Category posts as submenu items - wordpress

Been searching for a while on this subject without any success. All I can find are solutions which involve using the Walker property of the wp_nav_menu, which I don't think is the right approach. I want to create a menu with the following structure:
Link that is a category
X numbers of submenu items which are posts belonging to the parent
And so on...
Do I need to manually run a loop for each menu item to retrieve the posts?

Try this in your functions.php:
add_filter('wp_nav_menu_items', 'add_productions', 10, 2);
function add_productions($items, $args) {
$cat = '28'; // define category
$productions = array();
$productions = get_posts("cat=$cat");
if ($productions[0] != '') {
$items .= '<li>Productions<ul class="sub-menu">';
foreach ( $productions as $production ) {
$permalink = get_permalink( $production->ID );
$items .= '<li>'.$production->post_title.'</li>';
$items .= '</ul>';
return $items;

This question and answer was very helpful to me, so thought I would add an additional solution that provides an option to insert the menu at any point in the existing core menu.
Most of the examples on the web show how to add an item to the end of a menu, this will help you add the new menu anywhere in the menu.
Here is the code to place the new menu after my "Home" menu:
add_filter('wp_nav_menu_items', 'add_gallery', 10, 2);
function add_gallery($items, $args) {
$cat = '1'; // define category
$pattern = 'Home</a></li>';
$productions = array();
$productions = get_posts("cat=$cat");
$temp_items = '';
if ($productions[0] != '') {
$temp_items .= '<li>Galleries<ul class="sub-menu">';
foreach ( $productions as $production ) {
$permalink = get_permalink( $production->ID );
$temp_items .= '<li>'.$production->post_title.'</li>';
$temp_items .= '</ul>';
$replacement = $pattern .$temp_items;
$temp_menu = str_replace($pattern, $replacement, $items);
return $temp_menu;
Hopefully this helps someone else...


ACF menu item modification in WordPress

im trying to put icons in front of every menu item with ACF. I used this tutorial here
It works perfectly but it always add icon AFTER the menu item but I need it to put it IN FRONT of it. I believe it is just some minor code edit I cant see.
Here is my code:
add_filter('wp_nav_menu_objects', 'my_wp_nav_menu_objects', 10, 2);
function my_wp_nav_menu_objects( $items, $args ) {
// loop
foreach( $items as &$item ) {
// vars
$icon = get_field('icon', $item);
// append icon
if( $icon ) {
$item->title .= ''.$icon.'';
// return
return $items;
Thank you for any help.
what you do there is that you add it after the title,
so insted of: $item->title .'' . $icon . '';
It should look like this: $item->title = $icon . $item->title;

WP_Query and Woocommerce

I have a function inside (*Wordpress Child Theme) functions.php which returns the attached WooCommerce product categories, using global $wp_query. The get_posts() function will only return the number of products for the first page of products. (*the post_per_page value - in this case 16).
I have tried to temporarily set the post_per_page to -1, by adding the code below right before my function call in archive-product.php template:
$wp_query->set('posts_per_page', 999);
and then resetting the value after the function call inside archive-product.php template
$wp_query->set('posts_per_page', 16);
This almost works, but messes up the pre_get_posts function (*which sorts the products), and also seems to cause issues with the listing of the product results if over 500 products?
Please any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
//build dynamic category select menu based on attached categories
function dynamic_category_select() {
global $wp_query;
$my_posts = $wp_query->get_posts();
$my_post_ids = wp_list_pluck($my_posts, 'ID');
$categories = wp_get_object_terms($my_post_ids, 'product_cat');
foreach($categories as $category) {
$options[] = '<option value="' . $category->slug . '">' . $category->name . '</option>';
$x = '<select id="category-options" name="category-options">';
$x .= '<option value="">Select Category Options</option>';
foreach($options as $option) {
$x .= $option;
$x .= '</select>';
return $x;
Try replacing your $my_posts = $wp_query->get_posts(); with the following:
// Get current query vars
$my_query_args = $wp_query->query_vars;
// Disable paging - return all results
$my_query_args['nopaging'] = true;
// Create a new query with the modified query vars
$my_query = new WP_Query($my_query_args);
$my_posts = $my_query->get_posts();

