Editable content area for user with restricted access - wordpress

I'm building a blog for a client and they need to be able to edit a paragraph of text in the sidebar. I currently have it setup as a 'Better Text' widget which I can quickly edit for them.
I don't want to give them access to the widgets, etc but they want to be able to edit it themselves. Is there an easy way to add a custom write panel kind-of-thing that's independent of the post & page structure?
I know I could create a separate post category and pull the particular post into the template but i'm looking for something different.
Anyone got any ideas? thanks in advance,

Why not just add a a custom field for that specific page, and let them have a login which allows them to edit that content?
The point of using a CMS, is to allow the customer to edit the content themselves.


alter content administration page (admin/content)

I'm working on some drupal installation and googled the whole day, but I can't figure out an answer to the following question:
How is it possible to alter the admin/content page in a way that specific roles are only able to see or filter out limited content types?
Please notice that I don't want to restrict node access in general, I just want to make this page less confusing for editors with different roles and tasks.
I know there is the administration views module and there I can set filter fields in the way I want. The problem with this is that I'm not able to enter the views access restrictions and so all I can do is limit the view's content types for all roles.
Can somebody give me a hint how to solve this?
Thank you very much and sorry for bad english.
One way would be to make a custom module.
In this module you would create a page with hook_menu().
Then in the page callback function that you create you load global $user and switch between the $user->roles, out putting different HTML lists of links depending on their role. If you want something a little more dynamic you can always load the various content types with node_type_get_types().
Then go into structure -> menus -> navigation and disable the default link, replacing it with the new page you created.
If you aren't 100% clear on how to do a couple of these things comment here and I will update my answer.

Wordpress Custom Content Types

After long research, no answer or hints about this question seems to be available.
I want to have multiple image custom content types. But how to add them with jQuery? I want an option that add dynamically multiple image custom content types when you are in the user interface to add new content.
You have the custom content type in front of you: My
You want add a new one
You give it a description, and want to add an image
Here comes my question: You add an image and you click a button to add another image input field (in the backend)
I hope you can help me with this.
Edit: To be more specific, where, in which file do I implement the jQuery functionality to dynamically add more image upload fields. I have no clue where to implement it.
Are you referring to the back-end user (using wp-admin) or a front-end user (using your actual wordpress ite)?
You can use gravity forms ( http://www.gravityforms.com/ ) in combination with this plugin http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/gravity-forms-custom-post-types/ to create a front-end form that will allow a user to create a new taxonomy term as well as submit an image.
On the backend there is a great plugin to create duplicate fields which would allow you to do what you're describing as "You add an image and you click a button to add another image input field (in the backend)"...It's called magic fields http://magicfields.org/
What about http://podsframework.org/ its nice framework for handaling custom content type.

add a button to a block

I am very new to drupal and need some assistance. I created a view for a news blog. I want members to be able to be able to create news blogs, which would have to go through an approval process before being displayed. I wanted to add a button called "create" or whatnot to my view which would allow the user to submit a news blog entry that would go to an approval queue to allow a moderator to edit before publishing. This is not a regular blog (which don't need moderated). It is specific to a "news blog" which is how we are referring to it. What is the best way of accomplishing this work flow and how would I go about creating the button?
In Views, you have the option of adding a header and/or footer to your view. It gives you a textarea which you select what filter you want to use (Full HTML, PHP code, etc). I would suggest utilizing a header/footer and adding an image as a simple HTML link to the blog creation page.
As for your workflow, I would suggest taking a look at:
Content Moderation
Here is an example to get a workflow going with the Rules module: http://drupal.org/node/550716

Fb like share box in drupal website

I am making a drupal website and have a content type "quotation". The standard way of taking input in drupal is going to the create content in the menu which is not very user friendly considering your normal user.
I want to have an option to create content (i.e quotation) like in facebook, twitter or any other social networking site. A share box where someone can type in his status and can directly create content.
Also, I have two vocabularies associated with my content type and I want to accommodate them as well while using minimum space. So, how should I go about the problem.
Is there any module in Drupal which can help me in doing so or I have to write Jquery code myself.
two vocabularies associated with my
content type and I want to accommodate
them as well while using minimum
Lol, sounds tough. If you want to use minimal space you'll need to simplify the workflow, ie, remove a vocabulary or 2.
You can also do something like this:
$('#node-edit').focus(function (){
// set your node form vocab to display:none and then show them when user actually uses the form
// set your node form buttons to display:none and then show them when user actually uses the form
$('#node-form buttons').show();
To hide the vocabularies/buttons until the user is editing the content.
To get a facebook like effect, I suggest you use: http://drupal.org/project/formblock
This should get you the form and the ability to place it anywhere.
You can use form alter to hide certain parts of the form, or a form alter module, there's various options if you look in drupal modules.
You also want http://drupal.org/project/auto_nodetitle to make the title optional, and hidden from the form.
Lastly, theme the node form in CSS/JS, making the texarea smaller and whatever other stuff you would like, recommend setting display:none on the field labels.
This should give you the correct idea for making a decent facebook-like form setup.
This should be possible:
I've never tried it myself though.

How to embed a node on homepage in Drupal 6?

How can I embed a node on the front page in Drupal 6. The node basically has the image upload field along with title and description. I want it to some how appear on the homepage alongwith a "views" which shows the uploaded images at the bottom.
What I want is to give the users an ability to create content which is right now available at .../node/photo/add. I want to somehow show this box which lets one create content i.e. upload photo with title and description on the homepage.
It's basically just an attempt at creating something like imageshack as an experiment.
I am pretty n00b when it comes to drupal so please be more descriptive.
Jukebox's solution works as a point-and-click method. If you want to do it with code, it's more like this:
create a glue module Handbook | Example Blog Post
turn it on in admin/build/modules
create a menu item using hook_menu() that will become the page
embed the node with node_view()
embed the view (blog post)
in admin/settings/site-information set your page to the
You can use the Node Blocks module to, well, turn your node into a block. This means that you can go to the /admin/build/block page and place your node in a particular region.
After installing the module, edit the Content Type of the node you want to turn into a block. Under Workflow Settings, Available As Block, choose Enable.
Now you can go to /admin/build/block and you can see some new blocks. Just choose the one you want and place it in the region of your choice. You can also configure that block's visibility settings from there as well.
If your planning on having a more complicated home page at any point in the future I'd highly recommend using Panels to do this. It will allow you to arrange your front page with views and nodes in a grid method.
