Store session info in ASP.Net Cookie or Session State? -

I need to store some session related data for a user. This data does not need to be encrypted but I want to ensure the user cannot modify it. I think my options are to store it into a hidden field, store it into a cookie, or store it in ASP.Net session state. I need the solution to be server farm safe.
If its stored in a cookie or hidden field then I need a way to ensure a user can't modify it.
What do you think is the best approach for this sort of data?

First question I ask myself about session data: I really need them?
Remember that web is stateless so maybe you can re-engineering your application to not use session state.
Sessions requires a lot of management and server resources.
Meanwhile you have two solutions:
because you are in a farm put your session on SQL Server configuring session state in web.config (it requires resources and it's a bit slower but is the safest way to store session data to ensure the user cannot modify it)
add an encryption/decryption mechanism to your cookie with a private server key

A user is always able to modify cookies, because it is client-side storage. You need to store the data server-side.
ASP.NET Session State is an acceptable solution for your problem, although there are some caveats regarding server farms. This MSDN article explains how to make Session State work for your server farm environment. Be.St.'s answer touches on the suggested out-of-process approach.
A third alternative is to create a database driven session storage that does not necessarily depend on Session state. I find Session State to be a bit of a hassle with different deployment environments (e.g. server farms), so I will sometimes use this approach. You can then access this data by attaching a session key to the querystring or storing the session key in the cookie (still potentially modifiable by the user, but less likely to be a target for such action).

Personally, I reckon it's better to store the information in the cache, although you could perfectly well store it in the session or encrypt it and store it in a cookie and it's just a matter of personal preference
The reason I prefer the cache is that it is not vulnerable to Session Hijacking, so there is no possible way the user can modify it as it's stored on the server (same as session in that respect).
I asked a question about using a custom principal and I included quite a bit of code in there that might help you.
Code to store extra user information in cache: Is this Custom Principal in Base Controller ASP.NET MVC 3 terribly inefficient?
EDIT: And the reason I prefer to store this information somewhere close at hand is that I don't want to kep nipping off to the database all the time as it is very inefficient to do so.

If you need to use a farm and want to share session state among the nodes without going back to the database all the time you could use the AppFabric Session Provider. There is a bit of a learning curve setting it up but it does the job and is fast (don't run it on the same box as your application though).


Seurity ramifications of ASP Session

I'm looking into storing some security sensitive information (a users effective permissions for our web application) in a session-resident object, to reduce database queries while performing permissions checks throughout the app.
I understand that the session is stored server-side, and not directly accessible to the client under normal circumstances.'s other persistence mechanisms can be theoretically defeated, by modifying viewstate or cookie values client-side, but these kinds of cryptography implementation flaws should not expose session-state.
What degree of control over your server would an attacker need to modify data in a clients session-state? Assume they have a sessionID, and an ASPAUTH cookie.
For instance:
A remote attack, like a modified POST or other handler call to a
Would an attacker with programmatic access to IIS (WMI mabey?)
be able to access and change session-state in the same or another app pool's memory?
Would an attacker need to be able to post code to my app, in order to manipulate session memory?
I know these kinds of questions often rely on mistakes in my code, so by all means assume I've written the worst, most insecure code ever (I haven't, but...) and do things like change session in a constructor or life cycle event.
Since we don't know exactly how your code is implemented, all we can do is guess.
First, Session should NEVER be used for security sensitive things. Yes, it's true that a client can't directly read session, there are other factors to consider.
Session cookies are not, by default, encrypted and are passed as plain text.
Session Fixation attacks are easy to accomplish
If a session cookie is hijacked, or even guessed, then it doesn't matter what the users account is, they will get whatever security rights you assign via that cookie.
Session is unstable, and IIS can kill sessions whenever it feels like, so you end up with the situation where a user is still logged in, but their session is lost due to many possible reasons. So now their security is also unstable.
There are many other, more appropriate ways to do what you want, Session is NEVER an appropriate method.
Other methods that would be appropriate include...
Using the user data field of a FormsAuthentication ticket to store the information
Using a custom Claim with a claims based authentication, like ASP.NET Identity, WIF, or IdentityServer.
Using the Cache to hold the temporary information, based on identity (not session) and adding a cache eviction timeout.
and many more...
Session variable can be a security risk. It is always better to secure your session variable.
Few links you should take into consideration...
Securing Session State
I agree with Erik views.