Add featured image to wp_nav_menu items

This is a self Q&A.
How do you modify the text/html that appears in the output of a wp_nav_menu? For example, I wanted to add the featured image for pages and categories.
You see examples of doing this with a custom walker, but the code is very complex to do for small changes. Surely there is a way to do it with a filter?
This is the code I came up with thanks to some help from a Wordpress StackOverflow answer that I can't find anymore (please comment with a link if you find it).
First you need to add the filter to the specific menu (you could add it to all menus if you want - just use the add_filter line by itself).
// Add filter to specific menus
add_filter('wp_nav_menu_args', 'add_filter_to_menus');
function add_filter_to_menus($args) {
// You can test agasint things like $args['menu'], $args['menu_id'] or $args['theme_location']
if( $args['theme_location'] == 'header_menu') {
add_filter( 'wp_setup_nav_menu_item', 'filter_menu_items' );
return $args;
Then you need to build out the code to get the post or category ID from the $item object passed to the filter. It's not as easy as you'd expect, as $item doesn't contain the underlying post/category ID, just the menu item ID. So I use the URL's to do a reverse lookup of the IDs.
This won't work for tags used in a menu, or custom taxonomys. I only needed it for categories, so this is all I built.
// Filter menu
function filter_menu_items($item) {
if( $item->type == 'taxonomy') {
// For category menu items
$cat_base = get_option('category_base');
if( empty($cat_base) ) {
$cat_base = 'category';
// Get the path to the category (excluding the home and category base parts of the URL)
$cat_path = str_replace(home_url().'/'.$cat_base, '', $item->url);
// Get category and image ID
$cat = get_category_by_path($cat_path, true);
$thumb_id = get_term_meta($cat->term_id, '_term_image_id', true); // I'm using the 'Simple Term Meta' plugin to store an attachment ID as the featured image
} else {
// Get post and image ID
$post_id = url_to_postid( $item->url );
$thumb_id = get_post_thumbnail_id( $post_id );
if( !empty($thumb_id) ) {
// Make the title just be the featured image.
$item->title = wp_get_attachment_image( $thumb_id, 'poster');
return $item;
And then you want to remove the filter that you applied at the beginning, so that the next menu processed doesn't use the same HTML as defined above in filter_menu_items().
// Remove filters
add_filter('wp_nav_menu_items','remove_filter_from_menus', 10, 2);
function remove_filter_from_menus( $nav, $args ) {
remove_filter( 'wp_setup_nav_menu_item', 'filter_menu_items' );
return $nav;
Modified Drew Baker answer. It works without plugins, also if there is no category with current slug it checks for woocommerce product category ('product_cat').
// Add filter to specific menus
add_filter('wp_nav_menu_args', 'add_filter_to_menus');
function add_filter_to_menus($args) {
// You can test agasint things like $args['menu'], $args['menu_id'] or $args['theme_location']
if( $args['theme_location'] == 'menu-header') {
add_filter( 'wp_setup_nav_menu_item', 'filter_menu_items' );
return $args;
// Filter menu
function filter_menu_items($item) {
if( $item->type == 'taxonomy') {
// Get category and image ID
$slug = pathinfo( $item->url, PATHINFO_BASENAME );
$cat = get_term_by( 'slug', $slug, 'category' );
// If there is no standard category try getting product category
if( !$cat ) {
$cat = get_term_by( 'slug', $slug, 'product_cat' );
$thumb_id = get_term_meta($cat->term_id, 'thumbnail_id', true);
} else {
// Get post and image ID
$post_id = url_to_postid( $item->url );
$thumb_id = get_post_thumbnail_id( $post_id );
if( !empty($thumb_id) ) {
// Make the title just be the featured image.
$item->title = wp_get_attachment_image( $thumb_id, 'poster');
// Display image + title example
// $item->title = wp_get_attachment_image( $thumb_id, 'poster').$item->title;
return $item;
// Remove filters
add_filter('wp_nav_menu_items','remove_filter_from_menus', 10, 2);
function remove_filter_from_menus( $nav, $args ) {
remove_filter( 'wp_setup_nav_menu_item', 'filter_menu_items' );
return $nav;

