Resources not automatically loaded from Https - SecuritySwitch -

I am upgrading from the old SecureWebPages that automates the switching between Http and Https content via web.config.
For some strange reason, having contents like:
<link type="text/css" href="assets/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" />
no longer automatically loads from the appropriate https location. The console in Google Chrome shows me this:
The page at ran insecure content from
This behavior didn't exist when I was using the older SecureWebPages. In the past the above CSS statement works fine without any errors.
My web.config:
<securitySwitch mode="RemoteOnly">
<add path="~/Register.aspx"/>
<add path="~/SSL.Master"/>
Is there anything wrong with my configurations? Please advise. Thanks!

You need to tell SecuritySwitch to ignore your CSS folder, or even your entire Assets folder if it contains images and the like as well. Here is a path you can add to the securitySwitch section for the assets folder.
<securitySwitch mode="RemoteOnly">
<add path="~/Register.aspx"/>
<add path="~/assets/" security="Ignore"/>
This will tell SecuritySwitch to ignore the assets folder, and everything under it. Also, your path for the master file does nothing, since .master files are never served to a browser.
I hope this helps!


404 Not Found aspx file but it is there

I´m using Plesk and in Web scripting and statistics I have Microsoft ASP support in ON.
I uploaded a application (which works correctly in my PC) to a directory and it can be shown but when I go to the aspx file it shows me the 404 error (The path is the correct).
I noticed that some files in "shtml" extension are neither shown by the server.
This is my very first time with ASP.NET, ISS8 and Plesk. I don´t know what to do. I will thank you for your help
You have to set the HTTP Handler Extension. If you have no access to IIS directly, you could do on the web.config:
Open the Web.config file for the application, locate the httpHandlers element of the system.web section and add an entry for the file-name extension
<add name="SampleHandler" verb="*"
type="SampleHandler, SampleHandlerAssembly"
resourceType="Unspecified" />
For more configuration options please refer to:
Check also the Custom Handler Policy of Plesk that should not be enabled:
Here I've found also another interesting document:
Scroll down and you'll find a piece of code to add the handlers programmatically, even if I suggest you to add them in your web.config

Can't render style sheet on my Meteor app (MIME error)

This is the error I'm receiving when trying to load CSS/less data:
I looked around StackOverflow for the same problem and I find out that I had to use an absolute URL for the stylesheets. I tried basically every combination of the URL where my stylesheets are located, but I still get the same error but only different link attached.
The stylesheets that I need to render are located in /client/stylesheets/less, but no matter what URL path I type, i get the same MIME/type error.
Can anyone be kind enough to point a fellow in the right direction?
Make sure the .css and .less extension are set up to use text/css as the MIME Type either on the server level or for your web application. You can add this MIME type to your web.config if you do not have access to the server level configuration.
<remove fileExtension=".less" />
<mimeMap fileExtension=".less" mimeType="text/css" />
The remove is included for if the setting is configured at the server level already to not cause a conflict.
Did you forget to install the less compiler?
meteor add less

Styles from dotless files not used

We have a website that makes use of .less files (the pre-compiler dotless has been installed using nuget), however the .less files are not handled as css files.
When trying to view the website in firefox, the console gives use the following error:
The stylesheet http:// website/css/init.less was not loaded because its MIME type, "application/octet-stream", is not "text/css".
Our dotless file is trying to import more files:
#import "imports";
But even replacing this text with css code, the styles are still not applied. But if I go to that file in Visual Studio, it is displaying all the css from the files that are imported.
If you're using the dotLess handler to process and serve your .less files on the fly (which is fine for debugging, but you might want to consider pre-compiling for release), you need to ensure that you also send them down with the correct mimetype.
You can do this either at the server level in IIS Admin (if you're likely to using this for multiple sites on the machine), or at the local site level via the web.config - note that you can't do both, IIS will complain that there are multiple entries for the file extension.
To do this in the web.config, within the <configuration><system.webServer> element add the following elements:
<mimeMap fileExtension=".less" mimeType="text/css" />
Obviously, if you've already got some mimemap entries, just add the mimemap there.
This will ensure that IIS claims that the .less files served from the handler as CSS rather than the default application/octect-stream.
If that's still not serving them as processed, there are a couple of other things you'll need to check:
Ensure that the handler is correctly registered in both the <system.webserver><handlers> and <system.web><httpHandlers> sections (depending on the version of IIS you're using:
<add name="dotless" path="*.less" verb="GET" type="dotless.Core.LessCssHttpHandler,dotless.Core" resourceType="File" preCondition="" />
<add path="*.less" verb="GET" type="dotless.Core.LessCssHttpHandler, dotless.Core" />
Ensure that IIS is configured to send all requests through the ASP.NET handlers configured in step 1. By default, .less files are probably being considered "static files" and will only be handled by the StaticFileModule.

