Red5: Server application skeleton and helloworld - apache-flex

Can anyone provide an updated application skeleton for a Red5 application? From what I have found the logging system changed from Log4j. I've been looking for some tutorials just to setup everything but can't really find something that simply works.
In addiction, can anyone provide a simple tutorial with a server application and Flex client?
Thanks in advance!

I struggled a lot with that.. This reference worked for me:
The trick was to Remove any or log4j.xml files and Remove any "log4j" listeners from the web.xml
Create a logback-myApp.xml where myApp is the name for your webapp and place it on your webapp classpath (WEB-INF/classes or in your application jar within WEB-INF/lib)
and im my app i did:
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.red5.logging.Red5LoggerFactory;
and then:
private static Logger log = Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyClassName.class, "myApp");
the clients actionscript looks like this:
// Initializiing Connection
private function initConnection():void{
nc = new NetConnection();
nc.client = new NetConnectionClient();
nc.objectEncoding =;
nc.connect(rtmpPath.text,true); //Path to FMS Server e.g. rtmp://<hostname>/<application name>
nc.addEventListener("netStatus", publishStream); //Listener to see if connection is successful
private function publishStream(event:NetStatusEvent):void{
nsPublish = new NetStream(nc); //Initializing NetStream
nsPublish.attachAudio(Microphone.getMicrophone()); //Attaching Camera & Microphone
nsPublish.publish(streamName.text,'live'); //Publish stream"Published");
else{"Connection Error");


XUnit Net Core Web API Integration Test: "The ConnectionString property has not been initialized."

Just trying to build an Integration Test project for a NET Core Web API.
So I've followed a few examples, including this one ( and naturally, I run into issues. When I run the simple GET test I get an exception:
"System.InvalidOperationException : The ConnectionString property has not been initialized."
Any help would be appreciated.
For server = new TestServer(new WebHostBuilder().UseStartup<Startup>());, you need to manually configure the appsettings.json path like
var server = new TestServer(WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder()
// This is the path for project which needs to be test
For a convenience way, I would suggest you try Basic tests with the default WebApplicationFactory.
The WebApplicationFactory constructor infers the app content root path by searching for a WebApplicationFactoryContentRootAttribute on the assembly containing the integration tests with a key equal to the TEntryPoint assembly System.Reflection.Assembly.FullName. In case an attribute with the correct key isn't found, WebApplicationFactory falls back to searching for a solution file (*.sln) and appends the TEntryPoint assembly name to the solution directory. The app root directory (the content root path) is used to discover views and content files.
Reference:How the test infrastructure infers the app content root path
I had to override CreateHostBuilder in my derived WebApplicationFactory in order to add the configuration for the connection string (since it was read from user secrets).
public class CustomApplicationFactory : WebApplicationFactory<Sedab.MemberAuth.Startup>
protected override IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder()
var initialData = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> {
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection", "test")
return base.CreateHostBuilder().ConfigureHostConfiguration(config => config.AddInMemoryCollection(initialData));

How to specify credentials from a Java Web Service in PTC Windchill PDMLink

I am currently investigating the possibility of using a Java Web Service (as described by the Info*Engine documentation of Windchill) in order to retrieve information regarding parts. I am using Windchill version 10.1.
I have successfully deployed a web service, which I consume in a .Net application. Calls which do not try to access Windchill information complete successfully. However, when trying to retrieve part information, I get a wt.method.AuthenticationException.
Here is the code that runs within the webService (The web service method simply calls this method)
public static String GetOnePart(String partNumber) throws WTException
WTPart part=null;
RemoteMethodServer server = RemoteMethodServer.getDefault();
try {
QuerySpec qspec= new QuerySpec(WTPart.class);
qspec.appendWhere(new SearchCondition(WTPart.class,WTPart.NUMBER,SearchCondition.LIKE,partNumber),new int[]{0,1});
// This fails.
QueryResult qr=PersistenceHelper.manager.find((StatementSpec)qspec);
part=(WTPart) qr.nextElement();
partName = part.getName();
} catch (AuthenticationException e) {
// Exception caught here.
partName = e.toString();
return partName;
This code works in a command line application deployed on the server, but fails with a wt.method.AuthenticationException when performed from within the web service. I feel it fails because the use of RemoteMethodServer is not what I should be doing since the web service is within the MethodServer.
Anyhow, if anyone knows how to do this, it would be awesome.
A bonus question would be how to log from within the web service, and how to configure this logging.
Thank you.
You don't need to authenticate on the server side with this code
RemoteMethodServer server = RemoteMethodServer.getDefault();
If you have followed the documentation (windchill help center), your web service should be something annotated with #WebServices and #WebMethod(operationName="getOnePart") and inherit com.ptc.jws.servlet.JaxWsService
Also you have to take care to the policy used during deployment.
The default ant script is configured with
So you need to manage it when you consume your ws with .Net.
For logging events, you just need to call the log4j logger instantiated by default with $log.debug("Hello")
You can't pre-authenticate server side.
You can write the auth into your client tho. Not sure what the .Net equivilent is, but this works for Java clients:
private static final String USERNAME = "admin";
private static final String PASSWORD = "password";
static { {
protected getPasswordAuthentication() {
return new, PASSWORD.toCharArray());

