How to lighten or darken a Flex 4 image - apache-flex

Is there a way to darken or lighten an image or actually any display object on mouse over and then restore it back on mouse out? I would prefer to use filters if possible just because I am already applying a filter on mouse over and removing it on mouse out. I would then be able to add it to the filters list. If not that's fine. In my code I'm using a Flex 4 Spark Image component.

You should use ColorTransform for this. Below is shown how you can utilise this.
image.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, checkTransform);
image.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, checkTransform);
private function checkTransform(e:event):void
if(e.type == MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER)
image.transform.colorTransform = new ColorTransform(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); //multiplies all RGB-values by 0.5
image.transform.colorTransform = new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1); //restores to default image
this should do the trick. For more information on ColorTransform:

The easiesy way to do is, create a colorfilter, and apply this colorfilter to the image on rollover and remove the filter on rollout.
For details visit :


Hovereffect with text on image not working

I'm a very basic coding person that needs something to work, but IDK how. I have a website where I have 4 images. When you hover over those img they become slightly darker, but I wish there was a way to show some text as well (preview of how it should work:
Here's the link to my GitHub code:
Can anyone explain to me what I need to do to add that hovereffect you can see in my design at the imgur link?
You would want to use the CSS hover event. Here's a good example on how to do that.
you probably need to use javascript as well, and do an EventListener to tell when it is being hovered over, and then use .style to change it, for example:
var text = document.getElementById("text");
var exampleimg = document.getElementById("exampleimg");
exampleimg.addEventListener("mouseover", examplechange);
exampleimg.addEventListener("mouseout", examplechangeback);
function examplechange(event)
{ = "block";
function examplechangeback()
{ = "none";
add a h1/h2/h3/p element to your page, and give it the id "text" then style it how you want and set the display to none.

changing background-image when scrolling

I was trying to change background-image while scrolling using only CSS3 but i failed. I need help how to do it on css3 only, not js.
I need to change background opacity of one image to zero and another to 1 having 5 breakpoints, while scrolling page. But i don't know how to process scrolling.
Will be thankful for help)
var fromTopPx = 200; // distance to trigger
var scrolledFromtop = jQuery(window).scrollTop();
if(scrolledFromtop > fromTopPx){

Adding css with jQuery based on class

Seeking a solution to my problem...
I partially found an answer from another thread on here, using this script
$(function () {
$(".myclass").hover(function ()
{}, function ()
$(".myclass>li").fadeTo(200, 1)
$(".myclass>li").hoverIntent(function ()
$(this).attr("id", "current");
$(this).siblings().fadeTo(200, .6);
$(this).fadeTo(300, 1)
}, function ()
$(this).fadeTo(200, 1)
When an item in the list is hovered, the script fades all other items out. Original demo is here
This works OK on my site, though the list ( a grid of thumbnails) is part of a bigger slider script, which loads "previews" via ajax. When a list item is clicked a hidden section expands on the page, and the slider script assigns the list item a class "active".
When the hidden section is open I would like the activated thumbnail to remain at 1 opacity, while the rest are faded to .6, exactly as it is with the hover effect using the script above. What I am trying to achieve becomes obvious when you click a thumbnail to activate the ajax script. Is it possible to use the active class to make this happen i.e. if class is not active set to .6 opacity?
Thanks in advance
Thanks everyone for suggestions - I am not having much luck so far! Using the code above, would it be possible to modify it so that when a list item is clicked it holds the specified levels of opacity? That would do nicely, I think. Then I could use onclick I guess to fade all items back to full opacity when the hidden div is closed.
I'm trying to guess how your code work, for what I understand you should do something like this:
// this is the selector that gets the click on the thumbnail
$('li.item').click(function() {
// fade all the thumbnails to op 1.0
$('#li.item').css('opacity', '.6');
// let the active thumbnail to 1.0
$(this).css('opacity', 1);
//show your hidden div
Then, when you close the hidden div:
// about to close
$(this).fadeTo('fast', 1);
You could use an on click targeting the zetaThumbs li elements, set the current target to 1 and its siblings to .6
$('.zetaThumbs li').click(function(){

