images display in ie but not in firefox -

I've an image in my webform.
I've set the imageurl as follows
The problem is that it's working fine in ie but not is mozilla firefox..

Why do you use backslashes? Try Image.ImageUrl="/Attachments/Photo-1.jpeg";

I am not sure, but if you can post your html code, then it will be great.
Secondly, Sometimes it also happens, when we missed some html tags to be closed. so kindly check it also, because this could be a simple problem which you have overlooked.


Javascript inside literal not working on IE server but works on localhost

Hi Stackoverflow community! I have a question in mind and I would like to solve it with your knowledge, thanks for reading this post. All ideas are welcome. Here is my situation:
I am working with 4 WebForms.
I built a user control .ascx whichs has many literals.
Those literals writes javascript in my user control.
On localhost works perfect! (yes, here we go)
On the server works too! Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera Browser, even Safari But with IE doesn't write just one literal. I need that javascript in order to accomplish the feature.
Is the same code from both sides (local and server) Do you have any idea in order to solve this issue?
Thank you again for reading this, have a great day.
I realize that on IE shows:
div class and then ID
But in others browsers: div id class

Multiple HTML 5 Canvases

I am new to HTML 5 and I recently created a page that has an issue. I grouped my navi links together with a tag and it works great. The problem is that none of the other links on the page work at all. This may be an obvious fix but I have been struggling for hours. I can provide code but its 400 lines and I thought someone may have an idea.
Thanks for all your help
For starters make sure your markup is valid. A good way to start is using the W3C Validator. If that is valid do the same with the JavaScript using JS Hint or JS Lint. And don't forget to check the developer console in Chrome or FireFox as it might show errors as well.

Onmouseover/onmouseout working on firefox,chrome,safari But not on IE (

I am using a javascript function to change image on mouseover and onmouserout in asp.net3.5, its working perfectly for firefox, chrome and safari but when i test same flyout on IE then onmouseover/onmouseout image does not change. Please help and guide me in this way.....
I am waiting for your response.
Use onMouseLeave event for IE. This will solve the problem.
I know that my answer might be more of a comment, but not knowing what SelectImage(this,...,'k' or 'o') is and that why you'll need that kind of function, I can only provide you a vague answer because you did not provide as much details as you can, such as your C# and Javascript code.

maintainscrollpositiononpostback not working with firefox

I am using VS 2008. I like the feature maintainscrollpositiononpostback. It works fine with IE 8. But it does not work consistently with Firefox. Sometimes, instead the line I click on goes to the bottom of the page. The field I am trying to refresh is with a div tag with overflow set to auto. Also I have several update panels with updatemode set to conditional. This means only the panel affected should be refreshed. This is also not working in the case on Firefox.
I have searched the web for possible solutions but none of them work for me.
Most of my users use Firefox so this is a problem for me.
Thanks in advance,
scrollsaver to the rescue?
I found this little js file a few weeks ago after implementing Post/Redirect/Get on a few of my pages. It may enable you to turn off maintain on your pages if you throw it in the master. I haven't fully tested it with ff4/5 or chrome...
Edit the Browser Capabilities file, and explicitly set it so that MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback is supported on Safari Browsers.
you can use javascript for this.. chek it out..

IE6 prototype.js/window.js rendering issue

Has anyone else ran into the issue where you created a prototype based window using the window.js library and it renders just fine in every browser except IE6?
The test page I am trying to use to debug this issue can be viewed at
As you can see, the window graphics, which are background-image values assign in CSS are obviously being wiped out in IE6. I have tried the examples given on the website that actually developed this and it seems to do the same thing there.
I would love it if someone has come up with an answer or good workaround for this issue.
Thanks folks.
I'm not sure about your particular case, but I have had instances of CSS backgrounds not appearing in modal dialogs on IE6. Pre-loading the image when the page loads using JavaScript solved this issue:
tmpImg = new Image()
tmpimg.src ="image/bg1.gif"
There is a server side fix for flickering background images in IE6.
Add an HTTP header, something like Cache-Control: post-check=3600,pre-check=43200
This page is for IIS but some people mention Apache in the comments:
