Wordpress Theme not working on live server - wordpress

I downloaded the 'Tungstenation' theme for Wordpress from padd solutions and i'm trying to install for my wordpress site. However, it seems that on localhost the theme works as per expectations but on live server on activating the theme it returns :
500 Internal Server error.
Can anyone please assist me. I tried every method of config, .htaccess changes but in vain.
PHP version on server is 5.3.8

Try deactivating all of your plugins and see if that works.



can anybody tell me how I can rid off the redirect loop.
I found this, but didn't help:
The requested URL /about was not found on this server
The Server is a LAMP Stack with WordPress installed.
Because I am pretty new to LAMP and WordPress, let me know if you need further infos, I will provide them.
I got the site running again by disabling the plugins. Simply renamed the plugin folder under wp-content to plugins_backup, and it worked.
So you can say that the redirect occurred because of some faulty plugin.

Getting HTTP ERROR 500 for Wordpress (5.3.2)

My wordpress(5.3.2) site is hosted in a cPanel shared hosting server,it has stopped running & now i'm getting HTTP ERROR 500, i've tried changing to default twentytwenty theme, disabling all plugins, and even falling back to wordpress basic .htaccess config, nothing works.
I'm not using any sub domain or multisites wordpress installation for this site, &
my hosting is responding fine except for this wordpress site i've mentioned.
does anybody have any idea what might be the issue here? i'm pretty confused now .
I've encountered such problem ,but for me it was from hosting about permissions.i don't know if that is the same that is causing your problem or not.

Wordpress cannot establish connection to wordpress.org

Hi I am a newbie in WP and I got the following error:
This happens when I tried to update plugins, go to plugin page, update wordpress etc.
Why this is happening?
My php is 7.0.
There can be many reasons for such problems, here are possible cases you can check:
Are you running in Localhost environment? Sometimes, when WordPress is not able to connect to wordpress.org server. It can show errors.
Some plugin/themes in your site in not compatible with php7, make sure all your plugins are compatible.
You can try disabling all plugins and switching to the default theme to see if the problem still persists.
Downgrade to lower PHP version ( PHP 5.6 ), to see if the problem still there.
Try updating WordPress manually- Delete all files in your website except wp-contents folder and wp-config file.
Get a fresh copy of deleted files from wordpress.org

All admin and frontend pages are working except admin dashboard in wordpress

In wordpress, All admin and front end pages are working except admin dashboard is now working... i changed in htaccess. permalinks and checked in theme and plugin
On dashboard below error is coming
The yve.today page isn’t working
yve.today is currently unable to handle this request.
Please help how to resolve this
I believe you have changed something either in your functions.php of theme or installed a new plugin so because of that you are seeing this error.
A 500 error means there is something wrong with a piece of code being executed, this would in your case (most likely) be caused by a plugin or your theme, the only way to test this is through deactivation.
I suggest to access your server via FTP, or a file manager in your hosting account’s control panel, navigate to /wp-content/themes/WhatYourThemeName/, open functions.php and remove the code you added recently. or find it the recent plugin have installed recently and deactivate that to check.
I personally would recommend installing WordPress locally and testing any changes there before you do it on your live site.

Wordpress Multisite 404 error

I hope you can help.
I've setup a wordpress multiste and use WordPress MU Domain Mapping. I run 10 sites using this system with no problem. However, the latest site is generating a 404 error when I turn the domain mapping on.
example.com/domain works
domain.com is getting the 404 error.
I have:
Disabled all plugins
Enabled WP_DEBUG and nothing shows up
Changed the www. and non www. versions to be primary
Changed theme back to twentythirteen
Disabled functions.php
Increased PHP memory limit in wp-config and htaccess
None of the above fix the issue.
Any other ideas would be much appreciated
Does all domains registered at the same registar?
You need to make sure you have right DNS settings.