Changing enhancedGrid row color background

I'm trying to change the background color for a row in a enhancedGrid. This is driving me crazy, thank you in advance for your time.
First, I select the row with onRowClick event.
function onRowClickHandler(evt) {
selectedRow = evt.rowIndex;
selectedCode = dijit.byId("myGrid").getItem(evt.rowIndex).code;
I need that the background color changes only when acertain button is clicked.
This doesn't work.
I also tried with onStyleRow but it doesn't work.
I've tried with"myGrid").getRowNode(selectedRow), "backgroundColor", "#454545" )
But the style does not remain fixed.
Take a look at this answer
Though I think if you override onStyleRow instead of using dojo.connect you should have this at the bottom of your custom function:
dojox.grid.EnhancedGrid.prototype.onStyleRow.apply(this, arguments);

Flex 3 - Change box border colors

I have a question that might seem "basic" but I just cannot figure out how to do it...
I have a box and I'd like to change the borderColor. Till there, nothing special. Just a box.bordercolor = xxxxxx...
BUT, I'd like to have the top and bottom border with one color, and the left and right border with another color... And that's the part where I'm stuck.
Any tips? Suggestions?
Thanks for your help and time! ;)
Unfortunately, I won't be able to share the code without making it "incomprehensible"...
But this is the idea... We have 2 main components: ArrowButton and Navigator.
ArrowButton is a hbox containing a label and an image (this image is the arrow tip and it changes depeding on the state of the ArrowButton).
Navigator is a hbox containing a series of ArrowButton. An ArrowButton overlaps the arrowButton on its right in order to create the pointed end of the button.
And then you just create a whole bunch of functionnalities around these components.
I hope this helps... Do not hesitate if you have some more questions =)
I noticed you are asking about the Flex 3 SDK. Skins are a good approach. They have changed somewhat in Flex 4(for the better IMHO). If you are wanting to use the Flex Drawing API, then just extend the Box class into a custom class that would look something like this:
public class MultiColorBorderBox extends Box
// You could add getters/setters or constructor parameters to be able to change these values.
private var topColor:uint = 0xFF0000;
private var rightColor:uint = 0x00FF00;
private var bottomColor:uint = 0x0000FF;
private var leftColor:uint = 0xFF00FF;
private var borderWidth:Number = 20;
public function MultiColorBorderBox()
override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void
super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
// This just ensures you dont have content under your border
this.setStyle("paddingLeft", borderWidth);
this.setStyle("paddingRight", borderWidth);
this.setStyle("paddingTop", borderWidth);
this.setStyle("paddingBottom", borderWidth);
var g:Graphics =; // This creates a new Graphics object and sets it to the MultiColorBorderBox graphics object. Since Box (superclass) descends from a Sprite object, it has a graphics object automatically.
g.moveTo(0,0); // Moves the position to the top left corner
g.lineStyle(borderWidth, topColor); // Sets the line style with the width and color
g.lineTo(unscaledWidth, 0); // Draws the top border from top left to top right corners
g.lineStyle(borderWidth, rightColor); // Changes the line style
g.lineTo(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight); // Draws the line from top right to bottom right
g.lineStyle(borderWidth, bottomColor); //Changes the bottom border style
g.lineTo(0, unscaledHeight); // Draws the line from bottom right to bottom left
g.lineStyle(borderWidth, leftColor); // Changes the border color
g.lineTo(0,0); // Closes the box by drawing from bottom left to top left
I'm pretty sure you're going to have to create a borderSkin to accomplish this. I believe these are created in an external program, such as Flash Professional; but more info is in the docs.
I don't think that Flex makes any distinction between top/bottom borders and left/right borders. Creating a skin would certainly be the nifty-slick way to do it. A programmatic way might be to use to draw your border by hand. I'd start by trying to override the updateDisplayList() function to draw your border...
I finally did a pretty simple thing.
I guess I wasn't detailed enough regarding the specifications.
The actual aim was to create a navigator with arrow shaped buttons.
Each button had to be highlighted when it was selected. And this is how the navigator looked like.
Each button is actually an HBox containing a Box (with a label) and an Image (for the arrow tip), with a horizontalGap = 0.
I didn't think about adding a glowfilter to the button. So I was trying to just change the colors of the top and bottom part of the Box...
So, the glowfilter in the button worked pretty well.
Sorry for the lack of explanations about the context >_< And thanks for your answers!!