Storing user variables in database vs session in

I'm working with an application that stores most data in a database and not session. I'm wondering of the pros and cons of each and which is the better way to go. For example, you have a pretty busy site and instead of storing user specific variables in session, there is a DB table called user data and it can store all user specific data that can be accessed from any page by querying the database. Which is the better way to go, session or database?
Session (but it depends a lot of the session configuration) :
No database access, or less.
Temporary storage : you may lose the information, at least when the session ends.
Maybe some security issue, depending on where you store the session information
Not shared : you may have issues if you're using a server farm, one server may not have access to the other server session.
May not work if the client disabled the cookies.
Database :
Database traffic for each postback if you need the information on each page.
Permanent storage.
No information stored with the client (cookies...).
Shared : data accessible from any server on a web farm.
Please note that you can store Session information in database. That's why I use the word "may" in the Session part.
See here some session configuration and possibilities
Anything stored in session state will vanish when the AppDomain is reset.
You could avoid that by using an out-of-proc session state handler, but that's no better than a database.
Interesting question. If it's data that's not important across sessions (say, last page viewed) -> session. If it's data that should be persistent (say, password) -> database. The interesting case and the one you probably refer to: Data that should be persistent but is also used often (say, the username). From these, I tend to copy those values from the DB into the session that allow me to work without database access in pages with trivial tasks.
In many cases, I use Session to store temporary data about the... well... "session". In ASP.NET, session is configurable. You can use in-proc (default) which uses the server's memory. You can also configure session to use a database or a session management tool (in case server memory is a problem or you move to a cluster/farm environment).
Session is meant to be temporary. This is great when you are truly storing data about the user who is using your application at that moment. When the user leaves the app and his/her session expires, the memory is freed up. You don't have to manually clear anything out.
Session uses the server's memory. As long as you have enough memory and you're not on a server cluster, this works great. Memory is fast, so getting and setting data in session is very fast and uses zero network bandwidth.
Have said all that, in a few of my apps, I have session configured to use SQL. It's basically the same as using the database directly, but I don't have to deal with DAL... just let the framework work for you.

what is the efficient way to store session variable

My application is deployed on a load balance system. And I just want to keep a user's role (a string) in a whole session. I was told that session info in is stored in the database so I don't want to the engine to access DB ecah time a user switch between pages. neither do I want to get the role from my own DB each time when I need check user's role. I know one way is to store the role info in a hiden field.
what is the efficient way to store a constant session value?
session has three modes. The mode setting supports three options: inproc, sqlserver, and stateserver. you need load balance, the inproc is out automatically. you can configure to use either sqlserver or stateserver.
If you want to avoid DB accesses, you might use cookies to store the user's role instead of session state. You can encrypt / encode the cookie if you need to for security reasons (perhaps using the session ID as part of the key). Cookies work fine in a load-balanced scenario, since they are sent by the browser to the server with every request. Just be sure to set the path attribute on the cookie (and possibly HttpOnly), to limit the URLs that the browser attaches it to.
Note that if you're using the built-in ASP.NET Membership providers, role membership and related details are handled for you automatically by the providers.
You could also use a cookie.
Session data is stored by default in memory, so i guess you have it configured to be stored in a database in order to be available on all servers in the farm.
If you can store it in memory, you could use this approach to deal with the load balancing:
if (Session["Role"] == null)
Session["Role"] = GetUserRole();
This will result in trips to the database only once per server.
More details about Session state here.
If "role" has something to do with permissions it would not be a good idea to store it in a hidden field or an other means that would enable it to be edited from the client side such as in viewstate with talking
I am a big hater on session, especially if you are using it to hopefully improve performance. What you probably really want is caching and there a number of great solutions you can look into. Right away you can take advantage of the Cache data dictionary that is built into and is exposed as a member on the page class. The cache will essentially serialize anything you put in it and store it in memory. Using the cache object will work best with a single server setup. Since you are using load balanacing you will probably want to take advantage of a distribute cache system like Memcached or AppFabric Caching (Previously Codename Velocity). Memcahed is used by a lot of big sites such a Twitter where as AppFabric is a new Microsoft product that is just becoming available but should have good support and integration with other Microsoft technologies such as Asp.Net.
With distributed caching you avoid going back to the database and you essentially trade this off for a trip to your cache. The reason why this is more efficient for starters is that the cache only has to worry about efficiently storing items which have been recently accessed where as the database must store everything.
Also I want to point out that you may choose to avoid the distribute caching route if you are using server affinity with your load balancer. Technically you could use it without server affinity as well but you will have a lot more cache misses.

Web authentication state - Session vs Cookie?

