Wordpress Custom Content Types - wordpress

After long research, no answer or hints about this question seems to be available.
I want to have multiple image custom content types. But how to add them with jQuery? I want an option that add dynamically multiple image custom content types when you are in the user interface to add new content.
You have the custom content type in front of you: My
You want add a new one
You give it a description, and want to add an image
Here comes my question: You add an image and you click a button to add another image input field (in the backend)
I hope you can help me with this.
Edit: To be more specific, where, in which file do I implement the jQuery functionality to dynamically add more image upload fields. I have no clue where to implement it.

Are you referring to the back-end user (using wp-admin) or a front-end user (using your actual wordpress ite)?
You can use gravity forms ( http://www.gravityforms.com/ ) in combination with this plugin http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/gravity-forms-custom-post-types/ to create a front-end form that will allow a user to create a new taxonomy term as well as submit an image.
On the backend there is a great plugin to create duplicate fields which would allow you to do what you're describing as "You add an image and you click a button to add another image input field (in the backend)"...It's called magic fields http://magicfields.org/

What about http://podsframework.org/ its nice framework for handaling custom content type.


How can i create reusable blocks in EasyAdmin Symfony

I have an entity page and i would like to add blocks of different types and display them in the form when i select one (Image, text and image or just text). All dynamically without being pre-defined in the administration (like a cms).
blocks [text, text-image, image]
if text create new field text
if text-image create new field text and new field image
if text again create new field text
I dont know how to make a form to be like reapeater one with adding new block or removing existing one.
I can't comment so I will put an answer instead.
I am not sure I get your question. If you're trying to configure the fields, you need to configure them in your CrudController:
etc. as per the documentation
If you're trying to have a more CMS like approach, where you can move things around, you may want to check SonataAdmin instead. It is much more complicated but provide CMS capabilities EasyAdmin does not.

How to "separate" image uploads while using multiupload image field

My client has a bizarre request which is making it difficult to build a slideshow on profile2 pages: The profile2 pages require 4 photos to be uploaded, and he does not believe that the users adding content to the site will "get" the multi-select method found in most file upload modules. The Field Slideshow module only works if you're using multiupload (which of course makes sense), and that's how I had it set up initially - which worked perfectly. I've tried using the field collection module, then creating a Slideshow view, but the image fields in the field collection field aren't being seen as a group. I think I had to select one of the 4 image fields to use instead of all 4. Any ideas?
he does not believe that the users adding content to the site will "get" the multi-select method found in most file upload modules
This hardly makes sense, I guess you tried to explain things to your client ?
Assuming you have several image fields on your content type, you could build a view which create a list (unformatted or HTML list) of these fields, maybe using a global field rewriting (you add all your image fields, exclude them from display, custom their display by removing field wrapper and field+label wrapper (in order to get only ), add a global text field in which you include image fields token), and then create your slideshow in a custom javascript file, using whatever library you like (Cycle2 is great).
Your global text field would look like :
<div class="wrapper cycle-slideshow">
(with cycle2 adding a cycle-slideshow class will initialize your slideshow)
...but you need token to do so.
I often find it more convenient to setup javascript things like that (slideshows, gmaps...) by myself instead of using views integration.
Hope I understood your issue correctly, good luke with this.
For every (custom) field you have option "Number of values" which you can set to fixed amount (i.e. 4) or unlimited. Can you use that?
Easier: Use Rules. Create an additonal (fifth) image field (multivalued) that will be the one consuming the slideshow. Create a new Rule, triggered on creation or update of your content with 4 actions: each one adding the content of one of the fields to the multivalued field list. You probably need to avoid showing that field but that depends on what are you using to display, so hide it using display suite or just not using it in the content template. This way, you show your users your 4 fields but makes the slideshow work based on a computing of the user inputs.

Create a drupal 6 views slideshow from a single content type that has both, image and video fields

I need a little direction. I've created a content type that has both, images and videos attached to a node. I need to create a single frame slideshow that riffles through the mixed media. Currently, I'm using the Embedded Media Field as well as the ImageField to upload the content. I'd like to keep that within the same content type if possible. I was considering separating them and then using taxonomy to make them relational, but that sounds convoluted. At this point, the slideshow displays them both, together.
Could I add both fields to an array in a template file, then return them as one field?
It sounds like you want to add some markup that encapsulates both fields. If that is the case, you can re-write the output of the fields.
Try this:
Edit the "Content: Slideshow main image" field
Enable "Exclude from display"
Click Update
Edit the "Content: Upload Full Size Video" field
Enable "Rewrite the output of this field"
Here you can add whichever markup you want and make use of the field tokens. For example, something like <div>[field_slideshow]<br>[field_upload]</div> Note: The token values will depend on the names of your CCK fields.
Also, for Drupal related questions, there is a separate Drupal Answers exchange where you might get more targeted help.

Editable content area for user with restricted access

I'm building a blog for a client and they need to be able to edit a paragraph of text in the sidebar. I currently have it setup as a 'Better Text' widget which I can quickly edit for them.
I don't want to give them access to the widgets, etc but they want to be able to edit it themselves. Is there an easy way to add a custom write panel kind-of-thing that's independent of the post & page structure?
I know I could create a separate post category and pull the particular post into the template but i'm looking for something different.
Anyone got any ideas? thanks in advance,
Why not just add a a custom field for that specific page, and let them have a login which allows them to edit that content?
The point of using a CMS, is to allow the customer to edit the content themselves.

Creating a custom content type in drupal

i tried to create a custom content type in drupal but unnecessary features like Title, Menu settings, and Revision Information, URL aliases come with it which i don't really want ..coz it doesn't mean anything to the user..
how can i hide all those things, just preserving the fields(say only 3 fields from CCK) that i want only for this custom content type??
You can automatically generate titles using the auto_nodetitle module, which also enables you to remove the title field from the node submission form.
As others have mentioned above, most of the other form elements don't appear to non-admin users anyway.
With auto_nodetitle module, you can hide it, not remove it. Then, simply assign a title like "your-content-type-nid", so it will be different for each node (nid will be different).
That would be a better title than an empty one.
You will need to do a combination of things to do what you want. One of those is to add the module auto_nodetitle suggested by others. You can hide the "Body" by removing the "Body field label" from the edit screen for your custom content type. Lastly is that you will have to do the right settings for your CCK fields.
If you have CCK fields you want them to be able to edit and others you do not want them to edit, you will need to enable the Content Permissions module in the CCK section of the modules admin page. Once you've done that, you can go to the role permissions page and set what roles have access to which fields. While permissions can potentially hide CCK fields from the user, you can also control what fields are in the teaser, node, and RSS views via the "Display fields" section of your content type editing screens.
Menu settings, revision info and URL alias type info is admin stuff. If you create a new user that doesn't have admin permissions, I'm pretty sure they won't see it.
Can try some thing like below using hook_form_alter.
function my_module_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
$form['menu']['#prefix'] ='<div style="display:none">';
$form['menu']['#suffix'] ='</div>';
$form['revision_information']['#prefix'] ='<div style="display:none">';
$form['revision_information']['#suffix'] ='</div>';
$form['author']['#prefix'] ='<div style="display:none">';
$form['author']['#suffix'] ='</div>';
$form['options']['#prefix'] ='<div style="display:none">';
$form['options']['#suffix'] ='</div>';
You might want to try the NodeFormCols module. It does several handy things, among them is to add a Manage Form button which allows you to hide most fields in an input form.