How-to get a menu label via $post-> or $page->ID

Entirely Revised Please Reread
The theme I am using displays the page's title as opposed to it's menu label in the breadcrumbs. I am trying to get the breadcrumbs to instead display the associated menu label if it is available and if not then default to the page_title.
I have come up with some code that I think is close. Line 4/// $menu_items = wp_get_nav_menu_items( $slug ); returns null and it should return the nav item that contains $slug of the current post. Obviously, there is something I do not understand.
What I am attempting to do is get the slug of the current post, then using the slug get the nav item post. Then extract the title of the nav item and use that in place of the page title in the breadcrumbs. If the page was not in the nav system then it should default to the page title, as might be the case for a ppc campaign landing page.
if ( is_page() && !$post->post_parent ) {
$title = null;
$slug = mpactMEDIA_get_the_slug( get_the_ID() );
$menu_items = wp_get_nav_menu_items( $slug );
foreach ( (array)$menu_items as $key => $menu_item ) {
$title = $menu_item->post_title;
if ( $title ) { echo $delimiter . ' ' . $before . $title . $after; }
else { echo $delimiter . ' ' . $before . get_the_title() . $after; }
I'm my functions.php file I have the following function
function mpactMEDIA_get_the_slug( $id=null ){
if( empty($id) ) global $post;
if( empty($post) ) return '';
$id = $post->ID;
$slug = basename( get_permalink($id) );
return $slug;
Thank you in advance,
I read the question a few times, I got here searching for an answer, ended up making my own.
function get_menu_label_by_post_id($post_id, $menu) {
$menu_title = '';
$nav = wp_get_nav_menu_items($menu);
foreach ( $nav as $item ) {
if ( $post_id == $item->object_id ) {
$menu_title = $item->post_title;
return ($menu_title !== '') ? $menu_title : get_the_title($post_id);
Example usage:
echo get_menu_label_by_post_id($post->ID, 'Primary Nav');
This will return what the menu label is if it finds it, otherwise just the title of the post ID.
Check the documentation for wp_get_nav_menu_items. It doesn't take a page slug as a parameter at all.
If you want to list child pages of a given page, use wp_list_pages and pass a child_of parameter to it.
Also, as a side note, if you know the $post and want the slug, it's just $post->post_name

How to Check Which level category it is for wordpress?

Let me tell you the scenario first say the structure of the categories in wordpress is like this
Level 1: Top
Level 2: -Nextme_1
Level 3: --Nextme_2
Level 4: ---Nextme_4
Now I require to check what is the level of the category? Say I catch a category of level 3 so I have to use different template and if its level 4. Then I need to use another template?
Anybody can give me some hint?
If you don't have many categories you can try to edit their slug from admin, and then in your page you get the category slug this way:
if (is_category()) {
$cat = get_query_var('cat');
$category = get_category($cat);
echo 'your slug is '. $category->slug;
Now, when you're editing the categories slugs try naming them after their level: cat-lvl-1, cat-lvl-2. Then in your page you extract the number from category slug using some php string function, and then you check that number:
if ($category->slug == 1 ) {
//load the template for the category of level 1
if ($category->slug == 2 ) {
//load the template for the category of level 2
and so on.
Later edit:
Try this:
function get_level($category, $level = 0)
if ($category->category_parent == 0) {
return $level;
} else {
$category = get_category($category->category_parent);
get_level($category, $level);
if (is_category()) {
$cat = get_query_var('cat');
$yourcat = get_category($cat);
echo get_level($yourcat);
You can call the get_ancestors() function to get an array containing the parents of the given object. Then you need to count elements in the result.
function get_the_level($id, $type = 'category') {
return count( get_ancestors($id, $type) );
if( is_category() ) {
$level = get_the_level( $cat );
elseif( is_product_category() ) {
$level = get_the_level( $wp_query->get_queried_object()->term_id, 'product_cat' );
Thanks a lot. This is superb with slight a change the code that you have written is fine but its not returning any value.(i,e the $level) although its calculating correct. A minor change i did and its work fine now with a slight editing of you code given below..
function get_level($category, $level = 0)
if ($category->category_parent == 0) {
return $level;
} else {
$category = get_category($category->category_parent);
return get_level($category, $level);
if (is_category()) {
$cat = get_query_var('cat');
$yourcat = get_category($cat);
echo get_level($yourcat);
Thanks #zuzuleinen
I visited this page months back. I came back today, arrow up on the above solution then still went digging. Although it is a good solution, Wordpress often offers better or close.
This function does as Rahul has typed basically. It also calls itself which seems the most logical approach and that is why Rahul gets a point from me on this. Do not use $link, return a string of categories, explode() them then count or I suppose we could count the number of times the separator has been used and add 1.
function get_category_parents( $id, $link = false, $separator = '/', $nicename = false, $visited = array() ) {
$chain = '';
$parent = get_term( $id, 'category' );
if ( is_wp_error( $parent ) )
return $parent;
if ( $nicename )
$name = $parent->slug;
$name = $parent->name;
if ( $parent->parent && ( $parent->parent != $parent->term_id ) && !in_array( $parent->parent, $visited ) ) {
$visited[] = $parent->parent;
$chain .= get_category_parents( $parent->parent, $link, $separator, $nicename, $visited );
if ( $link )
$chain .= ''.$name.'' . $separator;
$chain .= $name.$separator;
return $chain;