What's the best way to authenticate and track user authentication state from page to page? Some say session state, some say cookies?
Could I just use a session variable that has the ID of the user and upon authentication, instatiate a custom User class that has the User's information. Then, on every page, verify the session variable is still active and access basic user data from the User object?
Any thoughts? Any good examples?
The problem with favoring sessions over cookies for 'security' is that sessions USE cookies to identify the user, so any issue with cookies is present with sessions.
One thing to keep in mind with the use of Sessions is data locality. If you plan to scale to more than one webserver at any point, you need to be very careful storing large amounts of data in the session objects.
Since you are using .NET, you will basically have to write your own session store provider to handle this, as InProc won't scale past 1 server, the DB provider is just a bad idea entirely (The whole point is to AVOID DB reads here while scaling, not add more), and the StateServer has a lot of capacity issues. (In the past, I have used a memcached session store provider with some success to combat this issue).
I would google for signed cookies and look into using that instead of either regular cookies or sessions. It solves a lot of the security concerns, and removes the locality issues with sessions. Keep in mind they come back and forth on every request, so store data sparingly.
There's no perfect way to do it. If you store it in a cookie you'll take flak that cookies can be stolen. If you store it in the session you'll take flak because sessions can be hijacked.
Personally, I tend to think a session is a little more reliable because the only thing stored on the client is a session key. The actual data remains on the server. It plays the cards a little closer to the chest, if you will. However, that's just my preference, and a good hacker would be able to get past shoddy security regardless.
No matter what you do, don't try to implement this yourself. You'll get it wrong. Use the authentication system provided by your specific platform. You also need to make sure you have adequate security precautions protecting the authentication token.
I dont know if its THE BEST way to do it, but we are comfortable with the way we do it.
we have a custom user object that we instantiate when the user authenticates, we then use Session to maintain this object across the application.
In some application we combine it with the use of cookies to extend the session continuously.
Cookies and Sessions by themselves are not truly sufficient. They are tools to use to track the user and what they do, but you really need to think about using a database to persist information about the user that can also be used to secure the application.
Sessions are Cookies...

Storing Username/Password During Processing

Working inside the context of an ASP.NET application I am creating a page that will be able to execute database scripts against one of many databases in our environment. To do this we need to prompt the user for a username/password combination, this value can be used for all servers without issue.
The question is where is the most secure location to store this information? We need to store it temporarily as when they are on this specific page they could be executing hundreds of scripts, over multiple postbacks. From what I can tell I have 3 options and I'm not sure what is the best. Below is my take on the options, what is the recommendation of everyone here? What is the most secure, while still being friendly for the user?
Store Information In Viewstate
One of the first ideas we discussed was storing the information after being supplied by the user in the ViewState for the page. This is helpful as the information will only exist for the lifetime of the page, however, we are unsure of the security implications.
Store information in Session
The next idea we had was to store it in session, however, the downside to this is that the information can be made available to other pages inside the application, and the information always lingers in memory on the server.
Store Information in Application
The last idea that we had was to store it in the Application cache, with a user specific key and a sliding 5 minute expiration. This would still be available to other pages, however, it would ensure that the information is cached for a shorter period.
The final question that is important is "Why are you doing this?". Why don't we just use their Lan id's? Well we cannot use lan id's due to the lack of network support for delegation.
S0 what is the recommended solution? Why? How secure is it, and can we be?
Great information has been discussed. TO clarify, we are running in an intranet environment, we CANNOT use Impersonation or Delegation due to limitations in the network.
In my opinion the natural place for this is the Session.
I'm not sure why you seem to be fearing "other pages inside the application" (you control the appliciation, don't you?), but if you really are, you could use some sort of encryption before you store it.
But if you are going to do that, the data could live in the ViewState as well.
I don't like any of these ideas, but totally hate the viewstate idea.
I don't know how many databases you are attaching to, but if there is a limited number, I kind of wonder if handling your authentication and authorization in a standard secure manner, then connect to those databases via integrated security using identity impersonation with an account that has minimal permissions.
The ViewState approach is good but has the problem that you are giving out the username and password to the client. Even if you encrypt it, if some attacker has the encryption key, the situation will not be very good.
Regarding the Session and Application approaches, I don't think Application approach makes sense. Data is user specific, so Session should be the way to go. It'll go away as soon as user's session is closed. By the way, if you chose to store it at the server, use SecureString class.
As John MacIntyre wrote you should use integrated security and impersonation for this.
If for some reason you can not use it and you are going to provide your own login page, use by all means SSL to encrypt the traffic between the browser and your server. Using the ViewState approach is also completely insecure if you do not use SSL, there are tools to view the contents very easily. From the methods that you enumerate the best one would be to use the Session state. You can offload saving the session state from your web server memory and save that data in a database that you can secure the way you want. If you don't like the way these work you could even write your own session state provider and apply the security you need there.
Storing in Viewstate increases your exposure because the password will be flying around the internet again and again. It's up to you if encryption is good enough to address this risk.
Using Application or Session both keeps the password in the server. As mentioned above SecureString will keep people from simply reading passwords out of memory. Session will scale to more users, and probably more importantly to multiple servers much easier than Application. Unless you are sure you will never use more than 1 web server I would not use Application, as it will be up to you to synchronize all the servers.
Never store passwords!
Rather store the hash of a password. See:
I'm aware this does not answer the question, but the more programmers who ignore this advice, the easier it will be for criminals to steal data. Don't let your organization become a news story.
The username/password really shouldn't be stored anywhere.
You store a live database connection, preferably from a pool in your Session object. You only need the username/password as long as it takes to log into the database.
While another page can use the live connection, it doesn't give anyone else permanent access to the database as you would by storing a username/password.