Icons missing on Azure Wordpress site

I created a WordPress Azure Website through the Azure Websites Gallery. I installed a theme called Bridge.
Everything is working quite fine...Except, I have no icons appearing on the desktop version of my site (through Chrome, Firefox and IE). I am seeing icons on my Windows phone. I am not seeing icons on the desktop site when I squeeze the window down to mobile phone size.
To give you some background to where this problem is potentially coming from…
I have used a custom domain. To make the WordPress site work with a custom domain, I have added this code to the wp-config.php file:
/*Emma added the below to fix permalink to be custom domain*/
The code above meant that once you clicked on a post or page and moved away from the homepage, the url was still instead of
So back to the icon issue…
The icons are displayed through using a font (font-awesome to be exact). I have the latest updates of the theme and the latest 4.2.0 version of the font is in the font files. The font files can be found here in my site:
wp-content > themes > bridge > css > font-awesome > fonts
I asked the Bridge theme team why the icons were not displaying. They replied:
This is happening because of cross-origin access is denied for your site. You should paste this code to htaccess file that is located in
WP installation directory:
<ifModule mod_headers.c>
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
I do not have an .htaccess file because my site is running on Azure. From what I understand .htaccess files are linked to Apache. Instead of a .htaccess file, I have a web.config file and a web-config.php file because I installed this from Azure.
I created a .htaccess file in the root of my website and pasted the above code. Of course that didn’t work. I also looked up how to write the web.config version of the code and pasted that into the web.config file and that did not work (although with my little knowledge of this area, the syntax is probably wrong) and that didn’t work. See the code below:
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="" />
I also added this to the web.config file and that hasn't worked:
<remove fileExtension=".svg" />
<remove fileExtension=".eot" />
<remove fileExtension=".woff" />
<mimeMap fileExtension=".svg" mimeType="image/svg+xml" />
<mimeMap fileExtension=".eot" mimeType="application/" />
<mimeMap fileExtension=".woff" mimeType="application/x-woff" />
I have read that I need to also change the buildAction to "content", but not sure how to do that as when you click properties of files such as .woff, you don't seem to get that option.
I also played around with adding something to the web.config.php file under the custom code I wrote to get my domain to work, but that didn’t work either. Once again, not sure my code was correct.
I went back to the support team at the Bridge theme and they said that I should contact my hosting provider to do this for me because .htaccess can’t work on this type of server.
So, now I am not quite sure what to do.
Does anyone know the correct code I should put into my web.config, web-config.php or other file? Or, is there another issue here I am not understanding? Perhaps something as simple as adding something to the custom css to call to the font?
I wonder if there is a clue in the statement I made above...
"Everything is working quite fine...Except, I have no icons appearing on the desktop version of my site (through Chrome, Firefox and IE). I am seeing icons on my Windows phone. I am not seeing icons on the desktop site when I squeeze the window down to mobile phone size."
If I can see them on my phone, then surely that means at some point the icons are being rendered correctly?
I have had a look through my css files for a change in a way the site is rendered through media queries, but didn't find anything there either.
After many hours of searching for a solution I found this post: Windows Azure CDN and *.woff fonts
I copied this code into my web.config file as a child of system.webserver:
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" />
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Methods" value="HEAD,GET,OPTIONS" />
That seemed to solve it! :)
Have tested in Chrome, FireFox, IE and mobile and all icons are now showing. Magic!

Disabling themes in a subdirectory with ASP.NET

This should be a simple one. I am using a program that has themes defined in its Web.config file. I want to turn these off for a subdirectory.
I copied Web.config into a subdirectory and tried removing the theme attribute from the pages element on Web.config but that didn't get me anywhere. I got a bunch of errors about elements that are apparently not allowed in non-root Web.config files so I removed all of those elements, but I am still getting the same error.
I tried adding EnableTheming="False" in the ASPX Page header, the thing that defines Language=C#, etc., but it didn't work either.
So if someone can tell me a tested, confirmed way to make this work, I would appreciate that. I am using .NET Framework 2.0 on Server 2003.
Got it with a very basic Web.config:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<pages theme="" />
