Unlock device (pattern) with monkeyrunner - monkeyrunner

Sorry if I do ask a question which has been asked before. I was searching a lot in this forum and via Google but couldn't find an answer.
I'm very new to Monkeyrunner and trying to solve the problem to automatically unlog my USB device which is secured with a pattern.
Is it possible to add a drag functionality with 2 different directions? A to B to C? A pattern usually needs at least 4 dots, which makes two directions for dragging.
I wrote this script which works fine observing the screen, but it interrupts in between which is not accepted by the phone:
print ("Unlocking screen.")
device.touch(400, 314, MonkeyDevice.DOWN)
device.drag((400, 314),(80, 635), 1,3)
device.drag((80, 635),(400, 635), 1,3)
device.touch(400, 635, MonkeyDevice.UP)
I hope someone is able to help. Thanks!

I have just published an article about automated android testing using sikuli and the example was unlocking the emulator screen using the slide lock.
After reading your question I added another example of unlocking the emulator when it's locked by a pattern lock. Creating it would take you 5 minutes.

This doesn't directly solve your issue but may help you get further along and may help others.
I use this function to unlock a non-password protected device after a reboot:
def unlock(device):
# Performs a swipe-up operation to unlock the device (no password)
xStart = 0
yStart = 1000
device.touch(xStart, yStart, MonkeyDevice.DOWN)
for i in range(1, 10):
yCurrent = yStart - 100 * i
device.touch(xStart, yCurrent, MonkeyDevice.MOVE)
device.touch(xStart, yCurrent, MonkeyDevice.UP)


UFT detects 2 internet explorer browsers but only 1 is displayed

In one of our test machines, 2 browsers are counted though only 1 is displayed, causing UFT not to identify and enter value to objects since we are using RegEx:
We are using the below line to initialize IE:
InvokeApplication "C://Program Files/Internet Explorer/IEXPLORE.EXE"
What is the workaround for this?
UFT version is 12.02.
Thanks in advance!
I would first close all the open instances of IE by using:
And then open the new instance using:
SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe","TestURL","C:\","",3
Check this link for more information on SystemUtil.
Follow below steps:-
1) close all the process of IE using WMI object.
Set ObjWMI= GetObject("WInmgmts:")
Set oProcess = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("Select * from win_32 Process")
For each p in oProcess
if p.name = "iexplorer.exe" Then p.terminate
2) webUtil.deleteCokkies
3) Then open your application using systemUtil.run..
Hope it will help
Thanks for all your input. I learned a lot from you. I already found the root cause. It was after all not the multiple open browsers but a timing issue with the log in page for one of the machines. The email address text box object is visible however, it cannot be identified by UFT immediately that is why I added a sync point to wait max of 4 minutes until object.Exist(240)=true. Thank you all!

How do I hold a specific position using Zaber Console Script?

I am trying to write a simple script using Zaber Console.
I basically have to move my robot arm to a certain position (i.e. 43.9mm) hold the position for 10 minutes and go back to the home position.
I found all the command for moving (fast/slow and with a certain acceleration) but I can't undestand how to tell the machine to stay at 43.9mm poistion for 10 minutes.
Any suggestions ?
I am coding in "this language":
Conversation.Request("move abs", 881890);
Conversation.Request(Command.MoveAbsolute, 881890);
Thanks a lot.
For your reference, if you are coding through the script editor in Zaber Console, we offer a scripting page which covers C#, Javascript, VP, as well as Python. You can find the scripting page here: http://www.zaber.com/wiki/Software/Zaber_Console/Scripting
The language in your script is using C#, and a quick program to execute what you'd like to do can be written like this:
var device1 = PortFacade.GetConversation(1); // This is assuming your device
// is device 1 in the chain.
// The device list in Zaber Console will let you know the device number.
// Alternatively, you can use the renumber command to change the device number.
device1.Request("move abs 100000"); //the data value for 43.9 mm will vary
// from device to device. The formula would be 43.9[mm]/ Microstep size[mm] = Data value
// The microstep size can be found on the product page at www.Zaber.com, or
// email Contact#Zaber.com
Sleep(5000); //Sleep is in milliseconds
device1.Request("move abs 0");
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email Contact#Zaber.com.

Client doesn't have a name/class at startup

I'm trying to start an application (Spotify) on a particular tag. Rules aren't applied and now I'm inspecting the client class by printing the class in a notification in the "manage" signal. This results in an empty notification.
client.connect_signal("manage", function (c, startup)
When I restart awesome, it does print the client class, so why isn't it working when the client is initially started?
Using xprop, it also prints the class:
WM_CLASS(STRING) = "spotify", "Spotify"
Sounds like a bug in Spotify (and I think I heard about this one before). I would guess that Spotify does not follow ICCCM and only sets its WM_CLASS property after it made its window visible and not before.
I fear that you cannot do much about this except for complaining to Spotify devs to fix their stuff.
You could work around this by starting a timer in the manage signal that checks if a window turns out to be spotify a short time later. Alternatively, you could do something like client.connect_signal("property::class", function(c) if c.class == "Spotify" then print("This is now a spotify window") end end) to react to change to a window's class (of course you'd want to do something more useful to Spotify's windows than printing them).
(Per the ICCCM, a window is not allowed to change its class while it is visible, but who cares about standards...)
I had a similar issue with the claws-mail client. Inspecting it via xprop, it shows
WM_CLASS(STRING) = "claws-mail", "Claws-mail"
but awesome just did’t apply the rules for it. The trick was giving awesome-wm both of these class names in the rules section by providing a set of characters to chose from:
rule = {class = "[Cc]laws%-mail"}
I hope this works for your spotify application, too.
For further reading about patterns in lua I suggest this:

Altbeacon library not working on Android 5.0

Yesterday I got the update for Android 5.0 on my Nexus 4, and the altbeacon library stopped detecting beacons. It appears that didEnterRegion and didRangeBeaconsInRegion are not even getting called when monitoring and ranging, respectively.
Even the Locate app from Radius Networks behaves differently now, the values from beacons, once they are detected, doesn't get updated anymore and often it appears as if the beacons went out of range.
One thing I noted differently, is that now in the logcat it appears the following line "BluetoothLeScanner﹕ could not find callback wrapper". I went ahead and looked for that class and saw that it was introduced with Android L, but I don't know if that has something to do with it.
It's important to say that before the update I had been working with both the Locate app and the Reference Application without any trouble.
I don't know if this is a generalized problem or not, but if it happened to me I'm sure it could happen to someone else, so any help it would really be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
After failing at getting the library to work I decided to try the Android L branch of the library. What I did was that I plugged in the new library into the Reference App, but didn't work as expected either.
The Monitor Activity seems to be working ok by notifying when the device has entered a new region. However, the Ranging Activity doesn't report any beacons, although didRangeBeaconsInRegion is getting called, always report zero beacons. Curiously, when the activity is paused (switching momentarily to another app) the logcat shows that now didRangeBeaconsInRegion does get called with actual beacons.
I'm kind of stuck right now because I don't know how to get any of libraries working on Android L, so again, any help would really be appreciated.
I'm using the latest Altbeacon build on 5.0+ and have no problem with it. in fact, I never used it on kitkat so i'm not really sure i can help but here is my working code which listen to iBeacons.
implement beaconConsumer:
public class MainActivity implements BeaconConsumer
init BeaconManager
beaconManager = BeaconManager.getInstanceForApplication(this);
if (beaconManager != null && !beaconManager.isBound(this)) {
beaconManager.getBeaconParsers().add(new BeaconParser().
onConnect and start listner
public void onBeaconServiceConnect() {
beaconManager.setRangeNotifier(new RangeNotifier() {
public void didRangeBeaconsInRegion(Collection<Beacon> beacons, Region region) {
if (beacons.size() > 0) {
Beacon firstBeacon = beacons.iterator().next();
beaconManager.startRangingBeaconsInRegion(new Region("com.example.app", null, null, null));
this code is working on 3 devices
Nexus 4 5.0.1
Samsung Galaxy s4 - Stock 5.0.1
Samsung Galaxy s4 - CM12 5.1.1
Old question, but maybe some people will try to find answer for higher systems where you have to ask for permissions. You need to ask for Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION before scanning. At least that was the problem I met. In my opinion lib should crash such cases at least and indicate the problem

signalR message structure flags clarification?

I've read here about the structure of signalR's response message :
for example
For PersistentConnection
Persistent Response:
C - cursor
M - Messages
T - Timeout (only if true) value is 1
D - Disconnect (only if true) value is 1
R - All Groups (Client groups should be reset to match this list exactly)
G - Groups added
g - Groups removed
Question #1
What's wrong with sending only the message part ? why do i need all the "C" information ? The client only needs the message. A message number #N is not dependent with message number #N-1 (AFAIK) -- so I dont see the reason for this "C" section. ( and I assume Im wrong by missing something here).
Question #2
Even so , how can I understand what the tokens means ? I didn't see in the manual the "K,L,I,J,2CE" tokens.
Where / How can I understand what they are saying ? What if I don't want the server to send that info but only the message ?
Open Source has an often over looked feature. You can simply download the source and take a look around. By simply searching in the source for the string "R" I was able to find some of the information you are looking for.
Answer #2:
These shorthand property names directly map to the JsonSerialization of objects in SignalR.
S - State
R - Result
I - Id
E - Error
T - StackTrace
L - LongPollDelay
D - Disconnect
T - TimedOut
G - GroupsToken
Some of the others are not found in the current code base, and since the issue your referring to is 7 months old I would guess they have been refactored out.
Answer #1:
The metadata is important to how SignalR operates. The double edged sword of frameworks is that we offload the domain or what it solves to the framework and its creators, and we implicitly agree to let them be the domain expert. Sometimes that makes it a bit of a black box to use, if you want to see what each of these properties are actually used for download the source and follow the code. If for some performance reason you feel the need to trim out some of the code around what you determine to be extraneous fork the code and give it a shot.
