
<SharePoint:CssRegistration name="custom.css" After="corev4.css" runat="server"/>
But the server cannot find the CSS file. I receive the following error:
Cannot make a cache safe URL for "1033/styles/custom.css", file not found. Please verify that the file exists under the layouts directory.
I've assumed I need to use SharePoint:CssRegistration - Is my assumption correct?
So what is it exactly that I need to put in the name tag to link to a css uploaded via SharePoint designer?
Am I even on the right track or would you suggest an alternative way of putting this together?
I would use Alternate CSS first. But other options are:
If you put the CSS file in Style Library, you can do this:
<SharePoint:CssRegistration name="<% $SPUrl:~SiteCollection/Style Library/custom.css%>" runat="server"/>
Put the CSS on the server as 14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\1033\STYLES\custom\custom.css and then you can do this:
<SharePoint:CssRegistration name="custom/custom.css" runat="server"/>
Putting the file into its own directory is considered best practice so that it does not interfere with updates to out of the box files.

Designer files not nesting correctly, messing up intellisense in Visual Studio

I've got a web site project loaded into Visual Studio 2008. The .designer files for all of my ascx controls are not nested under the control in solution explorer, and when I reference something in that control in the code behind, I don't get intellisense.
I've checked the csproj xml file, and the 'compile' elements appear to be the same as those in my other projects where this is working correctly. An example looks like this:
<Compile Include="Default.aspx.cs">
<Compile Include="Default.aspx.designer.cs">
I've tried playing with the project file, using the Website\Nest Related Files menu command, and everything else that I can think of. Any ideas?
Note that I'm trying to nest files that should be nested already.
This is a response to my own previous post. Got MS Tech Support to straighten it out. On my .aspx pages changing line one in 2 places solved the issue for me.
In the line in each .aspx file in your project that starts "<%Page Language" change "Codebehind=" to "Codefile=", and in your "Inherits=" property if it's set up as ProjectName.FileName then remove the "ProjectName.".
For example if you had a Project named "TestApp" and a file inside it called "NewFunctionalityTest.aspx" change
in the first line.
To nest resx files you
Add Existing Item. Add resource and designer files to the project.
Select all resource files (Not Designer files) that are not nested.
Select Properties and change the Custom Tool to PublicResXFileCodeGenerator
Should work
Made sure both partial files are the same namespace and class name? Might also try to remove them and add both files back at the same time.
I ran across this macro a while back to do exactly what you're looking for. The author even posted a video of how to use it. I have never tried it though, so I can't vouch for it.
I don't know if the OP ever fixed his issue, but something very similar is happening to me. The designer.vb files aren't nesting, Intellisense isn't working, etc... The main difference is that I'm not using ascx, I'm using straight up .aspx pages with .vb codebehinds. It appears as though all the controls placed on the aspx page do not appear to VS as declared when I go to manipulate said controls in the codebehind. I get an error list hundreds deep from code I wrote months ago (having no problems with at the time), most of them saying "Name 'objectname' is not declared" where 'objectname' is a textbox, or dropdown menu from the associated aspx page. To answer Vishal's questions...
Can you share whether this happens everytime you create a new project or is it for a specific project...?
It's happening to one project. I have multiple other applications in VS2008 showing no problems.
Did you try compiling the project?
Yes, when I compile it lists out all the build errors that show up in the ErrorList aborts, and kicks over to the ErrorList.
Does intellisense come back after compiling
A little more information on this project: It's a converted VS 2003 project. These problems did not start immediately after conversion from 2003. The conversion happened months ago and I made numerous revisions to the web app since then. There's currently a version with those revisions on a test server to show off new functionality to the client. This problem only cropped up 3 business days ago when I went in to make a few formatting changes to the aspx page. I never got a chance to make those changes however because as soon as I opened the project I got the error list. This issue is affecting every aspx page I have in the project.
I do not think the nesting is an issue for you, seeing nested files is just a eye candy although depends upon matters...
Not getting intellisense is not really a factor of nesting but rather something to do with the way references are hooked up for your project... Can you share whether this happens everytime you create a new project or is it for a specific project...?
Did you try compiling the project? Does intellisense come back after compiling... Typically for WAP projects if for somereason intellisense does not become available it should come after you compile the project...
Let me know if are still facing this issues...
