Changing enhancedGrid row color background - datagrid

I'm trying to change the background color for a row in a enhancedGrid. This is driving me crazy, thank you in advance for your time.
First, I select the row with onRowClick event.
function onRowClickHandler(evt) {
selectedRow = evt.rowIndex;
selectedCode = dijit.byId("myGrid").getItem(evt.rowIndex).code;
I need that the background color changes only when acertain button is clicked.
This doesn't work.
I also tried with onStyleRow but it doesn't work.
I've tried with"myGrid").getRowNode(selectedRow), "backgroundColor", "#454545" )
But the style does not remain fixed.

Take a look at this answer
Though I think if you override onStyleRow instead of using dojo.connect you should have this at the bottom of your custom function:
dojox.grid.EnhancedGrid.prototype.onStyleRow.apply(this, arguments);


Hovereffect with text on image not working

I'm a very basic coding person that needs something to work, but IDK how. I have a website where I have 4 images. When you hover over those img they become slightly darker, but I wish there was a way to show some text as well (preview of how it should work:
Here's the link to my GitHub code:
Can anyone explain to me what I need to do to add that hovereffect you can see in my design at the imgur link?
You would want to use the CSS hover event. Here's a good example on how to do that.
you probably need to use javascript as well, and do an EventListener to tell when it is being hovered over, and then use .style to change it, for example:
var text = document.getElementById("text");
var exampleimg = document.getElementById("exampleimg");
exampleimg.addEventListener("mouseover", examplechange);
exampleimg.addEventListener("mouseout", examplechangeback);
function examplechange(event)
{ = "block";
function examplechangeback()
{ = "none";
add a h1/h2/h3/p element to your page, and give it the id "text" then style it how you want and set the display to none.

Pulling a style from a TinyMCE selection

I'm trying to implement a TinyMCE button that will apply the style of the selection to the entire box. I'm having trouble, though, reading the style of the selection when the selection is buried in a span in a span in a paragraph. Let's consider 'color' for example. Below I have a box with some text and I've selected "here" in the paragraph and made it red.
The HTML for the paragraph is now:
The code behind my button to apply the style of the selection to the box is
var selected_color = $(ed.selection.getNode()).css('color');
console.log("color pulled is ", selected_color);
$(ed.bodyElement).css('color', selected_color);
It doesn't work because the color pulled is black, not red, so the third line just re-applies the black that's already there. (If I replace selected_color in the third line with 'blue' everything goes blue.) So the problem is pulling the color of the current selection.
Does anyone know how I can do this reliably, no matter how buried the selection is?
Thanks for any help.
I also noticed somewhat a strange behavior up and there, with selections of nested span's and div's, but honestly i'm not able to recognize if this is a bug of TinyMCE, a browser issue or a combination of both (most probably).
So, waiting for some more information from you (maybe also your plugin code) in the meanwhile i realized two proposal to achieve what you want: the first plugin behaves like the format painter in word, the second is simply applying the current detected foreground color to the whole paragraph.
As you move throug the editor with the keyboard or mouse, you will see the current detected foreground color highlighted and applied as background to the second plugin button.
Key point here are two functions to get the styles back from the cursor position:
function findStyle(el, attr) {
var styles, style, color;
try {
styles = $(el).attr('style');
if(typeof styles !== typeof undefined && styles !== false) {
styles.split(";").forEach(function(e) {
style = e.split(":");
if($.trim(style[0]) === attr) {
color = $(el).css(attr);
} catch (err) {}
return color;
function findForeColor(node) {
var $el = $(node), color;
while ($el.prop("tagName").toUpperCase() != "BODY") {
color = findStyle($el, "color");
if (color) break;
$el = $el.parent();
return color;
The try...catch block is needed to avoid some occasional errors when a selected text is restyled. If you look at the TinyMCE sorce code you will notice a plenty of timing events, this is a unavoidable and common practice when dealing with styles and css, even more with user interaction. There was a great job done by the authors of TinyMCE to make the editor cross-browser.
You can try out the first plugin in the Fiddle below. The second plugin is simpler as the first one. lastForeColor is determined in ed.on('NodeChange'), so the code in button click is very easy.
tinymce.PluginManager.add('example2', function(ed, url) {
// Add a button that opens a window
ed.addButton('example2', {
text: '',
icon: "apply-forecolor",
onclick: function() {
if(lastForeColor) {
var applyColor = lastForeColor;
ed.execCommand('forecolor', false, applyColor);
return false;
Moreover: i think there is a potential issue with your piece of code here:
$(ed.bodyElement).css('color', selected_color);
i guess the style should be applied in a different way, so in my example i'm using standard TinyMCE commands to apply the foreground color to all, as i wasn't able to exactly convert your screenshot to code. Please share your thoughts in a comment.
Fiddle with both plugins:
Amazing work! Thank you!
Your jsfiddle did the trick. I replaced the HTML with what was in my example and changed the selector in tinymce.init from a textarea to a div and it pulls the color out perfectly from my example. The modified jsfiddle is at . I'll be studying and learning from your code for a long time.
Regarding your question about
$(ed.bodyElement).css('color', selected_color);
the divs I attach tinymce to all have ids and the one the editor is currently attached to is reported in ed.bodyElement. I haven't had any trouble using this but I have no problem using your
ed.execCommand('forecolor', false, applyColor);
Thanks again! Great job!

Tabris Button Height

I'm trying to make a multiline button, but the text gets cut off.
Button button = new Button( containerButton, SWT.PUSH );
button.setText( "Hello\nWorld" );
Is it possible to adjust the height of a button?
The only thing I found was setSize( width, height ) but that's not working.
Try to give the button a layout data e.g. a GridData. Here you can set e.g. the heightHint. This should work.
Maybe a good article to read would be:

How to lighten or darken a Flex 4 image

Is there a way to darken or lighten an image or actually any display object on mouse over and then restore it back on mouse out? I would prefer to use filters if possible just because I am already applying a filter on mouse over and removing it on mouse out. I would then be able to add it to the filters list. If not that's fine. In my code I'm using a Flex 4 Spark Image component.
You should use ColorTransform for this. Below is shown how you can utilise this.
image.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, checkTransform);
image.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, checkTransform);
private function checkTransform(e:event):void
if(e.type == MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER)
image.transform.colorTransform = new ColorTransform(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); //multiplies all RGB-values by 0.5
image.transform.colorTransform = new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1); //restores to default image
this should do the trick. For more information on ColorTransform:
The easiesy way to do is, create a colorfilter, and apply this colorfilter to the image on rollover and remove the filter on rollout.
For details visit :

Format datagrid column color

I have a advanced datagrid label function like this:
private function dgFormat(item:Object, column:AdvancedDataGridColumn):String{
var v3:int = item.value1 - item.value2;
return "Total: " + v3;
How can I change the text color of v3 dynamically? I want it to be red if it's less than zero & black otherwise.
There's a few ways of doing this, but personally if I were you, I'd just create a custom item renderer for the columns that you want the color to change and do something like:
<s:Label text="Total: {data}" color="{data < 0?0xFF0000:0x000000}" />
This way, you bind the difference right off the bat without having to add 'total' in your data, and bind the color change as well.
You'll need a custom item renderer for your AdvancedDataGridColumn. The item renderer will check the value being set, and update the color of the text depending on its content.
This should get you started.