How to do coldfusion mapping in application level

I have below directory structure -
---CFC (contains all cfc file)
---SERVICES (contains all service file)
I have created one service named (userService.cfc) which have the below script
import services.userService;
component accessors="true" alias="services.userService"
remote userService function init()
return This;
remote any function getUser()
var userObj = new cfc.sessionUser();
return userObj;
If i call this service from inside the application, this is working fine
Again if i am trying to call it from outside the application, need to change this statement as below and again it is working fine.
component accessors="true" alias=""
remote userServicefunction init()
return This;
remote any function getUser()
var userObj = new rootFolderName.cfc.sessionUser();
return userObj;
But If i put this code on another rootFolder suppose on "rootFolderName1" name i have to changed all the place where i used the rootFolderName. I got one solution by CFADMIN folder mapping on server level. but i want it on application level.
Can we configure it on Application.cfc? I have used Mappings also but that is not working.
Actually i have two separate application one flex application which is trying to access the second application services remotely. second application have cfc and sevices.
Please help on this.
I would review Ben Nadel's post on the use of ExpandPath() in writing app level CF mappings

Accessing services directory when setting up Zend AMF in Codeigniter

I followed the instructions in this tutorial to set up Zend AMF as a way of passing data from my flash app to my PHP app:
So I have the directory structure and everything as described there. This is my gateway controller:
class Gateway extends CI_Controller
function __construct()
//root_folder + application + controllers + amf + services
define('SERVICES_FOLDER', APPPATH.'controllers/amf/services/');
public function index()
$server = new Zend_Amf_Server();
echo $server->handle();
And the APPPATH is /application/ so the path defined by SERVIES_FOLDER is "/application/controllers/amf/services" which is where my file 'testservice.php' sits.
When I try and connect to that service in flash:
var gateway:String = "";
con.connect(gateway);"Testservice.getMessage", new Responder(onResult, onFault));
It calls the onFault method and displays the error:
Plugin by name 'Testservice' was not found in the registry;
Which makes me think that the addDirectory() line in Gateway.php was the problem somehow. Interestingly, I also cannot access the testservice function through a URL, ie by going to
Any thoughts on what might be going on here?
Figured it out, sort of.
Instead of using the addDirectory method which I was having no luck with, I used the setClass method and created another class within the gateway.php file that has the functions, and now I can connect to those functions from flash.
I had an issue with this when using parent::__construct() in my service controllers. Once I removed that, the problem went away.

ejb client in netbeans platform application module

Im trying to create a ejb Client in Netbean platform appliactaions module, to call ejb deployed in glassfish.
I have added all required jar files from my ejb server application and required glashfish jars.
appserv-rt.jar,javaee.jar, gf-client.jar.
Following code works fine when called from standalone java application , but when i try to call it from netbeans platfrom application module , Im unable to get context.
Are there any netbean platform specific configurations required?
try {
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("java.naming.factory.url.pkgs", "com.sun.enterprise.naming");
props.setProperty("org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost", "");
InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext (props);
MySessionBeanRemote mySessionBean=
Userprofile user = new Userprofile();
user.setDescription("some desc");
} catch (javax.naming.NamingException ne) {
} catch (Exception e) {
This is not an easy task. Have a look at the this tutorial, its a bit old but should still apply.
